14 Weeks to Christmas Challenge!!



  • I'm in on this challenge. I would LOVE to be 145 by Christmas - I haven't been that weight since before my husband and I met 9 years ago!!!

    Location: Colorado Springs, Co
    I like: Hanging out with my family, reading, cooking
    I don't like: CANCER (my dad has pancreatic cancer), being unhealthy, people who feel they are better than you!!
    Current typical or usual exercise: Zumba, recumbent bike, Richard Simmons dvds (yes there I've said it, I actually love to work-out with his videos)
    Current Starting Weight: 161
    Aim for next week: 159
    Personal 14 week Goal: 145
  • I'd like to join!
    Location: San Diego, CA
    I like: Family friends and football season!
    I don't like: Snakes!
    Current typical or usual exercise: Doing a 3 week cardio blast then will go back to cardio/weight mix
    Current Starting Weight: 171
    Aim for next week: 169.9
    Personal 14 week Goal: lose 14 lbs from SW which would be 159
  • Rudie
    Rudie Posts: 27
    Oh no, only just spotted this. Can I still join? Fortunately I didn't have any chocolate yesterday anyway :-)

    Location - Northampton (ish), England
    I like: My new husband, asian cooking (actually cooking in general), quilting, my lovely friends and family, home, good wine
    I don't like: people I love being sad, the fat me, being tired
    Current typical or usual exercise: 45 minutes' walk 3 or 4 times a week
    Current starting weight: 184lb
    Aim for next week: 182lb
    Personal 14 week goal 166lb
  • This looks like a great challenge! I'm in....

    Location: Ontario, Canada
    I like: Chips, peanut butter, reading, writing and hanging out with my new baby girl
    I don't like: Not fitting into my pre-pregnancy clothes
    Current typical or usual exercise: Walking, dancing, dvds (Tracey Mallett's Get Your Body Back and JM's 30 Day Shred, thinking about ordering Brazil Butt Lift...)
    Current starting weight: 170 (yikes)
    Goal for next week: 168 and then 1 pound a week thereafter
    Personal 14 week goal: 15 pounds but will be happy with 10

    No chocolate... does that include Nutella?
  • Im going to do this

    Location: Bakersfield,Ca
    I Like: to sing
    I don't like: Loudness
    Current exercise: I follow this dvd with Juluian off the biggest loser
    Starting Weight: 120
    Goal for next week: 118
    Personal 14 week goal: 105
  • twinmom_112002
    twinmom_112002 Posts: 739 Member
    So sign up below people by posting your starting personal stats and goals in this format:

    Location: Sunny California
    I like: Reading and squeeking out alone time with my husband
    I don't like: stress.....rainy weather.....being cold
    Current typical or usual exercise: alternating running and walking 6 days a week.
    Current Starting Weight: 120 ? I will double check this in an hour at the gym
    Aim for next week: controlling my binge eating
    Personal 14 week Goal: to decrease my body fat and tone my hips and thighs
  • sim247
    sim247 Posts: 354
    Good evening all,

    Earlier at work, I went to the cupboard in our office and saw some chocolates in there. I put my hand in and pulled out a miniature snickers. I love snickers. I closed the cupboard and sat down at my desk and went to open the wrapper. Then I remembered about this thread and guess what......I put the chocolate back!!!!!!!
  • im in too ,lets do this everybody:):
    I Like:watching videos & going to thrift stores
    I Dont Like: Drama, Lupus Flares or BAD KIDS
    Current/Usual Exercise: Treadmill,Elliptical & Exercise Tv
    Current Weight 173 i was 171 last wk...go figure
    Aim for next week: to do more ab exercises
    Personal 14 wk Goal: to tone my abdominal area
  • WAY TO GO!!!!!! SIM247 i no that HAD to be hard ,i also LOVE snickers...so hats off to u my friend:)
  • sim247
    sim247 Posts: 354
    WAY TO GO!!!!!! SIM247 i no that HAD to be hard ,i also LOVE snickers...so hats off to u my friend:)

    Thank you! I just hope I can do the same tomorrow!
  • lose2day
    lose2day Posts: 5 Member
    Count me in :) Fantastic Idea - will need motivation when getting closer to the goal.

    Location: Michigan
    I Like: Reading
    I don't like: House Cleaning
    Current exercise: podcast Coach to 5k (cy25k), will jump on the Wii for a variety of workouts
    Starting Weight: 149
    Goal for next week: 148
    Personal 14 week goal: 15 lbs
  • fischro
    fischro Posts: 11 Member
    This sounds awesome and I love the Christmas theme:-) And I can't believe Christmas is that close!!!! Here is my info

    Location: Florida
    I Like: Scrapbooking
    I don't like: Being overweight
    Current exercise: Turbo Jam, Running, Walking
    Starting Weight: 150
    Goal for next week: 149
    Personal 14 week goal: 25 lbs
  • ElmFive10
    ElmFive10 Posts: 12 Member
    Oh no, I hope I'm not too late!
    Being a certain weight by Christmas was my original goal from joing MFP so this challenge is near and dear. Since plateauing (relapsing) after only 7 lbs. I'm not sure I can get to my original goal but I guess I'll try... :blushing:

    Location: Virginia, US
    I Like: Wine, Food, Project Runway
    I don't like: Ab exercises
    Current exercise: M/W/TH 30 min. elliptical & weights, Sat/Sun -
    Starting Weight: 157
    Goal for next week: 155.5
    Personal 14 week goal: 134 on Christmas morning!
  • Good evening all,

    Earlier at work, I went to the cupboard in our office and saw some chocolates in there. I put my hand in and pulled out a miniature snickers. I love snickers. I closed the cupboard and sat down at my desk and went to open the wrapper. Then I remembered about this thread and guess what......I put the chocolate back!!!!!!!

    I love snickers!
  • Bump :bigsmile:
  • sonia2003
    sonia2003 Posts: 195 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    I know todays Wednesday and I havent had any chocolate yet, so hopefully I can still join! (And thanks Mel for letting me know of this great challenge!) I want to get back to 120 pounds which is my goal weight, and which is the weight I always was before I got married 2 years ago and gained about 25-30 pounds. I have lost about 15 so far, and I have 14 more to go! I wish I was more careful and didnt let myself gain the weight, but I did, and now here I am trying to lose the last bit and get back to being the real me. Good luck everyone!

    Location: Vancouver, Canada
    I like: Cookies and milk! (I have the worst sweet tooth ever!)
    I don't like: Feeling upset that I am still not back to my normal weight after almost 2 years since I gained it!
    Current typical or usual exercise: Walking for 60 mins, doing the grouse grind (basically hiking up a mountain!) 30 day shred
    Current Starting Weight: 134.2
    Aim for next week: 133.0
    Personal 14 week Goal: To lose 14 pounds and get back to 120!
  • alyana1
    alyana1 Posts: 19 Member
    I've had it for 2 and a half years now :( although I'm able to tolerate it better now. Just really annoying when my other half says let's go a walk.. All I think about is how far would get before I could no longer feel my foot except for pain!!
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,064 Member
    I've had it for 2 and a half years now :( although I'm able to tolerate it better now. Just really annoying when my other half says let's go a walk.. All I think about is how far would get before I could no longer feel my foot except for pain!!

    Yeah - when I realized I needed help was during a work picnic. I stood to go back inside and my whole leg was asleep. One of my coworkers jumped behind me to catch me....yeah like 100 pound her is going to catch 289 pound me.....I called her a pancake for the next little while. Managed to avoid that mess. That was in 2008. I've been seeing a chiropractor regularly and really and truly, except for a few spasms in my back where the disc is herniated (the real cause of the sciatic pain) I've been relatively good since then. The stretches he gave me to do have been life altering!!!

    What treatments are you using?
  • Oh, I'm so glad I saw this thread ... I can't believe Christmas is only 14 weeks away! Well, I haven't had any chocolate today, so I'm still good with the challenge for this week.

    Location: Southern Texas, USA
    I like: My cats, reading, cooking shows, crime shows, warm/caring/funny/happy people
    I don't like: People who lie or are rude, hurricanes
    Current typical or usual exercise: just starting to exercise using light weights and XL glider
    Current Starting Weight: 149 lbs (yesterday's wt) (bad day yesterday - today 153.5 lbs - gained 4.5 lbs - hope it leaves as fast as it came)
    Aim for next week: 148 lbs
    Personal 14 week Goal: To lose 19 lbs

    Good luck to everyone!

  • missyvanb
    missyvanb Posts: 14 Member
    HI I am Missy Van, I would love to join the challenge

    Location: Apex, NC
    I like: Taramseu and Hot brownies out of oven
    I don't like:Looking in the mirror Period That is all I am going to say
    Current typical or usual exercise: Walking around Block 30 min. About 2. miles
    Current Starting Weight: 140.00
    Aim for next week: 139.00
    Personal 14 week Goal: To lose 15 pounds and get back to 125!
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