Losing weight with 'Real Food'



  • Gianna44
    Gianna44 Posts: 124
    I try to focus on eating "clean" according to your definition but by no means am totally there (you can see the oreo I ate with lunch in my diary which my husband brought into the house :/ Anyway, calories still count - I can do a great job maintaining on a "healthy clean diet" but no so much on losing. Portions (calories) still matter.

    I have heard of people losing when switching to clean eating but I figure that they either weren't eating that well in the first place and their calories dropped quite a bit when switching or that by becoming more aware of what they were eating - and maybe enjoying it more - they were actually consuming less overall.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Wait a minute.... are we talking about "clean" eating or simply eating real food instead of "diet food?" There is a huge difference.

    Clean eating is not eating processed foods. Real food is not processed or genetically altered. It's not fish thats been farm fed junk that we then put into our bodies. Its beef, pork and chicken that hasnt been shot up with hormones or fed genetically altered corn etc..

    I'm talking about real food. Real butter from cows that eat grass instead of modified corn, real whole wheat, full fat cheese, organic steak, chicken etc.. vegetables grown without being genetically altered, and sprayed with pesticides. Homemade pie, bread, cookies, muffins etc.. from wholesome ingredients not processed flour, sugar or other ingredients. That is 'clean' eating.

    I'm not talking about not eating chocolate, cake, pizza etc.. I'm talking about making it at home with 'real' ingredients not processed.

    Well I process all of my food, and it is quite real. It is very rare that I will eat something that is raw and unprocessed, but it is me who does the processing. This is why I hate the term "clean eating" and the assumptions about processing foods. For processing food, it's a matter of what processes are used and whether or not any inorganic chemicals are involved. I am all about doing my own cooking rather than buying pre-made stuff, especially stuff that's marked with the word "diet." If it's "diet food," it's probably disgusting. :laugh:

    I was just scrolling through comments and finding some people saying different things. For me, I like to use the term "real food" because I find it more descriptive than "clean food." :flowerforyou:
  • ritchiedrama
    ritchiedrama Posts: 1,304 Member
    No such thing as "real" food in 2013. It has all been tampered with.

    Good day!
  • HPB2
    HPB2 Posts: 23 Member
    <<< right here.. I have been following The Whole 30 on and off for months. Now 100% compliant. Never felt better. Good luck.

    Completely agree! Me too!
  • tmpecus78
    tmpecus78 Posts: 1,206 Member
    Lots of people do it and lose weight. It can make it easier to lose weight, as unprocessed, unpackaged foods are generally less calorie dense, so you get more for your money so to speak when you eat them. I prefer not to eliminate any particular foods from my diet (except trans fats) because I believe that eliminating foods that you enjoy, or good tasting foods can lead to binging, which used to happen to me.

    QFT THIS X 200
  • Gianna44
    Gianna44 Posts: 124
    No such thing as "real" food in 2013. It has all been tampered with.

    Good day!
    ^^ Could you further explain please (like "all" and "tamper")? I mean, are you talking "GMO wheat" and "soy fed animals" or "even the "heirloom organic seeds you plant are messed up?" Just curious...
  • rosellasweet
    rosellasweet Posts: 163 Member
    Wait a minute.... are we talking about "clean" eating or simply eating real food instead of "diet food?" There is a huge difference.

    Clean eating is not eating processed foods. Real food is not processed or genetically altered. It's not fish thats been farm fed junk that we then put into our bodies. Its beef, pork and chicken that hasnt been shot up with hormones or fed genetically altered corn etc..

    I'm talking about real food. Real butter from cows that eat grass instead of modified corn, real whole wheat, full fat cheese, organic steak, chicken etc.. vegetables grown without being genetically altered, and sprayed with pesticides. Homemade pie, bread, cookies, muffins etc.. from wholesome ingredients not processed flour, sugar or other ingredients. That is 'clean' eating.

    I'm not talking about not eating chocolate, cake, pizza etc.. I'm talking about making it at home with 'real' ingredients not processed.

    Well I process all of my food, and it is quite real. It is very rare that I will eat something that is raw and unprocessed, but it is me who does the processing. This is why I hate the term "clean eating" and the assumptions about processing foods. For processing food, it's a matter of what processes are used and whether or not any inorganic chemicals are involved. I am all about doing my own cooking rather than buying pre-made stuff, especially stuff that's marked with the word "diet." If it's "diet food," it's probably disgusting. :laugh:

    I was just scrolling through comments and finding some people saying different things. For me, I like to use the term "real food" because I find it more descriptive than "clean food." :flowerforyou:

    I love this explaination! What bothers me when people say "unprocessed" or "clean" is that every food is processed. The only way for you to absolutely know that your food wasn't tampered with is to do it yourself. Raise a cow, shuck your corn, and pick your own tomatoes. Now, if you can't do that, then quit worrying about labels. Just eat what's best for you. Some companies were putting "organic" on their foods and drinks but are now being forced to take it off. What does that say?
  • megan020103
    I eat a 95% clean diet. I do allow a weekly treat. You can eat a TON of food when you eat real food. I think this is why people lose the weight. 6 cups of Romaine Lettuce is 45 calories...one cookie is more than that. Which one is more filling? I do also believe it is better for us all to eat this way, but everyone has their own opinion on this so I won't go into my thoughts. But I think it is a great way to lose weight as I have to force myself to eat more even when I am not hungry just to get to my minimum calories.
  • sorcha1977
    sorcha1977 Posts: 133 Member
    I get what the OP is saying. I think of it like "stuff my grandmother ate when she was my age". Back when you made everything from scratch, bought meat from the local farmer/butcher, bought veggies, fruit, and dairy from local farmers, etc. No additives or preservatives. Everything was canned to keep it good through the winter, and bread actually got moldy and was kept in a bread box. Stuff like that. GOOD food. :)

    Plus, it tastes so much better!
  • SkinnyMsFitness
    SkinnyMsFitness Posts: 389 Member
    I've been slowly changing my diet to all real food meaning, no artificial or packaged anything. No low fat, nonfat or artificial sweetener. Lots of vegetables, lean protein and only minimal wheat/carbs because I'm hypoglycemic and must limit the amount.
    My question is, does anyone else do this successfully and lose weight?

    I don't eliminate anything, but eat in moderation. However, when you eat healthier foods, your body tends to feel more content...fuller, longer.

    Compare it to eating pizza and a plain chicken breast. Healthier food enables us to eat more for the amt of cals whereas bad food is much more limited.
  • ryry_
    ryry_ Posts: 4,966 Member
    I've lost weight eating "clean." I've lost more weight eating what I want on a daily basis and just keeping it within my calorie and macro goals. The problem for me with restricting myself to a grain-free, junk food-free diet was that any time I did manage to eat something off-plan, I would go nuts, and it was hard, mentally, for me to go back to eating normally. These days, I eat cookies or pop tarts or ice cream or whatever on a regular basis, so it's not that big of a deal. I can stop at just a couple of Oreos or a half-cup of ice cream because I know I can eat more tomorrow if I want. I still don't eat grains in the form of bread, pasta, rice, etc., except on special and rare occasions, just because it makes me feel sluggish and tired.

    Pretty much my thoughts to a T (whatever that means)
  • vjohn04
    vjohn04 Posts: 2,276 Member
    Basedon your OP, I have a question.

    Can you explain how skim milk is not considered 'real food'?

    I just can't seem to grasp what you're getting at here...
  • Sharon009
    Sharon009 Posts: 327 Member
    Basedon your OP, I have a question.

    Can you explain how skim milk is not considered 'real food'?

    I just can't seem to grasp what you're getting at here...

    Real food is just a term used for food that hasn't be altered, meaning its in its original form. Skim milk has been altered, all pasteurized milk is altered but low fat or ski even more through the process of removing the fat.
  • alucas12017
    Lloyd Dobler: I don't want to sell anything, buy anything, or process anything as a career. I don't want to sell anything bought or processed, or buy anything sold or processed, or process anything sold, bought, or processed, or repair anything sold, bought, or processed. You know, as a career, I don't want to do that.

    Sorry, couldn't help myself.

    I think I love you lol :D
  • NonnyMary
    NonnyMary Posts: 982 Member
    I've been slowly changing my diet to all real food meaning, no artificial or packaged anything. No low fat, nonfat or artificial sweetener. Lots of vegetables, lean protein and only minimal wheat/carbs because I'm hypoglycemic and must limit the amount.
    My question is, does anyone else do this successfully and lose weight?

    yes i find i lose weight better when i do what you do. Restaurant food is the worst because you dont know what they really put in there.
  • NonnyMary
    NonnyMary Posts: 982 Member
    I've lost weight eating "clean." I've lost more weight eating what I want on a daily basis and just keeping it within my calorie and macro goals. The problem for me with restricting myself to a grain-free, junk food-free diet was that any time I did manage to eat something off-plan, I would go nuts, and it was hard, mentally, for me to go back to eating normally. These days, I eat cookies or pop tarts or ice cream or whatever on a regular basis, so it's not that big of a deal. I can stop at just a couple of Oreos or a half-cup of ice cream because I know I can eat more tomorrow if I want. I still don't eat grains in the form of bread, pasta, rice, etc., except on special and rare occasions, just because it makes me feel sluggish and tired.

    this! if I can fit it in, and I want it... I have it! are you prepared to never have a slice of your childs birthday cake? to never have a chocolate truffle on valentines day, or never have a slice of pie on thanksgiving? im not! moderation is key in my opinion!

    If you take certain food, you can make delicious desserts and snacks.. You can find a million recipes for desserts and birthday cake made from real food. Now whether she makes a traditional cake out of homemade ingredients from scratch, or else she chooses to not eat cake and make some kind of desert that is made of fruit or something like that, i dont know, but i do know that people eating real food do not have to feel deprived. You just have to find recipes which are all over the place. Not to be advertising for Dr Fuhrman, but I get a recipe every day for a recipe and some have been deserts, one for example is apple pie type dessert, made with raisins, apples, and other stuff, i cant remember it all..
  • NonnyMary
    NonnyMary Posts: 982 Member
    I think you have to find what works for you. I've cut all (most) packaged / processed foods out of my diet, but it's not like I immediately dropped 10 lbs (I wish!) - I'm still exercising and watching my calorie intake too. I'm also pretty sure there's reputable research that shows that calories in v. calorie out might not be the only key to weight loss. Personally, I feel a LOT better when I'm eating real food v. processed crap - because that's exactly what it is, crap. If you stick to "eating clean" you'll see office mates (and the like) losing weight while pouring fake coffee creamer in their morning coffees and zapping lean cuisines in the microwave for lunch, and it will be insanely frustrating, but know that you are doing your body so much good by not doing the same. That's why I'm anti-Weight Watchers, I feel like they almost push you to eat processed junk because it's "low in points." Eat good food. Eat what makes you happy. To me there is no reason to give up what you love, just do it in moderation...your body will figure the rest out. A quick note on full fat dairy though - I tried it a few months back and did NOT like it. Just a personal thing, maybe. I eat full fat (really good) cheeses and put half and half in my coffee, but I've found that Siggi's yogurt (from grass fed cows) has been a much better fit for me than either full fat Fage or full fat regular yogurt. Good luck!

    I have a question for you - comparing the nutrition of milk - 2%, 1%, skim, and whole milk - some of the calories are not much difference, the sodium is. some doctors recommend 2% over skim. And the taste is better. so is there really a difference in the kinds of milk which is healthier based on what you said there?
  • dipitie
    dipitie Posts: 25 Member
    Basedon your OP, I have a question.

    Can you explain how skim milk is not considered 'real food'?

    I just can't seem to grasp what you're getting at here...

    Skim milk is actually a by product of removing cream from whole milk, and has been tampered with to make it appear appetizing. Whiteners are added (because milk without fat looks grey or blue) and powdered milk is also added. Because powdered milk is still milk, they don't have to disclose that on the ingredients label.



    Of course, if you're really serious about eating real food, you will spend a bit more on raw organic milk with all the enzymes and probiotics. Its actually really sad to see where our food industry has gone, and how few people eat real food, even if they eat "clean"
  • NonnyMary
    NonnyMary Posts: 982 Member
    yes i dont like the taste of fake food that tastes like bad medicine which is why i refuse to drink diet soda. or anything with aspartame. I can taste it,, blech.

    Really, I will go for the full flavor of anything and just enjoy it. If i have to have it less often but be able to savor it more, it is worth it.