How do you deal with alcohol?



  • HikerRR50
    HikerRR50 Posts: 144 Member
    Vodka with Club Soda and a little tasani syrup of whatever flavor you like over ice....tastes like a soda, ad a little milk or rice milk and it becomes a cream soda.
  • missimplicity
    missimplicity Posts: 31 Member
    I drink ALL the Alcohol!!!!! :drinker:

    Pretty much! LOL!

    I know it's not really what you're looking for, but if you want to drink, just do what you have to do otherwise. When I do drink, it's usually pretty close to a whole bottle of wine and I still lose at least a pound.
  • glheureux56
    I guess Im fortunate. I dont normally drink alcohol. I did have a beer last November. Since I count carbs, Id have to see what each was before drinking it. From what I understand, hard liquor has fewer carbs that something like beer.
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member

    p.s. Thanks for reminding me that I need to pick up some Guinness on the way home and redo my plan for the day (i.e. remove ice cream and add the Guinness).

    :drinker: I need to go to the store.
  • misifer
    misifer Posts: 114 Member
    Switch to craft beer. Higher ABV's with less liquid. I notice I feel a little tipsy after one craft brew vs. three "light" beers. Craft beers taste way better too, so you can enjoy the beverage flavor more!

    For example, Bud light is 4.9% and 110 calories, but you could have a Farmhouse Ale which is 8.5% and 170 cals. You could even go with a Stout which can be as high as 10% and more like 200-250 calories.

    So, one nice tasty beer or 3-4 watered down beers, same calories, same alcohol content, less liquid and way MORE flavor! :)

    Another one of my favorites is "Grape Soda"...Bacardi Grape Rum and Sprite Zero. Yummmmm!!!
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    I love drinking, and it usually takes about 1500 ml of beers for me to start being tipsy and having fun.

    If you need that much beer to get tipsy, I almost think you're having a drinking problem. You built up a lot of resistance to alcohol and you need it to have fun... Sounds like a recipe to alcoholism and an unhealthy relationship with your social life. This is taking a huge toll on your liver too, so I wouldn't call your lifestyle healthy.

    My advice? Start drinking a lot less for some time. Once you detox your body from its resistance to alcohol you'll end up needing a lot less beer to get tipsy. What worries me is that you have a dependency on alcohol to have fun though. Sounds like you need a change of environment and friends, or start working on yourself mentally so that you don't even need alcohol anymore.

    I drink it purely because sometimes I enjoy the taste of the beverages, but I never use it to have fun in social situations because I know how to be open and have a good time without it. You should give it a try.

    You seem like a real judgemental debbie downer, I'll remember not to invite you to my next party. My advice? If you're wondering why you're sitting at home on a Friday night double check to make certain you haven't alienated all your friends . . . you probably aren't as superior as you think you are.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I just drink wine or do shots, and I fit it into my daily calorie count as a snack.
  • WhiskeyCity
    WhiskeyCity Posts: 711 Member
    I love drinking, and it usually takes about 1500 ml of beers for me to start being tipsy and having fun.

    If you need that much beer to get tipsy, I almost think you're having a drinking problem. You built up a lot of resistance to alcohol and you need it to have fun... Sounds like a recipe to alcoholism and an unhealthy relationship with your social life. This is taking a huge toll on your liver too, so I wouldn't call your lifestyle healthy.

    My advice? Start drinking a lot less for some time. Once you detox your body from its resistance to alcohol you'll end up needing a lot less beer to get tipsy. What worries me is that you have a dependency on alcohol to have fun though. Sounds like you need a change of environment and friends, or start working on yourself mentally so that you don't even need alcohol anymore.

    I drink it purely because sometimes I enjoy the taste of the beverages, but I never use it to have fun in social situations because I know how to be open and have a good time without it. You should give it a try.

    Hmmm.....diagnosing substance abuse over the internet with limited information......sounds legit.

    ^^ This

    I just log the calories. If I know before hand, I try to eat less, work out more and build up a bank of calories. Cheers! :drinker:
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
  • theseus82
    theseus82 Posts: 255 Member
    If I know I'll be drinking with friends that day, I try to save calories for it by just eating less by sheer will. Makes my buzzing threshold lower because then my stomach will be emptier.

    Let's all be honest, we consume alcohol for fun because of its effects, not because of the taste. Although, as I've gotten older, I do appreciate the taste of a good beer. But it doesn't compare to a good cup of coffee (at least the way I make it), or a cup of tea.

    I don't really drink that often. Usually less than once a month. It's only for special occasions, like holidays or a big planned visit with friends. My friends are scattered, so when we get together, drinking can make the evening more fun. But when my friends don't want to drink alcohol, I'm completely fine with that.
  • Denise1224
    Denise1224 Posts: 150 Member
    Flavored vodka with club soda will help to keep the calorie count down...personally, I like the grape vodka. Cheers!

  • LarryLaird
    LarryLaird Posts: 94 Member
    Just try to stay away from it as much as You can, your better off that way!!
  • zanne54
    zanne54 Posts: 336 Member
    I drink vodka instead. A 3 oz vodka martini is roughly equivalent to a pint of beer. And then I switch to vodka, soda & lime.
  • bcf7683
    bcf7683 Posts: 1,653 Member


    I usually do a little extra bout of cardio on Friday & Saturday mornings. I'll keep my carbs & calories a little lower for those days to fill the gap.
    But I don't obsess over if I only had 250 calories left and I ended up drinking 5 beers. I still like to enjoy my life rather than drive myself nutty with "OMG I DRANK THIS WEEKEND!!!!!"
  • megan020103
    I love wine. I could never completely get rid of it, but I think it is part of the reason I gained a little extra weight. I now allow myself 1 bottle a week. I buy the bottle on Saturday. Sometimes, I drink a glass or two a few nights that week, and sometimes the bottle is gone before the weekend. I do log the calories. If I ever feel like having a glass in the middle of the week and I don't have any left, I just tell myself there is only so many days until Saturday. Works for me!
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,472 Member
    have we started drinking yet>
    I have!
    a nice bottle of pink bubbly by the pool.
    lets drink, then chat
  • K_Serz
    K_Serz Posts: 1,299 Member
    I drink ALL the Alcohol!!!!! :drinker:

    Not if I drink it first!!

  • MissKitty9
    MissKitty9 Posts: 224 Member
    I love drinking, and it usually takes about 1500 ml of beers for me to start being tipsy and having fun.

    If you need that much beer to get tipsy, I almost think you're having a drinking problem. You built up a lot of resistance to alcohol and you need it to have fun... Sounds like a recipe to alcoholism and an unhealthy relationship with your social life. This is taking a huge toll on your liver too, so I wouldn't call your lifestyle healthy.

    My advice? Start drinking a lot less for some time. Once you detox your body from its resistance to alcohol you'll end up needing a lot less beer to get tipsy. What worries me is that you have a dependency on alcohol to have fun though. Sounds like you need a change of environment and friends, or start working on yourself mentally so that you don't even need alcohol anymore.

    I drink it purely because sometimes I enjoy the taste of the beverages, but I never use it to have fun in social situations because I know how to be open and have a good time without it. You should give it a try.

    Oh there's always SOMEONE on these alcohol threads who resort to "actually, you have a drinking problem!" Didn't take long :wink:
  • mammakisses
    mammakisses Posts: 604 Member
    I need to get myself some red wine. ummm
  • Laurenmp16
    Laurenmp16 Posts: 344 Member
    Gently...otherwise it's alcohol abuse.

    Extra and sodas. :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: