How many calories is your breakfast?



  • nyrina4life
    nyrina4life Posts: 196 Member
    Mine is usually 187 - 230 but I also eat a snack at 10am just because I am stuck at a desk job, and get hungry for a small snack.
  • willdob3
    willdob3 Posts: 640 Member
    My breakfast calories vary, I checked and this past week the low was 280 and the high was 400. Higher is better, for me.
  • aliasbee
    aliasbee Posts: 27
    50-250 calories.

    Sometimes liquid. I've never been a huge breakfast eater. I look forward to having the option to eat 400 though. I try to reserve 700 for dinner (600 and a 100cal treat)
  • redladywitch
    redladywitch Posts: 799 Member
    200 to 800
  • hannakengu
    hannakengu Posts: 79 Member
    My breakfast is the same every day: 408 kcals, coming from two slices of toasted rye bread with margarine, a slice of ham and a slice of cheese, and a glass of orange juice. My calorie goal for the whole day is 1460 kcals. I'm one of those people who need a good breakfast or they can't function.
  • tmm_0127
    tmm_0127 Posts: 545 Member
    I usually stay under or around 250 calories. My breakfasts are generally really small because I'm just never hungry when I first wake up.
  • guessrs
    guessrs Posts: 358 Member
    400 out of 1500, I need energy for the day. Bagel whole wheat with cream cheese or eggs with toast, or oatmeal with fruits or yogurt
  • fitpam90x
    fitpam90x Posts: 197 Member
    Usually from 150-250 calories since I do small frequent meals but on the days where I work out in the morning I eat a little bit more.
  • Majda1234_wechange
    Majda1234_wechange Posts: 100 Member
    My goal is 1800-2200 for months, trying to maintain. My breakfast used to be most of my cals since that is when I felt the most hungry but barely ate throughout the day, around 1000 back than. Now for some reason I do the opposite so my breakfast is usually 150-300.
  • UNLESS19
    UNLESS19 Posts: 118
    anything from 150-300 :)
    It depends what i have but i love my cereal! I opted for almond milk to lower calories and fat so i can have more cereal in my bowl :)
  • I'm not really hungry in the morning, so I put 200 to 300 calories in to get the engine running.
  • JumpingDog
    JumpingDog Posts: 125 Member
    I eat between 300 and 800 calories before lunch. It just depends on how long I think it will be until I can make a proper lunch. When I know I will be out a while or exerting myself, I eat a more calorically dense lunch. As for eggs, I love them. If you don't like them you shouldn't eat them all the time.

    With a typical daily goal being 1500, my breakfast is between 20% and 53% of my total intake for the day. I usually eat a big or medium breakfast a really small lunch or snack and a medium sized dinner.
  • Breakfast should be small but filling. I had a glass of Shakeology this morning around 8am and I was satisfied until lunch! Try a meal replacement shake like that or make your own fruit smoothie!

    Instagram: ProjectHotBod13
  • Breakfast is a completely personal thing.

    I am most hungry in the AM and my hunger dimishes throughout the day.

    I have breakfast 400 cal - snack 200-300 cal - lunch 400(ish)cal all before 1 pm
    then my afternoon snack and dinner are smaller.

    But I have an active job - so I need the fuel in the morning to keep me going..

    Its different for everyone - do what is going to make you feel the best during the day. ;D
  • jlapey
    jlapey Posts: 1,850 Member
    0. I don't eat breakfast anymore. I'd rather save them for a larger dinner.
  • raingirl21
    raingirl21 Posts: 167 Member
    My calories are 1400 but my breakfast is between 400-500. I find that I don't want anything until lunch this way and won't be tempted to have sugary pastries for my break.
  • Mine was 254 - a luna bar (my chocolate fix) and 2 cups of coffee. I would rather eat more midday so I try to keep breakfast simple and predictable :)
  • celamantia
    celamantia Posts: 6 Member
    I had been eating about 400 on an 1800 calorie diet but I have been cutting it back under 300... It was 190 this morning but that was because I ate late. I do find that if I don't eat breakfast I have a real hard time losing anything.

    Generally I will eat the carbs first, then walk 10-20 minutes to get my body going, then eat the protein if there is a separate protein.

  • truelypinkthing
    truelypinkthing Posts: 164 Member
    I have a bowl of blueberries, raspberries and strawberries, topped with 20g of rolled oats, 1 cup of non sweetened almond milk, a dollop of 0% greek yoghurt and a squirt of agave nectar, always delicious and about the 300 calorie mark. Oh, and a cup of peppermint tea to start the digestive juices going. Im on maintenance of 1460 calories and that sees me through a busy morning teaching until lunchtime.
  • my breakfast used to be
    - 1 slice wheat bread (65)
    - 1-2 egg whites (17-34)
    - 1 slice turkey bacon (35)
    total: 117-134

    Now that i'm pescetarian, i plan on it being
    1/2 scoop vanilla protein powder (85)
    1/2 cup almond milk (15)
    1 banana (~130)
    total: 230