Early Risers here??



  • eargirl
    eargirl Posts: 15
    Hey all - I need to little support badly!! I took three weeks off for vacation and didn't stick to my usual schedule (sometimes hard to do on the road). Now I'm home and back at the work routine and can't seem to get myself back into my usual morning exercise. I had managed to get up a couple days in a row, but that's all I manage before I skip a day (or two). It's killing me. Sigh. Perhaps I'm not the A.M. warrior that I thought I was......but tomorrow's another day, right?
  • Angimom
    Angimom Posts: 1,463 Member
    Hello everyone! So glad to see there are many early risers. Sometimes I feel like I am the only crazy person that gets up at 5 AM and works out. Very happy to have company! My sis and I have been workout/get healthy partners for the past two years and we have both lost weight and toned and trimmed. We actually live many miles apart and work out two days a week on Skype. The rest of the week we are on our own. We log onto MFP everyday and it has helped so much! Right now, I am in a little of a rut like you Charlie, where I am starting to lose motivation. It really helps to know others are getting up and doing the workouts too. I haven't reached my goal but am only a few pounds away.

    UGGHHH, losing motivation is right! RUT CITY! This morning I was up at 5:15 after reading this thread yesterday and this is how it went: Get dressed can only find 1 shoe (uh oh), I have 2 dogs and one is a big dopey puppy, yup, she took it alright, but did not chew it up, WHEW! just took my 7 extra minutes to find it, then, fix my water, uuuggghhh, I need to change the water cooler jug, (extra time), OK, stretch, jump on treadmill, start warm up walk, 3 mins in and power goes out!! UGGGHHHH. Stand there and wait, finally power comes back on, go turn TV back on, get back on treadmill start warm up walk, 3 minutes in, power goes out!!!! WTH?? Wait, power comes back on, go turn TV back on, TV will not come back on, something is now wrong with cable, UUGGGHHH. Whatever, I will just do a DVD, Put Jillian in, that is right, you guessed it, power goes out!!! Wait, no power, no power, I give up, go lay in bed for 10 min until power comes back on and I take a shower, It was pouring down rain this morning in case you are wondering why I didn't run outside. Talk about a motivation sucker!! Tonight when I get home, I am going to do some kind of exercise, SOMETHING, hopefully it will not be raining and I can ride my bike, otherwise getting up early today was a total waste of time! BLAHHHHHH. UGH, and just as I type this I can hear it start raining outside.
  • dvelocity
    dvelocity Posts: 309 Member
    Uh oh the alarm was not set last night and I woke up 15 minutes late. Walked the dog and 30 minutes of yoga complete. Now my stop sweating time and then off to the shower to get ready for work.
  • eargirl
    eargirl Posts: 15
    Tried something new this morning to help me get on the horse. I got up at my desired time and just sat....took my about a half hour get the cobwebs out of my head. I'm going to try this for a few days just to get myself back into the routine of the 6:15 rise. I think the key is that I haven't been getting to bed as early as I would normally so that's affecting my a.m. rise and workout. Hopefully I can beat my body clock into submission once again!
  • choijanro
    choijanro Posts: 754 Member
    I woke up every 4 or 4:30am ,, I do lifting mode or hiit or liss cardio mode,, and 7am or 8am is my meal 1 or first meal or breakfast :smile:

    @OP :anyway good job and keep up the good work kababayan,, my fellow Filipino ^_^
  • _Tara_R
    _Tara_R Posts: 688 Member
    Good morning everyone!! I hope you all are having a fabulous day!! :)
  • dvelocity
    dvelocity Posts: 309 Member
    Good Morning. Workout complete.
  • capinoy
    capinoy Posts: 118 Member
    Whats up people?? Wow I cant believe that we have 10 pages already... Man I am so fired up that we just keep growing and growing. I hope all of you are keeping up doing what you are doing to acheive your fitness goals. My day is going to start next week... I am so excited to be starting back up again. Most know me for lifting weight but this time I am turning the other cheek and focusing on Cardio. I'm starting T25 next week. Wish me luck. I'll be doing this with the wife. Will be interesting. If any of you want more info or want a progress report check back here.

    just_me_mindy-nice that you have a gym all to yourself. I wish I had that disicipline. I cant seem to get myself to one but may be some day.

    Smallmimi-Hello. Nice that we got another runner... I may need some pointers one day. Plan on doing a 1/2 marathon.. Still thinking. Do you do any other fitness routine?

    Gorillia-Hey dude, dont worry they will. I expect Beast muscles come the end of August from you... lol

    Mgregory723-You know sometimes I go to bed at that time as well. Weekends though. If not the pool what do you do for workouts?

    mescle-Wow that is great. And I see that you have lost 63 lbs. Keep it up.

    LTransgrud-Welcome aboard. Hey tell your sis to feel free to join in as well. We welcome all warriors. That is cool that you both workout on skype at times. Way to push each other. Losing motivation does happen and it really goes back to re thinking your goals and how bad you want them, then again it might be the routine you are doing as well because when you hit a plateau in your workout you lose motivation because things seem to get too easy and cause you to not want to push as hard as before. What do you do when you are not working out with your sister? If you want suggestions I'd be happy to help.

    dvelocity-Welcome to the early risers, you are a warrior when you start working out I am still in lala land =). What part of Florida are you from? I've only been to Orlando but am planning on going back with my family and do a drive all the way to Key West. We will see. That is great that you take the pets out and that is good that they know to wake you up. They are there to challenge you... I do agree that if I do not get this done in the am it will not get done. Yep this is my me time.

    Eargirl-Hey girl, you can do it just keep pushing. Post back here. We are here to help.

    Angiemom-Get back to it!!! But yea it does suck when both forms of exercise (electricity and outdoors) are out of order.. LOL Just keep at it.

    Choijanro-did you see I got your friend request. Welcome aboard.
  • capinoy
    capinoy Posts: 118 Member
    Just wanted to say good morning to all my AM warriors. Hope you all did your workouts. If not get them done!!! Friday!!! Yea
  • capinoy
    capinoy Posts: 118 Member
    Happy Monday everyone. Today I start a 50 day challenge. It's going to be great because I am teaming up with my wife who is now on board and committed to doing this with me. She is even allowing me to prep her meals. Got mine in at 4:30 and still feeling 100%
  • jaxbeck
    jaxbeck Posts: 537 Member
    4:00 am riser here. I love it!!! :bigsmile:
  • dvelocity
    dvelocity Posts: 309 Member
    Still doing my morning thing. Althoug my pets did not wake me up this morning and I forgot to set the backup alarm clock.

    Capinoy- I am just north of Daytona. Hour and 45 from Orlando. The drive to Key west for me is about 9 hours although it can take longer. Once you leave Miami on the road to key west it is two lanes and you are in and out of small towns with very low speed limits. Lots of people turning off etc... makes for a long trip. There was an accident on our road trip down and we were instructed to drive on the sidewalk to get around it. Nice 45 minute delay.

    The drive is beautiful and I would recommend taking a picnic lunch so that you can stop off at one of the beaches along the way to enjoy the scenery and stretch your legs.
  • capinoy
    capinoy Posts: 118 Member
    Goodmorning people. Still up and at em. i've been working out with my wife as well as she has made the decision to get into better health. Glad to see people are still joining the group.

    Jaxbeck-welcome aboard. Glad to see you are a 4 am'er as well. What is your workout routine like?

    Dvelocity-thanks for the 411. I just got approved for vacay in October and we might be heading over to Florida. Might visit some fam at the military base in Georgia and then spend the rest of the time in Florida. I do want to stop by Daytona again as that was the place that my wife and I enjoyed the most. It was overcast weather but the water was wonderful. It was so warm. Do they still have un maned toll booths on the freeway? I remember leaving ORL airport and came across a few that were like 50 cents. We had to scramble for change as we did not know about them and were worried about getting a ticket. The drive to Key West is long. Longer than I thought. Still am considering it though. Thanks for your input on that. And yes set that alarm clock. =)
  • cadaverousbones
    cadaverousbones Posts: 421 Member
    I would love to get up at 6 am before work and do my workout routine.. I have the problem of hitting snooze until the last minute.. IF only there was someone to call me and wake me up every morning LOL
  • jaxbeck
    jaxbeck Posts: 537 Member
    Goodmorning people. Still up and at em. i've been working out with my wife as well as she has made the decision to get into better health. Glad to see people are still joining the group.

    Jaxbeck-welcome aboard. Glad to see you are a 4 am'er as well. What is your workout routine like?

    Thanks! We start off with strength training, Alternate between legs, chest, back & arms. Then I do planks & usually an ab routine with the exercise ball, then cardio.
    I'm on week two & looking forward to seeing some results
  • sub10orbust
    sub10orbust Posts: 706 Member
    4 am checking in
  • joankpoirier
    joankpoirier Posts: 281 Member
    meeeeee just seeing this but started @ 5:30 AM T-25 baby
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    Up by 515 am to work out M-F. Weekends sleep in al ittle later.
  • capinoy
    capinoy Posts: 118 Member
    Good morning Risers!!!
    Rise and Shine. It's Thursday..... How did everyone do? Get your workouts in? I managed to get some weights in for my legs. They were shot from last nights cardio routine. Either way still staying strong. glad to see more people on here. Sound off!!!
  • eargirl
    eargirl Posts: 15
    Starting off fresh, second morning getting up to do my 'mini routine' to get me back on track. This a.m. was 20 mins of pilates....crossing my fingers I can make it three in a row!