Dieting when I like nothing healthy!!!



  • Danielle_Duke
    Danielle_Duke Posts: 12 Member
    Biggest issue is eating too much. But sorry, you just eat too much. It's the way you are.

    Seem like a bad approach?

    So is giving up on food with nutrients because you're "picky". You don't have to be.

    Trust me I don't want to be!!! I hate that I don't like more than I do. I try stuff over and over. I try it cooked different ways/raw etc. I get frustrated with myself a lot because its harder for me to eat healthy. I wish I liked more...
  • Sherbog
    Sherbog Posts: 1,072 Member
    It's easy.....count calories....burn calories and it will make an impact on the scales. Spot reduction...good luck with that one.
  • kasiaj
    kasiaj Posts: 63 Member
    I don't like tomatoes so pasta sauce is kinda a no go...

    What about alfredo sauce? you can "hide veggies" in that.
  • jesskreg
    jesskreg Posts: 75 Member
    It's all about the way you prepare things. Try seasoning things differently or cooking them differently. For getting more vegetables in your diet, you can always add them to soups or casseroles. Even if you're eating a cream based or cheese based soup you can get your nutrients from hiding those veggies in there. Do you like smoothies? Try making one with yogurt or even some frozen yogurt and adding in some fruit or carrots. Trust me, you won't even taste them! Another option, if the other ones aren't for you, is stopping by your local GNC or nutrition/whole foods store and asking about supplement or shake options, so you're able to get your daily nutrients.
  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
    I notice the picky eaters always post what they don't like, but never post what they like or what they currently eat kind of makes it hard to help
  • RhonndaJ
    RhonndaJ Posts: 1,615 Member
    If you're concerned about the fact that you don't like healthy foods and would like to, the best suggestion is to keep trying different things in different ways. There is also a difference to 'don't like' and 'can't eat because it tastes completely disgusting'.

    I've never liked cucumber or celery, but I acknowledged that they weren't 'foul' and put them in salads where they were mixed in with other stuff, and my dressing. I won't say that I now love cucumber or celery, but they are no longer in my 'don't like' category, and are in the 'indifferent' category.

    I also really disliked broccoli but my husband loves it so we often have it with meals. Out of sheer awkwardness he starting putting a single small piece of the stuff on my plate, and out of stubbornness, I'd eat it. Then one day what I got was just a piece of broccoli stalk and lo, and behold, I like the stalk, but not the flowers.

    Spinach I hate cooked, and consider adult leaves benign, but I love baby spinach raw.

    My point is if you want to eat a broader range of things don't write something off just because you've tried it once. Give it a few shots, or have it in combination with something else, and you never known what you might find out.

    If you don't care what you're eating, then just go with the calorie deficit, which you will lose under.
  • PitBullMom_Liz
    PitBullMom_Liz Posts: 339 Member
    Have you tried roasting veggies after shaking them around in olive oil and some spices? Roasting makes ANYTHING wonderful. I used to hate brussel sprouts and now LOVE when they're up for roasting. Same for zucchini. Or squash. Get a big bag of frozen broccoli and cauliflower and start there. Big ziplock bag, dump the veggies, dump the olive oil (be generous), dump some random spices, close the bag and shake it all up. Spread on baking sheet, 375 for 60 minutes, shuffling them around partway. Presto. Roasting is the way to go.
  • JayWalk39
    JayWalk39 Posts: 68 Member
    As others have said (and you have not responded to) makes no difference what you eat if your goal is to lose weight. Just eat under your total daily requirement and you will lose. Setup your Macros correctly and you will lose the belly fat.

    Health is another issues. Eating crap will not give you the nutrients you need, but will NOT effect your weight (just long term health).
  • serafin366
    serafin366 Posts: 60 Member
    I agree with all of these people who say eat what you like, however, here is my tip:

    Make it a personal goal of yours to try something either new or that you havent tried in a while at least once a week. You'd be surprised how much your tastebuds change. For example, zuccihini is similar to cucumbers, and looks similar too.

    The other things that some people have mentioned is getting nutrients by disguising food. Meatloafs are a great way to get veggies in without ever tasting them. Likewise, soup and casseroles do a great job too. If you don't like something but can tolerate it, try finding a different way to prepare it.
  • jkoenig1980
    jkoenig1980 Posts: 31 Member
    Healthy food doesn't always taste good. If your serious about losing weight you will suck it up.
  • jwdieter
    jwdieter Posts: 2,582 Member
    Biggest issue is eating too much. But sorry, you just eat too much. It's the way you are.

    Seem like a bad approach?

    So is giving up on food with nutrients because you're "picky". You don't have to be.

    Trust me I don't want to be!!! I hate that I don't like more than I do. I try stuff over and over. I try it cooked different ways/raw etc. I get frustrated with myself a lot because its harder for me to eat healthy. I wish I liked more...

    Keep trying and good luck.
    Without seeing how you're preparing the food, I can't say for sure it's a cooking issue. But it might be. One of my grandmothers couldn't cook worth a damn, and her vegetables were like tasting death.
  • murphy612
    murphy612 Posts: 734 Member
    Are you wanting to eat vegetables to help you lose weight? If so, others have already mentioned IIFYM. But are you wanting to eat vegetables for nutrition? This is for kids, but any adult who refuses to eat vegetables probably eats like a kid anyway so maybe try some of these recipes?

    I have a hard time being too sympathetic to adults who won’t eat vegetables because they don’t “like them”. Unless you have some disordered eating issue or like my step son who is autistic and it’s more of a texture issue than taste, as an adult you just learn to eat it. I’m not a huge clean eating fanatic, I eat more junk then I should, but I eat my veggies. You don’t have to eat vegetables to lose weight, but it’s important to have a healthy balanced diet and if yours doesn’t consist of any vegetables and since I can’t see your diary I’m going to have to assume you don’t have a healthy diet.

    I do wish you luck in finding something you like, just keep trying different things over and over and maybe you will get used to it.
  • Danielle_Duke
    Danielle_Duke Posts: 12 Member
    I don't like tomatoes so pasta sauce is kinda a no go...

    What about alfredo sauce? you can "hide veggies" in that.

    I do like alfredo sauce... I will look into that... Thanks :)
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I don't like tomatoes so pasta sauce is kinda a no go...
    OK, here is where you lose me.

    Eating a tomato off the vine is a whole different taste, texture EVERYTHING from eating tomato sauce. There is barely even a remote connection to the tastes of each.

    Is the issue that you don't like certain foods or that you've never had them prepared correctly?

    I eat spinach a lot. I do not like just plain old spinach -- cooked or not. If it's cooked, it has to be mixed in something -- olive oil and goat or feta cheese, in a casserole, whatever. As a salad, it's all about the dressing (my favorite is Newman's Own Olive Oil and Vinegar).

    I would eat an onion like I would eat an apple, but on salad or cooked in something else, it's a wonderful food.

    So based on your "I don't like tomatoes so I won't eat spaghetti sauce" comment, my conclusion is you are not a picky eater so much as you are afraid to branch out and actually TRY things.
  • srostad2006
    srostad2006 Posts: 13 Member
    Unfortunately, this is kind of a situation of "you can't have your cake and eat it too". Sure, if you simply reduce your caloric intake by sticking with only the foods you currently like you will probably lose weight, and likewise if you "only ate McDonald's" every day, as long as your calories burned is greater than what you consume. But chances are you won't be healthy. That is assuming that being healthy is your ultimate goal, not just the fact of losing weight. You can't expect to eat crappy food and be healthy. Just doesn't work that way. Try being more open minded. If you have texture issues, try mixing purred veggies and fruits in with items you do like (cauliflower with mashed potatoes) or cutting them up in really small pieces and adding them to something. You have to put on the big girl panties though and let go of preconceived notions about food from childhood. By all means, start slow, this has to be a lifestyle change, so it has to be something you can stick with. Try preparing all different ways and with different seasonings. Good Luck!
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    It DOES sound like you are much pickier than what is probably "typical", but I think you can still work that into a healthy lifestyle.

    I don't like a lot of very common vegetables and fruits. I'll eat them, but they are just meh to me. This includes lettuce & apples. So many of my healthy eating friends eat a huge lettuce salad daily, and apples for snacks. Both things just kind of gag me and eating them day in and day out seems horrible to me.

    However, I have discovered in the past few years that I love spinach greens (the leafy ones) and making a salad with spinach greens, chopped cucumbers, red onion, and a few nuts on top is awesome. Meanwhile if someone gave me a big salad of iceberg lettuce with raw tomato and crunchy croutons I couldn't gag that down.

    I have also discovered that some of the time it's a texture thing. I don't like regular yogurt but Greek yogurt I love. I will eat lettuce much more if it's shredded. HATE cooked carrots and overcooked broccoli, but love both raw or steamed. Could it be possible that you're just eating the "wrong" veggies or have typically eaten them prepared in a way you dislike?

    Vegetables are SO good for you...I'm sure you realize that already. But perhaps you could eat fairly healthy and lose weight by sticking with lean protein sources and whole grains. Do you like eggs? Fruit? Nuts? Oatmeal, couscous, brown rice?
  • kellyhdent
    I don't like a lot of vegetables, but since I want to eat them, the easiest thing for me to do is juicing. I juice veggies like celery, carrots, spinach + kale (which I do like!), grapefruit, and mix in some grapes, apples or kiwi (whatever hits your fancy). I have never ever tasted the "yucky" stuff, only the "good" stuff! It's not thick or mushy, either, it's consistency is exactly like an apple juice.

    The more you try to cook the things you don't like in different ways, you may be surprised! Start with finding food items that you know you like and incorporate it with the foods you don't like.

    Now if you don't want to like these foods, then as everyone else has said, stay within your calories.
  • iTrainHARD
    If your goal is "weight loss" then just eat whatever you want as long as you stay within your allotted calories. You'll learn to like more things as time goes on.
  • mystictwilite
    Danielle, I have the same problem. I have found that counting my calories is the easiest thing instead of "dieting". I still eat the stuff I like, I just make sure it's smaller portions and I try to work out (just get my heart rate up) at least 15-20 minutes a day. I have found that the 100 cal snack bags are nice for when you're craving something special (chocolate, salty, etc) and it's only 100 calories added to my day. I hate most veggies but I like fruit (which speeds up your metabolism) so if I need something sweet, I usually go for sweet grapes, an apple, etc. I buy the weight watchers cheese sticks because I love cheese but don't want too many calories and the Smart Ones thin crust pizza is great. Plus it's only like 300 calories. Baked cheetos are good too and have less calories. Good luck!!
  • TribeHokie
    TribeHokie Posts: 711 Member
    I don't like tomatoes so pasta sauce is kinda a no go...

    What about alfredo sauce? you can "hide veggies" in that.

    I do like alfredo sauce... I will look into that... Thanks :)

    What's not to like about butter, cream, and cheese?

    I'm not a big veggie fan but easily half of what I eat every day is veggies because I know that's what will work for me. I don't eat them for the flavor, I eat them for the nutrition and because they will fill me up with fewer calories than something super delicious like Wendy's.