

  • H_82
    H_82 Posts: 418 Member
    Not because it's hard to do, but because on Monday when I did it I was using the loop around my neighborhood and I had to turn around because of a big moose in the road! I hope he's not hanging around today...

    Haha! I giggled out loud when I read there was a moose in the road. I don't know where you're located, but I just think that's hilarious! :)
  • TheNewStacie
    TheNewStacie Posts: 187 Member
    I'm in too! :-) I'm 26.........27 in a month aahhhhh!!! =-O

    I've just been piling on the pounds up since my daughter was born, and am unfortunately at the 200 mark, I want to get back down not just to look great, but to be healthy for my family and a good role model. Look forward getting to know everyone and hoping we can all get each other motivated!!
  • miss_amy
    hey everyone! my name is amy, i'm 24 and i love this group! here's a lil about me:

    i've never been skinny. in fact, i've been chubby almost my whole life. in high school, i played basketball and was probably the healthiest i've ever been- still "overweight" according to my bmi, but i was healthy (and had really cute curves!). once i started working, i became less active and the weight slowly crept on. after 4 years of college life (beer, take-out, and bad decisions<--lol), i gained SO much weight. 2 years post-graduation, i'm finally doing something about it. i think for a long time i was in denial that i had packed on so much weight. i said i didn't care, but the truth is, i did and i was extremely depressed about it. after a doctor's appointment in july, i realized how bad i let my health become and vowed to make a change.

    i'm turning 25 in december. i want to spend my 2nd half of my twenties (and everything after that), happy and healthy. i've lost 12lbs since starting MFP in august. today i actually felt "skinny" (even though i'm nowhere near my goal-just feelin really good!). my goal is to lose 40 by the time the year is over (35 by my birthday). and i'm going to do it!

    my ultimate goal is to lose about 100lbs, which means i have 88 to go. it's a lot, but when all is said and done i have no one to blame but myself. i'm confident that i can lose this weight. it may take a lot of time, but i will do it. i will be VERY happy once i reach a 50lb loss-half way (hopefully sometime in january/early feb)! my current mini goal is to reach a 15lb loss by the end of september. baby steps!

    feel free to add me as a friend! let's do this together! :)
  • ktbug1186
    im sooo in! anybody feel free to add me!!
  • lauz09
    lauz09 Posts: 5 Member
    I'll be 22 tomorrow. I'm in!
  • fit2sit
    fit2sit Posts: 82 Member
    28, count me in. Massive support for this group, let us know what's the latest.
  • mkpeacock
    WELCOME to the Group for everyone that has just Joined!!!
  • H_82
    H_82 Posts: 418 Member
    Hey everyone! Just giving an update/seeing how everyone is doing... I've been running 4, 5 or 6 miles everyday for the past week. So I'm very proud of myself for keeping up with that. I just started logging my food yesterday & so far, so good :) The scale is still saying "back away" :laugh: so I'll wait a bit longer to step on.
  • shanell1983
    shanell1983 Posts: 26 Member
    I definitely need the support. I am really not a poster, but I need to get some more motivation. Please add me as a friend.

    Oh yeah im 27
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    I'm less than 2 weeks into MFP and already 4lbs down (48.2lbs total) :D Things are going great. Been running more than ever these past few weeks (thanks in large part to the awesome group of runners on here inspiring me) and am looking forward to being hot and fit and wearing workout shorts to the gym in a few more months!! I've just got to tone those legs first....

    Anyway I hope everyone's doing well - We should all post our progress here as motivation for others. I think that might help :)

  • PickyNikki
    Hi everyone! Let's see, progress... well, I did my second day of Couch to 5k yesterday as well as some strength training moves and I'm still feeling good! I haven't measured or weighed since I started because I don't expect to see a huge difference right away but I know it'll pay off in the long run :)

    Congrats on your loss so far Meag! I have to admit, wearing some cute little shorts to go running in motivates me too :wink:

    Hey H_82! You are running way more than me - keep it up and the scale will soon be your friend!

    Keep up the great work everyone - we can do it! :drinker:
  • PickyNikki
    Not because it's hard to do, but because on Monday when I did it I was using the loop around my neighborhood and I had to turn around because of a big moose in the road! I hope he's not hanging around today...
    Haha! I giggled out loud when I read there was a moose in the road. I don't know where you're located, but I just think that's hilarious! :)

    Alaska :tongue: Unfortunately the wildlife around here can sometimes make it difficult to get out and get your exercise. My boss is constantly running in to moose and bears when she's out walking and it makes me nervous to go out alone!
  • abbracadabra
    I'm 28, just started using MFP a couple weeks ago, but I've been using some online tracker for a long time. It's helped a lot. So far I'm done about 95 pounds, with 35 more to go! Good luck to everyone!!

  • angie_
    angie_ Posts: 3 Member
    Ha! What perfect timing! Just joined and just recently twenty! Lol!

    Well I have huge support for this group and I wish you all good luck!
  • H_82
    H_82 Posts: 418 Member
    Question for all/whoever: Do you normally weigh yourself just once a week & log that??? or more than once a week? I tend to weigh myself probably more than I should **when I'm feeling good about it** but I'm not exactly sure when to record it on MFP. Thanks!

    PickyNikki - I would probably pee my pants if I saw a bear while exercising outside, but a moose I would probably laugh (even though I know they're ginormous! Maybe they could take me for a ride in their antler thingys for the rest of my exercise course...hehe.

    Kim - wow! You're amazing....95lbs!?!? Congrats & keep up the good work!!!
  • abbracadabra
    Question for all/whoever: Do you normally weigh yourself just once a week & log that??? or more than once a week? I tend to weigh myself probably more than I should **when I'm feeling good about it** but I'm not exactly sure when to record it on MFP. Thanks!

    I try to weigh myself once a week sometimes 2, always early in the morning before I eat and shower. I used to be obsessed with the scale and that only made me frustrated even though I was making progress and the overall trend was downward!
    Kim - wow! You're amazing....95lbs!?!? Congrats & keep up the good work!!!

    I'm not amazing, but thanks! Just a lot of hard work and determination in a little bit more than 1.5yrs. I did have lapband in Feb, but my results are mine... the band just helps me stay in control and on track!

  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Question for all/whoever: Do you normally weigh yourself just once a week & log that??? or more than once a week? I tend to weigh myself probably more than I should **when I'm feeling good about it** but I'm not exactly sure when to record it on MFP. Thanks!

    I have a scheduled weekly weigh-in on Monday mornings. I find that I am towing the line between healthy obsession with nutrition and fitness and just plain obsession. I feel myself wanting to weigh-in every day to check my progress but I know that it isn't going to reflect all my hard work since weight fluctuates quite a bit during the day and many of those days would likely show a gain of sorts. If you weigh yourself every week at the same time, under the same/similar conditions, you will see more genuine progress. Seeing a gain on the scale for whatever reason can be discouraging, so trying to mitigate that is definitely a good idea! Besides, it's almost like a game and I enjoy the anticipation of working really hard all week to see my results after the weekend (when I tend to run the most).

    Are there any other runners in the group? I have become such an addict! I run every day now, up from 3-4 days a week a month ago, and the days where I can't get out make me stir crazy! I am planning to run a few races in Oct and Nov, including a really fun 10km downhill race. I'd love to hear what you guys do to get your calorie burn in; anyone spin? I'd like to hear some perspectives on that too! I'd really like to try it but I'm not a cyclist and the prospect of cycling for 50 mins is terrifying to me! Thanks :D
  • H_82
    H_82 Posts: 418 Member
    meagalayne - thanks for the info. Oh, & I'm also a runner. In the past I would typically just do 3 miles (as often as possible, I tended to slack off quite a bit). Recently I've been trying to do 4, 5 or 6 miles (walking 1 of the miles at a 4mph/10% incline) & running the rest. I wish I could run outside more, but I find it's harder to pace myself...or maybe I was just too out of shape at the time :smile: I would love to start doing some races, but feel I'm not quite there yet....

    Another good calorie burner is Zumba. I go to a class every week & sweat my *kitten* off. I don't have a HRM yet, but I've heard it burns 800-1000 calories/hour....and I laugh my butt off the entire class (I'm quite uncoordinated).
  • mamabearr
    I need to stop weighing myself so often. But I am glad to say that this is day 4 of working out and counting calories and since I joined MFP and am already down 3 lbs!
  • TheNewStacie
    TheNewStacie Posts: 187 Member
    I'm so jealous of everyone that I read that can run for long periods of time and so on. I've been with my personal trainer since January or February I think, and I go 2x/week, she's absolutely awesome and knows what she's doing, the problem is I guess I don't. I took a month hiatus just to regroup my thoughts and get myself completely motivated to all of this. With all of the work I've done with her I can definitely tell a huge improvement in my muscle tone and some endurance, BUT the scale just doesn't want to budge. I've lost like nothing! I know it's a reflection of the extra effort I need to put it, but it's just frustrating. For someone who was doing nothing and eating whatever, to watching what I'm eating and at minimum getting my 2 45 minute sessions with my trainer you think I'd see something.

    I've gone to an endocrinologoist he ran every test possible and everything came back normal which is kind of frustrating. I want to be that person who can run for more than a minute without feeling like I'm going to die. And go shopping without dreading it! Other than hard work and dedication what has seemed to work for you guys?

    Done with my pity party :-) Hope everyone has had a great week and has a great weekend!