How much weight did you lose before people noticed?



  • Fatlorenzo
    Fatlorenzo Posts: 101 Member
    5'6.5 and 20 lb in my brother noticed, one work college. And my boyfriend noticed after 7lb or so
  • darlingbones
    I'm very short (5'1'') I was originally 148lbs and I'm now 117lbs. Honestly I don't think people really notice. Only after I've told them do they comment on it.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I didn't give anyone a chance to notice. I had every pound lost post from here right onto facebook. :laugh: So I don't know if anyone really noticed, or if they were just being polite.

    I started noticing a change after about 15 pounds.
  • nino07110922
    nino07110922 Posts: 2,149
    I've only lost 16 lbs, but I've also toned up considerably because I work out daily. I had people start to notice when I'd reached 15 lbs. As I became more tone and swapped muscle mass for body fat, I've been getting comments daily. Are you incorporating exercise with your weight loss?
  • t1nk6
    t1nk6 Posts: 215
    im 5.8/9 sw 240lbs.. 3 week later id lost 17lb , 4- 6 inches off my waist and hips and people noticed by my face :smile:
  • A_Fit_Mom
    A_Fit_Mom Posts: 602 Member
    I am 5'8 and I started at 185. Now at that weight, I usually wore you really couldn't tell I had so much weight in my belly. It wasn't until I lost about 20 pounds and I was at 165 that someone noticed.

    Now that I am 33 pounds down and 152, I get comments all the time. Everyone notices and says something about it to me. Sometimes I wonder if you lose a little weight, if people are cautious about saying something. But when you lose a lot, they definitely feel it is ok to compliment you.
  • missveeoh
    missveeoh Posts: 90 Member
    I started last September. My mother started noticing around December.
    My friends noticed in march? Or April. My family finally noticed this July that just ended.
    So I would say after losing approximately around 30 pounds.

    I'm guessing they haven't noticed because I keep wearing my old clothes and they are all pretty baggy now lol
  • monsoonme
  • Cavy1234
    Cavy1234 Posts: 28 Member
    The last time I lost 150lbs (wishing I never gained it back!), it took about 40 pounds before people noticed enough and felt comfortable saying something. Part of this is probably due to wearing loose-fitting, baggy plus-size clothing, and part is probably that people don't want to offend by asking if you're trying to lose weight. It wouldn't offend me at all since I'm well aware of how large I am, but I think that's still a concern that some people don't want to hurt someone's feelings if they aren't trying to lose weight (ie. "No, do you think I need to? Are you calling me fat?")

    I can see the 10lbs I've lost so far in my face, and I'm thrilled about that. I might be losing one of my chins, which is fabulous! :smile:
  • blue730
    blue730 Posts: 7 Member
    I agree with the post...people notice but a lot of them are jealous, so they just don't say anything. I think it's sad!!!
  • wayto160
    I'm 5'10". People who hadn't seen me anywhere from a couple of months to a couple of years were really wowed after I went from 205 to 170. It's been slow, but I'm still on my way :)
  • Ang108
    Ang108 Posts: 1,711 Member
    I am 5 feet and started April 10th and have lost just a few oz under 30 pounds so far. Just this week several people ( like 4 ) have commented. Three of the four wanted to know if I was healthy......hmm. I had not expected anyone to say something, because it's not done in this culture, plus.....I still have a ways to go.

    Edit: I just checked and 14 kilos are actually 30.86 pounds.....:o).
  • new_bella
    new_bella Posts: 199 Member
    I'm 5'2", people started noticing at 10 lbs.
  • headfullofsongs
    headfullofsongs Posts: 50 Member
    50 lbs for me. Six months without a word from my coworkers, but the day I walked in with new clothes, everyone asked me about it. It's almost impossible for people to tell when you're still wearing the same clothes. I knew that I was losing, but was frustrated that no one outside of family that knew i was trying noticed. What a difference a new outfit makes!
  • smmoler
    smmoler Posts: 23 Member
    I'm 5'1 and people started around the 20 lb mark or so. But friends and family who I might not have seen for a short while noticed right away.
  • NYgirl1990
    NYgirl1990 Posts: 180 Member
    Around 8 pounds.
  • gonnabeskinnypretty
    I think around 10 lbs my friend told me that it looked like I lost weight even though I couldn't notice a change myself.
  • CherylP67
    CherylP67 Posts: 772 Member
    I'm 5'5 and I've lost a hair under 30 lbs and very few people have commented. I think that people are being polite and that I probably carried my extra weight well. I'm happy with myself and my progress. This is silly, but I just bought a new outfit at Macy's, a pair of size 10 capris and a medium blouse. It felt so good, and I looked great in it. Nobody can see the size on my label but me, so I'm just smiling an extra lot these days. Weight loss is really personal and I feel like I'm surrounded by courteous people.
  • becktacular90
    becktacular90 Posts: 55 Member
    Actually, nobody has noticed yet with me. My clothes still all fit fine, probably exactly the same as they did before. The only person who has noticed has been my best friend who has seen a photo of my face looking a little slimmer.

    I've lost 112lbs so far. I'm actually a little disheartened! Please, people - see how hard I'm working!

    I reckon I will probably have to be over the 200lbs lost mark before people notice. The more you have to lose, the more people just look at you and see "big" or "fat" or "shapeless", and the longer it takes to shake that off I suppose. :)
  • Ftw37
    Ftw37 Posts: 386 Member
    Nobody has said anything to me either. Too much to lose. Oh well, I can feel more energy, which is what really counts.