Children: Why are people having 4+??



  • Heather_Rider
    Heather_Rider Posts: 1,159 Member
    The house ain't gonna keep itself clean.

    Plus, I hate yardwork.

    I refuse to do laundry or dishes.. *shrugs*
  • hottamolly00
    hottamolly00 Posts: 334 Member
    Because Social Security is an abysmal failure, and it's going to take 14 workers for each recipient to keep the checks coming when I hit that age, so my wife and I need 28 kids to cover us, and if we throw a few extra in there, you're welcome.

    All joking aside, I have 3 kids, and I'd take a couple more, but we're done and that's okay too. Really, it's no ones business but mine. And as for the whole overpopulation and natural resources aspect, really? Get out of the city and have a look at the other 95% of the worlds land mass, it's called wilderness, and we have plenty, and there is not a single natural resource that is not renewable.


    THIS! And, one of my obese friends tried to argue the "too many kids and there's a lack of resources, so it's not fair to have so many kids" issue to me. I wanted to say, but I held back, that obese people should also consider said resources, if they see having too many kids as being a problem.

    I'm not obese, and I am making that claim as well. Do you now believe the claim because the source is less hypocritical?

    I don't believe the claim because there is SO much more world, completely untouched. The claim that a small amount of families choose to have several kids is not enough to argue a lack of resources. There are plenty of couples who have NO kids, ever, so they essentially cancel each other out.
  • CookNLift
    CookNLift Posts: 3,660 Member
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    I completely agree that it's a pyramid scheme, but acknowledge that fact doesn't help the people who have paid into it for 40 years and about to retire. I was not suggesting to "breed our way out of the problem," just pointing out that the other poster is correct about declining birth rates.
    OK, but then the declining birth rate is not why the system will be running into trouble. The system will be running into trouble because it was flawed in its initial design. I acknowledge the declining birth rate. I just don't see it as a problem.

    But the system is built on a strong thriving work force to support the few remaining retirees on SSI. That is why the age of qualification continues to increase for both SSI and medicare. It is built on the idea that the majority will die before qualification or spend only a few years on it before death. It was not built to survive on an increased lifespan and fewer children. When the New Deal started expansion was the philosophy both the country and families.

    As far as the rest of the world goes...once again the idea of support in you older age only works with a thriving young contributing work force.
  • Rage_Phish
    Rage_Phish Posts: 1,507 Member
    Because Social Security is an abysmal failure, and it's going to take 14 workers for each recipient to keep the checks coming when I hit that age, so my wife and I need 28 kids to cover us, and if we throw a few extra in there, you're welcome.

    All joking aside, I have 3 kids, and I'd take a couple more, but we're done and that's okay too. Really, it's no ones business but mine. And as for the whole overpopulation and natural resources aspect, really? Get out of the city and have a look at the other 95% of the worlds land mass, it's called wilderness, and we have plenty, and there is not a single natural resource that is not renewable.


    THIS! And, one of my obese friends tried to argue the "too many kids and there's a lack of resources, so it's not fair to have so many kids" issue to me. I wanted to say, but I held back, that obese people should also consider said resources, if they see having too many kids as being a problem.

    I'm not obese, and I am making that claim as well. Do you now believe the claim because the source is less hypocritical?

    I don't believe the claim because there is SO much more world, completely untouched. The claim that a small amount of families choose to have several kids is not enough to argue a lack of resources. There are plenty of couples who have NO kids, ever, so they essentially cancel each other out.

    Guess we'll agree to disagree
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    Brand New OP: 2 posts

    MFP: 9 pages

    Well played, OP!

  • coke_bottle
    coke_bottle Posts: 259 Member
  • emmalouc93
    emmalouc93 Posts: 328 Member
    Simple answer, because people can do what the hell they want.

    Children are amazing, and one of the greatest things to happen to someone. Nothing wrong with a big family, I love them and will have on someday.
  • ksy1969
    ksy1969 Posts: 700 Member
    LoL, Good Job OP on your first post!! You stirred the pot.

    On a side not though, I am married and have two children. My wife and I have often asked each other the same question. With all the kids who need adopting in this country alone, the United States, as well as all the other third world countries, why have more than two of your own.

    I personally wouldn't have the patience for it, but I applaud those couples that adopt. In our church alone I see a couple families that are quite large but most of the children are adopted.
  • jfcarlson713
    jfcarlson713 Posts: 108 Member
    To all of you that say it's nobody's business how many kids others have - are you kidding me? As soon as you don't get additional exemptions on your tax return and aren't eligible for the Earned Income Credit I would agree. Any kind of public fee or tax that depends on the number of dependents needs to be eliminated. THEN it's none of my business how many kids you have. When a family with 6 kids doesn't have to pay any income tax because of the deductions then they are not financially responsible for their own - I am subsidizing them with MY tax dollars!!!
  • To answer the "Why do you care?" questions.


    Dwindling natural resources.

    Strain on public education.

    Strain on healthcare system.

    The list goes on and on and on and on.

    But that's all I'm saying. I'm positive I'm of the unpopular opinion in this thread.

    I understand where you're coming from, but

    The current wars/conflicts are sufficient to kill us off fast enough, if not more quickly than we can birth and raise children.

    Dwindling natural resources--Even if the population globally were to boom for a sustained period, we would still see a similar consumption trend in resources. Nothing proportional to the increase at the very least. Industry is more of a determining factor than flat population figures here.

    For the last two you listed, the majority of economists are constantly attributing the problem to an aging workforce with *fewer* new workers (children) produced per household. Due to *generally* smaller households (widespread practice of abortion somewhat affects the figures as well), there will not be *enough* children to support the nation's workings at large. So, do your country a favor, everyone--HAVE MOAR BABYZ! So long as you have the means to raise them properly, that is :flowerforyou:
  • plantgrrl
    plantgrrl Posts: 436 Member
    Oh...silly OP! You forgot your filter again didn't you? I AM married and don't want kids. (So many reasons, all mine) I kind of agree with you, but I wouldn't start a post about it. That would be like going and starting a thread about "why religion...?"

    They can have there big families...the earth *obviously* needs more people. LOL

    Now if only I could get people to stop acting pissy when I tell them I'm not having kids after they imply I will change my mind...Next person who condescends to me on that is getting a punch in the mouth.

    Let's all agree to stop talking about/interfering with each other's reproductive stuff, America! It would make us all less angry.
  • tumblindice
    tumblindice Posts: 39 Member
    I work in a middle school..I would give my opinion, but it would be extremely unpleasant.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    To all of you that say it's nobody's business how many kids others have - are you kidding me? As soon as you don't get additional exemptions on your tax return and aren't eligible for the Earned Income Credit I would agree. Any kind of public fee or tax that depends on the number of dependents needs to be eliminated. THEN it's none of my business how many kids you have. When a family with 6 kids doesn't have to pay any income tax because of the deductions then they are not financially responsible for their own - I am subsidizing them with MY tax dollars!!!

    Bitter much?
  • Elisirmon
    Elisirmon Posts: 273 Member
    I find it funny if you all do some research you will find most of our famous people in history and inventors all came from poor, big can't buy everything but love and experience sure can teach you it,.
  • plantgrrl
    plantgrrl Posts: 436 Member
    Please site your sources.
  • RobynSmithIBECHS
    RobynSmithIBECHS Posts: 86 Member
    My question :
    Children: Why are people who aren't prepared having them?

    Or if you prefer

    Children: Why are people having them?
  • cmurphy252
    cmurphy252 Posts: 279 Member
    That is an easy question to answer, there working the system. Have more get more money. Simple as that.

    OMG! You get money for having a lot of kids? Dang it! We have 5 that we've been supporting ourselves all this time. Please tell me where I apply for this "free money".

    Yeah, I missed the boat on that one too. Maybe because I only have two? I want my free money. :explode:

    You should look at your tax return... each one is worth $1000 a pop/year. Whoohoo! Free money.

    Woohoo!! Why did I stop at one child?? That $1000 tax credit clearly offsets and exceeds the expenses incurred annually for raising my daughter and now putting her through college :noway: .
  • Because people are more important than things.

    Freedom to pursue happiness as each person sees fit.

    People are free to spend their money increasing family, and people are free to spend their money increasing material possessions or hobbies.

    JF Carlson - take that up with your government, not the people who are forced to live under the government rules.
    If you don't like the system, like most people who have large families, then change it. I'm sure they would be very glad of that.

    I love large families. I had four. I've lost my home, lost my way of life - but I've never gone on public assistance in any way. You are mocking the wrong people.

    I notice that the image people are using to mock large families is a completely self-sufficient family that raises great kids and contributes to the community. I didn't go through the whole thread, but I didn't see an image of welfare moms who have a different father for nearly every child and let them go play in the streets.

    Upside down thinking.
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