A gastric band company to me put weight ON!



  • tj1376
    tj1376 Posts: 1,402 Member
    If you really want to stop binging, instead of getting bigger to have surgery, and all the new complications that come with it (I can say that because I have had it) why don't you start by seeing if this surgery center has a non-surgical weightloss plan as part of their program. Mine does and it helps alot of people who are desperate for weightloss but don't want surgery.
  • MercenaryNoetic26
    MercenaryNoetic26 Posts: 2,747 Member
    So they told you that you do not QUALIFY for this surgery. You are NOT obese enough. I think it's dumb to gain weight just so you can get a gastric band. Work harder to lose the weight.

    I'm not against gastric bands, but if you're not obese enough to do it, then don't push it.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    If you've lost 16 pounds with MFP, it sounds like you're doing well on your own and don't need to be cut open and have a band put on your stomach. Figuring out your issues behind binge eating will help you stop. Slapping a band on won't. Talk to a specialist.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    I am desperate to stop bingeing and lose weight. I am losing weight with MFP but very slowly. I lose for 2 or 3 days then go on 2 day long binges. It is really getting me down.

    You don't need surgery you need counseling.....
  • MercenaryNoetic26
    MercenaryNoetic26 Posts: 2,747 Member
    My sister is a binge eater (and drinker), and she had lap band surgery a few years ago. She initially lost 50 lbs, then regained most of it because she didn't address the issue of WHY she ate. She has finally been seeing a psychiatrist and is now losing again because she is developing a new relationship with food. It took nearly five years after the surgery, but she is now fixing her head. Our family wishes she had done this BEFORE she had the surgery. Please consider this.

    Exactly! This happens a lot, actually. OP, def consider this!
  • Faye_Anderson
    Faye_Anderson Posts: 1,495 Member
    Unfortunately psychological help is almost impossible in the UK unless you pay private (which I am considering doing). I have gone through this with bipolar and had to be admitted into a psychiatric intensive care before I was deemed to be ill enough to access the therapy.

    This is utter rubbish. We both live in Bolton and I happen to know that help is readily available. You need to visit your GP who will refer you to one of the many mental health/counselling services available in the Bolton area. There are at least 3 NHS services available in the town centre alone.
  • daftthoughts
    There's a reason for your desire to be addicted to something and lose control. Likely this is something shaped by your past or specific experiences. It's fed by your surroundings that passively allow you to do what you do, even though you obviously hate it and want to change it.

    It sounds like me that you need to talk to a therapist who will help you find the reason for your desire to be addicted to something, which is why it keeps transferring from one issue to the other. You DO NOT NEED MEDICATION. You DO NOT NEED SURGERY. Knowing why you do things is half the battle!

    Because as soon as you know why, a therapist will give you the tools and support you to deal with the issue and get a grip on your life again. That's what they do.


    They can only support you and guide you, but YOU are the one who has to take control and change your life. That's what therapy is about. That's what getting better is all about. If a doctor or therapist suggests you take medication, you're just running away from the problem. It will continue to exist and at some point even the GB, the medication or whatever else magical pill you get will not work any longer.

    I know this because I've been in therapy, still am in therapy and it's super hard work, just like changing your diet and exercise routine to be healthier. But it's something you CAN DO. As long as you keep thinking there's an easy fix and avoid the real issue, you will never be happy and always looking for something new to latch onto. Don't do that. Please get some real help. A therapist is costly, but the price you pay for neglecting yourself any longer is much higher.
  • east2west14
    east2west14 Posts: 161 Member
    OK I reread the op and have something else:
    WLS is NOT for people with binge eating disorders!!! You could burst your stomach open or make your GB move (one of the complications...).
    I'm no doctor but I'd suggest a psychiatrist before WLS

    Psychiatrist? They are the worst offenders. Please seek a therapist that is not too main-stream and will not recommend ridiculous medications and give you ridiculous diagnosis. You do not have a disease you just have an overeating issue and you need to recognize that it is your fault, you put food in your mouth nobody forced it down your throat. You have proven to yourself with your 16pounds weight loss that this is not a disease and it a matter or control. The sooner you stop blaming your eating habits on a "disease" the better.

    With that said, I You do not need GP.

    You don't have much experience with mental health issues, and that is okay, you're young. But the advice that you just gave the OP could kill her. Think before you type.

    Father is a pharmacist, sister is in med school, mother is RN, cousins are medical doctors and pharmacists and I am in the medical field so yea I don't know what I am saying.

    You saying that my advice could kill the OP is an ignorant, inflammatory and uncalled for tatement to make. Please educate yourself in this issue. If you don't know where to start you can start by reading a book called "Toxic Psychiatry" by Dr. Peter Breggin M.D. He is a Harvard educated Psychiatrist and have been in the field for 50 years.

    I think the problem with your advice is that it completely ignores the OP's admittedly addictive personality and generally f-ed up relationship with food. She traded one addiction for another, and if you've dealt with eating disorders, mental health disorders, and/or addiction issues at all, then you'd know that it's not just about self-control, but that the underlying disorders need to be addressed. Her BED, BPD, and addictions aren't "ridiculous diagnoses." The issues are so blatant and obvious that even the laypeople here can see it.

    Also, your very book recommendation proves that not every Psychiatrist is evil, considering you said yourself that it was written by a Psychiatrist.

    Nothing is absolute in this world and I understand that completely. I respect your opinion but do not agree.
  • pamelak5
    pamelak5 Posts: 327 Member
    OK I reread the op and have something else:
    WLS is NOT for people with binge eating disorders!!! You could burst your stomach open or make your GB move (one of the complications...).
    I'm no doctor but I'd suggest a psychiatrist before WLS

    Psychiatrist? They are the worst offenders. Please seek a therapist that is not too main-stream and will not recommend ridiculous medications and give you ridiculous diagnosis. You do not have a disease you just have an overeating issue and you need to recognize that it is your fault, you put food in your mouth nobody forced it down your throat. You have proven to yourself with your 16pounds weight loss that this is not a disease and it a matter or control. The sooner you stop blaming your eating habits on a "disease" the better.

    With that said, I You do not need GP.

    You don't have much experience with mental health issues, and that is okay, you're young. But the advice that you just gave the OP could kill her. Think before you type.

    Father is a pharmacist, sister is in med school, mother is RN, cousins are medical doctors and pharmacists and I am in the medical field so yea I don't know what I am saying.

    You saying that my advice could kill the OP is an ignorant, inflammatory and uncalled for tatement to make. Please educate yourself in this issue. If you don't know where to start you can start by reading a book called "Toxic Psychiatry" by Dr. Peter Breggin M.D. He is a Harvard educated Psychiatrist and have been in the field for 50 years.

    Tell me about YOUR medical degree. I have enough doctors in my family to respect their expertise. Medical degrees are not hereditary. If you work in the medical field, you should know that you cannot make a diagnosis over the internet. Telling the OP that she doesn't have a disease based on your review is absurd. What is ignorant and uncalled for is telling the OP, who may very well have real mental health issues, that she doesn't have any real problems and she just needs to drop a few pounds.
  • Achaila
    Achaila Posts: 264 Member
    I have an eating disorder as well (EDNOS) and I think you need to focus on your BED and let weight loss come as it will. I'm currently in recovery for EDNOS (eating disorder not otherwise specified. AKA - I have traits of an anorexic, bulimic, and someone with a binge eating disorder). I struggle daily with wanting to not eat or wanting to binge and purge, or just wanted to say screw it and binge. If you start eating and you can't stop, that is called a binge eating disorder. You definitely need to focus on the mental part and the physical will come. I'm still learning myself how to find that happy medium.

    This is just the point of view of someone with an ED. I really think you should seek help from a therapist who can help you view yourself and food differently and the weight loss will come.
  • east2west14
    east2west14 Posts: 161 Member
    OK I reread the op and have something else:
    WLS is NOT for people with binge eating disorders!!! You could burst your stomach open or make your GB move (one of the complications...).
    I'm no doctor but I'd suggest a psychiatrist before WLS

    Psychiatrist? They are the worst offenders. Please seek a therapist that is not too main-stream and will not recommend ridiculous medications and give you ridiculous diagnosis. You do not have a disease you just have an overeating issue and you need to recognize that it is your fault, you put food in your mouth nobody forced it down your throat. You have proven to yourself with your 16pounds weight loss that this is not a disease and it a matter or control. The sooner you stop blaming your eating habits on a "disease" the better.

    With that said, I You do not need GP.

    You don't have much experience with mental health issues, and that is okay, you're young. But the advice that you just gave the OP could kill her. Think before you type.

    Father is a pharmacist, sister is in med school, mother is RN, cousins are medical doctors and pharmacists and I am in the medical field so yea I don't know what I am saying.

    You saying that my advice could kill the OP is an ignorant, inflammatory and uncalled for tatement to make. Please educate yourself in this issue. If you don't know where to start you can start by reading a book called "Toxic Psychiatry" by Dr. Peter Breggin M.D. He is a Harvard educated Psychiatrist and have been in the field for 50 years.

    Tell me about YOUR medical degree. I have enough doctors in my family to respect their expertise. Medical degrees are not hereditary. If you work in the medical field, you should know that you cannot make a diagnosis over the internet. Telling the OP that she doesn't have a disease based on your review is absurd. What is ignorant and uncalled for is telling the OP, who may very well have real mental health issues, that she doesn't have any real problems and she just needs to drop a few pounds.

    Not only do I have a degree in the medical field but I am also still studying and going for a second degree. The OP does not have a disease however, she does have issues with overeating which should be addressed.

    FYI being a housewife doesn't make you an expert in this issue.
  • endoftheside
    endoftheside Posts: 568 Member
    I don't know if this has been mentioned before, but in your profile it said you were slim until you started on some medication. Have you talked to your doctor to see if there are other medications that you could try that do not have weight gain as a side effect? The desire to binge could possibly be rooted in your medicine, if it is affecting your blood sugar or brain chemicals. Of course, the way you think and talk about food also seems to be unhealthy and some specialized counseling might help you with the self-talk and habit parts of the problem.
  • Tiffa0909
    Tiffa0909 Posts: 191 Member
    OK I reread the op and have something else:
    WLS is NOT for people with binge eating disorders!!! You could burst your stomach open or make your GB move (one of the complications...).
    I'm no doctor but I'd suggest a psychiatrist before WLS

    Psychiatrist? They are the worst offenders. Please seek a therapist that is not too main-stream and will not recommend ridiculous medications and give you ridiculous diagnosis. You do not have a disease you just have an overeating issue and you need to recognize that it is your fault, you put food in your mouth nobody forced it down your throat. You have proven to yourself with your 16pounds weight loss that this is not a disease and it a matter or control. The sooner you stop blaming your eating habits on a "disease" the better.

    With that said, I You do not need GP.

    You don't have much experience with mental health issues, and that is okay, you're young. But the advice that you just gave the OP could kill her. Think before you type.

    Father is a pharmacist, sister is in med school, mother is RN, cousins are medical doctors and pharmacists and I am in the medical field so yea I don't know what I am saying.

    You saying that my advice could kill the OP is an ignorant, inflammatory and uncalled for tatement to make. Please educate yourself in this issue. If you don't know where to start you can start by reading a book called "Toxic Psychiatry" by Dr. Peter Breggin M.D. He is a Harvard educated Psychiatrist and have been in the field for 50 years.

    Tell me about YOUR medical degree. I have enough doctors in my family to respect their expertise. Medical degrees are not hereditary. If you work in the medical field, you should know that you cannot make a diagnosis over the internet. Telling the OP that she doesn't have a disease based on your review is absurd. What is ignorant and uncalled for is telling the OP, who may very well have real mental health issues, that she doesn't have any real problems and she just needs to drop a few pounds.

    Not only do I have a degree in the medical field but I am also still studying and going for a second degree. The OP does not have a disease however, she does have issues with overeating which should be addressed.

    FYI being a housewife doesn't make you an expert in this issue.

    So you decided to ignore all the thing the op admitted . The OP admitted to being a drug addict , anorexic , binge eater and being Bipolar.

    That's not an issue , that's mental illness. Her issues go beyond eating to much and she needs professional help.
  • lynn1982
    lynn1982 Posts: 1,439 Member
    It is really difficult for me because I have NEVER had a healthy relationship with food. From an early age my mum called me a fat cow leading me to be anorexic for years. Suddenly the anorexia stopped and the bingeing started. I really need psychological help. Am thinking of going to overeaters anonymous.

    If you admit that you need psychological help, then how will a gastric band help??
  • daltem
    daltem Posts: 138 Member
    16 lbs down....you're on your way!

    Ps... The few people I've know who's had weight loss surgery have ALL gained the weight back- and have felt like crap while doing it!
  • east2west14
    east2west14 Posts: 161 Member
    OK I reread the op and have something else:
    WLS is NOT for people with binge eating disorders!!! You could burst your stomach open or make your GB move (one of the complications...).
    I'm no doctor but I'd suggest a psychiatrist before WLS

    Psychiatrist? They are the worst offenders. Please seek a therapist that is not too main-stream and will not recommend ridiculous medications and give you ridiculous diagnosis. You do not have a disease you just have an overeating issue and you need to recognize that it is your fault, you put food in your mouth nobody forced it down your throat. You have proven to yourself with your 16pounds weight loss that this is not a disease and it a matter or control. The sooner you stop blaming your eating habits on a "disease" the better.

    With that said, I You do not need GP.

    You don't have much experience with mental health issues, and that is okay, you're young. But the advice that you just gave the OP could kill her. Think before you type.

    Father is a pharmacist, sister is in med school, mother is RN, cousins are medical doctors and pharmacists and I am in the medical field so yea I don't know what I am saying.

    You saying that my advice could kill the OP is an ignorant, inflammatory and uncalled for tatement to make. Please educate yourself in this issue. If you don't know where to start you can start by reading a book called "Toxic Psychiatry" by Dr. Peter Breggin M.D. He is a Harvard educated Psychiatrist and have been in the field for 50 years.

    Tell me about YOUR medical degree. I have enough doctors in my family to respect their expertise. Medical degrees are not hereditary. If you work in the medical field, you should know that you cannot make a diagnosis over the internet. Telling the OP that she doesn't have a disease based on your review is absurd. What is ignorant and uncalled for is telling the OP, who may very well have real mental health issues, that she doesn't have any real problems and she just needs to drop a few pounds.

    Not only do I have a degree in the medical field but I am also still studying and going for a second degree. The OP does not have a disease however, she does have issues with overeating which should be addressed.

    FYI being a housewife doesn't make you an expert in this issue.

    So you decided to ignore all the thing the op admitted . The OP admitted to being a drug addict , anorexic , binge eater and being Bipolar.

    That's not an issue , that's mental illness. Her issues go beyond eating to much and she needs professional help.

    And your point is?

    She said that she has lost 16 pounds on her own which means that she has more control than she thinks. She may have disordered eating problems but definitely does not have a disease. A person with a disease would have zero control. She needs counseling yes but I feel that it is important for her to seek the kind of counseling that would target the problem instead of try to make a buck or two by prescribing her medications.
  • pamelak5
    pamelak5 Posts: 327 Member
    OK I reread the op and have something else:
    WLS is NOT for people with binge eating disorders!!! You could burst your stomach open or make your GB move (one of the complications...).
    I'm no doctor but I'd suggest a psychiatrist before WLS

    Psychiatrist? They are the worst offenders. Please seek a therapist that is not too main-stream and will not recommend ridiculous medications and give you ridiculous diagnosis. You do not have a disease you just have an overeating issue and you need to recognize that it is your fault, you put food in your mouth nobody forced it down your throat. You have proven to yourself with your 16pounds weight loss that this is not a disease and it a matter or control. The sooner you stop blaming your eating habits on a "disease" the better.

    With that said, I You do not need GP.

    You don't have much experience with mental health issues, and that is okay, you're young. But the advice that you just gave the OP could kill her. Think before you type.

    Father is a pharmacist, sister is in med school, mother is RN, cousins are medical doctors and pharmacists and I am in the medical field so yea I don't know what I am saying.

    You saying that my advice could kill the OP is an ignorant, inflammatory and uncalled for tatement to make. Please educate yourself in this issue. If you don't know where to start you can start by reading a book called "Toxic Psychiatry" by Dr. Peter Breggin M.D. He is a Harvard educated Psychiatrist and have been in the field for 50 years.

    Tell me about YOUR medical degree. I have enough doctors in my family to respect their expertise. Medical degrees are not hereditary. If you work in the medical field, you should know that you cannot make a diagnosis over the internet. Telling the OP that she doesn't have a disease based on your review is absurd. What is ignorant and uncalled for is telling the OP, who may very well have real mental health issues, that she doesn't have any real problems and she just needs to drop a few pounds.

    Not only do I have a degree in the medical field but I am also still studying and going for a second degree. The OP does not have a disease however, she does have issues with overeating which should be addressed.

    FYI being a housewife doesn't make you an expert in this issue.

    I didn't say I was an expert. That was sort of my point - the OP needs to work with experts - i.e., medical doctors or therapists - to figure out what the issues are. Your dismissal of the possibility of any diagnosis is not the equivalent of an informed, expert opinion on the matter.

    Nice dig at housewives,btw. Now you're just grasping at straws.

    Your dig at housewives is rude and inappropriate. But FWIW I am actually an attorney, and I have multiple degrees. Thanks for playing.
  • pamelak5
    pamelak5 Posts: 327 Member
    OK I reread the op and have something else:
    WLS is NOT for people with binge eating disorders!!! You could burst your stomach open or make your GB move (one of the complications...).
    I'm no doctor but I'd suggest a psychiatrist before WLS

    Psychiatrist? They are the worst offenders. Please seek a therapist that is not too main-stream and will not recommend ridiculous medications and give you ridiculous diagnosis. You do not have a disease you just have an overeating issue and you need to recognize that it is your fault, you put food in your mouth nobody forced it down your throat. You have proven to yourself with your 16pounds weight loss that this is not a disease and it a matter or control. The sooner you stop blaming your eating habits on a "disease" the better.

    With that said, I You do not need GP.

    You don't have much experience with mental health issues, and that is okay, you're young. But the advice that you just gave the OP could kill her. Think before you type.

    Father is a pharmacist, sister is in med school, mother is RN, cousins are medical doctors and pharmacists and I am in the medical field so yea I don't know what I am saying.

    You saying that my advice could kill the OP is an ignorant, inflammatory and uncalled for tatement to make. Please educate yourself in this issue. If you don't know where to start you can start by reading a book called "Toxic Psychiatry" by Dr. Peter Breggin M.D. He is a Harvard educated Psychiatrist and have been in the field for 50 years.

    Tell me about YOUR medical degree. I have enough doctors in my family to respect their expertise. Medical degrees are not hereditary. If you work in the medical field, you should know that you cannot make a diagnosis over the internet. Telling the OP that she doesn't have a disease based on your review is absurd. What is ignorant and uncalled for is telling the OP, who may very well have real mental health issues, that she doesn't have any real problems and she just needs to drop a few pounds.

    Not only do I have a degree in the medical field but I am also still studying and going for a second degree. The OP does not have a disease however, she does have issues with overeating which should be addressed.

    FYI being a housewife doesn't make you an expert in this issue.

    So you decided to ignore all the thing the op admitted . The OP admitted to being a drug addict , anorexic , binge eater and being Bipolar.

    That's not an issue , that's mental illness. Her issues go beyond eating to much and she needs professional help.

    And your point is?

    She said that she has lost 16 pounds on her own which means that she has more control than she thinks. She may have disordered eating problems but definitely does not have a disease. A person with a disease would have zero control. She needs counseling yes but I feel that it is important for her to seek the kind of counseling that would target the problem instead of try to make a buck or two by prescribing her medications.

    The fact that you think all doctors are out to harm their patients speaks volumes about the way *you* would practice medicine. I know plenty of doctors that I would trust with my life; many of my friends are physicians. Frankly, you simply can't imagine that a doctor would act ethically - which reflects on your values. And you say you work in the medical field? What exactly do you do? Nurse aide? Transcriptionist? I hope you don't interact with patients.
  • east2west14
    east2west14 Posts: 161 Member
    OK I reread the op and have something else:
    WLS is NOT for people with binge eating disorders!!! You could burst your stomach open or make your GB move (one of the complications...).
    I'm no doctor but I'd suggest a psychiatrist before WLS

    Psychiatrist? They are the worst offenders. Please seek a therapist that is not too main-stream and will not recommend ridiculous medications and give you ridiculous diagnosis. You do not have a disease you just have an overeating issue and you need to recognize that it is your fault, you put food in your mouth nobody forced it down your throat. You have proven to yourself with your 16pounds weight loss that this is not a disease and it a matter or control. The sooner you stop blaming your eating habits on a "disease" the better.

    With that said, I You do not need GP.

    You don't have much experience with mental health issues, and that is okay, you're young. But the advice that you just gave the OP could kill her. Think before you type.

    Father is a pharmacist, sister is in med school, mother is RN, cousins are medical doctors and pharmacists and I am in the medical field so yea I don't know what I am saying.

    You saying that my advice could kill the OP is an ignorant, inflammatory and uncalled for tatement to make. Please educate yourself in this issue. If you don't know where to start you can start by reading a book called "Toxic Psychiatry" by Dr. Peter Breggin M.D. He is a Harvard educated Psychiatrist and have been in the field for 50 years.

    Tell me about YOUR medical degree. I have enough doctors in my family to respect their expertise. Medical degrees are not hereditary. If you work in the medical field, you should know that you cannot make a diagnosis over the internet. Telling the OP that she doesn't have a disease based on your review is absurd. What is ignorant and uncalled for is telling the OP, who may very well have real mental health issues, that she doesn't have any real problems and she just needs to drop a few pounds.

    Not only do I have a degree in the medical field but I am also still studying and going for a second degree. The OP does not have a disease however, she does have issues with overeating which should be addressed.

    FYI being a housewife doesn't make you an expert in this issue.

    So you decided to ignore all the thing the op admitted . The OP admitted to being a drug addict , anorexic , binge eater and being Bipolar.

    That's not an issue , that's mental illness. Her issues go beyond eating to much and she needs professional help.

    And your point is?

    She said that she has lost 16 pounds on her own which means that she has more control than she thinks. She may have disordered eating problems but definitely does not have a disease. A person with a disease would have zero control. She needs counseling yes but I feel that it is important for her to seek the kind of counseling that would target the problem instead of try to make a buck or two by prescribing her medications.

    The fact that you think all doctors are out to harm their patients speaks volumes about the way *you* would practice medicine. I know plenty of doctors that I would trust with my life; many of my friends are physicians. Frankly, you simply can't imagine that a doctor would act ethically - which reflects on your values. And you say you work in the medical field? What exactly do you do? Nurse aide? Transcriptionist? I hope you don't interact with patients.

    I feel sorry for you you are in your 30s and somebody's mother, have some class and know when to quit. You do not always have to have the last word. This proves that age doesn't always equal wisdom. For your information darling I do have my bachelors and a housewife is not degree. Go get yours. I am going to leave this discussion, you can have the last word.
  • Wilhellmina
    Wilhellmina Posts: 757 Member
    A GB doesn't make you stop binging, you need therapy for that! A GB can temporary prevent you from eating too much (tho I hear many cheat with it as well), but it will not take your mental hunger away!