Want a body like Jessica Biel?



  • Juanwi
    Juanwi Posts: 68 Member
    People also don't want to forget genetics. One muscular body will not look exactly the same as another's.
  • shutupandlift13
    shutupandlift13 Posts: 727 Member
    People also don't want to forget genetics. One muscular body will not look exactly the same as another's.

    Which was addressed in the second article posted written by Bret Contreras, if you haven't read it, it is also a good read.
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member


    I wouldn't call an insecure 19 year old a troll...
  • astrovivi
    astrovivi Posts: 183 Member
    I can understand everything he's saying, but I'm still scared to lift. As a female who is 5 foot 9, the idea of doing something that might challenge my femininity is a real mental block.


    I'm a belly dancer... like- actually a belly dancer not the "I took a couple of classes and I like shaking my chit" variety.

    I perform at a restaurant and at local shows yearly and I train several hours a week. plus the 4 hours or so of class a week I attend.

    I just dead lifted 245 lbs yesterday and did 5 sets of some weird pull up variety- like honest to god pull ups.... trust me- my lifting doesn't affect my femininity. (I'm 5'8" by the way and a solid 160)

    You're femininity has nothing to do with how much weight you move- it's part of who you are as a person- I can dress in ragged jeans and an over sized shirt and still be feminine. You're doing it wrong if you think your physical appearance is 100% tied to who you are as a woman.

    You should lift- it will do wonders for your body. Seriously. That **** doesn't happen over night- cutting super cut and ripped takes HOURS AND HOURS AND HOURS... weeks and weeks- months and months. I've been trying very VERY hard for the last 6 months to get cut up- and I'm making slow progress- but it's not there yet- I still very much look like a woman.

    You must eat at a calorie suprlus PLUS lift aggressively/train consistently for months to get like that. It doesn't happen over night- I promise you... you don't "bulk by accident". it's just not possible.


    plus woohoo on the belly dancing....awesome stuff and congrats on the PBs ... always a win!
  • Bump for later
  • nali44
    nali44 Posts: 1 Member
    Great info and I appreciate the links. The more I research the better results. I hope :)
  • sharonfoustmills
    sharonfoustmills Posts: 519 Member
    I can understand everything he's saying, but I'm still scared to lift. As a female who is 5 foot 9, the idea of doing something that might challenge my femininity is a real mental block.

    I'm also 5'9". First, that's not really that tall. 6' plus is tall. 5'9" is just above average. Second lifting doesn't challenge femininity unless you have a weird 1950s definition of it. Pretty sure it's not unfeminine to be strong and awesome. I am still very "curvy" (as that is my natural shape but being naturally uncurvy is also feminine). Why is strong and healthy manly? Are we supposed to be weak and frail?

    5'9" is NOT just above average. The average woman is five foot four.

    Correct. "tall" pant sizes start at 5'7" height, average goes 5'4" to 5'6" height and below 5'4" is short pants length
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Depends on how you read the word "just" in the phrase "just above average." :laugh: I took it to mean, "5'9 is above average, but not really, really tall." Some of you seem to take it as "5'9 is barely above average."