Question for girls around the 130-150 weight range

I'm 5'5" and currently 145 lbs. I have always been really big up until recently. I have lost 125 lbs, so being in a healthy BMI bracket is very new to me.

I find myself 15 pounds away from my goal weight. I am so much happier with the way I look now than I was before, but I'm wondering if maybe I should lower my goal weight? I still feel like im a bit chunky, and I don't know if losing 15 more pounds will make me stop feeling that way, or if I should lower my weight loss goal. So for girls who have lost weight that are around my size or lower, how much of a difference does 15 lbs make for you?

I know when I was 270 I had to drop nearly 30 lbs to go down one pant size. Now it's more like 10 lbs to go down a size, so I know the smaller you are, the more weight loss shows.


  • onyxgirl17
    onyxgirl17 Posts: 1,722 Member
    I think 130 is a fine weight for this height. I'm 5'5" myself and looking at the 125-130 range. I know it's been said a lot, but lifting will do wonders.

    You might also have loose skin contributing to thinking you are still big?
  • xxcooneyxx
    xxcooneyxx Posts: 221 Member
    I think 130 is a fine weight for this height. I'm 5'5" myself and looking at the 125-130 range. I know it's been said a lot, but lifting will do wonders.

    You might also have loose skin contributing to thinking you are still big?

    Yeah, I definitely have quite a bit of excess skin. Also, I love lifting weights but can't until I have surgery on my shoulder. It keeps dislocating.
  • iamihobo
    iamihobo Posts: 232 Member
    I'm 5'2" at 152 right now, and being 130 is my major goal cause that puts me in a healthy state to where I can actually Do things.
    I would always say that's the best marker of where you want to stop or keep going. Can you go up stairs and not be winded? Can you do the activities you want to do? That kind of thing.

    For every nutritionist who says you need a certain BMI, there is going to be another that says BMI shouldn't be the control factor for your weight. BMI doesn't take into account other personalized body factors or genetics.

    125 lbs is super amazing and impressive :) you look amazing. don't let your old you, and the negativity in your head take away from how awesome you look. you're what I hope to look like when I finish my weight loss :wink: :heart:
  • RaggedyPond
    RaggedyPond Posts: 1,487 Member
    I am 5'5" and my goal is 145 right now. I am close to goal and still feel like I have plenty of fat to lose still. I will probably change it to 135.
  • Klem4
    Klem4 Posts: 399 Member
    Wow! That is an amazing weight loss, congrats and well done on that!!! :)
    I am 5'6'' and my goal is 130. I'm trying to focus more on bf% now though, instead of the scale, but it is hard.
  • Danni3ll3
    Danni3ll3 Posts: 365 Member
    Going from 145 to 135 has made quite a difference for me. My abs look a lot better and I look much leaner all over. I am pretty lucky in that I have an hour glass figure and either gain or lose weight evenly all over. I didn't have as much as you to lose but I started at 190 and my first goal weight was 144. My second one was 135 as I remember liking myself a lot at that weight when I was in my 20s. I have reached that now but somehow, I am thicker in the middle than I used to be so my fat percentage must be higher than when I was younger so I am aiming for 130 at the present. I am also many many years older so that might just be the results of aging too. By the way, I am the same height as you: 5'5".
  • xxcooneyxx
    xxcooneyxx Posts: 221 Member

    125 lbs is super amazing and impressive :) you look amazing. don't let your old you, and the negativity in your head take away from how awesome you look. you're what I hope to look like when I finish my weight loss :wink: :heart:

    Thank you so much! That really means a lot to me.
  • iamihobo
    iamihobo Posts: 232 Member

    125 lbs is super amazing and impressive :) you look amazing. don't let your old you, and the negativity in your head take away from how awesome you look. you're what I hope to look like when I finish my weight loss :wink: :heart:

    Thank you so much! That really means a lot to me.

    So totally the truth. you have such a great body shape you look fabulous. and if you ever worry about it, go find things to weigh 125 pounds and try to carry that around on your body again. you'll be stunned at how light and amazing you feel not having that :)
  • DeterminedGirl08
    DeterminedGirl08 Posts: 26 Member
    I think it would depend on how much muscle you have. I am 5"2' and I was down to 120 lbs 1.5 yrs ago and people thought I was way too skinny. A lot of my weight was muscle and so I looked thinner than what people would envision 120 lbs would look on a person my height. Since then I have gained 25 lbs b/c I can't run anymore. I think each 10 lb gain from that size made me go up a dress size. 130 lbs for your height seems like a good goal to me.
  • XxChelseyxX1993
    XxChelseyxX1993 Posts: 5 Member
    One tip I have heard it don't focus on the number. So don't focus on how much you weigh, focus on how many inches you are losing, because even though you may be losing weight by getting rid of some of the fat on your body, you may also be gaining weight in muscle which isn't a bad thing.
  • laurenward1990
    laurenward1990 Posts: 82 Member
    I'm 5'7", currently 151lbs, and I have a goal of 125-130lbs...i sometimes feel like i'm not naturally supposed to be that thin though. Finding it hard to ever get past 146lbs and keep fluctuating around my current weight.
  • I'm around the same height and weight.
    What looked best on me was 120 lbs and that's what im trying to go back to
  • mcibty
    mcibty Posts: 1,252 Member
    I'm 5'5" and I'm currently 155lbs - I'm quite happy as I am. I think ideally I'd like to be 145lbs - but now I've lost the majority of the weight; I'm happy to take it at a slower pace to get there.
  • reflexchristine
    reflexchristine Posts: 5 Member
    I'm 5'5" and almost 42 yrs old. I'm currently 144lbs but according to the British National Health Service website, I should be 137lbs. They say the last 10lbs are the hardest to shed and I've certainly found that but admit I'm fairly happy with my current weight. Was able to wear a dress on Saturday night without having to wear anything that would hide the belly. :-D But looking forward to reaching my goal and have started walking and cycling to work which is making a difference. You do look good and as if you've already reached your ideal goal but you'll know by how good you look in your clothes. Good luck!
  • ppdes
    ppdes Posts: 83 Member
    I am almost 5'6'' and 138.5 lbs. Still I will have to reduce another 12 -15 lbs. The reason being my body fat%. Which is unfortunately 31%. I am skinny fat. So yeah. Just check your body fat and decide for yourself. With just 15 lbs to go, that would be a perfect indicator.
  • Aparz1
    Aparz1 Posts: 949
    While not at the same weight range you are looking for, I'm 5'11" and about 165 currently... this is a healthy BMI for me and I hear all the time that I should stop because I look good now. Doesn't change how I feel though, I'm still looking to drop another 15-20 because I still feel a little chunky too lol :) I think it will make a difference but part of me wonders if I am maybe seeking the impossible- perfection. Oh well, whatever makes me happy right? which should be another 20 lbs with a lot of strength training to tone :)
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    I think it really depends on how you feel after each five or so pounds you lose after you hit the "charted"healthy weight range. When I started this journey I was going to be happy if I could see 145 pounds again, but the initial "ideal weight" per the doctor and the on line calculator I used was 139. I got to 139, felt great, but as I started my maintenance plan the weight just kept coming off - so I went back to my doctor and he reset my healthy weight range to be 125-135. I am 5'8" and 54 years old. I have a skinny but dense bones... I hover around 128. Some how I lost 1/2 a pound this past month, but I anticipate as I continue to add muscle back on my body I will get it back. I can tell you I would have never,never, never set my goals this low. But now that I am here, I want to stay here and continue to find ways to eat healthier and stay active. With out it taking crazy amounts of time. So I am all about being the turtle vs the hare... small, consistent steps is my key.

    I am, for the record, smaller than when I graduated from high school. And I very happy to say I feel better than I have in decades. I advise just taking it slow and steady through the maintenance stage and listen to what your body is telling you, and then go have it confirmed by health or fitness expert.

    Congrats on your new you! Keep up the great work!
  • I am 5'2" and am at 142 lbs and my goal weight is 125 lbs, but I am focusing more on inches lost than the scale number since the exercise programs I am doing will build lean muscle.

    Like someone else said, you're letting your past get the best of you. Be proud of how far you've come and pay attention to how you FEEL now. If you feel that you will be truly healthier at your goal weight and focus on proper nutrition and exercise, then rock on girl, you got this! :)
  • Seesawboomerang
    Seesawboomerang Posts: 296 Member
    I would recommend maintaining your original goal weight for a while. Maintenance has its own challenges and it would be good to settle in to a routine there.

    If, a few months down the line, you want to set new challenges, you'll have a better idea of what's realistic and what is or isn't necessary.
  • andiebaco
    andiebaco Posts: 211 Member
    Right now I'm in the 145 down from +150 pounds.. My goal weight is 125pounds as I feel the best when I'm in that weight (I'm 5'5). I'm considering going up if I can manage to create more muscle and not a lot of weight lost BUT going down sizes...

    My first goal is at 132 and I will see from there...