Shorties [5' - 5'3"] with 50+ lbs to lose?



  • katyyydidd
    katyyydidd Posts: 10 Member
    Hi everyone! My name is Katy, I'm 5'2" with around 40 pounds to lose! Definitely looking for some friends to help me stay motivated once school starts next month. ;)
  • eustaciavye
    eustaciavye Posts: 27 Member
    Hi there -- welcome. I'm also short but have lost 25 lbs, half way to goal.
  • eustaciavye
    eustaciavye Posts: 27 Member
    Hi there -- welcome!
  • MuseofSong
    MuseofSong Posts: 322 Member
    Hello fellow shorties! Although, I suppose I'm on the border at 5' 3 1/2"

    But, I wish good luck to everyone. ^_^
  • I'm 5'3". I have about 75 pounds to go. I have lost about 50. I started at 250 and I literally working on losing half my body weight to get me to a healthy weight of 125.
  • miladydea
    miladydea Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I'm Deana. I'm 5'3 and a half (work with me on the half - :laugh: ) Just joined. Have to lose 40 - 50 lbs. No options as now Type 2 Diabetic. As I'm 50 with meds now so . . . Please add me. I can't wait to support everyone on their journey.

    Will upload picture later. Still inputting stuff! :happy:
  • I am 5'0" and have lost about 70 pounds so far. But I still have over 100 to go. So I can definitely relate. I have rheumatoid arthritis, so it makes it more difficult to exercise and my meds also complicate things. But I am determined to beat this thing! Good luck to you and everyone else who is fighting for their health. :happy:
  • teresa1121
    teresa1121 Posts: 113 Member
    5'2 and about 60 to lose feel free to add me
  • I'm brand new to MFP--I'd love to join! Anyone have tips for getting started... besides just doing it? :)
  • debkamphaus
    debkamphaus Posts: 2 Member
    OK I am not short JUST FAT I am 5'8" and as of today down 11.5 in past 2.5 weeks since Jan down 20 but I keep adding and losin the same 10-20lbs over the last few years. quit smoking 6 years ago and added 50 had Ovarian Cancer 9 years ago and added 30, I survived by having 30lb LMP tumor removed but it had the Ovarian Cancer inside it so after surgery nothing else, THANK GOD. I ate cake all summer. I had been dieting so hard all that year just kept gaining weight. fortunately LMP tumor grew to such a huge size 30+lbs that it finally became obvious when I went in again to complain about stomach issues that they did CT Scan and found it. Almost killed me but had it removed soon after and ate cake. So in last few years have gained 80 lbs but that's OK I am alive. so please add me, i need to get motivated and accountable
  • I am 5'2" with another 84 lbs to lose. Although at this point I am far less into watching the scale and more into watching what I see in the mirror and how my clothes feel (as well as the measurements).

    I realize that I will most likely weigh a bit more than my "ideal" when I gain the muscle and tone that I want to have. I log daily and love motivating individuals with positive attitudes. Feel free to request me!!
  • haylsquish
    haylsquish Posts: 19 Member
    Hey guys!

    I'm 5"3 with 81lb left to lose untill I get to my goal weight, would love to have some extra support and motivation! Managed to lose 9lb in the last 2 and a half weeks!

  • Hi, I am 5' exactly and have about 45 - 50 more pounds to lose. I have already lost about 50 pounds since July of 2012. For anyone that would like to feel free to add me.
  • mrsschmitty722
    mrsschmitty722 Posts: 12 Member
    He everyone,

    I'm Crystal, I'm 5'2 and have about 45 more lbs to lose. I had lost over 120 lbs, was put on some medication, had a hysterectomy, and ended up gaining 50 lbs back in the last couple of year from the meds and the surgery.
    I've gotten about 7 off in the last week, logging all of my food and exercising.
    Feel free to add me, I'm new to this site, and still trying trying to figure it all out.
    Have a great Sunday, everyone.

  • day1001
    day1001 Posts: 1
    Hi! I am also new to the site. I'm 4'11, and have 70 pounds to lose to be at a healthy weight. Overall, I want to lose 80 pounds. I would love to find friends to help me motivate and who I can motivate in return. Feel free to add me.
  • mjgo56
    mjgo56 Posts: 93 Member
    I am 5'1/2" and my start weight (before I found MFP) was 227. My goal is to get to 125 lb. I am 57 years old, a grandmother of 2 (soon to be 3), and a HS math teacher in Southern California. I am currently at 193.6 so I have lost about 33 lbs (23 before MFP) so I still have about 69 lbs to lose. I hope that in the next year I can safely lose about 50-60 lbs. If anyone is like me and needs support, please feel free to add me.
  • tootchute
    tootchute Posts: 392 Member
    I have 150+ and I'm 5'3 you can add me
  • Isakizza
    Isakizza Posts: 754 Member

    SW: 242
    CW: 187

    Still got another 40-50 lbs to go!!!

    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • ShallaLovee1
    ShallaLovee1 Posts: 356 Member
    5'3.5" here. Started at about 203. Down to 155.6 as of today. I've been losing and gaining for years. I still have about 15lbs before I hit my goal of 140. Hoping to hit that by the end of the year. So a 60lb lost is my goal. The lowest I want to be is 125-130.
  • AfricaLatina
    AfricaLatina Posts: 111 Member
    Hey there! another shortie here :love:
    I'm 5'3" and need to lose about 60-70 lbs :sad: been logging faithfully every day for 60 days :bigsmile:
    If you're an active logger, feel free to add me...

    xxx:heart: xxx