Is 2 slices of pizza bad?



  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    If you can make them fit in your goals, do it. Otherwise, you should familiarize yourself with coolers, Tupperware, and batch cooking.
  • capnrus789
    capnrus789 Posts: 2,736 Member
    small, medium, large, or x-large?

    NY thin or Chicago Stuffed?

    Two slices medium sized NY pizzas probably aren't a big deal.
    Two slices of a large Chicago style might stop your heart with the right ingredients.
  • jesskreg
    jesskreg Posts: 75 Member
    Everything is fine in moderation! Enjoy your pizza. :)
  • tishtash77
    tishtash77 Posts: 430 Member
    Also not really helpful when he is not able to cook it himself.

    I would echo what the others say about logging something that is close to what you had. Anyway you can bring in your own lunches? Get to the subway for lunch instead? The occasional pizza is nothing to stress about but if all you can eat is 2 pieces of pizza 6 lunches a week that could add up!
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    3 or 4 slices is more ideal..

    Dangit, that's TWICE today that you've stolen my answer.

  • cameronwheeler
    Its like NY style pizza, the crust is really thin, its not too cheesy either. I also have selective eating disorder so i can't eat much of a variety. All i do is eat exactly what i did before dieting but lower my portion sizes and picking healthier versions of things.

    i dont eat fast food at all, (except for subway) i eat at home as much as possible. i workout whenever i can but the past 3 days i've been too busy to go. My days are planned out to the minute each week ahead. because i'm so pushed for time, between working in the recording studio, going to class 8 hours a day (full sail university) and then trying to go to the gym and such its really really hard. I'm determined to stick with this diet. but i dont like to starve myself, so when im hungry im going to eat, but i always feel guilty afterwards.
  • jerber160
    jerber160 Posts: 2,606 Member
    You can search your food in the database. That'll give you a better idea of how many calories it is and how it affects your daily goal. (If you can't find the specific brand or type, pick one that is similar in the databse.)
    I often pick 4 or 5 to get a feel then go for an average. on specific pizza tho, I made my own, using the mfp apps. 2 slices of my 8 cut pizza loaded with meat is 500 crust, cheese, sauce, not so much.... OH and 3-4 slices IS even more ideal
  • FerretBuellerr
    FerretBuellerr Posts: 468 Member
    So its hard to maintain a proper diet with my crazy college schedule. I have class 6 days a week 8 hours a day with only one 30 minute break in between. We have a little pizza stand at our school and so they have pizza. I got 2 slices of cheese pizza. I can't log it in my diary because its not a popular pizza chan its a mom and pop family business.

    So i got 2 slices of cheese, approximately the size of each slice is the size of a slice of a large pizza. (18")

    How many calories would you guess that it is? Grams of fat?

    Is this going to throw my diet off for the day? I plan to eat healthier later tonight, although i dont get out of class till 9 pm. (ugh) i'm just going to grab a 6" healthy sub from subway, with some baked lays and a bottle of dasani water.

    Does this seem bad?

    When I was in college, I carried a lunch box with me. Because of my classes (was taking 5) plus all of the student organizations I was in, my sorority, my co-ed fraternity, etc, I was almost never at my dorm. I was literally out of my room at 7am and did not get back until after midnight at least 5-6 days of the week. Don't let any excuse or hurdle give you a reason to eat food that doesn't really fit your macros or food that makes you feel GUILTY after eating it!

    You can do it!

    Edit: PS not to mention, it was way too expensive to eat out every day all day!


    Bringing your own meals is not only healthier, but also WAYYYY less money. When I'm in school I try to only buy lunch once in the week, and the rest of the time bring my own sandwiches and snacks, or leftovers from the night before which I can just heat up on campus. This will be more difficult of course depending on how long you are on campus, but I personally find it more rewarding to know I didn't spend any extra money on any of the high-sodium/high-carb/high-sugar foods that are the most accessible on campus.

    I'm sure there is more than just a pizza place and a Subway at your school - look into any student owned/operated places - at least there are quite a few at my school (Carleton U) and their options are a lot healthier than any of the typical fast-food joints or grab-and-go places.
  • ldwash405
    ldwash405 Posts: 23 Member
    My limit is two pieces of pizza, whenever I treat myself to some, and I am still losing weight. So I wouldn't worry about it too much.
  • beastmodekittyx
    beastmodekittyx Posts: 97 Member
    Can't say this enough... IIFYM eat that **** bro.
  • bagge72
    bagge72 Posts: 1,377 Member
    I know that some restaurants 2 slices of pizza is around 400 calories, not bad at all, but places like sbarro, its like 700 calories per slice of pizza!!! . I dont really watch my calories too much, i am always under my calories for the day, the main thing i have to try and not go over is sugar, carbs, sodium and grams of fat.

    If it was two slices of a large 18" pizza you are definitely looking more towards the 600-800 calorie range. Your best bet is to look up a popular chain that is very similar to what you eat. Lots of people under estimate pizza, by putting a much smaller portion in.
  • herblackwings39
    herblackwings39 Posts: 3,930 Member
    I happily work pizza into my day when I can.

    Unfortunately we're living on a shoestring budget this month and nice yummy take out isn't possible. *sigh* I may need to put forth the effort to make some from scratch this week.

    Making your own dough doesn't take much actual time. I tend to make a bigger batch, let it rise overnight in a coolish spot (fridge), and then divide it into 4 or 5 portions, put in cooking sprayed baggies, then freeze most of it. Then all I have to do is remember to pull it out and leave it sitting on the counter to thaw and rise a bit before shaping, topping, and baking.
  • cameronwheeler
    So its hard to maintain a proper diet with my crazy college schedule. I have class 6 days a week 8 hours a day with only one 30 minute break in between. We have a little pizza stand at our school and so they have pizza. I got 2 slices of cheese pizza. I can't log it in my diary because its not a popular pizza chan its a mom and pop family business.

    So i got 2 slices of cheese, approximately the size of each slice is the size of a slice of a large pizza. (18")

    How many calories would you guess that it is? Grams of fat?

    Is this going to throw my diet off for the day? I plan to eat healthier later tonight, although i dont get out of class till 9 pm. (ugh) i'm just going to grab a 6" healthy sub from subway, with some baked lays and a bottle of dasani water.

    Does this seem bad?

    When I was in college, I carried a lunch box with me. Because of my classes (was taking 5) plus all of the student organizations I was in, my sorority, my co-ed fraternity, etc, I was almost never at my dorm. I was literally out of my room at 7am and did not get back until after midnight at least 5-6 days of the week. Don't let any excuse or hurdle give you a reason to eat food that doesn't really fit your macros or food that makes you feel GUILTY after eating it!

    You can do it!

    Edit: PS not to mention, it was way too expensive to eat out every day all day!


    Bringing your own meals is not only healthier, but also WAYYYY less money. When I'm in school I try to only buy lunch once in the week, and the rest of the time bring my own sandwiches and snacks, or leftovers from the night before which I can just heat up on campus. This will be more difficult of course depending on how long you are on campus, but I personally find it more rewarding to know I didn't spend any extra money on any of the high-sodium/high-carb/high-sugar foods that are the most accessible on campus.

    I'm sure there is more than just a pizza place and a Subway at your school - look into any student owned/operated places - at least there are quite a few at my school (Carleton U) and their options are a lot healthier than any of the typical fast-food joints or grab-and-go places.

    We do not have any thing but this restaurant that sells pizza lol. Well we actually have a Wendys and Mcdonalds, and Starbucks right by campus but very unhealthy. Subway is a 5 minute drive and i am able to just grab it on the way home from class. I'm on campus 8 hours a day, with only one 30 minute break. (lunch break) my class schedule is 1pm to 9 pm.
  • PrayerOfHeart
    PrayerOfHeart Posts: 17 Member
    If you workout full-heartedly, then don't worry about those pizza slices. :)
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    So its hard to maintain a proper diet with my crazy college schedule. I have class 6 days a week 8 hours a day with only one 30 minute break in between. We have a little pizza stand at our school and so they have pizza. I got 2 slices of cheese pizza. I can't log it in my diary because its not a popular pizza chan its a mom and pop family business.

    So i got 2 slices of cheese, approximately the size of each slice is the size of a slice of a large pizza. (18")

    How many calories would you guess that it is? Grams of fat?

    Is this going to throw my diet off for the day? I plan to eat healthier later tonight, although i dont get out of class till 9 pm. (ugh) i'm just going to grab a 6" healthy sub from subway, with some baked lays and a bottle of dasani water.

    Does this seem bad?

    What? No meat or veggies? WTH kind of pizza is that? It would definitely throw off my macros to eat a cheese pizza. The meat and veggies are where you get your protein and vitamins.

    Having said that, just pick a pizza chain that is similar. That's what I do when I get pizza in the cafeteria at work.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Log it under something similar even if you don't know the actual content. And it's probably at LEAST 300 calories a slice if it's an 18'' hand tossed pizza.
  • granitendirt
    Here is a process that I've found to be helpful when eating at non-chain restaurants:

    - Learning to estimate portion sizes correctly has been helpful. Cruise through sites after googling "visual portion size estimate" or similar. It's a learning process.

    - Another great way to estimate portion size is to get used to using a food scale at home. I don't use one when eating out (some people do...) but it helps practice my eye.

    - Remember that the MyFitnessPal food database is created by food entries of regular people. Before I enter a slice of pizza (I'll search "generic pizza" if I don't have a brand), I'll check and compare the calories of several different entries. As I've practiced this, I don't have to search so hard each time. I try to err on counting too many calories rather than under-estimating.

    - If you are looking to reduce calories, remember that different toppings can have a huge impact.

    Overall, a slice or two of pizza for lunch is a great way to sustain you through a busy day. Remember that it takes a lot of practice, and that many people (myself included) can greatly underestimate calories when just looking at food. It's not perfect, but it's helped me a lot, and I've lost weight when being more mindful of portion size.
  • Lovemydounts
    Lovemydounts Posts: 199 Member
    2 pieces won't kill ya as long as u don't eat it everyday .me myself don't think subway is that healthy but that's just me .have a good day
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    Which chain place is the pizza most similar to? Log that.
  • mmm_drop
    mmm_drop Posts: 1,126 Member
    And now I want pizza, and not just plain cheese, either.