I have been eating 600-800 calories a day...



  • Fitfully_me
    Fitfully_me Posts: 647 Member
    Do you not have time for breakfast? ... that alone could get you where you need to be.

    I do eat breakfast every day!! Its usually 100 - 200+ calories... Cereal is usually what I have!! With skim milk and sometimes fruit!

    Are you sure your calorie counts are accurate?
  • TBH I wouldn't worry too much about the figures and the actual amount of calories you are eating... you know your body at the end of the day and how you feel! As long as you feel full/satisfied, aren't fatigued or feeling sluggish, aren't gaining or losing on 1000 calories than why change it? Everyones bodies are different and you just may have a naturally slower metabolism than that of somebody whos maintenance calories are higher... if you are concerned by the low numbers though then just try and throw in some extra lean protein to each meal like some eggs for breakfast and some lean meat for lunch and dinner.
  • tataylllor
    tataylllor Posts: 51 Member
    Do you not have time for breakfast? ... that alone could get you where you need to be.

    I do eat breakfast every day!! Its usually 100 - 200+ calories... Cereal is usually what I have!! With skim milk and sometimes fruit!

    Are you sure your calorie counts are accurate?
    I usually try my best to measure what I eat!!! Today my breakfast was in the 500 range because I ate a lot of cereal with bananas and added some raisins... Is cereal a good breakfast food though? I was wondering that as well...!! I am scared I will gain weight because i did this...
  • there is no such thing as starvation mode, you will not gain weight by eating too few calories, dont worry about it :)
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Do you not have time for breakfast? ... that alone could get you where you need to be.

    I do eat breakfast every day!! Its usually 100 - 200+ calories... Cereal is usually what I have!! With skim milk and sometimes fruit!

    swap skim milk for full fat... instant extra calories without more actual food
  • 600-800 calories is too few. It's true, your body will go into starvation mode and harbor any and mostly all the calories you take in. When I started my new lifestyle in 2007, I started by eating small meals throughout the day which helped my metabolism get a boost, which is what I really needed because I was use to eating two huge meals a day.
    i also started exercising daily. The first year, I lost 100 lbs exactly. To date I have lost 210 lbs.

    One mistake I have continuously made is eating more carbs than I should so every few months, I re-evaluate my intake. I eat hard boiled egg white, chicken, never beef, lamb or pork. I eat as much fruit and vegetables as I can. I never count calories because I feel like I'm not eating enough, I stick to suggested serving sizes on packages. I also try not to eat processed foods, even though it's quite difficult.

    Tip: Stay away from frozen meals (healthy choice...) they pack lots of sodium!!

    Email me if you have questions:)
    Vanessa Villalpando
  • tataylllor
    tataylllor Posts: 51 Member
    I must also add I am very afraid of gaining weight. I work out everyday and if I dont get a chance to work out that day, I become super angry with myself.. Also I usually feel gulity everytime I eat anything and I do check the scale a lot ( even though my scales at home are broken/dont work properly and only when I was at my doctors office and my aunts house, I was finally able to tell my actual weight. If I ever eat something that is sorta like a treat ( ex. cake or a burger) I get mad at myself, etc. which is why I dont ever treat myself unless I am going somewhere (like a party or out with friends) and thats all they have to eat.
  • ilmb87
    ilmb87 Posts: 216 Member
    I must also add I am very afraid of gaining weight. I work out everyday and if I dont get a chance to work out that day, I become super angry with myself.. Also I usually feel gulity everytime I eat anything and I do check the scale a lot ( even though my scales at home are broken/dont work properly and only when I was at my doctors office and my aunts house, I was finally able to tell my actual weight. If I ever eat something that is sorta like a treat ( ex. cake or a burger) I get mad at myself, etc. which is why I dont ever treat myself unless I am going somewhere (like a party or out with friends) and thats all they have to eat.

    That last part is what scares me. That is not a healthy relationship to have with food.

    Trust me, I get the fear of bumping up calories. I just moved from 1800 to 2000 this week. Didn't gain a thing--actually lost weight!
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    Not to be mean....but good luck trying to keep the weight off, your body is going to hold on to everything you eat, when you start eating more. I suggest maybe seek some counseling. Good luck. :flowerforyou:
  • askeates
    askeates Posts: 1,490 Member
    Do you not have time for breakfast? ... that alone could get you where you need to be.

    I do eat breakfast every day!! Its usually 100 - 200+ calories... Cereal is usually what I have!! With skim milk and sometimes fruit!

    Are you sure your calorie counts are accurate?

    ^^This is exactly what I was just wondering... I think that maybe you are eating more calories then you realize. Do measure and weigh everything you eat?
  • LAW_714
    LAW_714 Posts: 258
    I must also add I am very afraid of gaining weight. I work out everyday and if I dont get a chance to work out that day, I become super angry with myself.. Also I usually feel gulity everytime I eat anything and I do check the scale a lot ( even though my scales at home are broken/dont work properly and only when I was at my doctors office and my aunts house, I was finally able to tell my actual weight. If I ever eat something that is sorta like a treat ( ex. cake or a burger) I get mad at myself, etc. which is why I dont ever treat myself unless I am going somewhere (like a party or out with friends) and thats all they have to eat.

    This sounds like the path to an eating disorder.
  • Melissa22G
    Melissa22G Posts: 847 Member

    Now eat..... it's delicious :)

    Don't work up to eating where you should- eat like that now. You're not going to gain 100 pounds over night. It's impossible, so don't think like that.

    Enjoy life, and food. Food=Energy
  • I've been at goal weight for years, but I NEVER set my calories at maintenance. I can't tell you what will work for you, but I can share what works for me:

    I keep my target calories set for a .5lb/week loss.
    I overeat, "go into the red" a little each day.
    I weigh myself EVERY DAY - to make sure I'm still under 130lbs.
    My weight goes up and down - but I pretend that if it goes up over 130lbs for more than one day, Armageddon will come.

    If I tried to keep to less than 1,000 calories/day, it might backfire and send me into the same backsliding danger zone that you're afraid of. If hyper-control is an issue, one slip up can mean the undoing of all of your efforts.

    I wish you every success in finding what works for you in the long run, and congratulate you wholeheartedly on what you've achieved so far.
  • This is my case! I was in ur position a few weeks ago and i did a lot of research about this and also some threads! I used to eat around 600 - 900 for like 8 months and so these few weeks ago i decided to increase my calorie intake weekly by adding 100 calories per week.. right now im consuming 1300 calories and was SUPER afraid to gain weight (still scared) but i've actually lost weight since this change... im looking to add some weight and then maintain cause im underweight, but if ur goal is to maintain DO THIS. Im very happy with the results.
    You can still add me and we can share eating tips, i feel identified with ur case :)
  • nyrina4life
    nyrina4life Posts: 196 Member
    there is no such thing as starvation mode, you will not gain weight by eating too few calories, dont worry about it :)

    I know a lot of personal trainers who would argue otherwise. What BAD information you just posted.
    Where did you get that info from? An anorexic board?
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    I think you should seek professional help in the counseling area. Your relationship with food doesn't seem healthy.

    Eat more. Stop thinking about the calories and just... eat more. Add in some protein.... like a greek yogurt. Eat some chicken. Do SOMETHING and be proactive about your health. Stop being scared of calories and just... freakin' eat.

    ^That probably sounded/came out bad, but that's all I can say.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    I must also add I am very afraid of gaining weight. I work out everyday and if I dont get a chance to work out that day, I become super angry with myself.. Also I usually feel gulity everytime I eat anything and I do check the scale a lot ( even though my scales at home are broken/dont work properly and only when I was at my doctors office and my aunts house, I was finally able to tell my actual weight. If I ever eat something that is sorta like a treat ( ex. cake or a burger) I get mad at myself, etc. which is why I dont ever treat myself unless I am going somewhere (like a party or out with friends) and thats all they have to eat.

    You do realize what you are describing is an eating disorder right? You are 18 years old and have a horrible relationship with food and apparently self image issues. Food is not to be feared. Neither a burger or cake will make you fat. Heck, I eat ice cream every night. In fact, look at the below threads and they are full of women who eat a lot of calories and are fit.

    BTW, what are your stats anyways so we can show you how much you should be eating? This would include height and weight. Most 18 year old's are like 1800+ calories.



    BTW, it's easy to get more calories. YOu can literally got to town on a peanut butter jar, ice cream, protein shake, protein bar, a few handfuls of nuts, cheese, etc... Calories are more important.

    Also, when you up your calories fully expect to gain a few pounds. it's normal and just water weight.
  • mommy3457
    mommy3457 Posts: 361 Member
    Eat more, but add only healthy, clean foods then you can add in "junk" food slowly.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    there is no such thing as starvation mode, you will not gain weight by eating too few calories, dont worry about it :)

    I know a lot of personal trainers who would argue otherwise. What BAD information you just posted.
    Where did you get that info from? An anorexic board?

    There is a lot of debate over a true starvation mode. Heck it takes 72 hours of no food to have any sort of metabolic adaptation. Also, person trainers are not usually trained in nutrition. If you suggested a dietitian, it would have more merit. Additionally, what most of us consider starvation mode is merely prolong periods of suppressed calories causing our resting metabolic rate to adapt and burn less calories as its more efficient.
  • there is no such thing as starvation mode, you will not gain weight by eating too few calories, dont worry about it :)

    I know a lot of personal trainers who would argue otherwise. What BAD information you just posted.
    Where did you get that info from? An anorexic board?

    I did some research, you should do your own before accusing me of spreading wrong information .