Fitbit Flex - Any Opinions?



  • adayinparis
    adayinparis Posts: 4 Member
    HI Tita,
    You link your flex through the apps tab here on MFP. Scroll down until you come to the Fitbit app and click the link. It will ask you to sign in with your fitbit account and when you do, your accounts are linked.

    Since you have an outdated phone, you will need to plug that little toggle thing that came in your package. You plug it in to the usb drive and then your band can sync with your app.

    Hope that helps!
  • marywknecht
    marywknecht Posts: 1 Member
    I have a fitbitzip and just started last week.I need to knowhow to get a weekly report sent to my email with the calories burned each week and total steps per week. please tell me how to get this report from all the data available on all the charts, please forward this to someone at fit bit if you do not know how to get this report, thanks alot email
  • kar328
    kar328 Posts: 4,159 Member
    Did you make a Fitbit account? Mine just showed up once I made the account.
  • scrapjen
    scrapjen Posts: 387 Member
    You should automatically get the weekly reports, but you can double check at the Fitbit website ... go into SETTINGS then NOTIFICATIONS and there will be a box to check if you want a weekly summary, although as Kar328 said, I do believe this is a default setting, you don't have to sign up (but you can go uncheck it if you do not want the summary).

    If you've only had your Fitbit for a week, you may have to wait until it has a full week to send to you. I generally get mine on Tuesday or Wednesday with the information from the previous week.