323lbs to 1st Spartan race in 2.5 yrs!

andreae13 Posts: 239 Member
January 1, 2011 was the beginning of the end for me. Then end of wishing for a healthy body, the end of half hearted attempts at weight loss, the end of "tomorrow I will start". Everyone always asks me, what was different about this time compared to other times I've lost weight...honestly, I have no idea. The closest thing I can think of was the feeling of not wanting to be left behind. My sister had just recently lost almost 100lbs and since we have always been overweight together I was scared to death that I would be left behind. My hubby and I decided that we were done talking about getting healthy and were ready to finally do something about it once and for all. We started off with the way I have started every diet attempt, going to the gym a couple times a week for cardio and counting my calories. I have been overweight my entire life so I've gotten pretty good at losing weight. Unfortunately it never lasts long and never stays off. So, by February I felt myself starting to lose my motivation and I was already slipping back into my old habits. I realized that if I wanted to meet my goals I had to do something different. My hubby and I have always talked and dreamed of hiring a personal trainer. Watching The Biggest Loser or Extreme Makeover: Weight loss edition we always envied the fact that they had help and guidance. Well I had just got my yearly bonus and we decided to put it towards a training package. One session and I was hooked! My hubby and I have been training for almost 3 years now and could not imagine our lives without it!

Fast foward to June 2012...my first obstacle course race. I had lost about 80lbs by then and was feeling on top of the world! The race was The World Famous Mud Run at Camp Pendleton in San Diego. This was a 10k course on the military base. I was still about 240lbs at that time so it was a pretty tough race, but I finished! Just like signing up for training, all it took was one race and I was hooked! That year I went on to run my first regular 10 and 15k races and in February of this year I did my first half marathon in Disney World. Since I was able to conquer a half marathon, I decided that it was time to join the big boys and sign up for a Spartan race. The fact that it was being held on my birthday pretty much sealed the deal for me. So with that in mind, I threw myself into training even more. In June of this year I got to do the Mud Run again. Only this time I was 140lbs lighter and weighed 183lbs. Let's just say it was A LOT easier and gave me way more confidence about the upcoming Spartan race.

It is now 7:30am Saturday August 3rd, 2013. All my training has come down to this day. My sister and I collect our race packets and begin the task of gearing up. After pinning on our race bibs and taping up we get in line for our arm numbers (they sharpie your bib # on your body in case your bib gets ripped off). With some time to spare we have our cheering squad (our husbands) take some before pictures of us (I am the one in orange haha)

I swear my trainer's goal is to make sure I have no neck! I have to admit though, I'm pretty proud of my arms :)

It's finally time to line up. We just watched the elite men and women's heat start and ours is next. The adrenaline has definitely kicked in! The announcer calls it and off we go!

The race starts off with a ton of hill running. Then we hit the first obstacle; over, under, through. Walls that you have to climb over, then roll under, then go through...2 sets. Then more hills...and more hills...finally another obstacle, the tractor tire flip. Some more hills then the next few obstacles get all jumbled together but basically they were: another set of walls to climb, think they were about 9ft, dragging a cement block by a chain while carrying a big log, climbing up a cargo net, pulling up a weighted bucket using a rope, climbing another 9ft wall but this time it was inverted with us climbing up the under side, picking up a huge rock and walking about 60ft...putting it down...doing 5 burpees...picking the rock back up and walking back.

Now the real fun begins. The slip and slide...mind you the water is freezing and they soaped up the slide so I was flying by the time I hit the freezing cold mud pit at the bottom.

Coughing out the lung full of muddy water I swallowed

Then came the sandbag carry. Being an avid hiker, this one was pretty easy.

This next obstacle made me REALLY thankful I had done my research and wore knee protection. This picture show the start of a very long, steep, barbed wire covered muddy hill.

Then there were a bunch of mud pits and more barbed wire crawls




Finally, we see the 3 mile marker...almost done! But this is a Spartan race...they save the best for last. The dreaded rope climb (my sister rocking it while I cheer her on)

My first set of 30 burpees I have to do because I couldn't climb the rope :( Thought the sign above me was pretty fitting.

Exhausted from my burpees we head off to the next obstacle and it's my second dreaded event...the spear throw. You have one shot to make it stick, if not...you guessed it, 30 burpees. I almost swore when I missed my target...so now I'm 60 burpees in and off to the next item. The wall traverse. You have one shot to make it across and ring the bell. Your foot touches the ground once and it's burpees for you. Failed miserably at this one. So now I'm down 90 burpees...legs are complete jello.

Now finally, an obstacle I can do! You have to drag the tire till the rope is taunt then go back to the front and pull the tire back in using the rope.



After this obstacle I can see the finish line...only a couple more obstacles left. Another mud pit to swim through, some more barbed wire to crawl under and we reach the incline rope wall. This one was pretty tough because everything was jello by now. I made it to the top on my first try only to whack my shin so hard when I threw it over that I ended up sliding back down to the bottom. After restraining myself from huddling in a fetal position and crying like a baby from my shin hurting so bad I tried again, this time successfully!


Due to the Washington State wide burning ban, there was no fire jump at the end but there were the gladiators. Unfortunately, my hubby didn't get a picture of me getting hit by two of them at once and therefore knocking me on my butt. But who cares cause I was done!!! Dirty, bruised, scraped and bleeding I crossed the finish line with a huge smile on my face. I just survived what many people are not able to do.

My first thought upon arriving at home...can't wait for the Tough Mudder in October!!!!



  • dandelyon
    dandelyon Posts: 620 Member
    What an awesome event! Way to go :D
  • DLH070911
    DLH070911 Posts: 38 Member
    Awesome job!! Thanks for sharing your experience!!! Congrats on getting through it :)
  • laurasimmons
    laurasimmons Posts: 575 Member
    Wow this is awesome! Congratulations!!
  • _DreDay_
    _DreDay_ Posts: 40
    Amazing!! Thank you for all the awesome pics! You look incredible, I love your arms as well! :flowerforyou: :love:
  • oldnovice
    oldnovice Posts: 9 Member
    I am VERY impressed!! Loved your story and all the pictures. Congratulations is insufficient praise for your accomplishment. And your right, I seriously doubt I could even come close to completing even half of that event.
  • eahill4
    eahill4 Posts: 60 Member
    How inspiring . Keep up the good work
  • SexyLovinmeCook
    SexyLovinmeCook Posts: 1,393 Member
    Awesome job...what a warrior you are....
  • So awesome! I want to make one of these races a goal. Thank you for the inspiration!
  • My0WNinspiration
    My0WNinspiration Posts: 1,146 Member
    One of the best inspirational stories I've read on here.
  • vanillacoffee
    vanillacoffee Posts: 1,024 Member
    Thanks for sharing! AWESOME pics. Makes me want to run this!
  • MoJoPoe
    MoJoPoe Posts: 139 Member
    Total insanity! Great pictures. :drinker:
  • jennyrebekka
    jennyrebekka Posts: 626 Member
    I wish you could come kick MY *kitten* into overdrive - - but i know you have to kick your OWN a$# in this journey......thanks for the inspiration!
  • Gerald_King
    Gerald_King Posts: 2,031 Member
    Wow awesomeness
  • KristyAnn81
    KristyAnn81 Posts: 128 Member
    Holy crap! What a fantastic post, thank you for sharing :)
  • jesseBYAH
    jesseBYAH Posts: 446 Member
    You are a freakin bad@ss! That is so amazing. Congrats on finishing! How's your shin feeling? It hurt ME a little to hear about you hurting it.
  • 18guyhornet
    18guyhornet Posts: 195 Member
    AMAZING!!!!!!! Congratulations on your transformation and your accomplishments in completing all those races. You'll love Mudder - just finished my second about 3 weeks ago! It's friggin awesome!!
  • knightreader
    knightreader Posts: 813 Member
    awesome, congratulations! great story with great pictures. i'm impressed!
  • That is so awesome! The pictures are great too :) Congrats on what sounds like a really difficult race!
  • TemikaThompson
    TemikaThompson Posts: 222 Member
    Very good! I felt like I was there with you!
  • zornig
    zornig Posts: 336 Member
    You are totally amazing!
  • LAnne16
    LAnne16 Posts: 272 Member
    Amazing and totally inspiring for me!
    My goal is to do Tough Mudder here in Sept 2014 with my boyfriend's brother's team!
  • syns101
    syns101 Posts: 18
    WOW!! I am in awe... thanks for the pics. I had never heard of the spartan race - amazing. You are an inspiration for everyone. Thanks so much for sharing!!
  • Love this!!!!! (and all the pics!!) Congrats to you!!! :drinker:
  • kfheston78
    kfheston78 Posts: 82 Member
    AMAZING story. And now, I wanna' do the Spartan Race. WHOA.
  • andeey
    andeey Posts: 709 Member
    That's awesome! I love the play-by-play photos and commentary. Well done and congratulations to you and your sister for kicking *kitten*!
  • lsuz
    lsuz Posts: 74
    Best post ever! You reached 1,000 goals right there. Thanks for sharing your amazing journey and spirit. Oh, and I think I have lactic acid build up in MY muscles from looking at those pics, LOL. You rocked it fo sho!

  • weightedfootsteps
    weightedfootsteps Posts: 4,349 Member
    All I can say is WOW!!!! I think I have just found something I want to strive for!!! I've always loved obstacle courses when I was younger...and now I know exactly what I would love to do!!! Thank you for the inspiration!! and Way to Go!!!! :)
  • Go Spartans!! Amazing job! This such an awesome story. Thank you for sharing. You are so inspiring!
  • cyapounds
    cyapounds Posts: 13 Member
    Let me get this clear you payed to do this? lol Amazing job !! and great post loved all the photos!
  • fufi04
    fufi04 Posts: 471 Member
    Great job! I would love to be able to do this soon! (:
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