been MFP for over a year- no loss- open to suggestions



  • minijuggernaut
    minijuggernaut Posts: 98 Member
    I don't mean to sound harsh, but the answer is almost certainly inaccurate logging and eating over your TDEE.
  • kristyb1982
    kristyb1982 Posts: 21 Member
    As everyone else has said, make sure you are accurately accounting for portion sizes with a scale and measuring spoons/cups. Something I did notice in your diary was a lack of condiments on things. One meal was a hamburger patty and potato salad with nothing else. Did you have a bun, mayo, cheese, etc? The condiments and dressings can really add up throughout the day. I didn't look at your exercise, but if you don't have a heartrate monitor, you should invest in one if you can afford it. It will give you a more accurate calorie burn. Good luck to you!
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Use a scale to measure your food. Measuring cups and spoons often overestimate a serving. And enter every single individual thing you eat... I see a lot of 'generic' or 'sauteed veggies' etc in your diary, and unless you're measuring everything yourself and actually created the entry, it's probably pretty far from your own sauteed veggies... especially as everything is in cups... Or 'spinach salad with olive oil'... that's not how you enter your food. You enter the spinach then how much oil you actually used... very easy to underestimate everything.

    Basically, you're probably eating more calories than you think because you're not logging properly.
  • walleymama
    walleymama Posts: 174 Member
    it's simple math: If you burn more calories then what you eat, you're going to lose weight.

    Unless you eat too few calories...or ingest too much sodium, or too many carbs, or not enough carbs, or too much protein, or don't drink enough water...or any of a dozen suggestions given to people in the OP's shoes seemingly every day on this site.

    Yes, overall, caloric intake is important, but that alone won't necessarily get you where you want to be. The relationship between net calories and weight loss is not necessarily linear, and definitely not over the entire range of values. So it isn't "Just that Simple".
  • 13suzie
    13suzie Posts: 349 Member
    I'd cut out the simple sugars. Your fluctuating blood sugar levels are likely interfering with "it's just math" algorithm for losing! I could be eating 1200 cals every day and actually gain weight if the calories aren't well spaced and well-used. Simple sugars kill any chance of me losing weight regardless of total count for the day. I do eat fruit (fructose sugar) but when I need to cut for losing I do my best to avoid junk sugar. It makes a world of difference.
  • jbonow1231
    jbonow1231 Posts: 75 Member
    You seem to often eat very few calories for breakfast, and then eat all your calories for lunch/dinner.

    Perhaps this isn't working for your body - perhaps you need to spread out your calories more evenly over your meals.
  • twinketta
    twinketta Posts: 2,130 Member
    I agree with Suzie.

    Also, you are eating a lot of processed foods with sodium (you could try monitoring it?)

    Your calories in your diary are up and down (could make a joke here but I won`t)

    Maybe plan your next day before you go to bed, measure your portions, try to make your own meals.

    If you haven`t got a medical problem then if you eat less and move more then you will lose weight.

    You really have to look at your diary for yourself and see what you can learn from it.

    If I can do it you can too :smile:
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
  • katrinaneuman
    katrinaneuman Posts: 7 Member
    I noticed that on the days I looked at you had no beverages logged at all, only on a few days did I see water logged. I was wondering if you are missing empty calories, in coffee, tea, soda, energy drinks and alcohol, you can really rack up the calories. I log everything that enters my mouth I the app on every electronic device I own so no matter where I am I see the ugly truth. Props on your determination and guts for opening your journal, keep up the good work!
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member

    This. And as much as people want your diary open - close it and then be brutally honest with yourself. Every day - every meal - every snack - every spoon of whatever that you eat - weigh it and log it.
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    it's simple math: If you burn more calories then what you eat, you're going to lose weight.
    This! OP read this and keep it simple!
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member

    This. And as much as people want your diary open - close it and then be brutally honest with yourself. Every day - every meal - every snack - every spoon of whatever that you eat - weigh it and log it.


    Close it, open it, lie, or don't lie, but the only person you cheat is yourself. Get serious and brutally honest with yourself.
  • kittycarson10
    Sometimes you can eat all the right food in the world and count your calories but you might be Insulin Resistant. I've had to add an Insulin Resistance diet on top of my 1200-calorie-a-day diet to really begin losing weight. Look into getting the book, it really can help you if you having problems with sugar and heavy grains.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member

    This. And as much as people want your diary open - close it and then be brutally honest with yourself. Every day - every meal - every snack - every spoon of whatever that you eat - weigh it and log it.


    Close it, open it, lie, or don't lie, but the only person you cheat is yourself. Get serious and brutally honest with yourself.

    Another vote for this.

    Sodium will cause water retention, but it will not inhibit fat loss.
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    You are too high in carbs (processed foods) and far too low in fat on most days that i looked at (healthy fat, ya certainly don't need more canola and soy).

    But if you buy into that our bodies have zero complexity and it's ONLY calories in/calories out, then you must be doing something wrong.
  • PhoenixStrikes
    PhoenixStrikes Posts: 587 Member
    It's not that you need to eat less, some days you were at a deficit! I think you need to make healthier choices, I saw a lot of ice cream and cookies (don't feel bad we've all been there) but those type of foods are all empty calories and not conducive to weight loss. Yes, a treat now and then is ok, but I think you might being going a tad overboard. Try cutting out all those processed foods for a month and you will be AMAZED at the difference in how you feel. No judgements I have a hard time in that department myself! Also, try maintaining a steady amount of calories, cutting back isn't always the solution especially if you're eating reallyhealthy foods in place of junk!
  • rtrcarrie
    rtrcarrie Posts: 50 Member
    I have read it over and over but still I will say it again....WEIGH your food, LOG EVERYTHING, eat a more CONSISTENT calorie intake, STOP eating so much pre-packaged and processed food as it is terrible for you, and be 100% HONEST with yourself.

    I have also learned that I can not rely on all the calorie counts I find here on MFP. I believe this is because a lot of it is put in by
    individuals incorrectly. Go to restaurant websites for more accurate eating out logs and if they don't have nutritional facts listed
    go to a similar restaurant site and use theirs if you know the portions to be similar. I have to do this for local faves that don't offer nutritional facts and it seems to work well (you can count on restaurant food to be higher in calories than home cooked for sure). Input your own recipes for more accurate home cooked logs, and when in doubt go to the USDA website to learn the best way to accurately figure out what your chicken, pork steak, or beef roast should be logged at for the exact size serving you are having. It's all extra work, yes, but it works and I am living proof of that.

    I also leave my menu open because it works to help keep me more honest with myself but this is an individual thing so do what you know works for you. And lastly my biggest suggestion is that you stop trying to diet and instead CHANGE YOUR ENTIRE EATING LIFESTYLE. This is what works for weight loss, long term maintenance of a good weight, and a healthy, long, life. Don't deep fry, pan fry in a TSP of olive or peanut oil instead with a little flour instead of a batter. Eat more veggies and steam them for the best taste and nutrition using fresh or frozen for the very best benefits. Use low fat (light just means fake sweetener) dressings. For snacks have fresh fruits and 100 calorie snack packs (1 only) when you want a cookie. Want your ice cream? Go out for it and have 1 scoop in a cup. You WILL eat less, have a proper serving size, and forgo those extras like sprinkles and syrups and cones when you do this. Being healthy is the ONLY way to loose AND maintain. It also makes you feel so much better and can lead to a much longer and happier life for you and anyone living with you as they will benefit from your changing the kitchen around to be a more healthy atmosphere too! :happy:
  • corsairpro
    Drop the sweets (cookies, ice cream, hersheys bars) even if you stay in your calorie range for the day. They are taking up vital calorie space that should be filled with nutrient rich whole foods. Once you get closer to your goal you can re-introduce the treats as a reward for making progress - but try to keep it to only one or two times per week.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    I've been logging food and within cal range(mostly) for over a year and no loss. Exercise 30 min/day 4 times a week and still, no loss. Low (not no) carb, no loss. Went to the Dr.- no thyroid prob, no prob at all... anyone??? Understandably, I am pretty frustrated gaining, losing and never getting under my start weight of 190 2 years ago!! Open to suggestions.

    1) "mostly"--If you are over enough, and often enough that can mess with your progress.
    2) get a scale and measuring cups to ensure proper measuring. rely on your own measurements not those pre-entered by others
    3) "net cals"--click on "my home" then look at your green bar to the right you will see "net cals" this represents what your body is actually operating on once your pre-entered stats have been entered and it has added all your foods you ate and then subtracted all your exercise cals you burned. Google "net calories" if this explanation does not make sense. Keep reading explanations until it makes sense to you why you should be eating back all your exercise calories to get that "net cal" number to match closely your cal goal.
    4) "cal goal" I looked back a couple days and was unclear what your cal goal is. That's okay, it's not MY cal goal it's yours. You should know what your cal goal is and why as per YOUR specific activitly levels age and whatnot. Many many online resources exist to help you find a good one.

    I would look at all of the above and nail them before venturing into the confusing and often unnecessary and sometimes even unfruitful world of tinkering with diet specifically, or cutting all of this food or all of that food, or following this or that eating to the letter of the law diet plan. Those are usually just artifiically constructed ways to achieve the simple goal of eating at a deficit. I hope this makes sense. No one who's Dr. has cleared them as having no medical problem in their way of weight loss should have to be frustrated after a year. Not even after a season. Good luck, get detailed, get going, get skinny, you can do it! :flowerforyou: :drinker: