A question for people who have stopped drinking diet drinks

I really want to stop drinking diet coke, but it's just so hard to do! I've been drinking it regularly for the last 20+ years and usually have 3-4 cans a day. I'm looking for motivation to stop drinking it altogether - those chemicals can't be good for me and I hate being so addicted to a drink!

So, my question is what effect on health/weight loss has stopping drinking diet drinks had for you? How do you feel you have benefited?


  • seabee78
    seabee78 Posts: 126 Member
    Lately I've really gotten into fruit-infused water. Not "flavored water" that you buy. Real water with slices of lemon, lime, orange in it. Let it infuse overnight in the fridge.

    I've also started drinking Perrier for when I'm really jonesing for the fizz.
  • carrie1610
    carrie1610 Posts: 54 Member
    Fruit-infused water sounds nice, think I'll try that. Have you noticed any improvements to your health since you stopped drinking the diet drinks?
  • seabee78
    seabee78 Posts: 126 Member
    Fruit-infused water sounds nice, think I'll try that. Have you noticed any improvements to your health since you stopped drinking the diet drinks?

    Actually, I never liked the taste of diet sodas, so I only drank the real stuff when I drank it. I did notice a difference after reducing the regular soda. But I have found that I don't crave the fizzy in the evenings since I've switched to infused water. Also I am drinking more water which is also a plus.
  • Escape_Artist
    Escape_Artist Posts: 1,155 Member
    Weight loss is calories in vs calories out. Som drinking Diet sodas doesn't affect it.

    Aside from not feeling so bloathed all the time I don't think there was any other effects for me.
    Mind you I am sure they aren't too good for you. If I am to drink a soda I don't drink the diet kind anymore, I'll drink a regular one and fit it in my calories
  • nads1012
    nads1012 Posts: 55
    I don't usually drink any juices at all, all I drink in the day is fizzy water...and 1 can of diet coke. I really like it and I don't wanna give it up. I think if you're otherwise 'good' you need a treat for yourself. Maybe that would work for you?
    But don't hold me responsible if the diet coke has actually harmed us already :)
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
    booze is way better then those diet drinks.
  • viperk1
    viperk1 Posts: 43 Member
    I stopped drinking everything except club soda and water and I noticed my skin got much healthier and I have more hair now.

    Also stopped getting heartburn every day.

    I did change a bunch of other things in my diet though, so it might not all be due to the diet drinks :-)
  • crazorbaq
    crazorbaq Posts: 74 Member
    An interesting little thing I found online:


    I try to tell myself not to drink the "poison" lol
  • nads1012
    nads1012 Posts: 55
    And no, fizzy water doesn't bloat me, it refreshes.
  • Kyllosis
    Kyllosis Posts: 66 Member
    I've had about 2 glasses of coke since the start of the summer, so I've pretty much cut out all fizzy drinks. I haven't touched them since I saw what the acid in them does to your teeth!

    As for differences, I've noticed my sugar-only cravings have pretty much gone. I used to get hit by non-stop sweet cravings at 8pm, but now it's just, "I feel like eating something" and a cup of tea (no sugar! :P) will do the trick. I used to have chocolate bars and a PINT of coke. Big difference if you ask me!
  • dylanafghjkl
    dylanafghjkl Posts: 76 Member
    Coming off it you will no doubt feel HORRIBLE, but as soon as the migraine headaches stop you'll feel a lot better than you did with the coke.

    My advice would be bring it down to 3 a day for a bit
    then 2 a day for a bit
    then 1 a day
    one every few days
  • aggiekaren01
    aggiekaren01 Posts: 30 Member
    I'm reposting this from another thread on diet soda.

    I had SERIOUS diet coke habit. When I decided it was time to start taking better care of myself (including losing weight), I knew I had to cut out the diet coke. I should mention that my office keeps a fridge full of soda that we can drink for free so it was easy to drink 2-3 a day.

    Anyway, I started limiting myself to one a day for a few weeks. I started drinking a lot of Topo Chico mineral water because I loved the fizzy. After about a week I started noticing that I wasn't even finishing the one can a day so I stopped. As of today it's been two weeks since I've drank any diet coke. (it's been almost three now)

    I have made a lot of changes to my diet in the last month but that was one of the hardest ones for me. I buy mineral water and lemon la croix and keep it at home and at work so when I feel the need for something fizzy. It was a hard habit to break but I'm so glad I did it!

    I haven't really seen any actual health benefit yet but I'm definitely drinking way more water so that's a good thing.
  • jwdieter
    jwdieter Posts: 2,582 Member
    I used to drink several diet sodas per day.
    Not drinking soda is one of many variables I've modified.
    The full range of effects from the dietary and fitness changes I've made include: reducing body fat to ~12%, reducing resting heart rate to mid-50s, and not getting sick in over 6 months (a significant turnaround for me, with a young child).

    Here are a few positives that are specifically related to removing soda drinking in my life:

    I've reduced caffeine dependence. Not removed, as I still drink coffee 1-2 times/day. I stopped caffeine completely for about a year, but I kinda like the idea/interactivity of coffee.
    Since I don't have access to coffee at home, I don't drink caffeine at night. I used to drink diet sodas throughout the day.
    Without the constant caffeine infusion, I don't engage in late night activities, and I sleep more.
    My tooth enamel was getting dissolved, and this is no longer the case.

    Anyway, it was entirely positive for me, and now the stuff I used to guzzle tastes like *kitten* so I can't even drink it. Good luck.
  • jodynolte
    jodynolte Posts: 243 Member
    I cut mine down significantly, and started drinking water with crystal light packets, and I have noticed a huge difference in not only weight loss and my budget but how I feel. I just feel better. I am down to one can per day (I drank way more than 3-4 cans), if desired (I had no headaches reducing to one per day) and I will eventually - when I am ready - to cut altogether. I definitely recommend at least cutting down and replacing with water. Or rotate every other pop, water, pop, water, etc... Anyway, that is my take on it. Good luck!
  • xombiebite
    xombiebite Posts: 273 Member
    i used to be addicted to coke (a cola) and i got extremely sick and stopped drinking it. i havent had one since june 1st and i dropped 15lbs right off the bat. i was in so much pain from my other illness i didnt notice any cravings or side effects from the withdrawal but before when i tried to stop i had my fiance monitor me when getting drinks and only other side effects i had were caffeine/sugar withdrawal headaches and cravings. just keep chugging water.

    positive side effects
    lost weight
    my skin is clearer
    i rarely feel bloated/fat after drinking
    and i dont burp like a trucker anymore which disgusted everyone because you could hear them down the street which im kind of sad i dont do anymore because i was proud of that i could beat any guy LOL
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
  • Trilby16
    Trilby16 Posts: 707 Member
    A way to stop drinking diet sodas is don't have them around. I kinda hate the taste (non-taste) of water so I pour a tall cup of cold water at work and put a green tea teabag in it. It flavors the water. At home I keep a large pitcher of water that I put two teabags in. Also, seltzer is good with a little cranberry juice in it.

    I haven't had any diet sodas since January. I can't say there have been any "results" from this but I have the peace of mind of not pouring a bunch of chemicals into myself. And the smug satisfaction of saying I don't drink diet sodas. :smile:
  • fleetzz
    fleetzz Posts: 962 Member
    I was way over your intake--typically about 8 cherry diet pepsi or cherry zero a day. I decreased slowly and substituted with the flavored waters (yes, the diet kind) or perrier or san pellingrino -- usually the fizzy waters with lime.

    Health wise, I haven't noticed anything besides no more caffeine withdrawal headaches.

    If I stick to the flavored waters, my wallet feels better!
  • DrPepper000
    DrPepper000 Posts: 48 Member
    Coming off it you will no doubt feel HORRIBLE, but as soon as the migraine headaches stop you'll feel a lot better than you did with the coke.

    My advice would be bring it down to 3 a day for a bit
    then 2 a day for a bit
    then 1 a day
    one every few days

    Good advice about coming off slowly. I kicked a DrPepper habit by pouring my drink into a glass. First just 4 oz. then down to 2 oz. I would drink a glass of water before the DrPepper. Eventually it was too much trouble to drink any. Now if I do drink one, I see why people think it tastes funny. It didn't taste that way when I was drinking it every day. I drank the sugared stuff. I thought dropping 600-800 cal of sugar a day would make the pounds slide off. No such luck. That was before MFP and calorie counting. I must have replaced the calories with something else.
  • JessG11
    JessG11 Posts: 345 Member
    I had headaches really bad while I drank diet coke daily....and migraines. I've always drank plenty of water. But, when I stopped drinking diet cokes daily (I still do on occasion), the headaches pretty much stopped, I drank even more water which has helped my skin. I also don't feel as dehydrated of course.

    Other things are though I still crave sweets, I don't crave them as much, or it's easier to fight the craving. I am a believer that artificial sweeteners are horrible for you. And though you may not see or feel the affects of stopping usage of them immediately, I do personally believe that you will prevent negative issues in the future.