I have been eating 600-800 calories a day...

My goal calories is 1,360 and some days i do reach around the 1000s.. I usually feel full from just 800 sometimes less and i have been eating healthy and working out!! I am not purposely eating this amount and i realize this is wrong. I have reached my goal weight and i want to stay here. I hear that if i keep eating this amount of calories I will start to gain weight back. Whenever I over eat or eat some foods I feel super guilty or that I will gain weight right away. Now, I want to ease into eating more calories worth but I have read some things that say if you eat the right amount right away you will suddenly gain a lot of weight. How can I start to slowly eat the right amount without gaining weight or feeling super full? I am so scared to gain weight back. Help is greatly appreciated!


  • tworthen79
    tworthen79 Posts: 1,173 Member
    If you eat that number of calories, your body could go into starvation mode. Which will effect blood cell production and heart contractions and digestive action slow down. I would rethink your meals plans. Still eat the same amount in portions, but things high calorie. And try staying at least in the 1200's. Good luck!!
  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member
    If you start eating at your real maintainence level now, you probably will gain a bit of weight. Your metabolism is in tatters, eating at maintainence for a time will help repair the damage. That's ok...you know what to do to take the weight off again, just don't do it the way you've done this! Eat better, eat at healthy levels. Your body deserves to be treated better.
  • tataylllor
    tataylllor Posts: 51 Member
    should i slowly work up to my goal??? also how can i tell im in starvation mode?? i am wondering if I should eat something just to boost my calories now..?? (its 10:37 pm though is it maybe too late to eat)??
  • tataylllor
    tataylllor Posts: 51 Member
    If you start eating at your real maintainence level now, you probably will gain a bit of weight. Your metabolism is in tatters, eating at maintainence for a time will help repair the damage. That's ok...you know what to do to take the weight off again, just don't do it the way you've done this! Eat better, eat at healthy levels. Your body deserves to be treated better.

    should i slowly work up to my goal??? also how can i tell im in starvation mode?? i am wondering if I should eat something just to boost my calories now..?? (its 10:37 pm though is it maybe too late to eat)??
  • hamminit
    hamminit Posts: 184 Member
    its never too late to eat
  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member
    its never too late to eat

    What she said
  • carrolllj79
    I would be very interested to see what your 600 - 800 calories consist of? That seems to be a very dangerous area.....
  • LosingWeightStinks
    I have the same problem, I started on this site on the 25th of July and now I feel stuffed after eating 5-700 calories. I am still losing weight though. Kinda worried that I am not eating enough.
  • Debbie_Ferr
    Debbie_Ferr Posts: 582 Member
    It takes an additional 3,500 calories to gain a pound of body mass. (aka NOT water retention). So don't sweat the small stuff, you'll be just fine if you eat some more.

    btw~ some people freak out when they gain 5 pounds after a nite out on the town. It HIGHLY unlikely they actually consumed an additional 17,500 calories ( ie 5 x 3,500 calories ). They've simply consumed alot of sodium, and are retaining water. Their weight will most likely just drop down in the next few days.
  • tworthen79
    tworthen79 Posts: 1,173 Member
    I think for me when I was eating to low of calories, I was tired all the time and felt crappy. But as soon as I got on track, I felt better. I eat between 1200-1250 calories a day. And I've lost 28 lbs. So if you say you feel full after eating but the calories don't add to your calorie allowance, maybe eat oatmeal for breakfast, with some fresh fruit. Lunch have a grilled turkey burger with a salad and for dinner maybe some baked chicken, asparagus and a whole wheat roll. That what I did, chose items that were same in proportions, but higher in calories. But everyone is different.
  • LosingWeightStinks
    Mine consists of a Michelinas frozen meal around 275-350 cals for lunch, green grapes and green peas. For dinner A large salad with few slices of turkey and a roma tomato w/ dressing (low cal). Snacks are peaches, grapes and other fruits.
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    Yes, up them gradually. Add 100-200 every week or so.
  • carrolllj79
    Do you not have time for breakfast? ... that alone could get you where you need to be.
  • jayrudq
    jayrudq Posts: 475 Member
    Add some healthy oils...coconut or olive oil. Very calorie dense, but GOOD FOR you. Maybe you want to consider increasing your calorie intake every other day. Not quite as scary as jumping in with both feet. Regardless, you must eat more eventually. Be wise about it and don't let fear and worry take over.
  • xilka
    xilka Posts: 308 Member
    Add a tablespoon of olive oil to everything you can,
    and an extra tablespoon of peanut butter for breakfast.
  • tilmoph
    tilmoph Posts: 72 Member

    should i slowly work up to my goal??? also how can i tell im in starvation mode?? i am wondering if I should eat something just to boost my calories now..?? (its 10:37 pm though is it maybe too late to eat)??
    You said you've been hovering around 6-800, with occasional bouts of the low 1000s, so yeah, add like 100-150 or so per week.

    Significant metabolic slowdown can be broadly checked by figuring out your maintenance (let's call it m)then averaging out your daily intake (f for food) for as long as you have data for. If m-f is positive, you're theoretically at a deficit (d). Now, however many days you had data for f, let's call it t, multiply by your deficit, then divide by 3500 (amount of total deficit required to lose 1 lb) so (td)/3500= expected weight loss. Now compare to actual weight lost over t. about 10% variation from this is expected given differing metabolisms. 15% wouldn't be horrible, since metabolisms slow down to some extent during a diet. If you've lost I'd say half of what you should have (ex. your expected lose was 30, and you've lost 15 or less), you might have messed something up. Of course, 50% is just a guess, others might have a different take on the threshold, but it seems significant enough to me to not be explainable by simple variance in individual metabolic rates.

    so again; m-f=d, then (dt)/3500= expected loss. If actual loss is <= 50% of expected loss, you may have done some damage to your metabolism. Oh well, humans are adaptable, eat at maintenance for a bit and it should sort itself out.
  • Trechechus
    Trechechus Posts: 2,819 Member
    I was really hoping the body of your thread was going to say, "For breakfast."
  • tataylllor
    tataylllor Posts: 51 Member
    I think I forgot to add that while I do eat this amount of calories, i dont feel worn out or tired!! Most times i feel very energized during workouts, etc!! Either way I am still aware I should have more calories... I did eat something now so I am at 900 and something!!
  • tataylllor
    tataylllor Posts: 51 Member
    Do you not have time for breakfast? ... that alone could get you where you need to be.

    I do eat breakfast every day!! Its usually 100 - 200+ calories... Cereal is usually what I have!! With skim milk and sometimes fruit!
  • LosingWeightStinks
    I think they were directing the breakfast thing at me. I am on disability and have serious trouble sleeping, I just don't get out of bed until 11-12pm. I struggle with chronic pain and I am finally trying to drop some weight as my MD's have asked that I do.