Would you eat insects?



  • AlabasterVerve
    AlabasterVerve Posts: 3,171 Member
    Going by my reaction to old reality TV shows like Fear Factor or Survivor i'mma have to say no.

    Again,we're not talking about live insects, were talking about cooked insects, either on their own or in a recipe.
    LOL No, it wouldn't matter. Bugs freak me out -- I'm almost 40 years old and I still call my husband to come kill bugs for me. It doesn't matter how delicious, well prepared or nutritious they are; I'm not eating them. Not when there's plenty of food around that doesn't make me want to throw up available.
  • jwdieter
    jwdieter Posts: 2,582 Member
    If someone prepares and serves insect as a meal, I will eat the insect. This is true for anything actually edible. I'm polite like that.

    If I'm very hungry and there are no options, insects are fine.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    people go on and on about protein this and protein that, but I've yet to see someone advocate insect eating.

    The United Nations, among many others.

    I meant on MFP, besides this post. I think the WHO advocates it too. I'm all for it, and I'd love to see the fat scared high protein preachers eat a bug.
  • TangledUp_InBlue
    TangledUp_InBlue Posts: 397 Member
    I do not like bugs.
    I do not like them in any style.
    I will not eat them fried or boiled.
    I will not eat them poached or broiled.
    I will not eat them soft or scrambled…
    Despite your argument well-rambled.
  • Fit_NYC_
    Fit_NYC_ Posts: 1,389 Member
    Only if I was Naked and Afraid!
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    Honestly, I have never really thought hard about it, but I am sure I have swallowed some on the bike. As far as going into a restaurant and ordering? Probably not if they have steak, seafood or chicken.
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,760 Member
    Been there done that. It is common in many cultures to do so. I always try the local foods so have had crickets, grubbs, ants, and some I was not sure of, LOL. Ants are used in Northern Australia to make a citrus "tea" and is delicious.

    Less carbon print than cows, so why not?
  • gonnamakeanewaccount
    gonnamakeanewaccount Posts: 642 Member
  • vienna_h
    vienna_h Posts: 428 Member
  • corgicake
    corgicake Posts: 846 Member
    I used to want to be a cultural anthropologist and accepted the fact that if I went into that field grasshoppers might be one of many things I ended up having to eat in the name of not offending someone. There is nothing wrong with a food just because it hasn't shown up on a fast food menu yet.
  • herblackwings39
    herblackwings39 Posts: 3,930 Member
    If they were crispy or ground and mixed in a recipe I'd try them. I'm not fond of bugs so if they were squishy or gummy I doubt I could stand it.
  • RobTheGourmet
    RobTheGourmet Posts: 189 Member
    I would and have in multiple countries both alive and killed also injected and grilled / fried and stir fried.
  • sammi674
    sammi674 Posts: 41
    They would have to be finely grounded, unnoticeable, and mixed in a recipe for me to eat them. They are in so much of our food anyway (government allows so many insect parts in foods).

    I could never, ever in a millions years eat them whole or their noticeable parts. I would hate the texture and be grossed out by it. I don't even eat fish that appears whole. With insects, you'd be eating their entire body, not just their meat and such.
  • Id eat a bug. Not really a big deal. LoL. (As long as any pincers/spikey bits were removed)

    Bugs injected with sauce sounds yum.
  • forgtmenot
    forgtmenot Posts: 860 Member
    It depends on the insect honestly. I wouldn't eat a cockroach no matter if it was fried, and dipped in chocolate. They are just completely disgusting to me. However, I'd try the chocolate covered ants or something like that if it looked good. I've had snails (escargot) but those are not insects, they're mollusks I believe. They were really good. I'm a pretty open minded person when it comes to food.
  • chu604
    chu604 Posts: 353 Member
    Would you or have you eaten insects?

    Yeah when I was 5 I ate a black beetle. I had heard on TV that you could eat them. So I decided to have a taste.

    Would you eat them if they were recognizable (ei: a fried cricket)?


    Would you eat them if they were not recognizable (ei: grounded into a powder and used in a recipe)?


    would you ever eat them regularily, or "just to try"?

    Just to try. YODO.

    Did you know that insects were a good source of protein? Would knowing the health benefits and low environmental impact of insect farming change your mind about eating insects?

    Yeah, but I'm not about to start asking for them for dinner.

    ETA: I am strictly talking about cooked, edible species.

  • michael1976_ca
    michael1976_ca Posts: 3,488 Member
    Would you or have you eaten insects?no i don't even want to try fresh fish or sea food gross

    Would you eat them if they were recognizable (ei: a fried cricket)? heck no

    Would you eat them if they were not recognizable (ei: grounded into a powder and used in a recipe)?
    most likely i have eaten something. and yes if you never tell me what it is to begin with

    would you ever eat them regularily, or "just to try"? stated above if it was crushed up to very fine dust or some thing and didn't tell me of course i would

    Did you know that insects were a good source of protein? Would knowing the health benefits and low environmental impact of insect farming change your mind about eating insects? yes i know but the whole idea no go

    ETA: I am strictly talking about cooked, edible species.
  • TheBaileyHunter
    TheBaileyHunter Posts: 641 Member
    I Would, I Have, and if it were normalized I see no reason not to.

    Food is food. What is considered gross or inappropriate to eat is pretty much only determined by culture and has nothing to do with the actual food source itself.
  • Kilokato
    Kilokato Posts: 33
    I used to eat termites when I was a kid. No joke, just grab them out of the air and crunch.
  • loislenski
    loislenski Posts: 89 Member
    I ate a chocolate covered cricket once. It was all right until I felt the crunch of a leg.... :sick: