Where do you want to be 3 months or a year from now?



  • MaepleT95
    MaepleT95 Posts: 46 Member
    Three months from now I'd like to have lost the last 5 pounds, and have my hair grown out a little below my shoulder (because I cut it and I don't really love it, I like my hair longer:(
  • Satch131
    Satch131 Posts: 7
    In 3 months....I would like to have reached my goal weight of 125 lbs. I'm currently 139 lbs. At 1 lb a week, I would be very close.

    In one year...I would like to have maintained my goal weight of 125 lbs, by continuing this new lifestyle of counting calories and working out at least 5 days a week.
  • andyb000
    andyb000 Posts: 252 Member
    great goals guys!! lets crush this week!!!
  • vida130
    vida130 Posts: 7 Member
    In three months I will be 25lbs lighter and 1 year from now I will be celebrating 6 months of reaching my goal weight!
  • RubyLou25
    RubyLou25 Posts: 212 Member
    I'm running my first half marathon November 10. I want to be 17 pounds lighter by then at a weight of 145. I one year, hopefully maintaining the weight I lost
  • andyb000
    andyb000 Posts: 252 Member
  • knitbytes
    knitbytes Posts: 114
    In three months, I'd like to be under 200lb (for the first time since high school!). I think that's doable- 13 pounds in 3 months shouldn't be a problem.

    In a year, I'd like to be at my goal weight of 155- or, well, whatever weight gets me a nice healthy lean body fat %. I'd also like to be able to run a 5k by that time. I haven't started running yet... mostly because of my knees, but Zumba is helping with that so I'm hoping soon I'll be able to start.
  • LAnne16
    LAnne16 Posts: 272 Member
    You look fantastic...I agree making the mind stronger is the key to beating our inner demons.

    I don't know if I'm the only one here but my weight sapped my confidence and self esteem to the point where i began to fear and run from life, I actually hid myself away for 6 years after my mother's death.

    I quit my job to finish college but family problems at home stalled the career part...And then afterwards my mind took over "You'll fail, you're not good enough, no one will want you etc etc etc".

    I lost most of my twenties cause i let I CAN'T rule me...I'm still struggling with that today..Sometimes those feelings just overwhelm, but yeah now 29 and have to start again and I'm terrified TBH.

    In some ways i feel like a failure cause everyone else is married, settled in their chosen career or has kids by this point and i still feel like I'm 18 and lost and confused..Wow didn't mean to turn this into the story of my life but there ya go :))

    I'm sick of the heaviness and exhaustion that happens with that little word FEAR....I finally decided that 'worst case scenario' is not reality and to just get out there and grab what i deserve...The more weight i lose the more comfortable in my skin i will be, The stronger I'll be...You're all reading this awkwardly now aren't you?? :D

    This right here is exactly what I feel. I'm still in my 20's... But I'm so scared of everything. Those thoughts going through your head go through mine too and I'm terrified of losing weight and being fit and healthy because then I won't have an excuse to do all the things that I've avoided forever. I'm going to have to take the risks that I might be getting more attention from people, and could get hurt cliff diving, and I'd actually have to do my ultimate goal of Tough Mudder.... But the thought that I'm goign to fail it almost makes me not want to try. And that thought in my head is probably going to be hardest thing for me to get over.
  • tavinsmom
    tavinsmom Posts: 101
    In 3 months I'm going on vacation so I want to lose another 25lbs. by then. In a year I'm hoping to be around goal weight.
    Short term, by the end of this week I want to hit 25 (I'm only .6 lbs away). I also would like to be under 200 by end of November, so I can have my leanest holiday season in a long time, and get pics with my son done.
  • deelovelilly
    deelovelilly Posts: 8 Member
    3 months from now I want to be closed to my 170 and getting ready to start up crossfit again. A year from now I want to be join small marathons here and there.
  • SoLiveItUp
    SoLiveItUp Posts: 115 Member
    Hopefully closer to my goal of 109lb. Maybe I won't need to get to that number, the most important aspect is how my body looks. I want to be happy and comfortable with my body and of course rock some new outfits for the celebrations that will come up.
  • Alwayssohungry
    Alwayssohungry Posts: 369 Member
    I would like to be at my goal and starting to get comfortable at maintenance levels BEFORE the holidays. I would like to gain back only 5 pounds over the holidays. That is all scheduled into reaching my goal weight.
  • kilroy317
    kilroy317 Posts: 13 Member
    The first goal I've set for myself is 50lbs gone and I hope to be there by Christmas. I have 29lbs to go -so three months from now I hope to be within 7 lbs of my first goal. I have more good days then bad and really think I can do it. Last week was my birthday and I really struggled and didn't lose any weight (didn't gain either). I'm not a fan of my birthday and ate because I was feeling down. I'm better now and am back on track. Losing weight is just as much mental as it is physical. Positive thoughts all around!
  • 6 months from now, I will weight less than a 100kg, which means I will have lost an average of 3 kg/months which is pretty doable in my opinion, especially since I have so much to lose, the first kgs will disapear without a very restrictive diet.
    I know I can do it, since my state of mind is soooo different from before!
  • araviel
    araviel Posts: 19
    In 3 months from now I want to be 60-62kg, be able to dead lift 90kg (so approx 1.5xbw), be able to do 5 chin ups and 1 pull up without help, and be able to swim for 30 minutes without a break (haha, right). In 1 year from now I want to have reached maintenance at 54-56kg, be able to run 10k in less than an hour, and have almost finished writing my PhD thesis. Bring it! I'm currently at 68-70kg, can dead lift 75kg, can do no chin or pull ups, can swim for about 5 minutes without a break (fail), run 10k in approx 1 hour 20 minutes, almost done with data collection for the degree. Achieveable? Hell yes.
  • dangernene
    dangernene Posts: 30 Member
    3 months from now I'd like to be in a size 14, a size down from what I am now.

    A year from now I'd like to be at my goal weight of 135lbs. I haven't been that weight since I was about 10 years old, haha!

    I had come to accept that I was always going to be a big girl. Always have been, always will be, I thought. B*ll*cks to that. I'm going to do it this time.
  • Sparkie134
    Sparkie134 Posts: 65 Member
    In 3 months from now I would like to have lost 18 lbs- leaving me 8 lbs left to reach my goal of 134.
    I would like to be confident enough in myself to stick to my workout routine daily, no matter who's opinion it goes against. I would like to find creative ways to workout when at other times I would have found an excuse not to. Like when it's raining outside, when it's too early to do my workout video because it might wake someone up, when I don't have a structured setup to workout. I want to then do tricep dips off of a bench, go for a 30min fast pace walk even if I feel like it wont burn very much calories. Give my body to God, instead of abusing the only one He has given me.
    In one year from now, I would like to be able to say that I have kept up maintenance with my goals, and I have continued to life weights to get increased strength. i want to go mountain climbing, be strong, look lean and cut spinning around the dance floor in my dress.
  • seabee78
    seabee78 Posts: 126 Member
    I started my journey at 144kg (315lbs)
    I joined MFP at 120kg (264lbs)
    Currently at 111kg (244lbs)

    My next checkpoint-goal is 100kg. (220lbs)

    Next year I'd like to be at 91kg (200lbs) and buff.
  • lmarshel
    lmarshel Posts: 674 Member
    In 3 months I want to be FINALLY at goal weight and back to working out. A year from now, I want to STILL be at goal weight and back to running 3x per week and hiking every weekend.

    So DONE with this thyroid/RAI business! :tongue:
  • TheNewDodge
    TheNewDodge Posts: 607 Member
    215 LBS w/<15% BF
  • sharonfoustmills
    sharonfoustmills Posts: 519 Member
    I would like to be 100 pounds lighter by this time next year. We'll see how it goes. If I don't lose that much by then, that's okay, I'll just keep working at it until I do. I want to be able to do things outside in the summer, and on the gulf coast, fat people just don't do so well outside. I want to be able to go buy clothing in the normal sizes not plus sizes. I want to be able to run. I want to be able to sit down somewhere in public and not feel like I need to scrunch myself up in order to sit there without being in someone's way.
  • water_coloured
    water_coloured Posts: 81 Member
    Hopefully, I will be at my goal weight.. with some significant strength gains in my main lifts.
  • skinnyeascolady
    skinnyeascolady Posts: 287 Member
    Where would I like to be three months from now? I would like to be at 155 pounds or less.
    Where would I like to be one year from now? At goal weight which is 115 pounds. I am 5'2" so that is reasonable :happy:
  • In 3 months time I very much like to lose another 10 kg. and go down to size 16. I also like to be able to do my routines as the advanced option shown :) At the moment I'm very happy I don't feel like I'm dying while exercising anymore lol
    O yeahhhh and finally lose the remainder of the back boobs.
    A year from now is long way away so I'm starting small, short term goal seams more achievable :)
  • Ilb320
    Ilb320 Posts: 56 Member
    In Three Months I would like to have lost thirty lbs. In a year, I'm going to tryout for something big.
  • TheRunningGuppy
    TheRunningGuppy Posts: 651 Member
    In 3 months I want to be at the weight currently stated on my drivers license (it's also when I need to renew!). In a year, I want to be at my goal weight, and ready to run a half marathon (or have already done one).
  • soccermom1013
    soccermom1013 Posts: 31 Member
    In three months I would like to be down 15lbs. I'll be starting to train for my 1st 5K in Sept. The Reindeer Run is Dec 21st.

    In one year I would like to be at my goal weight and maintaining it. 150lbs. As of today I have just over 25 lbs to lose to reach that goal.
  • hendrixlongacre
    hendrixlongacre Posts: 12 Member
  • Fab30s
    Fab30s Posts: 157 Member
    I turn 30 in 3 months and I want to be at least twenty pounds lighter, at 187. Seems like I had always been stuck at 220lbs all my life and getting below 210 was just a dream, and then I thought getting to onederland was far from reach. Now at 207 lbs, I see onederland is achieveable. I also want to be able to run 30 minutes none stop- a 5K in under 30 minutes.

    One year from now I wanna be married and pregnant, or getting married---- lol. I know this has nothing to do with fitness but u know, anxiety of turning 30.
  • Great Post!
    In 3 months I hope to be 176lbs! That's a loss of 24.
    And a year from now....I would like to be at goal maintaining and toning!
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