I'm Trying Everything to Lose Weight...help!



  • missimplicity
    missimplicity Posts: 31 Member
    You've got to change your approach! Weight loss and general health cannot be achieved through a quick fix or a fad diet, they are a LIFESTYLE. Set sensible goals for yourself regarding diet and exercise, start slow and keep at it! Start by introducing healthier foods into your diet and if a workout DVD is too much at the beginning, go on walks.

    I have made slow progress over the last year, but taking it slow has allowed me to make changes that are here to stay.

    This exactly.

    I used to be terrified of working out and now I feel so out of it if I don't do it. However, you absolutely have to understand, realize, and accept that losing weight and being healthy (eating well and working out) are lifestyle changes. If you're not committed to it, it will never work. If you're not absolutely sure about why you want to do it, it won't work. Losing weight is hard and takes dedication, whether you're talking about changing your eating habits or working out. You have to change the way you view food and exercise. Read some books or blogs on diet and exercise to understand how all of this works. It took me 4 years, but I've lost almost 60 lbs (I also had a second baby in there). I really had to accept that I couldn't just eat fast food, drink soda, or eat ice cream on a regular basis (every once in a while won't kill you). But I really had to reprogram my mind. Feel free to add me as a friend if you like. I'd be more than happy to keep you encouraged, share tips, etc.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    I've tried so many tips, tricks, and fads to try to lose weight. My biggest issue is my patience, or lack thereof. I have no "gym buddies" because they moved away, so my accountabilibuddies are gone, and I've gotten lazy. I've still managed to keep off the 20lbs I lost a couple years ago, but I'm itching to lose more. I'm using work as my excuse to not going to the gym. So, I got Insanity, and did that for a few days. Then my knee was bothering me (I had surgery a couple years ago), so I used that as an excuse.

    Basically, if there's an excuse to NOT workout, I find it. I need people to help me be motivated and stay driven in losing weight and being healthy. This process is so taxing and lonely where I am, that I just don't see the reason to even stick with it.

    Aww that's such a cute word. Why don't you buy an angry bird stuffed animal or go get a stuffed toy at build a bear with a frowny face. Then iron on "accountabilibuddy" on one of those tiny build a bear T shirts and put it on him. Then take a pic with your cell phone an put it as your desktop background, your phone screen, and print one out for your fridge. Print out stickers at fedex kinkos and put your accountabillibuddy on all your pre-packed healthy lunch brown bags for work. Finally, leave your IRL accountabilibuddy on your bed so he's the last thing you see on your bed before you go to sleep at night so you won't be tempted to get up for midnight snacks.

    If you decide to get a build a bear one ask them when they are sewing his heart and talker things in to cut off the little embroidery that forms his smile if you can't find a frowny one. He should look like he's judging you at all times.

    images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSI6VRd9pSu8-dARdTmnN6qVDQlFO7sZ8tmgrdw2as2yiqyibVP.oO0(should you be eating that cookie?)

  • missimplicity
    missimplicity Posts: 31 Member

    If you don't feel like working out (unless you are actually sick), start your workout and promise yourself that if, after 10 minutes, you STILL don't feel like working out, you can stop. 90% of the time, you'll finish the workout.

    Definitely! There have been so many times that I've dragged myself to the gym feeling all halfway into it and just keep going.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    ...then you don't want it bad enough.

    point blank.
  • FrankiesSaysRelax
    FrankiesSaysRelax Posts: 403 Member
    The most helpful thing I learned along the way is that the only person who can be held accountable to motivate you.. is you. Don't rely on everyone else to help you lose weight. You have to want it and you have to motivate yourself. If you really want to do it.. you will. You said yourself, you're finding excuses. When you decide you've had enough of that, you can be your biggest motivator!
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,011 Member
    Maybe sign up for a fitness class? Whether it's yoga or spinning or zumba or crossfit, sometimes having a teacher there who expects you to show up (and if you're prepaid for a series of classes then you better show up, says your wallet) can be helpful. Maybe use Meetup.com to help you find some like-minded workout buddies in your area
    Hope some of this helps a little bit?

    Also make small goals like 5_10 lbs at a time, tell yourself to just di something for 10 mins a day even a walk. I find if I do this I almost always do way more. Like yesterday my 10 min walk turned intp 105 min walk.but if I would have set out to do 105 mins I would have made up excuses. I do the same thing with the gym. I make jyself go for 15 mins but once I am there I always stay longer.it sounds like you are doing the all or nothing approach that I did most of my life, it just doesnt work. Alsoyou could see if there r some people on mfp that live near u that could meet at the gym or go walking.I hope this helps
  • Mindochka
    Mindochka Posts: 61 Member
    ...then you don't want it bad enough.

    point blank.

    Yup. No one can change you, but you.
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    ...then you don't want it bad enough.

    point blank.

    Yup. No one can change you, but you.

    Exactly. You have to WANT to do it. I complained about my weight for years, wanted to lose it, but didn't do anything to lose it. I had a light bulb moment April 2012 and decided enough was enough. No more excuses, no more being lazy, no more bullsh*tting myself. I'm worth more than that. So until you have your own moment like that, it's not going to happen. Not trying to be negative, just saying until you actually really want it, and you want to change, it won't happen. No one can do it for you.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    Have you tried setting a reasonable calorie deficit, weighing your food for accuracy, tracking your intake, and doing all of this consistently over a period of time?


    Guess not everything.
  • qweenovme
    qweenovme Posts: 75 Member
    Don't give up! Really you have only just begun. I find my accountability right here by logging in every day. I will support you however I can. Its a long journey back to being healthy but I know it will be worth it! Find your motivation right here. Friend me.
  • AglaeaC
    AglaeaC Posts: 1,974 Member
    I wanted to change my lifestyle, I wanted to fit into my old clothes and so on, but I didn't desperately *need* to log daily intake of nutrition and exercise. I wanted to do those things but I didn't need them. Now I need very badly. Wants and needs are very different things.
  • Gatus98
    Gatus98 Posts: 93 Member
    I don't have any "real" workout buddies, either, nor much support from my family. Most of my motivation comes from my "Pals" on this site, which has helped me tremendously. There's no magic pill for sustained weightloss. There really isn't. You have to eat healthy and be active. If you're not into working out, why not go out and walk? Most of my friends on here are on this site every single day. We motivate each other. Try it out!
  • judywhi
    judywhi Posts: 18
    You can do this!! stay focused and join the rest of us on here who are going through the same thing.This is my 2nd day on here and the support I have gotten has made me come back and stay motivated. You got this. you can add me if you like Ill help
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    ...then you don't want it bad enough.

    point blank.

    This. Everybody on MFP could be your friend, but if you don't want this - nothing & no one will make a difference. Figure out what you really want. When you do - you will get it.
  • Lupercalia
    Lupercalia Posts: 1,857 Member
    with respect: put an end to finding excuses if you really want to change.

    I had them too and squashed them all because I'll be damed if I stay overweight for the rest of my life.

    YES, this!

    You have to find the motivation within yourself to make changes that are gonna last. I don't have gym buddies, and I could think of a zillion reasons why NOT to exercise today, or why I shouldn't worry about what I'm eating. We all could! Those of us who are successful don't look for excuses because we simply don't want to--we want to change.
  • Hollywoodm55
    Hollywoodm55 Posts: 155 Member
    All my workout buddies are gone too... :( They didn't move or injure themselves but just stopped wanting to go. I haven't let that stop me from going even though it is more fun with a friend. My friends on this site are very motivating and I enjoy seeing their progress. I'll send you an add.
  • Armyantzzz
    Armyantzzz Posts: 214 Member
    All of your answers are in your statement. You've admitted that you control your not working out with "excuses. My suggestion is to start eliminating the excuses (it may be difficult) and reverse your mind set. Practice the opposite of the excuses and start eliminating them. The greatest thing about exercising is when you finish... you have an automatic sense of accomplishment and you add to your own self confidence. Othere than that... re-enlist a group of friends for support and new ideas to reach your goal. Feel free to add me... I'll give you my honest feedback while lending an open ear... Good luck to you. Remember, You can't finish what you don't continue to do!!:wink:
  • mlrodgers381
    mlrodgers381 Posts: 71 Member
    Remember..."working out" doesn't necessarily have to be going to the gym or doing insanity. Granted you probably would get BETTER and FASTER results going to the gym and/or doing insanity...but...you could just take a walk at lunchtime or breaktime. Swim, bowl, ride a bike...etc...you have to get creative. The only exercise I do is walking (for right now) because like you, I'm not real motivated...but that means I have to consume LESS calories...which means less to eat...and really watch the sodium or I won't lose. So you just have to make a decision which road you want to take.
  • echelonokie
    I don't have work out buddies nor a gym to go to. I put in my Shaun T Rockin Body or Hiphop Abs and dance like a fool. LOL Granted I'm having a few stumbling blocks, but I want this.

    Add me if you wanna. Maybe online support will be enough for ya. :)
  • judilockwood
    judilockwood Posts: 134 Member
    Just being on this site helps, this is as good or better than any slimming club. There are so many supportive people here and good advice. The thing is you really need to want it for you- I tried several times over past year but my heart wasn't in it and I failed, but this time I really wanted it and got myself prepared and motivated- still am, and I am nearly at goal. I had several different tactics on the way but all involved counting and logging calories, if it goes in my mouth I count it and log it .. Exercise isn't necessary but it certainly helps, find something you like and go for it. Want it for you - good luck x