I'm starving... Not really, but I'm starving.



  • I was trying to lose the weight fast Sara. I thought, I'd try to just tough it out.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    OK, Jonny, I'll try that. I have a protein supplement I can try.

    Eat food! You blew like 400 calories today on drinks alone. Eat some chicken and steak and veggies. Build your diet around lean meats and veggies where possible, but make room for the things you love to eat.
  • Vegetables, vegetables, vegetables. High fiber. Helps you to stay full longer. Make some delicious carrot soup with garlic, celery, red bell pepper, etc. (recipe on internet) is so good! And believe it or not.......you will NOT be starving. I can eat one bowl a day and do not have a hunger pain what so ever. In fact, it is so filling, that I have to force myself to eat something else for dinner.
  • Make a delicious pudding from chia seeds...great nutrition and very filling. Doesn't take much to fill you up with it and it will keep you feeling full. PLUS, it is easy to make, just blend seeds with milk (soy, almond, rice, etc) and other flavors or fruit...let sit for couple hours...yummy! Check out chia seeds online, they are amazing...
  • I like my beer and wine after work. I guess I need to relook that.

    When I first became a Soldier in 1986, I weighed 127 pounds. 27 years later still on active duty, I am at 195. I am getting ready to retire soon and I want to start getting more fit, besides losing 20 lbs. on a deployment,
  • quiltlovinlisa
    quiltlovinlisa Posts: 1,710 Member
    I am VERY glad to see you upped your calories. Losing fast isn't healthy and you want to be healthy, not just lighter. Just for comparison, I'm a 5'3'' woman, weighing 212 and I almost never eat below 1500 and when I exercise, I can eat up to 2,000.

    That extra 500 plus calories you have now should cure your hunger.
  • pcastagner
    pcastagner Posts: 1,606 Member
    I was trying to lose the weight fast Sara. I thought, I'd try to just tough it out.

    Yeah, the problem is you'll lose weight but a high proportion of it will be muscle. You'll lose strength too.

    The game you have to play is: keep messing with food choices until you find things that make you feel more full on a calorie deficit. Eventually it will lead you to the right macros.

    On rest days I ate more fat and fewer carbs, on workout days I ate more protein and more carbs. Worked very well.

    You have more wiggle room now but as your body fat gets lower you will have to be more careful about your choices.
  • Diamondgirl369
    Diamondgirl369 Posts: 25 Member
    Looking at your dairy today I would highly recommend you eat more. Breakfast needs to be way more than just coffee. Are you working out? At what level? Protein/ Carbs/ Fats need to be balanced for your body size to stabilize. If you do not eat enough your body will begin to eat your muscle and I would guess that isn't your goal. Please feel free to check out my food diary for ideas or look at others for ideas. Exercise, food and you must up your water intake to at least 8 glasses a day ,but work your way up double that will help you bring you to your goals and feel full.
  • I am VERY glad to see you upped your calories. Losing fast isn't healthy and you want to be healthy, not just lighter. Just for comparison, I'm a 5'3'' woman, weighing 212 and I almost never eat below 1500 and when I exercise, I can eat up to 2,000.

    That extra 500 plus calories you have now should cure your hunger.

    Thanks Quilt, I appreciate the personal response.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Looking at your dairy today I would highly recommend you eat more. Breakfast needs to be way more than just coffee. Are you working out? At what level? Protein/ Carbs/ Fats need to be balanced for your body size to stabilize. If you do not eat enough your body will begin to eat your muscle and I would guess that isn't your goal. Please feel free to check out my food diary for ideas or look at others for ideas. Exercise, food and you must up your water intake to at least 8 glasses a day ,but work your way up double that will help you bring you to your goals and feel full.

    Coffee by itself is fine for breakfast. There's no need to eat meals when you don't want to.

    Focus on the macros. Get your calories, get your protein, get your fat, get your fiber. Get them pretty much any way you want, just make sure you get them. Lift weights and eat lots of protein to preserve your lean mass.
  • pcastagner
    pcastagner Posts: 1,606 Member
    Looking at your dairy today I would highly recommend you eat more. Breakfast needs to be way more than just coffee. Are you working out? At what level? Protein/ Carbs/ Fats need to be balanced for your body size to stabilize. If you do not eat enough your body will begin to eat your muscle and I would guess that isn't your goal. Please feel free to check out my food diary for ideas or look at others for ideas. Exercise, food and you must up your water intake to at least 8 glasses a day ,but work your way up double that will help you bring you to your goals and feel full.

    I have not eaten what you call "breakfast" in six months. It does not "need" to be anything. If not eating in the morning helps, do it. These days I start eating at 4pm and stop at midnight.
  • Looking at your dairy today I would highly recommend you eat more. Breakfast needs to be way more than just coffee. Are you working out? At what level? Protein/ Carbs/ Fats need to be balanced for your body size to stabilize. If you do not eat enough your body will begin to eat your muscle and I would guess that isn't your goal. Please feel free to check out my food diary for ideas or look at others for ideas. Exercise, food and you must up your water intake to at least 8 glasses a day ,but work your way up double that will help you bring you to your goals and feel full.

    Thanks, I'll take a look at your Diary. I kinda hate the dairy stuff, but I agree that I need more than coffee for b-fast.,..

    Water has only been my friend on deployments; I know I need to drink more of it.
  • onwarddownward
    onwarddownward Posts: 1,683 Member
    I just crashed and burned after weeks and months of eating less and less and working out more and more ...

    I got some good advice and doubled my caloric intake. I am hopeful that this will help keep me healthy and active while I work on my changes that I want to see in my body.

    I got so sick. I was just starving and didn't even realize it.
  • krazyforyou
    krazyforyou Posts: 1,428 Member
    I am glad your listening to these fine peeps. You must eat at least 1700 a day and you really should look at what your macros should be and hit that mark. Protein, fat, fiber and carbs. Be extra careful not to loose lean muscle mass, try a protein drink with almond milk in the am with your coffee. 30 grams of protein to start your day is a great way to begin. Good luck
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I was trying to lose the weight fast Sara. I thought, I'd try to just tough it out.

    Common thing to happen.

    The issue is that you run the risk of loss of muscle mass, cause hormonal imbalance (including low testosterone if you go low fat), have a greater risk of adherence issues (binging) and risk micronutrient deficiencies among other things. Context is relevant but as you do not have that much to lose, I would advise against a large deficit.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Ohai! I know someone who dresses up like you. I also know someone who is from your beautiful state. I also know a man who lost weight safely and not too fast and who has to always be within weight limits for work. I wish you luck on getting to the weight you'd like to be in a safe and controlled way that allows you to eat. When losing weight one really shouldn't be battling "hungry" feelings all that much.

    I saw another man's profile today and he seemed to think weight loss was a simple matter of math. Except he added for himself the idea that the bigger the gap between the calories burned versus the calories consumed the better. This is not actually the case. The body needs energy to survive and if that discrepancy is too high that means the body is not getting what it needs.

    I hope anything anyone here said makes sense. I also hope that doing the maths as per them allows you to make room for those freaking awesome Green Chile New Mexico cheeseburgers. Don't forget to saute the chile's first to warm them up before putting them on your burger and use a little garlic salt at that time.

    Check out words like TDEE, scooby and just basically anything that helps you calculate your cals but I'm pretty sure everyone here helped you figure it out. Watch a beautiful NM sunset for me. Good luck on your goals.:flowerforyou:
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    Looking at your dairy today I would highly recommend you eat more. Breakfast needs to be way more than just coffee. Are you working out? At what level? Protein/ Carbs/ Fats need to be balanced for your body size to stabilize. If you do not eat enough your body will begin to eat your muscle and I would guess that isn't your goal. Please feel free to check out my food diary for ideas or look at others for ideas. Exercise, food and you must up your water intake to at least 8 glasses a day ,but work your way up double that will help you bring you to your goals and feel full.

    Thanks, I'll take a look at your Diary. I kinda hate the dairy stuff, but I agree that I need more than coffee for b-fast.,..

    Water has only been my friend on deployments; I know I need to drink more of it.

    No you don't need to eat breakfast if you aren't really interested in eating it. You can eat those calories later in the day instead. Many of us on here do IF and skip breakfast. It won't affect your metabolism. It's an old myth you have to have it.
  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    I get Special K Pink Lemonade Protein Water Mix - it has a little protein and a little fiber, and will usually curb the cravings just enough to get past them. It's only 30 calories.

    The other thing I'll use are chocolite protein bars (www.healthsmartfoods.com). I like the triple chocolate fudge, hubby likes cashew caramel, and we both like the cookies and cream. They're about 100 calories, and have around 9-10 grams of protein and 10-ish grams of fiber, and are gluten-free/sugar-free.
  • megalin9
    megalin9 Posts: 771 Member
    So glad you're listening to folks about eating more! Good luck!
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I am trying to be aggressive and cut as much weight as I can. I am 5'10.5" and 195 lbs...

    so you answered your own question.

    If you cut aggressively - guess what- you're going to be hungry.

    Like that's just how it is. facepalm.