Sugar - the bitter truth



  • pcastagner
    pcastagner Posts: 1,606 Member
    That is why diet soda is very bad because of the aspartame which takes a huge bad toll on the body.

    Just so you know, there is not one bit of credible evidence which links to aspartame damaging humans.

    ^^^^ This! ^^^^ Scientists have proven that it would take an ENORMOUS amount of aspartame to do even minimal damage to our bodies. As a type I diabetic, I have been using aspartame since NutraSweet was introduced back in 1985. I think that for years I drank around 4 or 5 2 LITERS of diet soda a day! (Serious soda-holic!) I use my Crystal Light happily and my apartame packets as I wish. I have no issues and am 2 years away from my RD and those of you can eat sugar--enjoy rotting your teeth and the extra calories. By the way, you can't believe everything you read in the media, on the internet, or t.v. How about reading some actual scientific publications and posting those?

    Thanks, I do enjoy the calories from sugar. Never had a cavity though, and did not realize they were enjoyable or something one would wish on another.
  • SixHats
    SixHats Posts: 30 Member

    What did you add back in?

    Bread, pasta, ice cream, white rice.

    Although I try to eat my starchy carbs at night. Seems to help me sleep.

    How do you find your hunger levels now that you have added some carbs back? Have they increased? I ask because since reducing my carbs my hunger signals have really decreased.
  • skinnymalinkyscot
    skinnymalinkyscot Posts: 174 Member
    I was never very good at chemistry at school and when I go shopping I dont have all day, so I try to buy food that most closely resembles natural foodstuffs. Thats easy with fresh fruit, vegetables, fish meat and eggs, the rest of my shopping list is a little more tricky.

    So I buy olive oil instead of corn oil, butter (comes from a cow) instead of margarine ( made in a factory) wholemeal bread , wholemeal bagels, wholemeal pasta and wholemeal rice instead of white ( less refined). Tinned fruit in juice, veg in water, fish in brine, (my belief is it hasnt been interfered with unduly) frozen fruit veg, fish and meat ditto usually frozen without additives , chemicals or undue processing . Packets of lentils, nuts, bulghar wheat, couscous, kidney beans, borlotti beans as unrefined as possible. Porridge oats or muesli rather than commercial breakfast cereals. I like dairy so I buy low fat or skimmed products.

    About the only ready prepared items I eat are salad bowls which work out cheaper than buying all the individual ingredients. I may not have a 100% perfect diet, but I try and avoid anything obviously high in processed fats, high salt or high added sugar. I dont sweat over how much sugar is in natural foods I just think I will eat the good things in moderation and dont buy cookies, doughnuts, fizzy frinks, crisps, cakes, chocolate, sweets, ready meals,. I make good use of the deli counter and fresh meat or fresh fish counter and try and avoid things in square black plastic dishes filled with unidentifiable gunk and then shrink wrapped in plastic with instructions such as heat in microwave for 5 minutes which claims to be dinner
  • jetlag
    jetlag Posts: 800 Member
    That is why diet soda is very bad because of the aspartame which takes a huge bad toll on the body.

    Just so you know, there is not one bit of credible evidence which links to aspartame damaging humans.

    They used to say that about nicotine, too.
  • jetlag
    jetlag Posts: 800 Member
    That is why diet soda is very bad because of the aspartame which takes a huge bad toll on the body.

    Just so you know, there is not one bit of credible evidence which links to aspartame damaging humans.

    ^^^^ This! ^^^^ Scientists have proven that it would take an ENORMOUS amount of aspartame to do even minimal damage to our bodies. As a type I diabetic, I have been using aspartame since NutraSweet was introduced back in 1985. I think that for years I drank around 4 or 5 2 LITERS of diet soda a day! (Serious soda-holic!) I use my Crystal Light happily and my apartame packets as I wish. I have no issues and am 2 years away from my RD and those of you can eat sugar--enjoy rotting your teeth and the extra calories. By the way, you can't believe everything you read in the media, on the internet, or t.v. How about reading some actual scientific publications and posting those?

    Erm, no, that is just not true.

    Scientists can't prove anything about aspartame, that's the problem.

    Have a browse through these:

    Some are articles, but many are studies. Generally, the studies are inconclusive. This study (again, inconclusive) indicates cancer was indicated after >= 1 (one) portion of diet soda.

    So, far from proving that huge quantities are safe, the jury is still out.

    Aspartame has not been proven safe, it just hasn't. Consume it all you want, but stop telling people it's safe, because no one knows that for sure.
  • mybeautifulana
    I'm agree with you. I'm vegan and I did juice 7 days fast and lost 4lbs. Yes, meat IS the reason of obesity. go vegan!
  • ritchiedrama
    ritchiedrama Posts: 1,304 Member
    I'm agree with you. I'm vegan and I did juice 7 days fast and lost 4lbs. Yes, meat IS the reason of obesity. go vegan!

  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,023 Member
    That is why diet soda is very bad because of the aspartame which takes a huge bad toll on the body.

    Just so you know, there is not one bit of credible evidence which links to aspartame damaging humans.

    ^^^^ This! ^^^^ Scientists have proven that it would take an ENORMOUS amount of aspartame to do even minimal damage to our bodies. As a type I diabetic, I have been using aspartame since NutraSweet was introduced back in 1985. I think that for years I drank around 4 or 5 2 LITERS of diet soda a day! (Serious soda-holic!) I use my Crystal Light happily and my apartame packets as I wish. I have no issues and am 2 years away from my RD and those of you can eat sugar--enjoy rotting your teeth and the extra calories. By the way, you can't believe everything you read in the media, on the internet, or t.v. How about reading some actual scientific publications and posting those?

    Erm, no, that is just not true.

    Scientists can't prove anything about aspartame, that's the problem.

    Have a browse through these:

    Some are articles, but many are studies. Generally, the studies are inconclusive. This study (again, inconclusive) indicates cancer was indicated after >= 1 (one) portion of diet soda.

    You do realize how ridiculous this sounds considering your using science to back up that claim. Please specify how one portion of diet soda was found to deliver cancer to that one patient. 95 Countries around the world who have researched this ad nauseum, would like to know.
  • SixHats
    SixHats Posts: 30 Member
    I'm agree with you. I'm vegan and I did juice 7 days fast and lost 4lbs. Yes, meat IS the reason of obesity. go vegan!


  • SixHats
    SixHats Posts: 30 Member
    I think that for years I drank around 4 or 5 2 LITERS of diet soda a day! (Serious soda-holic!)

    What is it about soda that does that? I find if I start drinking Pepsi Max I will drink gallons of the stuff.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    in...for the sugar...
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Awesome, another "sugar is the devil" thread.

    It's not a specific food or food component that causes problems. It is over-consumption that does.
    I think it's fair to say that certain foods require more care or are more easily over-consumed, though.

    How many people are on MFP because they ate too many green beans?

    if your TDEE is 2000 and your eat 3000 calories a day in green beans then you will gain weight ..

    again - over consumptioin = weight gain
    maintenance consumption = no gain
    under consumption = weight loss ...

    does not really matter what types of food you consume...just eat less and move more...
  • sharonfoustmills
    sharonfoustmills Posts: 519 Member
    thanks for that, gonna go watch it right now
  • mrmagee3
    mrmagee3 Posts: 518 Member
    Awesome, another "sugar is the devil" thread.

    It's not a specific food or food component that causes problems. It is over-consumption that does.
    I think it's fair to say that certain foods require more care or are more easily over-consumed, though.

    How many people are on MFP because they ate too many green beans?

    if your TDEE is 2000 and your eat 3000 calories a day in green beans then you will gain weight ..

    again - over consumptioin = weight gain
    maintenance consumption = no gain
    under consumption = weight loss ...

    does not really matter what types of food you consume...just eat less and move more...

    That's not what he said. He said: "I think it's fair to say that certain foods require more care or are more easily over-consumed, though." That's about the least radical statement anyone has ever made.

    How many people could routinely eat 3000 calories of green beans as opposed to 3000 calories of pizza?
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Awesome, another "sugar is the devil" thread.

    It's not a specific food or food component that causes problems. It is over-consumption that does.
    I think it's fair to say that certain foods require more care or are more easily over-consumed, though.

    How many people are on MFP because they ate too many green beans?

    if your TDEE is 2000 and your eat 3000 calories a day in green beans then you will gain weight ..

    again - over consumptioin = weight gain
    maintenance consumption = no gain
    under consumption = weight loss ...

    does not really matter what types of food you consume...just eat less and move more...

    That's not what he said. He said: "I think it's fair to say that certain foods require more care or are more easily over-consumed, though." That's about the least radical statement anyone has ever made.

    How many people could routinely eat 3000 calories of green beans as opposed to 3000 calories of pizza?

    my point was if you over eat on anything you will gain weight.
  • mrmagee3
    mrmagee3 Posts: 518 Member
    Awesome, another "sugar is the devil" thread.

    It's not a specific food or food component that causes problems. It is over-consumption that does.
    I think it's fair to say that certain foods require more care or are more easily over-consumed, though.

    How many people are on MFP because they ate too many green beans?

    if your TDEE is 2000 and your eat 3000 calories a day in green beans then you will gain weight ..

    again - over consumptioin = weight gain
    maintenance consumption = no gain
    under consumption = weight loss ...

    does not really matter what types of food you consume...just eat less and move more...

    That's not what he said. He said: "I think it's fair to say that certain foods require more care or are more easily over-consumed, though." That's about the least radical statement anyone has ever made.

    How many people could routinely eat 3000 calories of green beans as opposed to 3000 calories of pizza?

    my point was if you over eat on anything you will gain weight.

    Since we're on the topic, my cat's breath smells like cat food.
  • harleygroomer
    harleygroomer Posts: 373 Member
    I have taken sugar and salt from my diet and you would be surprised at the taste of food!!!!!! And how you feel about 3 months in. BUT I will say---eggs NEED a sprinkle, they are disgusting plain, so when I have them scrambled I add a sprinkle or mozzarella cheese and when I have them over easy I add a skirt of German honey. And for those of you who have never eaten German honey it is ALOT stronger than American versions. BUT, back to the issue, I use stevia in my oatmeal and just avoid high sugar foods and salty foods and fast food places area big no no, UNLESS I have a salad.
  • rjmudlax13
    rjmudlax13 Posts: 900 Member
    I'm agree with you. I'm vegan and I did juice 7 days fast and lost 4lbs. Yes, meat IS the reason of obesity. go vegan!


    Please back up your claim that "meat IS the reason of obesity" with some legitimate science.

    Don't worry. I'll be here eating my extra rare veal cutlet.
  • shadus
    shadus Posts: 424 Member
    That is why diet soda is very bad because of the aspartame which takes a huge bad toll on the body.

    Just so you know, there is not one bit of credible evidence which links to aspartame damaging humans.

    but but but its not organic that means its automagically bad for you!
  • ritchiedrama
    ritchiedrama Posts: 1,304 Member
    That is why diet soda is very bad because of the aspartame which takes a huge bad toll on the body.

    Just so you know, there is not one bit of credible evidence which links to aspartame damaging humans.

    but but but its not organic that means its automagically bad for you!

    true *runs for the hills*