how did you loose 100lbs



  • bushokie
    bushokie Posts: 180 Member
    3 bumps
  • farmers_daughter
    farmers_daughter Posts: 1,632 Member
    This the best thread ever! Why not ask the people who actually did it. Yes. Brilliant.

    As I read through these inspiring replies, I see alot of you have lost this massive amount of weight in a year, or months, or in some cases longer, but I've been on this site, for over 3 years now and I'm at my heaviest (well...trying to maintain this downward spiral currently)

    But what I'm rambling on about is that you guys found that real "motivation" or wake up call that made you actually do it. What frustrates me is why have I not found it? What am I missing? I can only assume you ugys felt that way at one point? Maybe I'm wrong.

    Keep up the posts these are great. I can always take tidbits out of everyone's posts.
  • amandak2080
  • 1two3four
    1two3four Posts: 413 Member
    how did you loose a 100 lbs and how long did it take

    I'm currently at 99. I hope you don't mind my jumping in on this one :)

    I've been at it for 22-months and with MFP for 16-months.

    For the first four months I just cut my portions, a big bowl of cereal instead of a box. One plate at dinner instead of two--that kind of thing. I also started moving. Before I began my day consisted of:

    Sit on couch
    Sit on couch
    Get mail
    Sit on couch
    Sit on couch

    I didn't do laundry or cleaning other than doing the dishes and cleaning the kitchen a few times a week. I left the house to shop four to six times a month.

    So for me when I say I started moving more I literally mean that. I got off the couch, I did my own laundry, I got out of the house two to three times a week. I started taking care of other people's kids daily (on and off the floor all day!) I moved house packing and un-packing. Nothing fancy, not a bit of 'exercise'.

    By December things were really moving along and I knew I had to do more so I remembered someone telling me about MFP and I joined. I didn't use MFP by the book for a long time. Read on these forums nightly. I played with the food diary and recipe section. I hit a rough patch last summer and while I never gave up eating less and moving more I gave up emotionally on the idea of weight loss. I figured out I needed to actually set MFP up to get an accurate calorie amount (before I just went with 1200) and started losing weight again when I started eating more. I'm glad I never gave up completely.

    I still don't measure every food every every time (but I do every now and then). I figure I have to live the rest of my life without thinking, "OMG! I need to measure that!" I guesstimate almost exclusively but this is not a race and I'm not in a hurry and I would bet real money that I'm pretty darn accurate. I never cut out any specific food but I try to make choices that are the best I can in the situation I'm in. I splurge but I don't over do it.

    I lost a total of 70-pounds before I made friends or logged every day. From Jan to June I logged every bite, sip or taste of everything I ate and I made friends here. I had slip up in March and April and gained . I may be losing my weight more slowly (only 27-pounds so far this year) but I'll take it.

    I've learned you have to do what works for you. Setting deadlines doesn't work for me. Setting goals does. Rewarding myself for weight loss doesn't work. Celebrating (even on a very small scale) even when I don't feel the magnitude of this weight loss does, eventually work.

    This is not my first venture into weight loss but it will be my last. My entire mind set is different. I want it for me, for my life. Not for someone else and not solely to look good (although that is a bonus!)

    Just keep going. If you fall get back up. If you mess up keep going (and don't beat yourself up!) just don't quit and you eventually will get there.
  • 1two3four
    1two3four Posts: 413 Member
    ... you guys found that real "motivation" or wake up call that made you actually do it. What frustrates me is why have I not found it? What am I missing? I can only assume you ugys felt that way at one point?

    Falling in an icy parking lot and not being able to get up.
    Wearing a US size 28 in knit pants.
    Not being able to go up or down a flight of stairs.
    Being in severe pain all of the time.
    Feeling exhausted all of the time.
    Not finding happiness and fulfillment in my life and trying to find it in food.

    Really it wasn't any one of those things. It was those things over a LONG period of time.

    You have to have the desire. If you can find that you can motivate yourself.

    I read things people post here and I think, "YES! That is SO AWESOME!" and "I can do that!" But the boost that I get from that is temporary. Sometimes a day or two sometimes less, it's basically a reminder. What really refuels my desire is seeing how far I've come. Looking at old pictures. Looking back at logs of food. Or the graphs section. Or my family and friends saying, "Wow!! Look at you!!"

    But how I've come to be where I am with desire, I don't know? How does a mother love their children? I don't know, I'm not one. And I suspect they do because they just do. My life experience has brought me here. Just like it has brought me through other harder things in my life. I don't know, I suppose I'd like to know what others have to say on the topic as well.
  • bushokie
    bushokie Posts: 180 Member
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    ... you guys found that real "motivation" or wake up call that made you actually do it. What frustrates me is why have I not found it? What am I missing? I can only assume you ugys felt that way at one point?

    I used to get frustrated and fall off the wagon because I would deprive myself of the food I loved and I tried to do exercise that I dreaded. Now, after learning that the weight will come off whether I eat dirty or not, eat carbs or not, eat at night or not.. and so on, I've been able to find a sustainable plan. Plus I've found ways to workout that I enjoy. It is much easier to diet if you know you can have strawberry shortcake for dessert and can look forward to your next kickboxing class or treadmill session. I don't miss sitting on the couch and watching TV or reading all the time because I am equally enjoying other healthier activities and can still have time to relax too. And I don't miss junk food, because I still incorporate it into my food plan, while maintaining a weekly average deficit. So I don't need "motivation" that much anymore because I don't miss anything about my old unhealthy lifestyle.
  • kfheston78
    kfheston78 Posts: 82 Member
    I posted this on your wall too, but figured I'd share here as well.

    I lost 110 lbs in about 10 months (from roughly July of last year until mid-March of this year). My "success" story is here as well:

    At any rate, I started with a low-carb diet to lose some weight quickly. The main reason for this was that I was obese and couldn't really walk/run or do any exercise without severe pain in my legs.

    Once I had lost about 45-50 lbs, I ditched the low-carb diet and switched to calorie counting with My Fitness Pal. This was late October/early November, I used MFP's pre-defined settings of a 1.5 lb/week goal which, for me, equated to about 1500 calories per day. I tracked religiously and never once exceeded my daily goal. In addition to tracking, I added exercising and was doing walk/runs daily. I quickly ramped up my distance and basically became a running addict. To this day, I still run nearly daily.

    By mid-March, once I got down below 190, I decided to just maintain. My weight has stayed in the 183-188 range since that time. I like this weight. From my previous tracking, I developed pretty good eating and exercise habits. So, I don't really track my calories any more. I do however, still track my weight and exercise and remain conscientious about what I eat. As you may notice from my profile, I set my new baseline at 190 lbs because I don't have plans to let myself exceed that weight again. I want to look to the future rather than be reminded of or live in the past. Effectively, I feel like I closed that chapter of my life by shedding the weight.

  • EthansNana
    EthansNana Posts: 10 Member
    I have faith I'll be posting my 100 pound loss on here some day! Thanks for the inspiration!
  • dym123
    dym123 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Ate less, moved more, lifted heavy things. Took about 18 months. I will add, that it helped to track every thing. Not quite done, still got some toning to do, but I'm pretty much where I want to be. Not really sweating these last 15lbs as long as the inches are coming off.
  • funsmile1234
    funsmile1234 Posts: 83 Member
    I ate whole and healthy and moved more. Even if it was just walking.
  • bushokie
    bushokie Posts: 180 Member
    thank you for all the feed back
  • rabbyduby
    rabbyduby Posts: 123 Member
  • bushokie
    bushokie Posts: 180 Member
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