5' - 5'2" girls I want to hear your story and pics!



  • hafsahkh
    hafsahkh Posts: 43 Member
    This post is amazing really made me believe it is possible!!!! thanks so much
  • anitap343
    anitap343 Posts: 9 Member
    I started MFP in April, but started easing into running around March. I'm 5'2''.
    Currently my measurements are 34-26-36. I just want to get abs and a 24'' waist. I don't really care about the weight so much.

    SW: 130-135 ish (highest ever 138)
    CW: 118
    GW: 115

    natural waist
    S: 29 in
    C: 26 in
    G: 24 in

    belly button
    S: 30 in
    C: 28 in
    G: 26 in

  • melissan84
    melissan84 Posts: 487 Member
    Great stories and pictures.

    I am not done yet but here are my current results.
  • LindaMcCormack
    LindaMcCormack Posts: 3 Member
    I'm 5ft 1in and started in March at 150 lbs. I am watching my carbs and My Fitness Pal helps me stay on track. I stayed below 40grams for the first 2 months and the weight just fell off. I play golf once s week but apart from that no other exercise. Now at 132 lbs. just 2 lbs from my target weight. Buy I think I can loose more. Good luck!
  • Hey fellow "shorties!" I just joined this group because I am READY for the new me! (somewhat the old me) lol. I haven't actually started exercising yet, but after being sick for almost two weeks, I have lost about 4 lbs. While laying here watching tv while recovering, I kept seeing the Hip Hop Abs infomercial and decided that I am going to buy it! I've been paying 20 a month to a gym for the past five months. I think I have gone 5 times. I decided to give this a shot since I love to dance and think it will be easier to make time to do it! I am super excited. My 6 year old daughter is also excited because she has learned a lot in Kindergarten about how you have to exercise to stay healthy, and she knows that neither one of us get much of it. I am 5'1 and last week when I weighed myself I was 149. I didn't even weigh that much when I was pregnant with her! I would ideally like to make the goal of 120-125 for myself, and then take it from there. I do have a muscular structure from back when I was younger and dancing and cheerleading. I think it will be very had to get below there.

    After coming to this website for inspiration of success stories, I decided to sign up. I am not very disciplined when it comes to eating, but I am going to do my best to get to my goal weight. All of your stories and pictures are amazing. Thank you for giving me this motivation. I will have my hubby take some before pictures tomorrow, I think on Tuesday I will be starting the program as long as it is here by then. I hope to have my own "during" and "after" shots to post while I am working through the program.
  • bernied262
    bernied262 Posts: 882 Member
    Just posted my before and 'after' story today :)

  • lcyfrn
    lcyfrn Posts: 121 Member
    Another short girl thread! Yay :smile:!

    I seriously feel like I've been spamming the boards with my pics because there have been a few shortie threads lately, so instead I'll just link to my MFP blog where I track my progress:


    I'm 5'0". Starting weight was 164 lbs, current weight 114 lbs.

    Oh wow, you're starting weight is really similar to my body now (albeit I'm a bit bigger maybe) and I'd kill to have your current figure! I had a baby and lost hope that I could get my belly looking anywhere near decent but this gives me hope, thank you! xxxx
  • TemikaThompson
    TemikaThompson Posts: 222 Member
    Can't wait to be able to post my success. I'm 5"2 at 190 and goal of 135
  • jmorale6
    jmorale6 Posts: 18 Member
    this thread is fabulous. i am 5'2'' and currently at 161. i am trying to get down to the 125-130 range. this thread has definitely added some motivation.
  • prosato1229
    prosato1229 Posts: 26 Member

    Thank you everyone for your inspiring stories!!! You are the motivation I need. Congratulations on your losses!!
  • prosato1229
    prosato1229 Posts: 26 Member
    great work everyone!!! so many inspiring people! thanks for your help and motivation :)
    *bumping this thread so i can come back when i need more motivation*
  • kittenful
    kittenful Posts: 318 Member
    Here is my progress so far. I'm 5'2", and I weighed 166 in the left vertical and the top square images. In the other two, I weigh 143.
  • appifanie
    appifanie Posts: 95 Member
    You wouldn't think 2 inches make that much of a difference, but it truly does. I'm 5'0 and for me, 105 would be too high for my body type and frame, nevermind 125 . She looks strong and healthy, which is awesome!

    This is why I'm so glad I found a thread for short ladies! Try telling a tall person that you're totally freaked out you gained 16 pounds - they don't see why it's such a big deal!

    I'm 36 and 5' (supposedly I'm now 5' 1/2", thanks to 18 months of yoga: ) and I currently weigh 149. I was overweight from ages 8-15 and when I lost weight then, I just started moving around more and quit soda (and went "semi-vegetarian). My weight fluctuated up and down a little over the years. At 19 I got pregnant and had a stillbirth at 6 months and so I had a little baby weight after that that stayed on. By 28 I was heavier than I wanted, but not a lot - maybe 10 pounds over. Also, I went vegan around this time.

    At 29 I got pregnant. I was 123 pounds (more than I wanted to be, but livable) and I gained 53 pounds up to 176 pounds. I was about 169 after my kiddo was born. A year after that I had a large fibroid removed. I was in my 150s in 2008 or 2009 and I did a 90 minute yoga class 2-3 days a week, cardio 3 days a week, and weights 2 days a week. I watched what I ate - just logging, not calorie tracking. I tried raw veganism off and on. I have been tracking calories and trying different weight loss programs since 2009, 2010 and I got stuck around 149. When my hubs came home from deployment in June 2011, I was 133lbs and 10 pounds from my pre-preg weight. He came home, I started eating some gluten (I'd quit gluten while he was gone because it seemed to help some intestinal issues I had) and here I am at 149 again.

    BUMMED OUT. I have done P90X (heavily modified) and Chalean Extreme. I own Turbo Jam, but I'm not good at dancey coordination required workouts. I like my weights.
  • khgraves
    khgraves Posts: 54 Member
    I'm under the height range (4' 10") but this discussion is as close as I can find to my height!!!! At my highest I weighed 143 and worked hard to get back down to 113-115. I kept it off for a little over a year and the weight started creeping back on. My husband is quite a cook and is 6' 1" so I have to learn not to keep up with him. After a few stagnant years in the low to mid 130s I've refocused my efforts on health and weight. I'm down to 129 and hope to get back to around 115. At 51 years old it would be nice to get back to my wedding weight of 109, but we'll see. All your stories are inspirational and it's nice to read about the success of others that are also vertically challenged. The only pic I have is my profile- I may post some after finishing ripped in 30.
  • vale_m624
    vale_m624 Posts: 33 Member
    5'1 started at 132, CW: 121.2 :)
  • NoriPi
    NoriPi Posts: 1
    I'm 5' 1", I weighed 150 pounds January 2011, got down to 115 by November 2011, losing about 1 pound a week. I've stayed about that weight since then, right now I'm 118. I lost the weight by keeping track of all the food I ate and all my activities, and making sure there was a 500 calorie deficit. I walk to work 1/2 hour each way, and to the Nike Training Club 3 to 4 days a week (when I was losing weight, I did it every day). I went from a size 10/12 to size 4/6 (depending on the brand of clothing). I was actually able to start wearing clothes that I had bought 10 years ago and could now fit back into. I decided to join My Fitness Pal because my husband joined and I want to help him lose some weight and make sure that I maintain my weight loss,
  • JackieEnos203014
    JackieEnos203014 Posts: 10 Member
    Is your goal to just tone? What type of exercise do you do now?
  • JackieEnos203014
    JackieEnos203014 Posts: 10 Member
    Awesome girl did u just clean up your eating and concentrate your workouts?
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