Anyone Weigh in Every Day?



  • JaxDemon
    JaxDemon Posts: 403 Member
    Weigh yourself daily and then take an average over the week. Mirror and tape measure are where the real magic happens.
  • NightmareValo
    NightmareValo Posts: 7 Member
    I weigh in every day, I Know that I lose about a couple pounds every 2-3 days so I know that if I dont see the scale move one morning its not a big deal. If I know I ate right and exercised as normal I know Im going in the right direction :) I also only weight after I havent eaten or drinken anything in about 10-12 hours. Usually I'll have my last meal a few hours before bed and I'll sleep about 8-9hrs, wake up, use the bathroom, wash my face, brush teeth, strip dwn to my undies and weigh! Lol thats my ritual :) hope it helps

    also I do drink a couple glasses of water right before bed, but I'll usually wake up during the night to use the bathroom from it so dont feel like you need to dehydrate yourself at night to get the cleanest weigh in the morning.
  • HRLaurie614
    HRLaurie614 Posts: 260 Member
    I have been, but I only officially log once a week on Fridays. Ironically, I made the resolve yesterday to only weigh myself one time per Month (first Friday of the month). I was getting too focused on the scale. I'm trying to maintain and I'd get "freaked out" if my weight went up a few lbs overnight even when I knew it was water retention (this happened Thurs to Friday of this week after having Chinese food for dinner Thurs night). I weighed myself this morning and of course my weight was back down. I can't be beholden to the number on the scale.

    Mind out, I just made this resolution yesterday (so I like the timeliness of your post). But, whether I can hold out until Sept 6th before stepping on the scale remains to be seen.
  • karenmckeating
    karenmckeating Posts: 5 Member
    I threw my bathroom scales out ages ago (for a start they had gone rusty), but not weighing in regularly and just keeping a close eye had allowed my weight to creep up so buying my usual size off the peg wouldn't work. I brought a new pair of trousers and they just wouldn't meet let alone do up. I started mfp with a rough guestimate of my weight based on my size, and can now get in to the trousers easily and I have pretty much got rid of my love handles (and hubby tells me I havew buns of steel). I stayed with family last week and say the scales creep up over 2 days so thats inspired me to buy some new scales. Haven't got on them yet I normally weigh first thing in the morning. I need to keep a check at least weekly but I often step on and off every morning when they are there.
  • JulesAlloggio
    JulesAlloggio Posts: 480 Member
    I have been lately only because I am keeping track of EVERYTHING

    don't plan on doing it after I lose a few more pounds... after that I'll go back to 1 time every few weeks
  • singhstyle
    singhstyle Posts: 11 Member
    Yep same time every day.
  • snowoman17
    snowoman17 Posts: 3 Member
    Yeah I does help stay on track and it really does dictate what I eat!
  • jhealy1191
    jhealy1191 Posts: 56 Member
    I have tried both ways and I do weigh in everyday. It helps keep me accountable and on track, without doing so I would derail. Keep in mind though what you're wearing, time of day, as well as sodium etc. Try both ways and see what works best for you.
  • I weigh whenever I think I may have lost a little bit. For the past few weeks, that's been every few days and sometimes every day.
  • SteelySunshine
    SteelySunshine Posts: 1,092 Member
    I didn't weigh in at all when I started losing. I wasn't even thinking about losing weight for a couple of weeks. I started eating less because I increased my fiber intake. I started feeling better so I was moving a bit more, not a lot at all but around a half an hour more walking a day. I also didn't have a scale. I got a scale in April I have weighed everyday since then except for a couple of days when my battery was wonky and I had a hard time finding the replacement batter. It makes no difference in my loss one way or another.
  • jennontheroad
    jennontheroad Posts: 142 Member
    I do. It keeps me on track. When I go for even a few days without weighing myself, I overeat, don't track my food, and gain weight. By weighing myself daily I maintain my weight, or lose.
  • cerenia
    cerenia Posts: 74 Member
    I weigh daily to moniter body fat % and water levels, but try not to focus on the weight numbers :)
  • Daily, but it´s mainly to keep track of the fat % and muscle weight
  • kaykaylyn
    kaykaylyn Posts: 84 Member
    If you're easily demotivated, I wouldn't suggest it. Normal daily fluctuations for women can be many pounds, and totally unrelated to anything you are doing or not doing.

    That said, I weigh myself every day. My primary goal isn't scale related though.
    This is me a little deflated at the moment. Got on the scale looking to see a loss but was devastated to see a 2 lb. gain. Now scared to even look in the scale's direction as I am sorta lost and going thru the motions. I'm mostly pretty realistic about the scale, but this has thrown me! Watching the scale is not for everyone - trust me!
  • ladybird1771
    ladybird1771 Posts: 99 Member
    I weigh in every day, and I've been tracking it on an android app called WeightMeter. It makes a little graph that shows your ups and downs, so as long as you don't mind seeing the fluctuations it's quite useful :)
  • carolinecarpenter
    carolinecarpenter Posts: 9 Member
    Difficult not to get disheartened when your weight fluctuates.
    I am new here and weigh everyday, it reiterates the goals I am working to achieve, so long as it doesn't fluctuated wildly I don't worry, it helps me and is part of the discipline of my new life. I log my blood sugar everyday but will only log my weight once a week. hopefully it will be a downward slope without to many bumps. Finding MFP a great help especially when trying to spend my calorie allowance sensibly.
  • Nicolee_2014
    Nicolee_2014 Posts: 1,572 Member
    I weigh myself but I don't log it, even if it is a loss. I usually track the weekly WI.
  • t1954
    t1954 Posts: 81 Member
    every day for over a year now
  • Synapze
    Synapze Posts: 499
    Every morning and night. Log whenever I see a loss.

    Keeps me on my toes, and fighting to beat the last weight recorded.
  • I weigh in every Monday. makes me look forward to it :smile:
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