I have no motivation to stop smokimg.



  • ButterflyDame
    ButterflyDame Posts: 111 Member
    I really enjoyed this thread. I'm a smoker, but not for long!
  • Besmum
    Besmum Posts: 3
    Yes you have, if I can do it anyone can! Haven't smoked for 11 weeks now but still love the smell of someone else smoking a nice fresh cigarette. Hate the smell of an ashtray though ..... Mind you I always did. Good luck.
  • Jim_1960
    Jim_1960 Posts: 399
    I have wrestled with this idea for months now and bought an e-cig which worked 50% of the time.
    Biggest issue was it looked like a ciggie so my mind couldn't divorce the fact it wasn't and so I ended up only 50% of the way each day still buying the dreaded weed.
    Really felt like ****e with wheeze, cough and an empty wallet so I went and bout an eGo-Y cartomizer with some e-liquid on Friday 2nd August and downloaded the Quitit app to my phone.
    I haven't touched, or had the inclination to touch a ciggie since that date and cough is gone, wheeze is gone and vaping really does help.

    Hope this helps.
  • iecreamheadaches
    iecreamheadaches Posts: 441 Member
    I quit smoking 3 weeks ago as of Saturday, and its been great. I just went cold turkey. I've been struggling with it since the end of February, but something finally just clicked for me this time.

    I found this site http://www.globalone.tv/profiles/blogs/what-happens-to-your-body-if/ which is kinda cool. tells you the changes your body goes through when you stop smoking.

    * In 20 minutes your blood pressure will drop back down to normal.
    * In 8 hours the carbon monoxide (a toxic gas) levels in your blood stream will drop by half, and oxygen levels will return to normal.
    * In 48 hours your chance of having a heart attack will have decreased. All nicotine will have left your body. Your sense of taste and smell will return to a normal level.
    * In 72 hours your bronchial tubes will relax, and your energy levels will increase.
    * In 2 weeks your circulation will increase, and it will continue to improve for the next 10 weeks.
    * In three to nine months coughs, wheezing and breathing problems will dissipate as your lung capacity improves by 10%.
    * In 1 year your risk of having a heart attack will have dropped by half.
    * In 5 years your risk of having a stroke returns to that of a non-smoker.
    * In 10 years your risk of lung cancer will have returned to that of a non-smoker.
    * In 15 years your risk of heart attack will have returned to that of a non-smoker.

    was good enough for me (: best of luck.
  • acogg
    acogg Posts: 1,870 Member
    Yay! I admire everyone trying to get healthy on this thread. I hope no one is holier than thou, because we all struggle to be our best. Learn and lean on each other.
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