Where are the 45-55 year olds ???



  • Bry_Fitness70
    Bry_Fitness70 Posts: 2,480 Member
    I'll check back with you in 2 years!
  • blazergrad
    blazergrad Posts: 603 Member
    48 here and rapidly approaching 49! :)

    Who are you? Michael

    Where are you from? Born and raised in the great state of Alabama :)

    What struggles do you have? Wellll, my situation is somewhat unique in that I'm working hard to stay in shape while coming up on 22 years in a wheelchair.

    What goals do you have? My main goal is to try and gain a bit of muscle. I've never been very overweight, but it wouldn't be difficult for me to pack on some pounds really quickly.

    Do you have a fitness program? I do weight training 4 days a week and I have a handcycle that I ride when the weather is nice.

    What parts of your body give you problems? It's pretty common for most folks in wheelchairs to easily gain a little extra around the waist, so that's the main area that gives me the most problems.

    What symptoms do you have associated with your weight? None really at this time.

    Do you have a support system? My wife and my friends here on MFP!

    What is your food weakness? Have to take it easy on the fried foods... and chocolate!

    By all means, anyone please feel free to add me! All of us *youngsters* need to band together! :)
  • Cherrie099
    Cherrie099 Posts: 45 Member
    I'm 56 from NYC. very hard for someone of my age to lose weight. looking for some friends for motivation. I need to lose about 50 lbs. Tried everything from my own to WW and always gained it back. Hopfully this time i will succede!
  • txin1
    txin1 Posts: 100 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm Stephanie from Texas, but live in Cincinnati. I've been tracking my calories since January and have lost 38 pounds with the help of Lap Band surgery. Would love to connect with others for support and encouragement.
  • twelker878
    twelker878 Posts: 146 Member
    Hi, I'm Tina. I am 51 and from WI. At the age of 49 I had a stroke. ( I know.? Right?) Anyways, I decided to change my life then. I am 5'1" and weighed almost 160 when I heard about mfp. I now weigh 122 and am maintaining, although I would like to lose a few more pounds. I am a dessert eater and have a home cooked dessert almost every night. There is my downfall, but I am not willing to give it up. I had to give up so many things that the desserts became "my special treat".
    I was not into exercise before my stroke. I have a physical job and thought that was enough. I had to relearn to walk after my stroke and it quickly became part of my physical therapy. Walking to the mailbox was a huge task at first but after a couple months I was putting on a couple miles a day. I slowly gained enough strength to jog and now can do 3.5 miles in about 40 minutes. I love to zumba and just joined a group challenge to do 30 minutes of zumba every day for the month of August.
    I believe if you want to do something it is up to you to do it. No excuses.
    Feel free to send me requests.
  • flslp87
    flslp87 Posts: 175 Member
    I totally agree that it is tougher to lose weight once you go over that 'certain' age. I just turned 51 and when I was younger I could eat what I wanted to and never had to worry about gaining weight....Then I reached an age where if I did gain weight I just had to watch it a while and it dropped off......NOW, well......

    so yes would love to have some of those 50 yo friends......

    I want to meet new people, make new friends both online and off and support, encourage, motivate, be inspired & inspiring!

    Who are you? MISTY MFP Name is flslp87
    Where are you from? SOUTH FLORIDA
    What struggles do you have? - so tired of watching what I eat to not lose anything and that middle area...well....
    What goals do you have?
    ideally I'd love to lose 10-15lbs but my main goal is to decrease those jiggly parts....
    Do you have a fitness program? ---I have several but currently am doing Insanity. I also love TurboFire and Combat
    What parts of your body give you problems? - midsection
    What symptoms do you have associated with your weight? - none
    Do you have a support system? ---- great friends on here and even a few email friends.....I also am currently doing the Shred Diet plan so the Happy Shredders Facebook page is a great support place....
    What is your food weakness? - chocolate, Chocolate.....
    What do you struggle with emotionally around eating? - used to have the attitude that if I cheated, screw it but have since decided that if I am feeling strong and I want a piece of candy, I will have one.....
    What are your danger foods? - chocolate chip cookie dough, thin mint cookies and oreos......

    I would really love to hear from all you!!! What works for you, what doesn`t work you.... the good bad and the ugly!

    Was at a stand still of gaining, losing the same 5 lbs and went on Shred Plan and lost 10lbs.....however between Mother's Day and the middle of July, I had way too many celebrations and put on some of that weight....>Now working on trying to get it off...If I am in control I can handle anything but if I'm tired and any of my trigger foods are in the house, well......

    Add me if you like.....
  • Emmy501
    Emmy501 Posts: 33 Member
    Who are you? My name is Cara

    Where are you from? Michigan

    What struggles do you have? Well, since menopause I struggle with my weight.

    What goals do you have? To lose the weight I put on while taking Effexor XR for my menopausal symptoms

    Do you have a fitness program? I know what I need to do it is just a matter of doing it.

    What parts of your body give you problems? My entire body. Mainly my tummy.

    What symptoms do you have associated with your weight? Low self-esteem

    Do you have a support system? My family supports and encourages me.

    What is your food weakness? Carbs. Chips and chocolate.

    What do you struggle with emotionally around eating? This is something I need to ponder.

    What are your danger foods? Chips, ice cream...basically anything carbs.

    Nice meeting you all. :bigsmile:
  • glennstoudt
    glennstoudt Posts: 403 Member
    Hello Youngsters,
    Checking in to bring up the median age.
    My story is lost 50 pounds last year and have not been able to relocate them, still missing. Live in New Orleans where caloric temptation is a continuous challenge. But it can be done. Goals involve getting up every day breathing and some more advanced goals such as walking down the stairs to get the paper. At the moment, all parts of my body are checked in for duty but some of them are slackers and need too much attention. For fitness I go to the gym for half an hour 2-3 times a week and play 2-3 rounds of golf walking the course, and a lot of other activity basically taking care of life and property. At the moment I no longer require support and my food weakness is all of the above. If I would describe any food as dangerous it would be extreme carbs of any variety but mostly the ones that don't fill you up and are addictive (like potato chips and so on). Enough about me...... cheers!
  • twinmoon
    twinmoon Posts: 108 Member
    Hi everyone - I'm 47, from NY. I started logging consistently earlier in 2013, and it has changed my life. I exercise daily - usually walking, elliptical, sprints, spinning, or strength training. I have a great support system of kids & family, friends, MFP community.

    My food weakness is bread. Also, good cheese and chocolate, and any gooey, chewy baked good.

    I eat clean, limited processed food, but I also eat a lot of healthy fats like avocado, olive oil, nut butters, nuts. I find that my body at this age craves the healthy fats, and it helps with my weight loss. Even though I mostly eat clean, I'll have a bite of anything I want, except bread.

    Last, but not least, I'm finally loving life in my 40's!
  • Ruth4111gut
    Ruth4111gut Posts: 289 Member
    I'm Ruth, 47 and I live in San Antonio,Tax. Can't remember all your questions but feel free to add me. Daily login.:smile:
  • ckone4me
    ckone4me Posts: 108 Member
    Hi, I am Susan, 52 a mom and grandmom. I live in Pa. And have been here on MFP for a little over a month?

    What struggles do you have? ~struggling to type correctly on this iPad...lol

    My biggest struggle is not eating the foods my family wants to eat. It seems I am the only one on the eating healthy road. So it is hard for me when I do all the cooking! So temptation is there just about everyday!

    What goals do you have?
    My goal is to lose 20 more lbs, stay slim and never let food be my comforter again!

     Do you have a fitness program?

    I am counting calories, trying to stay in my macros and exercising 30 minutes 5 days a week.

     What parts of your body give you problems? 

    I am not sure what you mean.

    Do you have a support system?

    I sure do, I have some pretty awesome friends here that give me lots of support along with a challenge I joined for accountability.

     What is your food weakness? 

    Chips.... chips... and more chips.

    What do you struggle with emotionally around eating? 

    I am a ex smoker... 5 years and 50lbs later. Yes I am a emotional eater. I need to find another outlet.

    What are your danger foods..... chips.... lol

    I am always looking to meet new friends, so anyone can add me if you like!
  • dkginger
    dkginger Posts: 167 Member
    I'll check back with you in 2 years!

    Please do!!!!!!!!!!
  • dkginger
    dkginger Posts: 167 Member
    For those of you who say that your support system is friends on MFP how do you communicate? Is it through the message board threads? Private email messages? Do you just post to other's check-ins? I have been a member here for a couple years, but just active recently and I am not sure how you give or receive support from others.
    Thanks, Kristine
  • beverlyweaver73
    beverlyweaver73 Posts: 25 Member
    Hello! My name is Bev and I am 46 years old. I have lived in Pennsylvania my whole life. I struggle with doing daily exercise and watching how much I eat. My goals got derailed in June when I was practicing for an Irish dance competition and ended up badly spraining my left ankle. I was unable to compete, and I was unable to do any form of exercise until I began to go to physical therapy. PT helped me jump start my good exercise habits this summer. Now I am back on track and I am training for several goals - an Irish dance show (September 2013), another Irish dance competition (November 2013), a bike trip with my hubby (Spring 2014) and a Relay for Life event (June 2014).

    I am a member of a local gym and I started circuit training (from the knees up) the first week of July. Once I am finished with PT, I am going to start working with a personal trainer at the same gym. I have recently been able to return to my favorite exercises such as biking, yoga, and dancing. My stomach is my problem area, so I hope to get that toned. When I was practicing dance 4 times a week, I had initially lost 13 pounds and when I gained some of that back, I just felt sluggish. :frown:

    My husband, Jeff, is 51 years old and he is in great shape from mountain bike riding. The employees at the gym are also a great support system. I have started to meet people on here as well.

    My food weakness is sugar. I try not to have "goodies" in the house like brownies, cookies, cakes, and candy. I am an emotional eater. After I sprained my ankle and the doctor said, "no biking, or dancing of any kind", I went home and ate a whole box of Nilla wafers. Now I try to work through my emotions with exercise. :bigsmile:
  • MissSharon2013
    MissSharon2013 Posts: 536 Member
    I am 52. From Michigan but am married in Alabama. I have many problems associated with my weight. I'm here to get off of injections from insulin. I have 90 lbs to lose. Have lost 33 so far. I have high blood pressure, diabetes, cholesterol, back issues and a breast cancer survivor. My biggest problems with food are at night. During the day, I'm great...at night, my eating monster gets out! I love junk foods. I'm here to lose weight for my health...I am a devout Christian; and I love The Lord with all my heart. This body is His temple. I have a lot of fun with my friends; and I am a great supporter! Anyone can friend me.
  • ranta8146
    My name is Elizabeth, I just turned 47 and I have about 50lbs to loose. I am realizing i have become an emotional eater. My husband is out of the country for several months at a time. I was sure that I would begin to loose weight while he was gone. I regularly blamed him for MY over eating. The sad truth is I am eating to sooth myself. My husband will be home in November and I really want to be thinner. I don't want to feel self conscious. My hope is MFP will help me to be more accountable. I would love to hook up with some women in my age group that are looking to support each other. I live in Oregon.
  • Luckee_me
    Luckee_me Posts: 1,426 Member
    Hi everyone,
    I'll be fifty in December. I would love some more friends that are close to my age.
    OP I sent you a friend request. Anyone else feel free to add me.
  • dlionsmane
    dlionsmane Posts: 673 Member
    For those of you who say that your support system is friends on MFP how do you communicate? Is it through the message board threads? Private email messages? Do you just post to other's check-ins? I have been a member here for a couple years, but just active recently and I am not sure how you give or receive support from others.
    Thanks, Kristine

    Mostly commenting on friends boards. A WTG or Great Job or sometimes ask/answer questions about an exercise or food on your diary. I haven't PM'd with anyone yet. I guess it takes time to build a 'relationship' when you are online... lol.
  • MeRoHa
    MeRoHa Posts: 95 Member
    I am 52. Started on this site in July 2013. Would like to lose at total of 120 to 130 pounds. I have health problems that have contributed to my current weight. Neuromuscular illness, arthritis, asthma,& fibromyalgia. These have really impacted my ability to get to and maintain a healthy weight. I recently had to go on a round of steriods which caused some additional weight gain.
    I admit freely to having a sugar addiction, specifically a chocoholic. Favorite exercises are: swimming, water aerobics, and Tai Chi. Basically low impact.

    Hopefully by sticking to a consistent nutrition intake and logging it everyday it will help me stay on track to a healthier me.

    My family is supportive. My co-workers also try to be supportive as well.
  • SusanDavis777
    SusanDavis777 Posts: 4 Member
    WOW!!!!!!! I surely was not prepared for such a great response!!!!! I will be introducing myself to all of you over the coming days! I will try to respond to everyone's posts. Lets all start a dialogue and support system on this thread! I am really looking forward to reading all your stories and getting to know all of you!

    Have an amazing weekend and make good choices!!!
