Misleading food! What did you underestimate?



  • degan2011
    degan2011 Posts: 316 Member
    Bean and Cheese Burrito from Alberto's. I figured, harmless right? WRONG! I almost fainted when I saw it was 1020 calories and 2250 of soduim! :noway:
    WHAT???? :noway: oh man!!! :sad:
  • juleesaninja
    juleesaninja Posts: 1 Member
    Costa brownie. Expected it to be between 300-400... Boy I was wrong. 500 cals. That's more than my dinner on most days. :|
  • degan2011
    degan2011 Posts: 316 Member
    I went back to raw vegan (and lost most of my weight) before joining MFP. I joined to help with those last few lbs and started logging. I almost fell off my chair when I first realised that my green smooth was 600 calories! When your 4'11 and having it as well as 3 meals it makes a huge hole in your calorie allowance!

    My green smoothies vary from 400+ to almost 800 depending on what I put in it, but it makes a huge shake (usually 2 tumblers) at the higher calorie range and is my whole breakfast, but yes. it is a shock every time because I don't calculate the cals till I put everything in it. it is different almost every time i make it.
  • acogg
    acogg Posts: 1,870 Member
    Tonic water. I seriously believed it to be zero calorie, when it was 200 calories per serving. Doh!
  • SmartAlec03211988
    SmartAlec03211988 Posts: 1,896 Member
    Buffalo wings. How can something so tiny and worthless be hundreds of calories for so few wings.
  • silmarilliane
    silmarilliane Posts: 133 Member
    the little pot of dip you get with a pizza. over 200 cals in that little pot! i used to use them as salad dressing...
  • conniemaxwell5
    conniemaxwell5 Posts: 943 Member
    Restaurant omeletes usually have at least 3 eggs and a ton of cheese. I always ask for egg whites only and cheese on the side. Plus they saute' all of those veggies in oil or butter before they put them in the omelette.

    I always underestimated fruit. I'm more aware now but it was a problem for me before.
  • MiawMiawMiaw
    MiawMiawMiaw Posts: 24 Member
    I was caught out by fat free yoghurt. Turns out the fat is often replaced with sugar.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    There is NOTHING at I Hop that is a good choice! I Hop puts pancake batter into the omelets. Seriously - just ask a server. Not good for those eating gluten free because I am pretty sure it doesn't say "we put high calorie, wheat-based pancake batter in your omelet." LOL

    nah- you just have to know better

    I eat at Ihop all the time- and I order my food the exact same way I make it at home.

    I have them make it as scrambled eggs with the veggies in them INSTEAD of as the omelette (eggs taste funny- maybe the pancake batter explains that).

    so 3 eggs- veggies + 3 pieces bacon. win win- still around 500 calories.
  • Kilokato
    Kilokato Posts: 33
    Pasta, rice..... Those two are pretty much off limits now. I always knew they were high cal, but its crazy that something so plain, so tasteless, can have double the calories of whatever you serve it with!

    ^ this.

    I've got a huge weak spot for pasta AND rice. When I was at my highest weight, I'd sit down and eat (what I NOW KNOW is) 1800 calories of pasta at a time. Same thing with rice. I'd make myself a HUGE plate of rice with teriyaki sauce and just nom nom nom. I still have rice once in a while, but pasta has all but exited my life.
  • degan2011
    degan2011 Posts: 316 Member
    Not sure if I over or underestimate here, but rice is hard for me to log since the label is typically based on dry rice... who eats dry rice? LOL. Any suggestions on how to calculate? I guess it depends on how much water and how long the rice is cooked. :grumble: I'm on rice eating strike.

    It's also hard for me to log Indian food... there are so many spices and a lack of nutrition info available online.

    Ummm....adding water and heat to rice doesn't change the calorie content of the rice. So, you measure it dry, then cook it. If you measure 1/4 cup dry and it comes out as 1/2 cooked...then you ate and log 1/4 cup dry. Same with dry beans.

    Ummm... people don't usually cook just 1/4 cup of dry rice, so not sure this is too helpful? However most of the rice measurements I use here on MFP are cooked volume so I think it should be good enough. Nothing measured here or anywhere else is going to be 100% accurate anyway.
  • Crzymommyof2
    I went to a local Mexican place.. ordered a veggie burrito bc I don't heat meat,,,,, guess what is was 900 calories!!! it wasn't even good!!
  • edfuentes
    edfuentes Posts: 11 Member
    Most "entrees" from a restaurant. No matter how healthy it may look, its usually the portion size and probably the oil or butter they use to cook it.

    For everyone who hates how quickly ice cream calories add up, try this! http://www.arcticzero.com/

    I found it at my local supermarket (unfortunately I haven't found it anywhere else yet). Its gluten, and fat free! A whole pint is only about 20g of carbs and sugar, and 150 calories! Leave it out of the freezer for about 10 minutes so its melts a little, then use a spoon to swirl and mix it up. Its doesnt taste as good as ice cream at first (obviously) but I swear after about a month, I love the flavor and don't miss all the other ice cream choices. You can even throw a scoop of peanut butter and its still not as bad as regular ice cream!
  • sakuragreenlily
    sakuragreenlily Posts: 334 Member
    I ordered blueberry pancakes and a side of scrapple one time, thinking the scrapple would be way higher, but I was way off.

    As I read this I said out loud to myself, "What the h*** is scrapple?!"... Then I googled it. Disappointed that it is mainly scraps and no apples...

    Also, various restaurant salads. Sometimes even without the dressing the salads are outrageous!
  • degan2011
    degan2011 Posts: 316 Member

    A good place to get nutritional info. :)
  • Happymelz
    Happymelz Posts: 536 Member
    Macaroni and cheese. It's not fair! :noway:

  • skinnymalinkyscot
    skinnymalinkyscot Posts: 174 Member
    Aerosol creams which say something like 50 calories for 12mls, but it doesnt come out like a liquid it comes out like a blob the size of your fist it just looks high calories, how can I measure something which shoots out like a mousse
  • perfect_storm
    perfect_storm Posts: 326 Member
    As some one stated even with out the chips guacamole
  • serafin366
    serafin366 Posts: 60 Member
    Resturaunt salads! Breakfast dishes! It all in the way they are prepared/ dressings etc.
  • degan2011
    degan2011 Posts: 316 Member
    For everyone who hates how quickly ice cream calories add up, try this! http://www.arcticzero.com/

    I found it at my local supermarket (unfortunately I haven't found it anywhere else yet). Its gluten, and fat free! A whole pint is only about 20g of carbs and sugar, and 150 calories! Leave it out of the freezer for about 10 minutes so its melts a little, then use a spoon to swirl and mix it up. Its doesnt taste as good as ice cream at first (obviously) but I swear after about a month, I love the flavor and don't miss all the other ice cream choices. You can even throw a scoop of peanut butter and its still not as bad as regular ice cream!

    Thanks for the tip! I searched it and the website says that all 3 grocery stores in my town sell this stuff... I am gonna check it out! :) Ice Cream is my Achilles heal. Just love it!