So ANNOYED by food pushers at my office!

At least 3 times in the work week (this is not an exaggeration) all of my already overweight co-workers order fast, greasy take out. Every time they order, they ask me and I ALWAYS say "no thank-you" as politely as possible. Usually it ends there and we go on with our day. But lately, they have been ragging on me about my diet. We were sitting in the lunch room , I had a sandwhich and a salad, and one of my co-workers waved a chicken finger in front of my face and said "mmmmm sooo good. Don't you just wish you could eat it?".

That was my breaking point. I don't mind that they wanna eat the greasy foods (even though they are clearly gaining weight). I have will power to eat my salad while they eat greasy foods almost every day. I just can't stand the pushiness. It has gotten worse and worse. One of them is eating a poutine with chicken fingers and taunted me again. These are 30-50 year old women - bear that one in mind.



  • kgideon305
    kgideon305 Posts: 3 Member
    I have co-workers who like to eat sweets almost everyday. Someone is always bringing something. Up front, I told them I wouldn't accept offers and I politely ALWAYS SAID "no". They finally started laughing it off and asking " I know you will say no but I'm offering so you won't feel excluded." I just said "thank you" and we all went on. But, they did get the message. Sounds like your co-workers need to be confronted tactfully with "I" messages. It sounds like they may be disregarding your feelings. Tell them when I hear you say......I feel (insert feeling). Then I would ask them if they would respect your diet. They are probably teasing, albeit irritating, and don't realize how much it bothers you. I know conflict is tough but some of my best results came from situations like these. Just be sure to tell them it hurts your feelings if that is really behind all this. Tell them the diet is tough and you need support if that is the case. They probably won't admit it, but they probably respect your choices and that you are disciplined. Be matter of fact and honest, otherwise, it could be a slippery, miserable slope.Take them some fattening cookies when you do it. They may appreciate that you respect their choices. Just a thought. Keep it up, I will be eating a salad with a little bit of protein everyday for lunch also. I will think of you. Good Luck!
  • SDavidson71
    SDavidson71 Posts: 6 Member
    So sorry! I find that annoying too. I would just say no thanks. My birthday is coming up and I plan to take a piece of cake, have one bite and throw it away. I cannot stand the 20 minutes of it's your birthday, one piece won't hurt, shoving it in my face. I hope it stops for you!
  • tlcampos
    tlcampos Posts: 31 Member
    oh the joy of co-workers........i would just find another place to eat.
  • I feel your pain and I have the same thing happen to me too, a lot. Today for instance. Our office had catered in, Chicken Fried Steak, Mashed Potatoes, Hot Buttered Rolls, etc. and it's a nightmare here. They act like I'm insane because I brought my lunch. I have one friend here who weighs twice what I do and can barely walk and they just don't get it.
  • ShannonMpls
    ShannonMpls Posts: 1,936 Member
    I say this as nicely as possible:

    get over it.

    By asking you to join them in their lunch orders, they're being nice, not sabotaging you.

    The pushiness sounds like it's coming from a different place. How you react matters. If you act upset, they'll continue doing it, likely. If you say, "nah, I don't want to eat that - this salad is great" or "I don't wish I could eat that - I COULD eat it. but I don't want to" perhaps they'll leave you alone. If not, and if you do not enjoy eating with them, stop eating with them. Eat at your desk, take your lunch outside, eat at a different time if possible.

    Eventually, as you lose weight, they'll see that your choices are paying off.

    Edited to add: Now I really want poutine.
  • PunkinSpice79
    PunkinSpice79 Posts: 309 Member
    Hmm...maybe "Thanks, but no. The momentary pleasure of those foods isn't worth the lifetime of health issues and obesity that they cause. At least not to me. Enjoy." ???

    For what it's worth, I'm proud of the good decisions you are making. Stay strong! Let them be an example for you in what you don't want to happen. :flowerforyou:
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    They are definitely trying to sabotage you. I would seek revenge ASAP.
  • crevices
    crevices Posts: 226 Member
    next time they taunt you saying dont you wish you could eat this say dont you wish you were healthy and fit like me LOL
  • Faye_Anderson
    Faye_Anderson Posts: 1,495 Member
    I'd say "well I could eat it, but I really don't want to end up looking like you" :tongue: :laugh:
  • NikiChicken
    NikiChicken Posts: 576 Member
    I say this as nicely as possible:

    get over it.

    By asking you to join them in their lunch orders, they're being nice, not sabotaging you.

    The pushiness sounds like it's coming from a different place. How you react matters. If you act upset, they'll continue doing it, likely. If you say, "nah, I don't want to eat that - this salad is great" or "I don't wish I could eat that - I COULD eat it. but I don't want to" perhaps they'll leave you alone. If not, and if you do not enjoy eating with them, stop eating with them. Eat at your desk, take your lunch outside, eat at a different time if possible.

    Eventually, as you lose weight, they'll see that your choices are paying off.

    Edited to add: Now I really want poutine.

    This exactly. I couldn't have said it better, so I won't try.

    Also, I come from a different area of the Country where we don't have poutine. What is it?
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,780 Member
    Let them remember paybacks are hell as you saunter into the office wearing your new "I am so freakin' hot" outfit and saying "mmmmm sooo good looking! Don't you wish you could wear it?????"
  • jgal86
    jgal86 Posts: 77
    I say this as nicely as possible:

    get over it.

    By asking you to join them in their lunch orders, they're being nice, not sabotaging you.

    The pushiness sounds like it's coming from a different place. How you react matters. If you act upset, they'll continue doing it, likely. If you say, "nah, I don't want to eat that - this salad is great" or "I don't wish I could eat that - I COULD eat it. but I don't want to" perhaps they'll leave you alone. If not, and if you do not enjoy eating with them, stop eating with them. Eat at your desk, take your lunch outside, eat at a different time if possible.

    Eventually, as you lose weight, they'll see that your choices are paying off.

    Edited to add: Now I really want poutine.

    This exactly. I couldn't have said it better, so I won't try.

    Also, I come from a different area of the Country where we don't have poutine. What is it?

    Poutine is a Canadian dish. It is fries covered in gravy with melted cheese. Its great!
  • ShannonMpls
    ShannonMpls Posts: 1,936 Member
    Also, I come from a different area of the Country where we don't have poutine. What is it?

    The basics: fries with cheese curds, topped with gravy. It's Canadian. Some places around me are doing variations, like an asian kind with bulgogi and a fried egg and kimchi. Or braised beef poutine. It's just as awesome as it sounds.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    I'd say "well I could eat it, but I really don't want to end up looking like you" :tongue: :laugh:

  • jwdieter
    jwdieter Posts: 2,582 Member
    The food must be tempting, or the entire scenario would seem like a complete joke. Sounds like a bad comedy scenario - fat person offers greasy food.

    Stay strong, I guess.
  • avasano
    avasano Posts: 487 Member
    I use my power word. NO. No Thank you. Works on children too. Adults should never be afraid to say no.
  • darkorical
    darkorical Posts: 11 Member
    my advice just smile and bear it. Then when you reach your goal continually pester them with comments like mmm skinny don't you wish you looked as good.
  • sharonfoustmills
    sharonfoustmills Posts: 519 Member
    At least 3 times in the work week (this is not an exaggeration) all of my already overweight co-workers order fast, greasy take out. Every time they order, they ask me and I ALWAYS say "no thank-you" as politely as possible. Usually it ends there and we go on with our day. But lately, they have been ragging on me about my diet. We were sitting in the lunch room , I had a sandwhich and a salad, and one of my co-workers waved a chicken finger in front of my face and said "mmmmm sooo good. Don't you just wish you could eat it?".

    That was my breaking point. I don't mind that they wanna eat the greasy foods (even though they are clearly gaining weight). I have will power to eat my salad while they eat greasy foods almost every day. I just can't stand the pushiness. It has gotten worse and worse. One of them is eating a poutine with chicken fingers and taunted me again.


    You know, just ignore them, they want you to stay fat and unhealthy like them. Maybe it's time for you to lunch somewhere else like outdoors? or in your car? I would try that for a few days if possible. When they taunt you with food, tell them it doesn't taste near as good as healthy is going to feel.
  • spade117
    spade117 Posts: 2,466 Member
    They are definitely trying to sabotage you. I would seek revenge ASAP.

    Yeah, put a screwdriver in their tires or key their cars, and the one that had the poutine...smash her windows with a rock.
  • jasonpclement
    jasonpclement Posts: 146 Member
    Just ignore it, and take satisfaction in your ability to say no, and in your improved health. I don't know what more you need to do. Your coming out the winner :)