Can I wear a Bikini? Be honest.



  • ashleycharbonne
    ashleycharbonne Posts: 1 Member
    You look amazing! I say go for it! If you are a bit iffy on it, you could either invest in bio oil for your stretch marks, or buy a high waist bikini to hide some of those marks. Congrats on your weight loss!!
  • passmetheducksauce
    passmetheducksauce Posts: 211 Member
    forget the bikini. wear your birthday suit to the beach. show everyone how confident you are as a person. you go.
  • yaseyuku
    yaseyuku Posts: 871 Member
    Definitely yes.
    SPBROOKS68 Posts: 561 Member
    Almost every mother has stretch marks...I have them and I show them with pride as I have 2 beautiful and healthy children :smile:

    So wear your bikini with pride as you have earned it!!
  • MaryJane_8810002
    MaryJane_8810002 Posts: 2,082 Member
    I've seen worse, you are good to go!
  • StarChanger
    StarChanger Posts: 605 Member
    I think you've certainly earned it, but I totally understand your trepidation. As someone who has a long surgical scar going from just above my pubic bone to my sternum, I "get" it. It's faint, but it still makes me self-conscious when thinking about bathing suits.

    Have you considered a "monokini"?


    There are a ton out there (this was just the first one I Googled up...) and somthing like that may give you the freedom to show some skin, without making you so uncomfortable. That's the way I'm going, until such a time as I can be so cut that NO ONE would care about my lovely scar (man, I hope that happens someday....).
  • sub10orbust
    sub10orbust Posts: 706 Member
    yes would smash
  • If my body looked like that, I sure would wear a bikini! Go for it! Wear it proudly!
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    forget the bikini. wear your birthday suit to the beach. show everyone how confident you are as a person. you go.
  • Alisha28
    Alisha28 Posts: 406 Member
    I have five kids and yes I have stretch marks, I have tried everything out there and nothing worked for me but the tighter my tummy got and more toned your body gets they fade and the sun and a tan helps too. So Yes rock the bikini I do cuz I work hard I will wear that Bikini to show it :)You look great !
  • chankanaab07
    chankanaab07 Posts: 48 Member
    The first thought that came to my mind was "YES!" without a moment's hesitation. Do it. :)

    Also, can I just say how much I love how supportive everyone on this thread is?
  • miaz143
    miaz143 Posts: 48 Member
    Wear it!! You deserve it girl!! 122lb lost is an amazing accomplishment.

    If you're worried try a Mystic Tan and for the stretch marks Bio oil wraps or Vitamin E work great!

    But just remember NO WORRIES; you look amazing.

  • Skeebee
    Skeebee Posts: 740 Member
    You totally can wear this. And, if it makes you feel any better about being self-conscious, there are people who should NOT be wearing one who do anyway. you are not one of those. lol! You look amazing!!!!
  • lumpy_spaceprincess
    lumpy_spaceprincess Posts: 52 Member
    You look BEAUTIFUL! Be proud of those tiger stripes, girl. You look amazing and should be nothing but proud of what you have achieved! The fact you lost that much weight is completely inspiring- go out there and own your amazing body! <3
  • ecw3780
    ecw3780 Posts: 608 Member
    Yes. If you are really self conscious, a spray tan or derma blend will help conceal stretch marks, but I wouldn't worry about it. I am 100% sure there will be people wearing much less who should be wearing much more. No body will notice your stretch marks. Be proud of your new body!
  • ladybird1771
    ladybird1771 Posts: 99 Member
    Hell yes! :)
  • georgieb23
    georgieb23 Posts: 76 Member
    Yes!! Be proud of your body, it's smoking! :smile:

    I completely understand being self conscious in a bikini. I have scars due to surgery on my hips, they're fairly small but I have two on the top of each leg. I had hydrotherapy after surgery and was extremely self conscious about being in a swimsuit, but knew I had to for my recovery. Another patient saw me in my swimsuit and made a comment to me - pointing out my scars, laughing at them and asking me if I had been machine gunned across the top of my legs. I was 18 at the time of this and came out of that physio session in tears. My surgeon recommended gentle swimming to me for recovery which meant going to a public pool. My mum had to physically hold my hand and walk me to the pool I was so scared someone would say something. Guess what.... no one batted an eyelid. Nobody looked at me differently the second time, or the third time either. I now swim twice a week in a bikini and don't even think about my scars.

    It may be daunting the first time you wear a bikini but once you've done it once you won't think twice about it. And if someone does miraculously find something nasty to say about your body (god knows how, I've already mentioned it's smoking!) then chances are they're a nutjob!!
  • sinistras
    sinistras Posts: 244 Member
    My stretchmarks after my son were anything but pretty. But I do think eating a lot of dark leafy greens does wonders for skin tone and has helped them dramatically "disappear."

    Yes, you can wear a bikini. Tiny waist like that, heck yes!
  • sairamejia12
    sairamejia12 Posts: 3 Member
    yes of course, you look beautiful!
  • heatherdevine77
    heatherdevine77 Posts: 22 Member
    Go for the bikini! Your boobs and pretty face will take attention away from the stretch marks anyway. Plus, your skin isn't so light that it stands out too bad. You should see mine. I am PALE and and my marks are a full shade darker than my skin tone. 18 months after baby! Definitely trying bio oil soon.
  • I say go for it! I for one would look twice. Maybe three times if my wife is not watching!
  • GiGiBeans
    GiGiBeans Posts: 1,062 Member
    You're sporting some seriously sexy curves, yes you should wear the bikini!
  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
    After all the weight lost DO IT!!! There are products to minimize stretch marks.....
  • lotr4000
    lotr4000 Posts: 25 Member
    Yes, you can. You're gorgeous.
    You know that feeling of not knowing how beautiful you were before having children?
    Well, embrace your new body the way it is now. With more children, come more stretch marks. That will never change, barring plastic surgery.
    I'd suggest checking out Jade Beall's "Beautiful Body Project".
    The book looks amazing, and it's all about learning to love our bodies as they are, in the moment. :)
  • ncmedic201
    ncmedic201 Posts: 540 Member
    OMG if I had your figure I would be wearing a bikini every day! You look great!
  • You look amazing! Congratz on your weight loss. I love Katt Williams, he's one of my favorite comedians. I'll never forget the stand up where he talked about the way men think about stretch marks. He said "Ladies men have no time to worry about stretch marks, they come from 1 of 2 things - Either you was big and got small or you was small and got big." Seems pretty spot on to me, but I'm not a man. I do however, have some stretch marks and after losing 60 pounds a couple of years ago some of them are pretty pronounced. I don't even let it bother me anymore. I use vitamin E oil on them and they look better now than they did, but I don't have time to be worrying about them and if someone else has a problem with them they can just not look. I'm not in the business of making myself uncomfortable to make others "comfortable". If I want to wear a bikini I will, because I am not tryin to get tan lines just so someone else doesn't have to look at my battle scars. Losing that 60 pounds was a definite battle, and I won.

    You look great. Rock that bikini :)
  • jetscreaminagain
    jetscreaminagain Posts: 1,130 Member
    You get to wear what you want to wear. That was what I came in here to say. And something snarky like if you have the limbs in the right place and the dexterity to fasten the fasteners you can wear it. That's all true.

    But here is additional truth for you: you look great. Stretch marks are the medals we acheive in life. I suspect yours are proof that you are magic--you made a person. You have a crazy amazing super-power. You get to be proud of that, and the proof, including those stretchmarks. They are beautiful, you are beautiful. Show them off with pride. Wear what you want to wear.
  • stillnot2late
    stillnot2late Posts: 385 Member
    Yes!! Be proud of your body, it's smoking! :smile:

    I completely understand being self conscious in a bikini. I have scars due to surgery on my hips, they're fairly small but I have two on the top of each leg. I had hydrotherapy after surgery and was extremely self conscious about being in a swimsuit, but knew I had to for my recovery. Another patient saw me in my swimsuit and made a comment to me - pointing out my scars, laughing at them and asking me if I had been machine gunned across the top of my legs. I was 18 at the time of this and came out of that physio session in tears. My surgeon recommended gentle swimming to me for recovery which meant going to a public pool. My mum had to physically hold my hand and walk me to the pool I was so scared someone would say something. Guess what.... no one batted an eyelid. Nobody looked at me differently the second time, or the third time either. I now swim twice a week in a bikini and don't even think about my scars.

    It may be daunting the first time you wear a bikini but once you've done it once you won't think twice about it. And if someone does miraculously find something nasty to say about your body (god knows how, I've already mentioned it's smoking!) then chances are they're a nutjob!!

    WHAT??? Somebody, in this era, made fun of you? I would have had to touch that person's face with my finger tip and say - "thinner". Hope you've seen the movie to know what I'm talking about. BIKINI GIRL - YES! WEAR IT.
  • nichi123
    nichi123 Posts: 244
    You have a beautiful hourglass figure that women would die for! We all have stretch marks...I cherish mine as they are a sign of the birth of my three kids! be proud, you're beautiful!!!!! :)
  • MercenaryNoetic26
    MercenaryNoetic26 Posts: 2,747 Member
    Wear it! My stomach is tore up with them and idgaf! :glasses: