You're not "special"



  • serendipity57
    serendipity57 Posts: 153 Member
    Agree wholeheartedly with OP!!????????????????????????????????
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member

    I often get people saying 'wow, you're so skinny, what diet did you do?'. That would be the the eat normally and healthily diet, and I exercised a lot. So then out come the 'well, I don't have time for exercise' comments. Really? Funny how with 2 small kids, working part time and a shift working husband I find the time!

    I tried suggesting one of my colleagues eat a little more than a yogurt all day, and do some lifting at the gym as well as cardio. She had all these excuses as to why that wouldn't work, yet she was looking at me jealously the other day saying she wished she could look like me. She doesn't even have that much to lose! She could easily do it if she ate right and did some lifting.
  • misti777
    misti777 Posts: 217 Member
    This is all very true. But for me, I can't control myself very when I am allowing myself carbs like sandwiches, tortillas(I love cheese quesadillas), cake, or cereal. But I do ultimately love vegetables and fruit more, so the change doesn't hurt :) For me, I am hoping to always be on a carb fast, with an occasional cheat day. For me, I eat fruit or vegetables occasionally, and mostly empty calories in between. I want to do the opposite. Not a diet, not a fast, just a lifestyle change. That's what I want. That's all I wanted to say. :)
  • slim4health56
    slim4health56 Posts: 439 Member
    How dare you speak the truth!

  • mcflat29
    mcflat29 Posts: 2,159 Member
    One friend took it a step farther on an outing recently. "Oh, you want ice cream? Do you have the caloric room for that today??" I smiled and simply said, "I guess if I want the ice cream, I can take the long walk or do some aerobics to make up for it. Her response, "I didn't know you could exercise to eat more food." *sigh*

    So what would be the answer for those who don't want to take a long walk or do some aerobics to make up for indulgences? This is a sincere question ;)
    One day won't hurt, but continually doing it will put one in above calorie limit to lose weight. Exercise can help offset calories, but it's tough to out exercise a bad diet.

    Just to be clear I do control myself and don't overindulge all the time. But, at least for me, I've found that if I say I can't have something, like ice cream, I will only want it more and I'm miserable. So I let myself have a little bit. I get the small cone not the giant one, and if that puts me way over my calories for the day, I exercise more. If I'm only a little bit over, I let it slide. I have a tendency to not eat enough calories. I'm guilty of under eating and screwing my metabolism in the process.

    So this is my way of changing my life habits. Everyone will find their own way but it won't be with fad diets, miracle pills, or potions. At least not long term. And, since I'm going for LONG TERM goals, I don't want to be sitting on my death bed thinking, "God, I wish I'd have had that little slice of cheesecake." :laugh: As I've progressed on this journey, I've wanted the 'bad' foods less and less and they've become more of a little treat. A little enjoyment. It's not all work, no play.

    Be healthy, be happy, be adventurous, and be true to yourself. :drinker:
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,903 Member
    Just to be clear I do control myself and don't overindulge all the time. But, at least for me, I've found that if I say I can't have something, like ice cream, I will only want it more and I'm miserable. So I let myself have a little bit. I get the small cone not the giant one, and if that puts me way over my calories for the day, I exercise more. If I'm only a little bit over, I let it slide. I have a tendency to not eat enough calories. I'm guilty of under eating and screwing my metabolism in the process.

    So this is my way of changing my life habits. Everyone will find their own way but it won't be with fad diets, miracle pills, or potions. At least not long term. And, since I'm going for LONG TERM goals, I don't want to be sitting on my death bed thinking, "God, I wish I'd have had that little slice of cheesecake." :laugh: As I've progressed on this journey, I've wanted the 'bad' foods less and less and they've become more of a little treat. A little enjoyment. It's not all work, no play.

    Be healthy, be happy, be adventurous, and be true to yourself. :drinker:
    My once in awhile bomb happens at the movies. I ALWAYS have something there since I don't go as often as I used to go. Usually I'll do some extra cardio (blech) to burn some extra calories (usually around 600) then when I hit the food stand I usually get 2 hot dogs, a nachos, a small pop corn and Milk Duds.............................about 1800 calories! Lol, when people at work hear this, they are shocked. But then they hate me because I stay the same all the time.
    Happiness is part of being healthy (rarely do I see a very disgruntled unhappy negative person with no health issue) and part of happiness for me is to enjoy food I like on occassion.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Matiara
    Matiara Posts: 377 Member
    Thanks for this. My brain starts to glaze when I read about convoluted methods of diet and exercise and at times I've let myself get caught up in the noise. However, eating (slightly) less and moving more has always worked for me. The issue is that I pretty much stopped moving for a couple of years. ;)

    I've been back on the exercise wagon since late April and my clothes are all noticeably looser. Jeans that were tight on me in April almost fall off without a belt and I've had to replace a couple of tops with smaller sizes. I haven't drastically changed the way I eat and I haven't eliminated anything from my diet. I'm not doing anything special. Exercise combined with portion control is simply creating the deficit that I need to lose the extra padding.

    Even so, I've been contemplating changing up my routine for no reason other than I'm fretting about not doing enough. This post has quelled those thoughts. I'm obviously moving in the right direction, so there's no need to mess with what's working.
  • Jameson1984
    Jameson1984 Posts: 100 Member