14 Weeks to Christmas Challenge!!



  • xXmimiXx
    xXmimiXx Posts: 564 Member
    Good evening all,

    Earlier at work, I went to the cupboard in our office and saw some chocolates in there. I put my hand in and pulled out a miniature snickers. I love snickers. I closed the cupboard and sat down at my desk and went to open the wrapper. Then I remembered about this thread and guess what......I put the chocolate back!!!!!!!

    Yay that is AMAZING! Well done xxxxxx
  • xXmimiXx
    xXmimiXx Posts: 564 Member
    Thanks Mimi

    Strangely enough I don't normally have a problem in avoiding chocolate (none for about 4 weeks now) but now that I CAN'T have it I want it! lol I will prevail!

    Begone nasty chocolate!

    You can do it Wendy! :flowerforyou:
  • Wendybirduk
    Wendybirduk Posts: 92 Member
    Thanks Mimi

    Strangely enough I don't normally have a problem in avoiding chocolate (none for about 4 weeks now) but now that I CAN'T have it I want it! lol I will prevail!

    Begone nasty chocolate!

    You can do it Wendy! :flowerforyou:

    Thanks Mimi! I avoided it yesterday but there is a whole huge bar of Aero in the fridge (been there for 4 weeks) that is screaming at me! I am determined to stay away from it but I need to ask a question on the chocolate thing.

    Does a sachet of Options Chocolate drink count? Coz if it does then I have failed already! I drank it to curb the craving then my other half said "that IS chocolate you know!" So annoyed if I have failed without realising already!
  • Simplicity
    Simplicity Posts: 383 Member
    bump will read later.
    birmingham here. i have about a stone to go before im happy with weight again
    write more later
    Ben x
  • lesley1981
    lesley1981 Posts: 329 Member
    There's a HUGE bar of Marabou Daim in my boyfriends car that I bought on Saturday... After the gym last night I was really hungry, and it killed me that I couldn't have a square :sad:

    Instead of having some, I took his car keys, put the chocolate in the glove box, and locked it away :smile: Now I'm really looking forward to next Wednesday!
  • xXmimiXx
    xXmimiXx Posts: 564 Member
    There's a HUGE bar of Marabou Daim in my boyfriends car that I bought on Saturday... After the gym last night I was really hungry, and it killed me that I couldn't have a square :sad:

    Instead of having some, I took his car keys, put the chocolate in the glove box, and locked it away :smile: Now I'm really looking forward to next Wednesday!

    Now THAT is will power! Well done!
  • LOVE these tales of willpower everyone! Great work!

    I'm working on the group chart here but it's taking forever due to the incredible amount of challengers we have!

    Talk to you all soon!

  • Hi :)

    Can I join this???

    Location: London
    I like: Crisps and pizza :)
    I don't like: cardboardy shakes that 'help' you lose weight grrrr
    Current typical or usual exercise: Lots of walking (to and from work) and gym 1-2 times a week min
    Current Starting Weight: 12 stones 5.25
    Aim for next week: - 1-2 pounds
    Personal 14 week Goal: 1 stone reduction.....anymore would be FAB :)
  • reba24784
    reba24784 Posts: 23 Member
    nice job everyone lets keep up the good work
  • … and WE’RE OFF!!

    First of all I am absolutely amazed by the interest we’ve gathered! There are 86 yes, EIGHTY SIX of us who have committed to The 14 Week Christmas Challenge and on behalf of myself and xXmimiXx I’d like to welcome each and every one of you!

    Initially I’d envisaged having space on the chart for a short paragraph about each of you using the answers to the questions I’d asked but I’m afraid there just isn’t room for that so I’ve chosen to list your typical exercise instead – maybe this will be a way to make new MFP friends – can you find anyone who enjoys the same workout as you? Add them as a friend and give them your support! Or would you like to know more about Iron Man workouts?? Then talk to scubatahiti! Want to unleash your inner skateboarder and need some advice?? Jellie is your port of call!! For anyone who’d like to know about Kettlebell training then I’m sure that Clew would be happy to help you. Anyone know what a grouse grind is?? Ask Sonia2003 for more details!

    As you will see from the below chart, I’ve listed everyone’s names, 14 week goal in brackets, their start weight in black and aim for next week in red.

    I hope that all the info is correct – there’s ended up being a lot more data to work with than I’d imagined so if I’ve made any mistakes I’m really sorry and please let me know and I’ll correct them on next weeks chart! Also where I was confused or unsure about a figure I’ve put in some question marks so if this affects you then please PM me so I can make sure you are up to date next time.

    I hope you’re all doing well with the challenge – for those of you who are struggling already (I admit I am a little!) then remember it’s only for a week. Come back here and post your struggles and successes and get some support from the other challengers! I’m sure over the 14 weeks you’ll all find some challenges easier to ace than others!

    Well that’s all for now. I’ll chat to you during the week and don’t forget to check back next Tuesday for details of next weeks challenge and to post your updated weights next wednesday!

    Good luck everyone!


    P.S Loza1985 I'm really sorry but I only saw your post after I'd compiled the chart this week - please join us though and post your results next Wednesday and I'll make sure you're on the chart!

  • Clew
    Clew Posts: 910 Member
    WOW thanks for your hard work putting that chart together Bikinimission! Looks awesome. I am so excited about this group - we're going to have a blast - and kick *kitten*!

    I added this later so it's not on the chart, but I am starting Power 90 on October 1st. If anyone else is doing it, holla at me!
  • psmith64
    psmith64 Posts: 102 Member
    A great effort by you Bikinimission, I am already feeling very motivated being part of this challenge.

    I am definately staying away from the chocolate, not just this week but all the way through, no alcohol either ( to me when a challenge is set its a waste of filling food calories ), and I am filling out my food log everyday, and already have been under my calories for each day this week so far.

    I had decided prior to your challenge that I was going to make the effort before Christmas, but your challenge has now sparked me into action action even more.

    Good luck to you all !!

    Paul :smile:
  • I am so excited! You guys are awesome for coming up with this and putting together the chart. I have to confess that I didn't realize it until this morning but I've had some form of chocolate. :noway: I put half a packet of hot chocolate in my coffee everymorning. This is the only way I can drink coffee and coffee is the fuel for my 5:30am workouts. I don't like cream & sugar and I haven't found a flavored cream that I do like. Any suggestions? I thought for sure I would have no problem with this 1st challenge because I don't eat chocolate or sweets very often at all. I think I can give up the coffee :cry: for a week but don't want to. It really makes a difference and I only drink 1 cup a day.
  • xXmimiXx
    xXmimiXx Posts: 564 Member
    … and WE’RE OFF!!

    First of all I am absolutely amazed by the interest we’ve gathered! There are 86 yes, EIGHTY SIX of us who have committed to The 14 Week Christmas Challenge and on behalf of myself and xXmimiXx I’d like to welcome each and every one of you!


    Wow amazing charts BikiniMission! Thank you sooo much! Good luck everyone xxxxxxx
  • elizw5
    elizw5 Posts: 17 Member
    Wow, that is awesome. I love to see so much interest. That helps keep up the motivation! Good Luck to you all on your weekly goals!!!!
  • Fantastic charts!!! Thank you so much for organising it all.

    When you say confirm my stats do you mean current weight or what I do to train? xxx
  • hdelamore
    hdelamore Posts: 206 Member
    WOW, i love the charts :)
    i'm buying some scales before the weigh in next wednesday as i don't have a set of my own!
    move in day tomorrow ;D xx
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