Anyone Weigh in Every Day?



  • lynnerack
    lynnerack Posts: 158 Member
    I am so sad I weigh in all the time and I mean all the time. I get up in the night to go to the bathroom and whip off my nightdress and step on the scales - how sad is that - BUT I don't care what anyone thinks if it works for you does it matter??
  • scarrletti_girl
    scarrletti_girl Posts: 479 Member
    i weigh myself everyday. It is nice to see the water weight fluctuate, and it is always great to see the actual loss. lol good luck on your decision.
  • toutmonpossible
    toutmonpossible Posts: 1,580 Member
    But now I'm taking a totally analytic approach and it's kind of interesting watching how different foods, activity patterns, etc. affect the number. And sure enough it averages out over time.

    I think that people who weigh themselves frequently like the data and are the kinds of people who are interested in self-experimentation. They try to be dispassionate about the number. My weight's gone up? What action should I take? My weight's gone down? What am I doing right?

    Needless to say, they look at other indicators as well, such as body fat percentage and measurements.
  • mattkdawson
    mattkdawson Posts: 53 Member
    I weigh in every day. first thing in the morning i do is get out of bed, go pee, and weigh myself before i eat or drink anything. i do it at the same time because it's a good consistent reading.

    not sure why it would be considered unwise. i like to see my daily progress.
  • I don't own scales - I'd get addicted to it so once a month I weigh myself at the gym :) or i use my wii fit balance board ( i dislike it when the numbers are up tho lol )
  • pfwoods6
    pfwoods6 Posts: 1 Member
    I have found more motivation by weighing in daily and recording progress as I see it, rather than once a week like I used to do in Weight Watchers. I don't record a gain in My Fitness Pal unless it stays there for a few days, but I do record the losses! We all have those plateaus to get through, but I now know I just have to wait them out and the scale will start moving again.
  • Kilokato
    Kilokato Posts: 33
    I was considering it, to track how I'm losing, but I'm not sure if it's wise. Anyone who actually weighs in every day?

    I weigh daily. It keeps me accountable, and it's part of my daily routine. I print out a 30-day excel spreadsheet every month and write my number down daily. Then, I file it away with every other month. I don't give a crap about the daily number, I look at the first day of the month and the last day of the month - all the days in between are just to remind myself of what I'm doing every morning.

    When I know I have to write that number down first thing every morning, I have more control over what I do that day. It also motivates me to run more often and longer, lift heavier, and do more work around the house - and it keeps me focused. I know it might sound like it takes over my life, but it really doesn't. It's a 10 second trip to the scale every morning, and 16 hours in the back of my head. I never really think about it, but when I'm about to make my dinner, it's the little voice that says "have some peppers and onions instead of mac and cheese." It's what works for me.

    The only reason I've been successful with my weight loss is because I finally admitted to myself that I had an eating disorder. I had consistently been 50-80 pounds overweight since my late teens, and it wasn't just some phase. I finally admitted it to myself five months ago that I had a problem. It's not a problem like a sprained ankle that gets better in a few months - it's a problem derived from decades of harmful learned eating habits, being lazy and sedentary, and just not applying what I knew was right. Weighing myself every day is one part of my fight to retrain myself how to live properly.
  • jfp420
    jfp420 Posts: 186 Member
    I weigh every day. It works best for me. When I stopped doing it for a while I gained weight. Even though I know weight can fluctuate if I gain some I am a little extra careful that day. Weighing daily keeps me in line
  • You too!!! Half pound a week! I thought I was the only one! I just don't get it. My clothes fit better but the scale just doesn't move. I'm sure some of my fun weekends don't help.
  • ranhound
    ranhound Posts: 59 Member
    My girlfriend, who is a physician’s assistant, says that there is a lot of fluctuation due to water weight from day to day. Once a week, and first thing in the morning (after B.M.) is more accurate I think.
  • ChristaNorris
    ChristaNorris Posts: 52 Member
    I was considering it, to track how I'm losing, but I'm not sure if it's wise. Anyone who actually weighs in every day?

    I am addicted to my scale...And it's to the point where it was doing more harm than good weighing daily. If I gained even a half of a pound I'd just say screw it and throw in the towel. This time I'm trying so hard not to... Last week I weighed Thursday, Saturday, Thursday and weighed in again today. I have my scale hidden under some clothes in a dresser drawer.
  • MuseofSong
    MuseofSong Posts: 322 Member
    I do weigh every day. As a routine, I do it in the morning, before I get dressed for work or weekend activity.

    I can gain water weight quickly when I have high sodium days, and I want to watch out for and measure that because I want to be able to understand a sudden gain vs. my actual calorie intake. Sometimes, on my food diary (I used to track what I ate on notepad before I joined this site a few days ago), I don't always have all of the nutritional content calculated, but I always have the calories. And when it comes down to it, it's only calories. However, I do know when I ate something that was probably loaded with sodium even if I do not know the exact mgs.

    Sodium is not good for anyone in excess, but it does not make you gain fat, just water. So I want to make sure I know when a sudden fluctuation of weight could be hormonal or related to high sodium food choices and not from eating too many calories.

    I am trying to get out of the mindset of thinking of food as good or bad. It's just food.

    I want to understand the changes, and that's why I weigh daily. I had previously lost 77 pounds. I had a family member ask if I had weight loss surgery, I hadn't, just a slow decline at about 2-3 lbs per month over a couple years. However, just as slowly, over the last couple years, I gained 35 lbs back. During that time, I was not monitoring my weight or my calorie intake on a daily basis.

    I need to do both, every day, that's me, and when I do that, I have success. This site is sooooo much easier than timing my exercise and having no idea what I burned and logging my calories/weight/measurements in a notepad or word document.

    Also, weight fluctuation problems, will be noted for discussion with my doctor, and if I have continued problems with weight loss despite a clear trend of calorie control and regular exercise, I will be able to discuss that with her with measured, clear data instead of general estimates. Some of my medication for PCOS directly impact my hormones, they're supposed to, but to find a medication problem (as I had with Ocella), I have to know my routinely measured diet and exercise levels vs. my weight to eliminate those variables.
  • ChristaNorris
    ChristaNorris Posts: 52 Member
    I was considering it, to track how I'm losing, but I'm not sure if it's wise. Anyone who actually weighs in every day?
  • water_coloured
    water_coloured Posts: 81 Member
    I usually weigh in every day even though I shouldn't... I get so depressed if the scale is up by even .2 lbs.
  • HallyHo
    HallyHo Posts: 1
    I weigh in once a week. Every day would drive me crazy... Hubby weighs himself several times a week and is happy with that.
  • Emmy501
    Emmy501 Posts: 33 Member
    I weigh myself every morning. I am one that does stress over the half pound gain. I would like to try to weigh myself weekly but I don't know if I can allow myself to do that. If I am one half pound heavier I will eat more carefully. But there are times when I just say screw it and I have a day where I will eat whatever I want. A little indulgence won't hurt you. Moderation.
  • sharonfoustmills
    sharonfoustmills Posts: 519 Member
    I do weigh in everyday. I do take it with a grain of salt also because water weight and hormones can do awful things on the scale. I weight every day because I am just a little obsessive about it, and also because when I look at my graph it gives me all the info, so I can see little jumps upward and big slides downward and so on. Watching it has made me really aware that weight loss is not a straight downward slope no matter how stringently you stick to your diet plan and workout.
  • KAS0917
    KAS0917 Posts: 172 Member
    I weight most days, more as a mental anchor than anything. I don't get hung up on the number, I just like to wake up and use it as a reminder of what I'm working towards. But I also travel about 50% of the year for work, and I pretty much never step on a scale when I'm on the road so I'm not obsessed with it. I record my weight 1x a week only, good or bad. I try to keep to a consistent day, but that also depends a little bit on my work travels.
  • sharonfoustmills
    sharonfoustmills Posts: 519 Member
    QUOTE: However, I do know when I ate something that was probably loaded with sodium even if I do not know the exact mgs.

    Sodium is not good for anyone in excess, but it does not make you gain fat, just water. So I want to make sure I know when a sudden fluctuation of weight could be hormonal or related to high sodium food choices and not from eating too many calories.

    ***This person is right, one round with chicken and broccoli with soy sauce sent my weight up six pounds, but it was gone again within two days and an extra pound went with it.
  • I weigh in every morning, and my weight can go up and down all week but always finally goes down at the end of the week, I do it to show myself that my weight will constantly change and not to get to hung up on the number on the scale as long as the number on the tape measure goes down :) x
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