Hello MFP ladies



  • cassondraragan
    cassondraragan Posts: 233 Member
    I feel like I have the best of both worlds. I work Tues and thurs 7:30-2:30 and Wed 7:30-12:30 I am home with my kids the other 4 days. I work just enough to give me a break from my kids and get grown up conversation. And it gives me some time away so I can miss them. Plus it's easier to fit exercise in on my off days.
  • brittyandian
    brittyandian Posts: 241 Member
    I've done both, and before my current career, I liked being a SAHM way more. I worked overnight shifts so my kids wouldn't be in daycare(I refuse to ever put them in one) and my husband is in the military so he works when he is told to. We never got to spend anytime together and I was so tired during the day while he was at work, I started to slack on parenting and keeping the home. Once I became pregnant with my son, I was put on strict bedrest. Wasnt allowed up for anything at all(had a nurse practioner come to me since I refused to live in the hospital for 8 months) so obviously I couldnt work. Right now I pretty much do both. I work for Mary Kay so I work when I want to and most of my money comes from online sales(I dont really do anything beside get paid haha). It's the best of both worlds I have a steady income and I get to be with my kids all day long.

    that is awesome, maybe i could pick up a work from home job, i am just afraid i would slack on maintaining home and parenting

    as for the bedrest situation, i am so sorry to hear that, i hope it all worked out well

    You jsut have to find a balance. Right now, I make my business calls first thing in the morning, during naps, and in the evening while the kids are having independent play. Ordering products for customers only takes a few minutes online so I normally just do that in the am before the kids wake up as well. The kids go with me when I have to drop orders off and I let them help me organize it all if they want. It makes them feel special to help mommy work.Houswork in my house is all me. My husband does not clean or cook at all, but I am perfectly ok with that. He has a very important job and works 12 sometimes 14 hours a day 6 days a week. He is military police and has to help keep our base safe and respond to every little call/threat in the area, and that is exhausting. He provides for the family financially and emotionally and I maintain the home children and suppliment our income. We've worked out a good balance. We also make sure that one another gets a "me" day once a month to just go out and do whatever the heck they want to relax and enjoy time alone or with friends to keep sanity. As for bedrest, everything worked out great. I have a very happy and very healthy 2 month old boy :bigsmile:
  • royalty819
    royalty819 Posts: 145 Member
    what is your preference, house wife or working?

    I want one of each, perhaps two working so I don't have to work but for sure I want one to clean the house.

    How hard is it to actually wash clothes and clean? Let's be honest. Most women throw the clothes in the washer, watch soap operas for an hour, and then throw them in the dryer when they're done. Cooking probably means you heat up a pizza or frozen dinner in the oven. It's not really anything that couldn't be done if you worked too.

    probably true for some, but in my house, its a lot of work to be done! lol, i have a two year old who loves coming behind me and destroying my freshly cleaned living room. lol. but frozen pizza? lol, in my house we cook for real. lol Some times i am in the kitchen for 1-2 hours before dinner is done! plus the errands, grocery shopping, laundry, ironing my husbands work uniform, grooming my daughter, i swear, im never out of things to do! but then again, there are some days when its a complete bore because everything is done!
  • KeepOnMoving
    KeepOnMoving Posts: 383 Member
    Stay home Moms are so lucky. But what do they do for retirement in the future? To you have to have a husband that can put over 2 million dollars or more so you both have a retirement nest egg? Children's college fund? What if they divorce?
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    I'd like two men at the same time.

    One to cook & the other to clean.
  • WisiPls
    WisiPls Posts: 359
    I'd like two men at the same time.

    One to cook & the other to clean.

    How about you and I hook up, and you do both of those things?
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    I've done both. I prefer having a part time job. I get bored as a housewife but I can't work full time. 3 days per week is just about perfect.

    Oh hey, someone already gave my answer.

    My husband and I are moving next year so once we're settled I plan to go to nursing school, but until then I do part time stuff in childcare. I was assistant teacher last school year, fun times.
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    I'd like two men at the same time.

    One to cook & the other to clean.

    How about you and I hook up, and you do both of those things?

    Been there, done that. Not worth it.
  • vitaxo
    vitaxo Posts: 99
    definitely a house wife. call me old-fashioned but, i like the idea of being home with my children, cooking, cleaning, running errands etc while my husband is at work. don't know why but i actually think it's quite cute when the wife makes dinner for her husband when he comes home from work! idk hahah but yes, a housewife.
  • WisiPls
    WisiPls Posts: 359
    definitely a house wife. call me old-fashioned but, i like the idea of being home with my children, cooking, cleaning, running errands etc while my husband is at work. don't know why but i actually think it's quite cute when the wife makes dinner for her husband when he comes home from work! idk hahah but yes, a housewife.

    So when are we getting married?
  • Fiercely_Me
    Fiercely_Me Posts: 481 Member
    Just a heads up, it is very rarely really 50/50. Sometimes it's 70/30, sometimes 80/20, etc. But very rarely it is ever 50/50 despite that being the dream. :laugh: Just to prepare any of those that think it might work out that way.

    I work and make more money than my husband and our housework is usually split 75 (me)/25 (him)....and that is being generous. I'm ok with that since I want things done a certain way, but even if I asked for 50/50 I do NOT think that would happen...haha.

    Ain't that the truth!
  • sbdriver1
    I stayed at home with our son for the first five years, then started driving a school bus when he went into school. I was able to work around his hours. I said it was just temporary until he didn't need me at home full time. I ended up driving for 21 years, and just retired last year. :) I wouldn't change a thing if I could.
  • MrGonzo05
    MrGonzo05 Posts: 1,120 Member
    You work. I'll stay at home and look pretty. LOL
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
    I'd like two men at the same time.

    One to cook & the other to clean.

    How about you and I hook up, and you do both of those things?

    Been there, done that. Not worth it.

    He didnt understand the directions.

    *pops cork*

    Would you like a drink?
  • royalty819
    royalty819 Posts: 145 Member
    definitely a house wife. call me old-fashioned but, i like the idea of being home with my children, cooking, cleaning, running errands etc while my husband is at work. don't know why but i actually think it's quite cute when the wife makes dinner for her husband when he comes home from work! idk hahah but yes, a housewife.

    Yes, my friends call me "lady from the 40's" all the time, and they really think they are clever when they call me mom...lol

    but i love it... a lot of people underestimate the amount of work a house wife does! but i have had 2 jobs before me and my husband started dating, and i must say, My house wife job has kept me the busiest!
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    I'd like two men at the same time.

    One to cook & the other to clean.

    How about you and I hook up, and you do both of those things?

    Been there, done that. Not worth it.

    He didnt understand the directions.

    *pops cork*

    Would you like a drink?

    Yes, I would. Thank you, kind sir.
  • hifi898
    hifi898 Posts: 54
    Just a heads up, it is very rarely really 50/50. Sometimes it's 70/30, sometimes 80/20, etc. But very rarely it is ever 50/50 despite that being the dream. :laugh: Just to prepare any of those that think it might work out that way.

    I work and make more money than my husband and our housework is usually split 75 (me)/25 (him)....and that is being generous. I'm ok with that since I want things done a certain way, but even if I asked for 50/50 I do NOT think that would happen...haha.

    THIS. This is my situation to a T, complete with a 12 yr old and a 4 yr old in the mix. I work full time, make more than the hubs and the chores are split about 90/10. (me/him). I've asked for help, but hubs is just lazy in general and acknowledges it. He's perfectly fine with me cleaning mine and the kid's stuff (except the 12 yr old) and leaving his stuff in a huge pile in front of his dresser in our bedroom :devil:
  • saranevans
    saranevans Posts: 63 Member
    Vet school has been my dream as long as I can remember, as cliche as that sounds.

    I want the whole house with babies and a husband in the future but I couldn't see that as a full time job. I'd rather be Dr. Sara right now than mommy/ wife. When it does get that point it'll definitely have to be 50/50.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I'd like two men at the same time.

    One to cook & the other to clean.

    Cannibalism is not the answer.

    As for the cleaning, well whatever floats your boat I guess. :huh:
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    definitely a house wife. call me old-fashioned but, i like the idea of being home with my children, cooking, cleaning, running errands etc while my husband is at work. don't know why but i actually think it's quite cute when the wife makes dinner for her husband when he comes home from work! idk hahah but yes, a housewife.

    This is me. I like staying home and keeping the house organized. Making sure there is dinner on the table. :)