Losing 'Grief Weight'.



  • fergie2812
    fergie2812 Posts: 162
    I think I was meant to find this thread today.
    Thank you to all of oyu who have posted about their losses I am so sorry you have been through all this.
    I lost my Dad in Jan this year. He struggled with his weight for as long as I can remember but he got there although it seems it was too late.
    Going through birthdays especailyl for my kids is hard as was Easter as it was a special time for all of us.
    I tried to do well in his memory but I think I tried too soon and needed to put some grief weight on as coping with any tasks was too much. I have just now started the 5:2 fast diet and it does seem to help. I have to focus for 2 days which I can do and then not pressure myself as much the rest of the week (although I am trying to be good then too). I think we all deal with grief in different ways and it was always be painful so now I have realised this it does make it a bit easier to try to focus on me and not on the grief and loss.
    I am 40 next March and my little brother has challenged me to a 10k so that is what I will do in Dad's memory.
    Its a long road but at least we've all made the first step
    thanks again all for inspriing me on what for no particular reason has been a hard day
  • edena1987
    edena1987 Posts: 66 Member
    Bumping this thread.

    My grandmother passed away last October and I have completely let myself go. I have gained about 40 pounds since that day. My grandmother was everything to me. I would talk to her at least once a day and when I was in town, I would spend my time with her. I was filling the massive hole that she left in me with food, that we both bonded over. Being Italian, food was the cornerstone for us. We could never start a phone conversation without having a snack. Prior to her passing, I had lost about 50 pounds and I have put that on plus more. I need to get my mojo back but I feel so unmotivated to do anything that requires me to get out of bed.
  • SierraZulu
    I'm so sorry for your loss. My Mom died almost 5 years ago and I ate my way through my grief too. A lot of emotions to work through, and it takes time. It's a roller coaster. Would love to support you.
  • edena1987
    edena1987 Posts: 66 Member
    I would appreciate it. I have a grief counselor I see every Friday.

    Right now I plan on working out 5x a week for 30 minutes. I enjoy running and the elliptical. I also plan on throwing in some weights on top of the 30 mins cardio. Taking the stairs at work (I'm a teacher) and 4 small meals/snacks during the day.
  • maQmIgh
    maQmIgh Posts: 236 Member
    As so many people have said already... my commiserations for your loss.. I know how hard it can be..

    I lost my Mother to Cancer when I was 16 years old (16 years ago this year) the pain never really goes, but I found after a few years I wasn't thinking about the negatives of my mothers death quite so much, but was focusing more of the fun we had (which made it easier)

    When mum died I hit a long patch of depression (didn't know it at the time as no one put a label on it... I was just described as a messed up kid, my mood swings were put down to being an obnoxious child)
    It was only after 13 years of suffering like this, and a long term relationship, of 20 years, breaking down that put me over the edge.

    Rather than go for the comfort eating, I went for comfort drinking... I was very close to becoming an alcoholic within 4 months.
    My roller coaster stopped spiraling when a doctor finally diagnosed depression and Ive never looked back since.

    It will be a hard slog for you, but you can get through this bump in your road, it just may take a little time.

    You have certainly come to the right place, since I started using this app properly (almost 2 months ago) i have found no end of supportive people here.

    Good luck with you journey, I know you can do it :)

    Feel free to add me if you wish
  • SierraZulu
    I'm glad you're seeing a counsellor, Edena. It helps so much to talk it out. And you're doing so well in your workouts and eating! Way to go! I found out that when I felt like crying and having a pity party, I would give myself a time limit to cry it out, get mad, whatever, and then I would stop and do something positive after. That way, I wasn't getting overwhelmed by it and gave myself something good to focus on. I grew up with my Grandmother being a huge part of my life too and she passed away this past January, and it felt like losing my Mom all over again. But both my Mom and Grandmother were strong women and I focus on the fact that making a good life and getting through the tough times and moving forward is the best way I can honour them.
  • branbury
    branbury Posts: 43 Member
    I understand grief weight. I lost a friend 4 + years ago. First I lost 20 pounts -- suddenly -- sallow. Then gradually over the months that followed, I put on and put on and put on. 4 and 1/2 almost years ago, I am forty pounds too heavy. I am beginning the healing road back.

    Thanks for sharing your journeys. My deepest sympathy to you as you heal from your grief.
  • edena1987
    edena1987 Posts: 66 Member
    Thanks you guys. I appreciate it :) You put a smile on my face!
  • SierraZulu
    I'm so glad Edena. :) It will be ok. That's the most important thing to remember.
  • classicbizz
    To OP

    We have so much in common. I lost my dad in December after a long battle with heart disease. I think my weight gain partially comes from the grief and partially because of sedentary lifestyle. I am also a full time graduate student, which as you well know, involves a lot of sitting around and stress!

    I'm going to add you if that's ok.

    Best wishes
