Plus size-Super size weightloss support



  • ChristyMourning
    Even if you can not check in every day please check in a few times a week to let us all know how everyone is doing. I know we can do this. I took up a part time job at Spencers at the mall and I have to be on my feet 4-6 hours a few times a week. Thats alot for me. I also have been finding making a vegetable home made soup from fresh veggies and vegestable stock is filling and low in calories and one pot lasts a few days aswell as sugar free low calorie pudding. here is my veggie soup recipe.

    All veggies are Organic fresh produce unless other wise stated.

    1 Half large red cabbage, shredded.
    1 Bunch of small carrots, Chopped tiny
    1 Half medium onion
    1 cup of the tops of carrots, the green flowery part.
    1 cup of celontro
    1 Mixed package of fresh mushrooms, bella,oyster and ****aki
    1 large carton of organic veggie stock
    1 medium can of organic diced tomatoes
    1 can of chick peas
    1 large green pepper
    1 half of a large bottle of low sodium V8 Juice
    Sea salt to taste
    Garlic powder to taste
    4 Cup of water

    Let all ingredients come to a boil then reduce heat and let slow simmer for 2-4 hours.
  • meg0112
    meg0112 Posts: 344
    here is my veggie soup recipe.

    All veggies are Organic fresh produce unless other wise stated.

    1 Half large red cabbage, shredded.
    1 Bunch of small carrots, Chopped tiny
    1 Half medium onion
    1 cup of the tops of carrots, the green flowery part.
    1 cup of celontro
    1 Mixed package of fresh mushrooms, bella,oyster and ****aki
    1 large carton of organic veggie stock
    1 medium can of organic diced tomatoes
    1 can of chick peas
    1 large green pepper
    1 half of a large bottle of low sodium V8 Juice
    Sea salt to taste
    Garlic powder to taste
    4 Cup of water

    Let all ingredients come to a boil then reduce heat and let slow simmer for 2-4 hours.

    YUM! Thanks for the recipe. I've got a pretty good one for scrambled eggs!

    3 egg whites
    2 tbs parmesean cheese
    2 tbs water
    2 tbs salsa

    Whip the egg whites and water in a bowl, then pour into a skillet and add the cheese. Scramble the eggs and about half way through the scramble, add the salsa and seasoning. I like oregano, garlic salt, and group pepper but with what ever you like. Its super good and only 89 calories!!!!!
  • pecksun8
    pecksun8 Posts: 570
    I am thankfull that a fire has been lit under my *ss, but truthfully I don't know who started it, but it's there and I have been working it for the past few days and I can already feel a difference.
    The food journal has been absolutly great, and has made me more aware of what I am eating and how much I should or shouldn't be eating.

    I am a little worried, and I know that I shouldn't be because that never solves anything...but I am so afraid that this fire could be put out in one fail swoop, and I will have lost all my will and slip back down the slippery slope of depression. I have been really good tho' cause when ever my brain starts up that nagging, I have been yelling at it to shut-up! So far it has been working.

    But I feel like I am on a mission this time and this time I am going to do it and keep it off for good.


  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    I was away from MFP for a couple months, in that couple months I have gained 10 pounds. I have noticed I am extreemly tired, almost wore out it seems. My feet have been bothering me pretty bad, I have no energy and I have started binging almost daily. I have a great life, but I am having tough $ times. So I wonder is it just depression. All I know is I have $10 in my purse for the week and nothing healthy in the fridge.

    Gonna try to do my work out 2 times a day til I can get to the grocery store for better food choices.

    Wish me luck
  • ChristyMourning
    I am thankfull that a fire has been lit under my *ss, but truthfully I don't know who started it, but it's there and I have been working it for the past few days and I can already feel a difference.
    The food journal has been absolutly great, and has made me more aware of what I am eating and how much I should or shouldn't be eating.

    I am a little worried, and I know that I shouldn't be because that never solves anything...but I am so afraid that this fire could be put out in one fail swoop, and I will have lost all my will and slip back down the slippery slope of depression. I have been really good tho' cause when ever my brain starts up that nagging, I have been yelling at it to shut-up! So far it has been working.

    But I feel like I am on a mission this time and this time I am going to do it and keep it off for good.



    Honey, Listen, No one, not even those hateful skinny gals should make you feel down. I have been there, Trust me, Look at my weight and ticker. I have an eating disorder where I binge eat also. I am trying my hardest to change that for the better but I notice its so easy to relapse like a addict but my drug is food. YOU are WORTH it, Believe it or not, but YOU are. Everyday as a reminder is a half a bag of Doritos chips right by my desk and every day I look at it and everyday I want it but it is left there as a tool to get me over my eating, to say "hey christy you can do this". I belive in YOU. I care about every single over weight person I see or meet, I feel the shame they feel, The hurt and I know what it is like. I want you to know YOU ARE NOT ALONE. Come back here and write us, share, Let us know how you are doing. I made a challenge to myself that on halloween I will go live on webcam to show my whole body and my goal is 75lbs.
  • pecksun8
    pecksun8 Posts: 570
    Thanks CM!

    I have been very proud of myself for the past few days. I made a loaf of banana bread, and I substituted the flour and sugar, for whole wheat and splenda. But there are still a lot of calories in this loaf, so I figured out all the calories and divided the bread into 2 ounce slices and bagged them, without eating any of it int he process! :noway:
    The bags have been sitting there since monday, and I only allowed myself one bag on Monday after I made it all. I even logged it and exercised a little more so I wasn't starving that night. But the rest is still there in sight and I haven't touched it! I make sure my husband either takes some for breakfast, or a snack during the day.

    My biggest problem is my nagging self loathing behavior and I am hitting that the hardest.

    Thank you very much for your words, they helped a lot! And you have done a lot so far, so please keep that up! I can't imagine having that type of eating problem and I hope you are doing what you need to be doing to get through it. I am here for you when ever you need it!

    Thanks again!:blushing:
  • destiny_206
    destiny_206 Posts: 430 Member
    Hey so today update. I feel like crap, That time of the month, I forced my self to work out yesterday and the day before but today I just can not do it. It has been like the worst day I have had in a long time. I did good on food though, I stayed under 1000 for the day (I know should be over 1200 but I usally am right around 1200 and a few days a month being under will not kill me) we even went to home town buffet and I did really good, I had a large salad with extra carrots and some eggs and only one one dumpling, they are my fav and I did not eat cookies even though I love there sugar cookies. I did have diet coke though, and I actully hate pop I just did not feel like water and the 2% milk would have had a lot of fat. Anyways I hope everyone is having a great day. Keep up the good work.
  • annex1
    annex1 Posts: 31
    :cry: hii All, checking in - I really don't want to. I keep trying to be upbeat and tell myself it's not all about the scale, it's how I feel, but when the scale doesn't give me a boost I'm right back in what's the use. I really do try hard, eating right and doing my exercises but it seems that it is so slow. Yesterday I spent the whole day in a pity party, I didn't do any exercise, and I didn't eat right. I ate nothing but carbs the whole day. Right now I'm crying and trying to get back on program but that old tape of what's the use just keeps playing in my head. If anyone out there loses so slow and has so much to lose 200 pounds please help me get past this place, I really hate it here. Thanks for listening to me. Connie
  • ChristyMourning
    Hey so today update. I feel like crap, That time of the month, I forced my self to work out yesterday and the day before but today I just can not do it. It has been like the worst day I have had in a long time. I did good on food though, I stayed under 1000 for the day (I know should be over 1200 but I usally am right around 1200 and a few days a month being under will not kill me) we even went to home town buffet and I did really good, I had a large salad with extra carrots and some eggs and only one one dumpling, they are my fav and I did not eat cookies even though I love there sugar cookies. I did have diet coke though, and I actully hate pop I just did not feel like water and the 2% milk would have had a lot of fat. Anyways I hope everyone is having a great day. Keep up the good work.

    WAY TO GO KIM! :bigsmile: I am so glad you were able to switch out not so good choices for better ones.
  • nchandler22
    :happy: I think this is an awesome thread, absolutely no clue how to keep finding it but I figure that will come with time!! I have over 100 lbs to lose and I often feel intimidated by the 20 an 30 pounders too. The one thing that I have learned is that if a person doesn't like what they see in the mirror, the number doesn't matter, its doing something about it that does...

    I don't believe in quick fixes, I have tried them all... my last resort was hiring a personal trainer and he is probably the best investment I have ever made... forever I made excuses about how expensive they were and I'm a single mom and I can do this alone etc... but it's amazing how when you give up fast food and treats an apply that money towards your health, it doesn't hurt so much... but even with how much he helps me, I know he doesn't understand how it feels to be heavy, unaccepted, out of place etc and I just felt like I needed to surround myself with people who had the same goals and drive... I'm hoping thats here!!!
  • nchandler22
    The pool is an awesome thing!! I had one put in my backyard for just that!!! way to go!!
  • ChristyMourning
    :cry: hii All, checking in - I really don't want to. I keep trying to be upbeat and tell myself it's not all about the scale, it's how I feel, but when the scale doesn't give me a boost I'm right back in what's the use. I really do try hard, eating right and doing my exercises but it seems that it is so slow. Yesterday I spent the whole day in a pity party, I didn't do any exercise, and I didn't eat right. I ate nothing but carbs the whole day. Right now I'm crying and trying to get back on program but that old tape of what's the use just keeps playing in my head. If anyone out there loses so slow and has so much to lose 200 pounds please help me get past this place, I really hate it here. Thanks for listening to me. Connie

    I have alot of weight to loose babe. ALOT. I am a carb junkie. Trust me. I have days where I'm good and days where I over do it. We all do. But on the scale bit, I don't use one all the time, period. I weight myself like once every week to two weeks and most of the time I loose inches but not weight. I really think you need a workout buddy, I wish you lived closer. I know what helps me, is parking farther away from a store so i have to walk it, or instead of getting a ride a cart thing from wal-mart, I walk it most of the time. Make slow changes, take a piece of paper and think of all the ways you can make small changes in your daily life. I used to be so affraid to go out, to go to a store or anywhere because I thought I was too fat and people would stare and I would embarrass my husband, but truthfully, after sucking it up, I realize it was me, it was also tearing my relationship apart, the anger and excuses. So I went in that damn Mall, I got a part time job and trust me when I say, I feel it, I hurt so much and sometimes I just want to make those excuses and just quit and go home and I only make 6.55 an hour and its not about the money, its about self empowerment. Just yesterday I went in the Mall by myself and walked to lane bryant to get some spanx and while doing so I caught myself saying to myself that I was fat, people are looking and laughing, but I shook my head, stopped looking at the floor and held my chin up and said, I am one big SEXY mama! and sure I heard a little comments but for the most part people commented me on how they liked my style of rainbow bright bracelets, bright pink hair, total drag queen makeup and alternative style and I'm 365lbs!!!!!!!!! I know you can do this babe, I know you can, and if you ever need to vent, write me or on here, theres nothing i have not heard and i am an open book. much love honey.
  • ChristyMourning
    :happy: I think this is an awesome thread, absolutely no clue how to keep finding it but I figure that will come with time!! I have over 100 lbs to lose and I often feel intimidated by the 20 an 30 pounders too. The one thing that I have learned is that if a person doesn't like what they see in the mirror, the number doesn't matter, its doing something about it that does...

    I don't believe in quick fixes, I have tried them all... my last resort was hiring a personal trainer and he is probably the best investment I have ever made... forever I made excuses about how expensive they were and I'm a single mom and I can do this alone etc... but it's amazing how when you give up fast food and treats an apply that money towards your health, it doesn't hurt so much... but even with how much he helps me, I know he doesn't understand how it feels to be heavy, unaccepted, out of place etc and I just felt like I needed to surround myself with people who had the same goals and drive... I'm hoping thats here!!!

    Welcome love, I am glad you are around. And I'm glad you found us! I so need to do that! Find a personal trainer!
  • Juliebean
    Juliebean Posts: 317
    I'm down! This group is just what I need!

    It's so strange to see how different people perceive their bodies. There are some people on here who say that they want to lose weight and I'm thinking that if I had their body I'd walk around naked all day! :laugh: Here's to being half my size one day! :drinker:

    Starting: 293 :noway:
    Current: 284 :grumble:
    Goal: 150 :bigsmile:
  • nchandler22
    mine really taught me "how" to work out, I always thought I knew, but it was amazing how just doing the exercises wrong slowed down my progress... so it is worth getting one even for just a handful of sessions to really show you how to exercise and see results...
  • nchandler22
    :drinker: I'll drink to that!!! dunno bout walking around naked all day butttttttttttttt how bout half?? grins
  • ChristyMourning
    mine really taught me "how" to work out, I always thought I knew, but it was amazing how just doing the exercises wrong slowed down my progress... so it is worth getting one even for just a handful of sessions to really show you how to exercise and see results...

    Yeah, Today I'm going to walk up my huge hill of a street! I'm craving exercise!
  • sweetlauri70
    So I certainly qualify in this category. I started two months ago at my highest weight (380). I'm a candidate for bariatric surgery and I need to get to 322 before they will do the surgery...and they might make me go smaller than that. So we'll see.

    I was smaller in high school, but I was a runner...and apparently you can't stop running six miles a day and still eat like you run six miles a day! ...My weight has piled on over the years. Creeping up on me a little at a time, with two significant jumps (65 pounds each), when birth control came into the picture after the births of my boys who are soon to be 6 and 13. Until I turned 30, I was really self conscious about my worried me, I had no self esteem. Then I met my current husband who really loves me for who I am. Who would tell me every day how beautiful I was. It was that time that I decided I didn't need to be thin to please anyone...and I didn't want to eat "nasty" food. I didn't want to subsitute the "good stuff" to save on calories...and my body shows that now :)

    I've decided recently that I'm tired of having to shop for clothes out of never be able to get a good deal on some cute outfit. To worry about seats with armrests or booths in restaurants. I hate not being able to get off of the floor (and I can barely get onto it)

    Anyway...I've lost 37 pounds so far (I refuse to add back the 22 pounds I gained last weekend in fluids...but I'm going to the doctor today to have it checked out). I've still got about 200 to lose.

    Everyone here is so friendly and encouraging. I'm so glad I joined!
  • Laurziemoo
    Laurziemoo Posts: 18
    My start weight was 389.2lbs
    My current weight is 385lbs
    My goal weight is 182lbs

    Woah. I never realised. That's like.. more than 200lbs :embarassed:
    Anyway, i'm in.
    What do you lot do when you "earn" extra calories for working out?
    It seems like it kinda defeats the object to work out and then eat more? Surely if you work out and don't eat the "earned" calories you'd lose more? i'm not sure what to do...

    I've earned 1027 calories in the last 2 days but eating them is going to make me either maintain my current weight or gain, isn't it?
  • GravyGurl
    GravyGurl Posts: 1,070
    Now here is a crowd that I can identify with. I have been working with this for about four months but I just had surgery for gallbladder 6 weeks ago and went completely off my program during my recovery. Just by luck I only gained back 5 pounds of what I had lost. Today is my first day back. (here and at the gym). It was harder to restart than it was to start at all.
    starting weight: 411
    present weight: 383
    goal weight: 140

    When your weight is this high and your goals seem this big you are in a whole different world than most. Great to see that there are others out there. I am sure that I will have alot to say in the next few months. I hope there is someone out there that can relate. Maybe I can even help someone along the way.....

    There are quite a few of us out here that need to lose a few more than 10-30 lbs in order to be healthy. My highest weight was 322. When I had my birthday in March I said this is it, no more... I'm going to lose it for real this time.

    Did good at first and lost 10 lbs then got sidetracked, gained it back... then got back on track and I have been doing well since then. I'm down to 285 as of this morning :smooched:

    Goal weight is 142... so I still have a long road to go... but... I"m almost 1/4 of the way there!! :drinker: