Less than 10 feet from my desk is...



every single goddam day in varying quantities and types. It's driving me insane.


    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,472 Member
    ha ha, good one!, lucky I do not prefere any of those.
  • souzan651
    souzan651 Posts: 42 Member
    Congrats on your willpower and determination!!
  • acpgee
    acpgee Posts: 7,685 Member
    My workplace is like this too. Cookies because people are going on vacation or leave. Cakes because they are coming back. Candy when some gets promoted. Sweets and chips on top of all the filing cabinets.
  • Mystyfied
    Mystyfied Posts: 18 Member
    I once watched a tv programme and it suggested that you tjhink of some food that is totally repulsive to you and imagine the foods in front of you covered in the stuff...at the same time take your index finger and thumb and squeeze tightly and continue with these thoughts.....whenever you feel the urge to look over at these foods keep pressing those digits together and thinking of your repulsive food.......Duno if it will work but its gotta be worth a try.........a moment on the lips is a lifetime on the hips.....the taste lasts moments...the weight gained takes a long time to get rid of......good luck x
  • Me2FitMe
    Me2FitMe Posts: 1,284 Member
    I love sweets!! Glad I don't have that problem at work ;)
  • Treadmillmom1st
    Treadmillmom1st Posts: 579 Member
    That is exactly the same here 'acpgee' and the dumping ground for the stuff they don't want at home.

    Congratulations are not in order I'm on the verge of a panic attack lol.

    I have a very, very sweet tooth and I'm often fighting a battle that ends up with me giving in.

    I was off work the last two weeks with the children and it was great, there really wasn't any temptation in my path.
  • mspoopoo
    mspoopoo Posts: 500 Member
    Can't they move it somewhere else?
  • Pinkranger626
    Pinkranger626 Posts: 460 Member
    what would happen if you just threw all of it out?
  • leadiax3
    leadiax3 Posts: 534 Member
    We used to keep a candy dish in the office until my coworker said she didnt like it due to health reasons. At 1st i was offended. Her straightforwardness seemed abrupt, but now i am thankful. She was brave to go against the crowd and address the candy being around. U should let people know how u feel because others probably agree but are afraid to say anything. Stand up for ur health!
  • ellend17
    ellend17 Posts: 58
    I feel your pain! My office is right next door to the tearoom so it takes about a millisecond to get up and grab some sugary snack to munch on.
    We have cake for birthdays, sweets and biscuits when people get back from their holidays, treats that people don't want at home, homemade crumbles and cakes (just because!) biscuits and snacks that customers bring in as a thank you!
    It's literally never ending..
    Anyway, the purpose of my posting is just to say that one treat from that pile every so often won't hurt at all. I know its horrendous having to sit right by it all day every day, but just aim to save yourself for maybe one thing from it a week or a fortnight? And if you hang on til the end of the week, maybe you won't feel like it anymore, or the thing you were looking forward to will have been eaten by someone else anyway!
    Good Luck :smile:
  • Treadmillmom1st
    Treadmillmom1st Posts: 579 Member
    It found its way to this end of the office for the same reason's just before I started.

    Throw it out? I'd be eaten as an alternative.

    I don't wanna make a fuss you know, technically I guess there are 2 choices; eat it or leave it....it's bloody hard.
  • alimak21
    alimak21 Posts: 20
    I say move it...You won't have to look at it and your co-workers who do want to consume it can burn some calories walking to the other side of the office. It's a win-win!
  • stefjc
    stefjc Posts: 484 Member
    But some of it is turron.......

    Ah well. It isn't near me and I can be selfish about it :)

    Good luck with the willpower
  • EasilyLed
    That is exactly the same here 'acpgee' and the dumping ground for the stuff they don't want at home.

    Congratulations are not in order I'm on the verge of a panic attack lol.

    I have a very, very sweet tooth and I'm often fighting a battle that ends up with me giving in.

    I was off work the last two weeks with the children and it was great, there really wasn't any temptation in my path.

    I have this problem too, it's right by the kettle so have to look at it when I'm boiling water to make my cup of Tea.
    What I'm doing is filling my desk drawer with things that will satisfy my sweet tooth in packages of less than 100-150kcal.

    Then, when I have a craving, is wait 30 minutes, have a glass of water/herbal tea. Then if after 30 minutes I still want it I have something from my drawer. like sweet wafers, chocolate coated nuts, or a Graze box.

    Works for me most of the time
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    Congrats on your willpower and determination!!


    Why not suggest to your employer to bring in fruit and other healthy stuff as well.
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    ah yes, I remember working at a convinience store. It was a LOT more rough to try and lose weight working around all the candy and high calorie foods. It didn't helped that I was working long hours AND going to school, making me always reach out for food inside the store which always made me go over the calories.
  • Treadmillmom1st
    Treadmillmom1st Posts: 579 Member
    Same here re the drawer of snacks, so far I've had 10 dates, 20g of sultana's, 20g of peanuts, 2 strawberries...I'm not even hungrey, 6 cups of tea...I'm not even hungry, the sweet craving won't switch off.
  • baileysmom4
    baileysmom4 Posts: 242 Member
    what would happen if you just threw all of it out?

    Exactly. Stuff like that sits just on the other side of my cubicle wall! And sits and sits... then I pitch it.
  • HollisGrant
    HollisGrant Posts: 2,022 Member
    I would say something about it. Ask your employer to put it in a break room. Mention your health problems and how it used to be somewhere else and people who didn't want to be tempted moved it in front of you.

    I got rid of a candy dish in my office when I was first employed (and some people thought that was unfriendly of me, but I don't care -- I was eating half the dish every day). I get migraines from chocolate. The place where I work is loaded with crap food and people can easily walk into another room to get more of it. Do it. Stand up for yourself. Even if they don't move it, the fact that you said something will give them the idea that some people do care about their health.
  • EasilyLed
    Same here re the drawer of snacks, so far I've had 10 dates, 20g of sultana's, 20g of peanuts, 2 strawberries...I'm not even hungrey, 6 cups of tea...I'm not even hungry, the sweet craving won't switch off.

    Dried fruit doesn't do a massive amount for me, I do have a few things that are genuinely sweet, some squares of chocolate, some biscuits a couple of fun-size chocolates. I just know that a few squares of chocolate is needed sometimes. With portioning I know I can have that much, and will hold me off having a slab of cake. (most of the time)

    No-one is perfect, just log and chalk it up to experience.