T.H.E (Trying Hard Everyday) Team.... Starting again



  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    Today was a good day since I was able to pass up some goodies. You see, the last few weeks I haven't been able to say NO! So many good things that are bad for me! I came home from work and was hungry and tired, but took the time to make something that is good for me. Hubby working late, so I was on my own. Sometimes that makes it very easy to go off track! The only ones monitoring me are the dogs, and well.....they just don't care what I eat as long as they get a taste! Hope everyone had a good day.

    Boy do I know how easy it is to go off track when you are on your own. This last summer was a nightmare. Hubby would leave for 2 weeks on a business trip and my kids would go to their dads for a week. I kept telling Diego (my doxie) that he should not let me eat anything bad but the only thing he snitched from me was 1/2 of a rootbeer float one night when I got up to go potty during my movie.... :laugh: :laugh: I'm perfectly fine if I have a friend over or if the kids are here, but once Im left alone... its eat, eat, eat. I'll definitely have to plan better for the next time they are gone.

    Kalt- I have a friend that LOVES zumba and has been trying to get me to go with him for months. Im just not coordinated enough to do aerobics or dance. I hear its an awesome workout tho and he burns alot of calories doing it. If ya like it, great! Whatever works to burn those calories will only add to your success at the end of the week! :wink:

    I had a great morning then my afternoon went to hell. My iPhone was stolen during my grocery shopping trip and I was only 1/2 way thru shopping off my list in my phone. Talk about being mad. I called the cops and we are tracking it with GPS thru AT&T and looked at store surveillance, but the jerks are keeping the phone turned off, so its a luck of the draw trying to catch them with the phone on to get them with the GPS feature. I hate stress! Luckily I've been able to steer clear of eating anything that wasnt on my plan for the day. Even had 600 some calories left over, so I had some good ole chocolate milk to settle my stomach. Hopefully tomorrow will yield some results in catching them. Boy are they gonna be sorry they messed with me!

    In the mean time, Im up early to go for another 3 mile walk... then have an appointment at noon, so I prolly wont check in again until tomorrow afternoon.

  • I would like to join too....
  • Getting adjusted to getting restarted on this. I have to go to weight lifing here in just a few. I have been walking each day and trying hard to get back into routine of logging what I eat.I do good through the day - then just don't log at night. OOPS!!! I have been seeing a personal trainer since May 21st. Have trimmed a few inches off various spots and gotten stronger. I will try to get into the hang of checking in again also.

    have a fantastic day everyone

  • Hope you find your iphone! Food shopping is hard enough! It is the one task I truly despise. Actually, hubby does it most of the time, but the poor guy works a lot of hours, so I go when I can muster up the energy to deal with it! Beautiful day here, so hopefully I will get out for a walk before I go to work. I'm happy to be not having a "hungry day".....at least so far!
  • I actually washed my Iphone two weeks ago. At first I felt like I lost a part of me. Now, I think it is better not being so attached to a phone. I feel great today. Yesterday completed my first week and I lost 5 lbs! My abs are so sore from Zumba. I had forgotten that there was anything under there. This is the most motivated I have ever been at trying to lose weight and it feels great. Hope everyone has a wonderful day!
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    Well... today didnt yeild any results in the ongoing iphone investigation. Im pretty sure the phone is either dead, or they are avoiding using it. My hubby is awesome. He saw how upset I was and said "we just cant not have a way to communicate when Im on the road", so he went and upgraded his phone and gave me his iphone. So at least I have all my contacts, calendar, ect back since I was lucky and had backed it up the day before. Im actually enjoying the peace of my phone not ringing since its a new number and nobody knows it... :wink:

    Anyway... today was a good eating day.. until I got to dinner. I didnt realize until I went to start dinner than I had forgotten something on my list (since it was in my phone) so what I had planned didnt work out too well. Ended up making frozen pizza and had a small piece of that (holy cow, the calories are insane) and a big glass of milk. Made it with calories to spare in the end, so Im happy about that.

    It rained this morning and I decided to take the day off from walking. I shoulda went or at least done the treadmill to help with my stress level, but I was just drained. So... tomorrow is a new day. Gonna definitely walk my 3 miles in the morning.

    So Kalt- You liked Zumba ehh?? Tell me... do ya gotta be coordinated for it?? LOL Im a little nervous to try it since Im not coordinated. Awesome that you really feel the abs!! Those can be hard to target!... Keep it up!

    LWFM- I hear ya... hard for me to log my food as well. Today was particularly hard for me. Gooooood job on seeing the trainer!! thats awesome!! Inches gone is very nice!

    darkangell- Welcome!
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    Also, I changed my ticker back to what it was at my starting weight in Jan 2009. I had changed it to a new goal, but I think this will motivate me even more.

  • kait, good for you! i hear zumba is wonderful. i'm not much for scheduled groups like that since i have a strange schedule. but from what i hear about it, everyone loves zumba! you did great last week. that is motivation for sure.
    i wanted to walk yesterday but didn't get the chance. once i got home from work we were dealing with the crazy storms here. i can't believe all the downed trees, poles, etc. scary stuff.
    good luck with the phone, losingit.....we are so attached to those things!!
  • I actually did the Zumba DVD. It is great because you can do it in your home and no one can see how coordinated you are! You can also do it on your own time. I definitely recommend it for everyone. I thought for sure my legs would be my sore part, but my abs and arms were much more sore than the rest of me.

    I am a little anxious about the weekend. Last weekend wasn't so hot, so I am going to make sure I keep logging and exercising. I also need to make sure the house is stocked with good groceries.

    I hope everyone has a great day!
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    Got my 3 mile walk in this morning.


    Weighed in and Im at 227.2, which is 1.7 pounds lighter than I was at the beginning of the week. Im pretty sure alot of it is water weight gone from reducing the sodium in my diet, but hey... I'll take it!

    How is everyone else doing?
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    This is great! You can count me in. My name is HB. I am into tattoos, motorcycling, and my wife. I just want to live my life to the fullest. I want to be healthy and enjoy everything life has to offer. I have had some recent successes with my fitness using INSANITY. It is challenging but I enjoy it (once I have started). Getting started is sometimes the problem.

    I am still not at my ideal fitness goal. I have weight, strength, and stamina goals. I will share my weight goals and maybe we can all work together to reach our mutual goals.

    I am 6'1" and now at 214 lbs. I was as heavy as 235. My goal weight is 198 lbs. Here is how I would like to progress toward that goal.

    You definitely have attainable goals. Goals help keep you motivated to keep pushing play. Don't you just love sweating with Shaun T? He is awesome. I have done one round and 2 rounds of P90X. I will soon be starting and finally finishing my half-marathon training. I have re-started at least 3 times and I want to finally finish. That is my goal and then running a half on December 26th. Here is to goal setting and achieving our goals together. :bigsmile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    JJ... I think for me.. right now my challenge is planning my menu and logging my food each day. I am fine in getting in my exercise, but I am really struggling with logging food for some reason and its been the reason I have fallen off and gained back what I did. I did get my menu planning done for the next 4 days and am heading out the door to stock up on a couple things. Ive figured out if I automate my meals and have a plan it makes a HUGE difference. Plus, I actually eat breakfast since its in my plan.. LOL

    Got another 3 mile walk in this morning. I was still sore this morning but felt great after I was done. My ankles hurt but its tollerable. I know another couple days and I'll be fine. Just gotta get thru this first week.

    I think this week will just be getting back into the swing of things, then we can start throwing out some challenges. Im getting used to drinking water all over again and for me, thats challenging enough. I need a new water bottle so Im gonna pick one up today while Im running errands.

    I have been kinda eating right, just going overboard for dinner lately. I am really going to try and do good tonite, even though it is Friday. That should not be an excuse. I will try to find something to keep my mind off food if I feel the need to munch. That is my hardest thing right now. I am going to walk tonite and see how my back will do with it. It is hurting pretty bad again today, but I really want to get out and sweat a little. We shall see what happens. We can do this!!! :bigsmile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Today was a good day since I was able to pass up some goodies. You see, the last few weeks I haven't been able to say NO! So many good things that are bad for me! I came home from work and was hungry and tired, but took the time to make something that is good for me. Hubby working late, so I was on my own. Sometimes that makes it very easy to go off track! The only ones monitoring me are the dogs, and well.....they just don't care what I eat as long as they get a taste! Hope everyone had a good day.

    LOL That is how I am also, except I have kitties. They love when I cook with tuna. :bigsmile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    I had a great morning then my afternoon went to hell. My iPhone was stolen during my grocery shopping trip and I was only 1/2 way thru shopping off my list in my phone. Talk about being mad. I called the cops and we are tracking it with GPS thru AT&T and looked at store surveillance, but the jerks are keeping the phone turned off, so its a luck of the draw trying to catch them with the phone on to get them with the GPS feature. I hate stress! Luckily I've been able to steer clear of eating anything that wasnt on my plan for the day. Even had 600 some calories left over, so I had some good ole chocolate milk to settle my stomach. Hopefully tomorrow will yield some results in catching them. Boy are they gonna be sorry they messed with me!

    In the mean time, Im up early to go for another 3 mile walk... then have an appointment at noon, so I prolly wont check in again until tomorrow afternoon.


    Wow, that really sucks. I hope you find the creeps that took it. Good for you for putting your foot down on stess eating. :bigsmile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Getting adjusted to getting restarted on this. I have to go to weight lifing here in just a few. I have been walking each day and trying hard to get back into routine of logging what I eat.I do good through the day - then just don't log at night. OOPS!!! I have been seeing a personal trainer since May 21st. Have trimmed a few inches off various spots and gotten stronger. I will try to get into the hang of checking in again also.

    have a fantastic day everyone


    Sounds like you are doing great sticking with a routine especially since you work with a trainer. Keep up the AWESOME work. :bigsmile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    I actually washed my Iphone two weeks ago. At first I felt like I lost a part of me. Now, I think it is better not being so attached to a phone. I feel great today. Yesterday completed my first week and I lost 5 lbs! My abs are so sore from Zumba. I had forgotten that there was anything under there. This is the most motivated I have ever been at trying to lose weight and it feels great. Hope everyone has a wonderful day!

    WHOOOHOOO!!! 5 pounds that you will not have to deal with anymore. AWESOME!!! Keep up the great work. :bigsmile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    I actually did the Zumba DVD. It is great because you can do it in your home and no one can see how coordinated you are! You can also do it on your own time. I definitely recommend it for everyone. I thought for sure my legs would be my sore part, but my abs and arms were much more sore than the rest of me.

    I am a little anxious about the weekend. Last weekend wasn't so hot, so I am going to make sure I keep logging and exercising. I also need to make sure the house is stocked with good groceries.

    I hope everyone has a great day!

    I am with you on the weekends, they are definitely hard to deal with, since no real schedule involved. YOU CAN DO IT!!! Have a beautiful weekend. :bigsmile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Got my 3 mile walk in this morning.

    Weighed in and Im at 227.2, which is 1.7 pounds lighter than I was at the beginning of the week. Im pretty sure alot of it is water weight gone from reducing the sodium in my diet, but hey... I'll take it!

    How is everyone else doing?

    AWESOME!!! Keep up the great work. Have a blessed weekend. :bigsmile:
  • JJ - I hope your training is going well. I am using INSANITY and yes - Shawn T is very motivating. This is the first time I have ever done an in-home workout video. I have been so accustomed to "going to the gym."

    Honestly, i always thought of the at home work videos as things for women. But I had heard so many positive things about it I had to try it. it is awsome! Now I have to re-think all of my other prejudices (LOL!).

    I am even looking forward to getting home to tonight and hitting another dvd. Anyway, thanks for the support. By 9/30 I expect to be at 209 lbs. so feel free to keep pushing me.

    I wish everyone success! Do not forget your goals especially with the weekend coming up. Stay focused. If you are looking for a work out plan, I definitely recommend the beachbody products especially INSANITY.

    Take care

  • Thank you everyone for the support. Getting healthy can be hard to do, but with you guys to look to for support and motivation makes all the difference. I am ready for whatever is thrown at me. Hope everyone has a great weekend!
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