Weird Sports Bra ?'s



  • Juanwi
    Juanwi Posts: 68 Member
    I have four. Two cheap minimum support bras from Target that I initially bought for yoga, and two medium support bras from Victoria's Secret. I love the two from VS. I bought them on sale so they really weren't too expensive. They match the shorts I purchased from there. Can't wait to buy more!
  • EmilyEmpowered
    EmilyEmpowered Posts: 650 Member
    I own a whole basket full of them. When the elastic gets too stretchy- I stop using them.

    I have several but there are 3 I reach for CONSTANTLY- I'll slowly fade out my regular ones for that particular type-the are deep v cut down the front- fronsie clasp ones. Super sexy AND supportive for me (I"m a 36C/34D type)... Wal-Mart for like 12 bucks.

    Deep cut down the front means I dont' get sweaty nasty stuff on my skin.
    win win.

    edit- I NEVER dry mine in the dryer- wash and hang dry. Actually that goes for all my super spandexy clothes. bra's and underthings... or my workout capri's.

    I LOVE those ones from WalMart! BEST!
  • EmilyEmpowered
    EmilyEmpowered Posts: 650 Member
    Just like all of my other workout clothes, I personally have just way. too. many. Lots of styles, lots of brands... I buy so much workout gear its crazy! I am not buying any more for a while.

    As is, right now I have like 15 of them :laugh:
  • royalty819
    royalty819 Posts: 145 Member
    I own more sports bras than real bras lol. . .

    i have like 17 sports bras verses 10 real bras

    reason being i wear a sports bra over my real bra every day, even if i dont work out. because I am a DD and i don't like to jiggle (may sound silly) but yeah

    I wash them when I realize I am running low on clean ones
  • royalty819
    royalty819 Posts: 145 Member
    I own more sports bras than real bras lol. . .

    i have like 17 sports bras verses 10 real bras

    reason being i wear a sports bra over my real bra every day, even if i dont work out. because I am a DD and i don't like to jiggle (may sound silly) but yeah

    I wash them when I realize I am running low on clean ones

    oh, and most of them are nike. . .but the rest are the really nice ones from wal mart
  • YoBecca
    YoBecca Posts: 167
    I only wear my Moving Comfort bras, and I have 5 of them. I get about 9 workouts/week, so they get washed a lot. 3 of those workouts are strictly lifting, which is in the gym. If I don't get too sweaty, I'll hang my bra up to air out and wear it the next morning for my cardio - but after that it's soaked and gets washed. They hang to dry. I have kids, so I do a load of laundry every 2 days anyway, but I definitely need some more sports bras!
  • astartig
    astartig Posts: 549 Member
    I have one good one and now it's too big. Gotta go shopping. LOL
  • Blitz_40
    Blitz_40 Posts: 110 Member
    I own 4. I don't wash them after every use. I wear 'em again twice then I wash them.

    I also have 4 and do the same, but have never been a heavy sweat-er. If it got wet with sweat
    I'd have to wash it!!
  • elizamac123
    I have like, 5. I wear them more than once if I'm just doing normal yoga, if I'm running or doing hot yoga I wash them afterwards. I tend to handwash my workout clothes otherwise I'd be doing laundry like three times a week.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I own 4. I don't wash them after every use. I wear 'em again twice then I wash them.

    I think I just threw up in my mouth a little.

    Mine smell immediately- but I tend to sweat quiet a bit- I have a whole album of shirts that are soaked through the back of the shirt LOL.

    Yeah no- I could never wear workout clothes twice- that's just... ick. can't. I just can't.
  • MyJourney1960
    MyJourney1960 Posts: 1,133 Member
    I have a lot - i think about 8 or 10. i found cheapie ones a long time ago, they are very very snug but comfy and the uni-bob look doesn't bother me (I wear tank tops over them). I do need to get more tank tops because some are becoming bedraggled.

    I throw them in the wash after every use - all my gym clothing. the pants i will sometimes wear more than once if they aren't "sweaty" and stinky but everything else gets washed and rinsed with vinegar.
  • PheonixRizing
    PheonixRizing Posts: 131 Member
    Um... i have 2 and i alternate back and forth until they smell. I know that is probably gonna gross people out but... wtf ever. I've been doing it for over 10 years and my boobs haven't fallen off. ^_^
  • jillianbeeee
    jillianbeeee Posts: 345 Member
    I have two that I love both are Adidas. I use to wash them alone, now I just wash them with my regular loads and hang them in the laundry room to dry. I wash them every time I finish working out. I tend to sweat very much. lol
  • emergencytennis
    emergencytennis Posts: 864 Member
    I hand wash immediately after every workout. I use Jockeys which take a full day to dry, and I treated myself to 5 (they were on sale plus I had a coupon), but I so far am just rotating through the two; I may keep the others aside for when these wear out.

    Sweat degrades some materials, so it's a good idea to wash or at least rinse ASAP.


    I find it difficult to drag my arms up to get the bra off after sport! I rinse out my HRM band (by wearing it in the shower) but that's it.
    I takes my hat off to yous.
  • yamsteroo
    yamsteroo Posts: 480 Member
    I've got 5 - 3 are a good fit and do the job for running but they were pretty cheap; Lonsdale brand. The other two are useless for controlling bounce so they stay in the drawer. Once I'm near GW I'll probably splurge on some more expensive brands to see if they are better at wicking the sweat away, the only thing my cheap ones aren't very good at.

    If I'm not due to put a wash on I'll rinse out my work-out clothes rather than put really sweaty gear in the laundry basket as they're all quick drying anyway so it's easy enough to do by hand.

    I don't think I'd get away with a second wear as I get quite sweaty when I run (especially in this weather).
  • nathalier71
    nathalier71 Posts: 570 Member
    I usually just wear them until they smell. I only wear them when I'm working out, so I don't really care if they aren't super fresh.

    me too - as I only have one for now.
  • shunggie
    shunggie Posts: 1,036 Member
    I love MFP. I love that we have conversations the reflect what I'm thinking about. Stupid uniboob, super comfy, sometimes smelly and gross sports bras.

    I have probably have around 10. I have enough so I could just do them with regular laundry and not have to do anything special to them. I salute you ladies hand washing them, but I'm too lazy for that.

    I recently started going to a new gym and since my shower at home is leaking (I hate taking bathes after working out) I shower at the gym. The first day I packed clothes to change into after the shower EXCEPT for a bra. The only thing I had was the stinky sweat soaked sports bra.... I had to make a decision, walk thru the gym sans bra or put on the wet one. I do not have a large chest- so I elected to go without the bra. Walked out with my gym bag in front of me, the girl at the counter asked as I walked by if I had forgotten something important. I was so embarassed but I said yes and scooted out the door!
  • SaberEsPoder
    SaberEsPoder Posts: 130 Member
    ~ Glad I'm not the only one who has only a few...maybe I can buy one or two to reward myself once I lose my first 10 pounds :)

    ~ Didn't know that sweat can degrade the materials, so I will try and do better with rinsing and hanging for now until I get more.

    ~ Love the suggestions about different brands and websites. I also want another Underarmour one, but their stuff is pricy so I usually wait until sale time as well. Definitely willing to try new ones, then I can justify tossing the two horrible and unsupportive ones I have :D

    Thank you ladies, and keep it coming!
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    Two Fionas in rotation. There's one garbage bra I'll wear for BodyFlow (yoga ish class) but that's it. The rest do get laid out to dry after each use and yes I do sweat heavily. They'll um... mostly get washed once a week. If they start to stink I'll do a quick hand wash. I could buy some more but honestly it wouldn't be because I myself found it gross, so kind of a waste of money for me. I throw them in the wash same as normal bras but in a lingerie zipped bag. They all get air dried only.

    RE: too tired to lift arms to remove bra: that was one reason I realized I loved my Fionas because they have the rear hook and eye open just like normal bras. :)
  • jlahorn
    jlahorn Posts: 377 Member
    I dislocated my left shoulder twice pulling off snug, sweat-sticky sports bras. My arms just don't move that way. After the second time (I thought the first was a weird fluke), I got rid of most of my pull-on bras and replaced them with clasp-closure bras. They're much more expensive :/ Worth it to not injure myself, I guess.

    I wash mine with the regular laundry and air dry when I remember to pull them out before they go through the dryer, but really I've seen no ill effects from tumble drying. I usually wash after each use - they're sopping after Zumba and step. I might re-wear one that only got used for yoga or Bodypump.

    There are more reasons than the reflexive ick factor to wash after each use (and this goes for towels, as well). There are skin fungi that proliferate in damp fabrics and can give you nasty rashes.