I'm confused about bread



  • Mainebikerchick
    Mainebikerchick Posts: 1,573 Member
    Bread Confusion Unraveled.

    1) Wheat bread has more fiber than white bread. That's why it became popular.

    2) All the breads got demonized during the Atkin's, SouthBeach, Somerzize low carb craze. Research those diets to see what's beleived about "simple carbs".

    3) The demonizing of bread continues with Paleo.

    The end.

    I like you. :flowerforyou:
  • Briargrey
    Briargrey Posts: 498 Member
    Bread makes you fat?! ~~ Scott Pilgrim

    Srsly though, eat what works for you and just fit it into your calories/macros/plan :) I personally love Dave's Killer Breads. They taste flippin' amazing and feel healthier than other stuff to me <g> I like my bread products, but I do actually weigh out and decide whether or not I'm going to have a full sandwich or a half one based on whether or not I want to use up those calories on bread!
  • ryry_
    ryry_ Posts: 4,966 Member
    Don't worry the confusion is just a phase....Kind of like that other thing you experimented with once that you are confused about.....

    I'm sorry. What?

    Can someone else explain it?
  • ryry_
    ryry_ Posts: 4,966 Member
    Don't worry the confusion is just a phase....Kind of like that other thing you experimented with once that you are confused about.....

    I'm sorry. What?

    RyRy you weren't supposed to tell anyone about those PMs! :angry:


    This is why nobody tells me anything anymore :cry: :ohwell:
  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    I see a few people advocating "listening to your body," which is ridiculous to the extent that your body is a moron and listening to it is what made you gain weight to begin with.

    Health wise, if you have allegies or medical reasons to avoid certain items,by all means, do so.

    Bread is just fine to eat and will not hinder your weight los efforts in any way, providing you stay within your calories.

    Well, when I say listen to your body in this context, I mean it in terms of paying attention to how it reacts to different breads or to bread in general. If you eat two slices of bread every day, have no discomfort/physical issues, and you are losing weight, then obviously your body is doing fine with it. But if you feel bloated, have stomach discomfort after eating bread, or just can't seem to get on a good track of losing weight while eating bread/carbs, then pay attention to that and action it.

    But overall, I still think that actually listening to one's body in any aspect is still a good idea. Most of my bad eating habits came from *not* listening to my body. I'd be hungry but not eat all day because I wouldn't take a break from work. Then I'd end up eating a massive meal from a restaurant or fast food place that was usually around 2500-3000 calories for that meal, plus dessert. Then when I was home and bored after that, despite being full from the massive dinner, I'd snack on crap while I sat around and watched TV because I'd see the snacks and my brain would want it, even if my body wasn't hungry.

    Now I eat when my body feels hungry and don't eat when I'm just bored at home but my body isn't actually hungry. So really, I stopped letting my brain lead my eating habits and started letting my body lead them instead, and I lost almost 50lbs.

    I also listen to my body with working out. If I let my brain do that, I'd never go work out because I much prefer being lazy. But I have a lot of chronic pain that feels better when I keep a normal workout schedule. So when my body starts expressing those aches, I know I'm not keeping up my workouts like I should and get back on my game.

    So I don't think it's bad advice, I just think it needs context.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,147 Member
    Bread is the greatest, most confusing subject ever. To gluten, not-to-gluten, to-carb or not-to-carb.

    For me, I've been researching GMO bread (See Book, Wheat Belly) and forget carbs, it's GMO wheat that'll kill you. This stuff has addictive qualities that I know I'm very susceptible too. I eat wheat and I start having these difficult cravings to control. It's not willpower, it's narcotic! Drama aside. I'm not sure what you have in your area, but Silver Hills bakery is only of the only full line of Non-GMO wheat in the market that I can find. They're bread is wholesome and delicious. My husband who is Type 1 diabetic loves this stuff. It's very filling and there is enough fiber that it keeps his blood sugar steady (We also love the bread called 'Steady Eddie', well named!).

    At the end of the day, all you can do is listen to your body to determine your needs. If you listen and respond, you will do well in your journey! Good luck!
    Except there isn't any GMO wheat produced anywhere in the world, at least not yet.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    Unless your diabetic, gluten intolerant or have some sort of insulin resistance your body will process bread fine. Bread and pasta is pretty concentrated in calories, so just be aware of the portion size when you are eating them.
  • cupotee
    cupotee Posts: 181 Member
    I think it's fine personally. It's yummy and healthy. Some people think avoiding gluten (which is a type of protein found in wheat) is beneficial to your health, but IMO that only applies for people with celiacs/intolerance.

    I think whole wheat bread is better, b/c it has more fiber. This way your digestive system has time to absorb the excess sugar, and less of it will be converted into fat/ you'll be fuller longer.

    Check out the ingredients list of the bread your buying. It should look something like "Whole wheat flour, sugar, water, yeast, salt." Arnold makes a good loaf :)
  • HRLaurie614
    HRLaurie614 Posts: 260 Member
    I see a few people advocating "listening to your body," which is ridiculous to the extent that your body is a moron and listening to it is what made you gain weight to begin with.

    Health wise, if you have allegies or medical reasons to avoid certain items,by all means, do so.

    Bread is just fine to eat and will not hinder your weight los efforts in any way, providing you stay within your calories.

    I do have to say that I love bread. I'm also finding that certain breads upset my stomach and throw off my digestion. Oddly, I have issues with whole wheat breads/products, but less so with white breads. I've been experimenting to see which are the triggers, so there is definitely some merit to listening to your body. Also, going along with this, I also recently had a really bad acid reflux episode and ending up in the ER (to confirm it wasn't cardiac). This led to an endoscopy. I don't have any wheat/gluten allergies, but may have some insensitivities which does support the signals I was getting from my body.
  • If you don't mind doing some reading, here is a really informational page to read about the benefits of eating whole wheat rather than white flour. Whole wheat bread is packed with nutrients like manganese (powerful antioxidant that our bodies love) and fiber (yay digestive health!).


    That website is actually amazing in general for learning about the health benefits of various whole foods. I've really revamped my diet based on what I've learned there.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Eat your white bread and be freeeeeee! Whole wheat has more nutrients and fiber (if it's legit whole wheat), but white bread isn't going to make you fat.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Eat your white bread and be freeeeeee! Whole wheat has more nutrients and fiber (if it's legit whole wheat), but white bread isn't going to make you fat.
    I used to eat white bread. I switched to wheat for the fiber, protein, etc., and figured out that wheat has TASTE! White does not. So now I prefer wheat. :-)
  • jlapey
    jlapey Posts: 1,850 Member
  • Thewatcher_66
    Thewatcher_66 Posts: 1,643 Member
    Both wheat and white bread are not good for you in large quantities. White bread is absolutely horrible while wheat bread is simply the lesser of 2 evils. Whole grain bread is a much better alternative. The same can applied to rice. Too much consumption of white bread/rice can increase your risk of type 2 diabetes.
  • StripedSmoker
    StripedSmoker Posts: 104 Member
    Whole wheats are turned to sugar slowly, meaning they keep you feel longer, while white bread will have you very hungry very soon. Meh, I love all the bread though <3 I don't avoid it at all, a slice of bread with jam for breakfast is great, or some breat to dip into a soup, brilliant. Some people avoid it because they avoid carbohydrates, if you are not planning to do that; enjoy your bread :)
  • thesophierose
    thesophierose Posts: 754 Member

    Bahahahaaa I love this.

    I love bread, but for a long *kitten* time I couldn't eat any because it made me feel so yucky. But I found that silverhills bread doesn't have that affect on me. Maybe its because it's not GMO'd idk. Haha.
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    Eat the kind of bread that you enjoy. Don't stress over it.
    spend your calorie budget in ways that leave you feeling satisfied and nourished. Pay no mind to rules that label foods as clean or dirty or virtuous or bad.
    ^and this.

    If you happen to have symptoms of a food intolerance, it's worth checking out if gluten is the culprit, but otherwise just enjoy your bread. (Doesn't have to be low fat or low carb either).
    White bread is absolutely horrible while wheat bread is simply the lesser of 2 evils. [...] Too much consumption of white bread/rice can increase your risk of type 2 diabetes.
    Now, that's just silly.
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member

    Bahahahaaa I love this.

    I love bread, but for a long *kitten* time I couldn't eat any because it made me feel so yucky. But I found that silverhills bread doesn't have that affect on me. Maybe its because it's not GMO'd idk. Haha.

    Yeah that is me if you let me near a loaf of PROPER crusty French bread. Oh yeah! I want it all.
  • AngelAura777
    AngelAura777 Posts: 225 Member
    I completely avoid bread all together and my boyfriend has recently done the same and his belly looks half the size! I eat quinoa and brown rice to get my carbohydrates. Veggies and fruits also have carbs in them too. If I really want to eat something like bread for lunch though I eat wholemeal wraps sometimes too. Adding lentils or beans to salads and meals can make you feel more full and they also add some more protein =]
  • ktsmom430
    ktsmom430 Posts: 1,100 Member
    You have to find what works for you. If you are going to follow a sensible eating plan and want to avoid gaining weight when you reach your goals, this should be a plan for life and you may want to include all foods you love, fitting them in to your daily calorie goal. I pretty much stick to multi-grain breads and rolls (the kind you take and bake at home). I don't have it every day and I definately do not eat as much bread as before. I limit myself to 2 oz slice and often have it as an open face sandwich or a slice of bread plain with a salad or bowl of soup or a piece of toast. I guess what has worked best for me so far is making better choices, watching portion sizes, and staying within my calorie allotment for the day.