Children: Why are people having 4+??



  • nitenichiryu
    Which is exactly why I got snipped after two.
  • rosellasweet
    rosellasweet Posts: 163 Member
    Perhaps their parents are lonely or unhappy and want that unconditional love that a child (or many children) bring.

    This is a terrifying reason to have children. Yes, let's bring more children into the world so I can have friends and they can be my emotional sponges.

    Anyway, I say have as many as you want. I personally wish people would leave me alone because I have no children. My husband and I will do it when we do it. So quit condemning people for having too many or no children.
  • VorJoshigan
    VorJoshigan Posts: 1,106 Member
    The earth will be saved by one of my descendants someday. I'm sure of it. Also, more=better.
  • melinda200208
    melinda200208 Posts: 525 Member
    I believe it is all in what you want. I dont have any kids right now but would love to have at least 3. After that, who knows...? I may want more, I may want to be done. I think it would be great to have a big family, do lots of family adventures, and make lots of memories for my children. I personally believe a lot of children are TOO spoiled and don't need EVERYTHING. Children do not have to be as expensive as a lot of people make it out to be. I think of how much fun it would be and when they grow up they have siblings, nieces, nephews, family gatherings......that is what life is about to me. Family.....I am in my point of life right now where I love getting together with my sister and brother and nieces and nephews. I guess if I only had one sibling (or none) life would be a little boring to be honest..... But, that is my opinion. Yes, I dont think you should have 5 children if you cannot provide for them. On the other hand, children dont need anything and everything.
  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
    We can't afford many chldren, we also can't afford much meat. Eating our extra children solves both problems!
  • Fullsterkur_woman
    Fullsterkur_woman Posts: 2,712 Member
    If people want to participate in overpopulating the world, you cannot stop them. Don't worry about what others do. They're happy.
    In general I agree with the "MYOB" principle, but there's a line between a manufacturing plant that is ethically earning a profit without destroying the environment and one that is dumping toxic waste, using up natural resources faster than they can be renewed, etc. I think there's a valid analogy at some point. My husband and I opting out of the gene pool can only offset so many people having ridiculous numbers of children. And there aren't enough of us "child-free" out there to make up for the torrent of tots.

    And I'll mind my own business when they stop asking me to open my wallet to pay for essential services for this surfeit of scions.:angry:
  • Rage_Phish
    Rage_Phish Posts: 1,507 Member
    I'm not married and I don't have children, but my boyfriend and I live in a very populated city where people feel the need to have 5, 6, 7+ kids. These families don't appear to have the means to fiscally be able to meet their children's needs. We are wondering WHY?! Why do people feel the need to procreate beyond 2 or 3 children? I can understand 2 for sure and even 3, 4 seems a little crazy to me, but any more - that's insane and seems so unnecessary!
    Anyone who has reasons for having 4+ kids, please let me know why! And if anyone else has some opinions, I'd love to hear them!
    If you don't like it then pick up your **** and move. I like how you judge people by their children. I can see why you don't have kids. It's because you can't keep your mouth shut long enough to get laid. Nuff said

    terrible post
    MRSHHJONES Posts: 41 Member
    There's nothing wrong with having several children. Children are ALWAYS a blessing from God. The problems you spoke of are related to the moral decline of our country and the breakdown of the family unit as this country turns it's back of God and Godly values. I don't believe that things will improve until people in our country acknowledge their sinful ways, repent, and put their faith in Jesus Christ as personal savior. Things could be so much better if we lived by God's laws, and not our own.
  • KatWood
    KatWood Posts: 1,135 Member
    Why do people without kids always question the choices of people who do? I have always wondered that.
    Funny....I've actually never asked a person with children WHY they had them, or why so many or few....but you'd probably be surprised at how frequently virtual strangers will ask child-free people questions, or give us flak about our personal reproductive choices.

    It definitely goes both ways. Personally, I think its everyone's own business...but I understand the OP's thought process here, because I see way too many situations where people are having children they can't provide or, and don't take care of where I live.

    Everyone is entitled to their opinon.

    I agree with this totally. I am about to have my first child and I can't tell you how many times in the past I was asked and judged about why we don't have kids. I am surprised how many people are jumping down the OP's throat. I think her question was valid. Getting by without kids can be tough, I can't imagine having that many extra mouths to feed. I think almost everyone agrees that having children brings joy but as adults we need to be responsible and ensure we have the means (financially, emotionally, etc) to take care of them before making the choice to bring another life into the world. That being said if you love children and can support a big family all the power to you.
  • Fullsterkur_woman
    Fullsterkur_woman Posts: 2,712 Member
  • MissyJessy
    MissyJessy Posts: 1,279 Member
    I have 4 kids. And I had them because we love children. We can afford them. And the number of kids people have is really none of your business. Just keep your nose in your own house.

    Heck yes love this comment!
    I have 1 currently and my boyfriend wants 4 more, he grew up in a big family and likes them... i didnt grow up in a big family but always wanted one.... so i am entertaining the idea :)
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    My point is understand why and not to criticize anyone.

    <OP> I have chosen my first and only discussion thread on a health and fitness website to be dedicated to finding out why people choose to have 4 or more children since it seems ridiculous and irresponsible to me. I will tell folks how ridiculous it is to have 4 or more kids, but I do so without criticism. </OP>

    Me: sorry, OP, that other forums like Facebook wouldn't entertain this amazing topic or provide you with the understanding that you apparently need. However, I put this question in the category of judging. Bottom line...why do you care...its not your life and probably not something you want for your life. Why do you care why other folks choose to be blessed by several kids?
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    LOL at some sort of overpopulation problem seriously people most countries world wide are on a birth rate decline. The old out number the young. This is going to be the true problem in the very near future for the more developed countries. Watch what happens when you no longer have a young workforce supporting the retirees.

    This is my theory why the US enjoyed such prosperity during the 80's and 90's the baby boomers were in the prime of their careers. An economic down turn in 2009 seems to have occurred about the same time a large majority of baby boomers exited the work force for early retirement.
  • Rage_Phish
    Rage_Phish Posts: 1,507 Member
    There's nothing wrong with having several children. Children are ALWAYS a blessing from God. The problems you spoke of are related to the moral decline of our country and the breakdown of the family unit as this country turns it's back of God and Godly values. I don't believe that things will improve until people in our country acknowledge their sinful ways, repent, and put their faith in Jesus Christ as personal savior. Things could be so much better if we lived by God's laws, and not our own.

  • thinklivebefree
    thinklivebefree Posts: 328 Member
    Did you not just hear Kendrick Lamar's Verse?????
  • NekaMaye88
    NekaMaye88 Posts: 162 Member
    I have 4

    Why'd I have that many.....I like sex

    Plus, I look hella good pregnant

    Best response. Ever!
  • krouse83
    krouse83 Posts: 182 Member
    Too many answers to your question as to why people have multiple children. Also too many opinions on both sides of the topic. You are never going to get an answer, here or somewhere else. Just make your own decision regarding if you want kids and leave large families alone. Their decision, their responsibility, not yours.
  • snoopytwins
    snoopytwins Posts: 1,759 Member
    I'm just working on my army for the zombie apocalypse. Sheesh.
  • freddykid
    freddykid Posts: 265 Member
    Since this thread is about to get locked, I figured I would chime in. I have 4 and love it, none of your business how many kids people want to have. They have kids because they love big families or had a few oops. Doesn't matter! The world is not overpopulated, your city may be. You can suggest that they move out of your city.
  • Geojerm
    Geojerm Posts: 291 Member
    My point is understand why and not to criticize anyone.

    <OP> I have chosen my first and only discussion thread on a health and fitness website to be dedicated to finding out why people choose to have 4 or more children since it seems ridiculous and irresponsible to me. I will tell folks how ridiculous it is to have 4 or more kids, but I do so without criticism. </OP>

    Me: sorry, OP, that other forums like Facebook wouldn't entertain this amazing topic or provide you with the understanding that you apparently need. However, I put this question in the category of judging. Bottom line...why do you care...its not your life and probably not something you want for your life. Why do you care why other folks choose to be blessed by several kids?

    I disagree, that is, I think OP will end up an Octomom ....
This discussion has been closed.