Any parents of toddlers/babies for weight loss support/tips.

TabithaRose87 Posts: 44 Member
edited November 2023 in Getting Started
I would love to add some moms/dads who have young ones and busy schedules like me, so we can support each other and share tips!

A little about me, I am 25, work a 8-5 M-F desk job, let me be clear by saying I'd rather be home with my kids but I have to do what I have to do to support my family. I've been married to my husband for almost 2 years but have been together 8 years.
I've always had self esteem issues even when pre-babies, something I am working on.

. My husband supports me but can be too pushy when it comes to exercise and not pushy enough when it comes to food. My kids are 4, 2 and 8 months so it's hard to find activites for every one to participate, especially when me and my 4 yr old have to get up so early the next morning, feels like there is not enough time in the day!

! I am currently 249, looking to lose 80-100 lbs, whatever feels/looks good to me(and hubby of course lol)!

I am a picky eater, I think it has to do with the textures, I am slowly introducing healthier food, and attempting to I guess open up my taste buds lol. Feel free to add me!!


  • cwilliams080676
    cwilliams080676 Posts: 118 Member
    I have 7 children ages 14 years to 2 years old. MY husband has lost 52 pounds and I 87 pounds now. Add me if you want. I include the kids in my exercise I work from home as a writer. I have a very busy schedule. :)
  • Meshell3786
    Meshell3786 Posts: 47 Member
    Same boat with time management The only thing I have found that works for me is waking up at 4 am coffee relax for an hour and then start working out before kids get up :) My kids are 7 months, 19months and 7.
  • downinaggieland98
    downinaggieland98 Posts: 224 Member
    I only have one - a 2 year old - and work full time, and I know how crazy the schedule can be! For me, it seems like there is no time for anything else, so I can imagine how busy you must be!
  • mandi_444
    mandi_444 Posts: 156
    Sounds like we have a lot in common! I have two boys... 3.5 & 1.5 and I am working full time as well! Good luck to you!
  • I have 7, 3, and 1 year old it's sooo tough and it takes discipline with motivation. Good luck!
  • jr235
    jr235 Posts: 201 Member
    I have a 2 year old and work full time. Planning and a sense of humor are everything!
  • Hiskhaleesi
    Hiskhaleesi Posts: 53 Member
    I have a one and a half year old and work part time (28-30 hours) on overnight shift. Never get enough sleep, I dream of the day my child (who I plan to homeschool) sleeps until 11am lol. Lost 49 pounds, looking to lose another 50+ (sitting right around 194 now) and tone up, hopefully before bathing suit and shorts season 2014!
    Edited to add that anyone is welcome to add me as a friend!
  • megmo1985
    megmo1985 Posts: 127 Member
    Hey there! Seems like we are in similar situations. I'm 28 years old, also work an 8-5 desk job while chasing have my almost one year old:) I know the chasing part is only going to get worse!

    Finding time to workout when you are a working momma along with making heatlhy eating habits.

    If you would like a friend in a similar situation, we could help each other out.

    One of the things I try to do is take quick walks throughout the day or just going up and down the stairs. It take around 2-5 minutes and helps keep my metabolism up throughout the day.
  • TabithaRose87
    TabithaRose87 Posts: 44 Member
    @ Everyone of you lovely mama's- Nice to know, I'm not alone. Excited for the new support system!!
  • emirror
    emirror Posts: 842 Member
    Hey there! I work a desk job, and have a 5.5 and 1.5 year old.

    The things that have helped me the most:
    - my own mini-fridge at my desk. I keep greek yogurt, random drinks (like vitamin water), and lots of pickled stuff (hot mix, pickled okra). I also keep individually wrapped Ghirardelli chocolate in the freezer part. It helps keep me away from vending machines and the cafeteria.
    - I go to the gym every day after work. It makes the day longer, yes, but my guy picks up the slack to make sure I can get my workouts in. I think he can see how much it has helped my self-esteem, which has, uh, certain 'benefits' for him.
    - He also coordinates the meals at home to help me stay in my calorie range. He'll let me know around mid-day what he has planned for dinner. He makes special (but easy) modifications to my plate if I need fewer calories. For example, one night he was making pasta with fried zucchini. I needed to keep my calories around 400 for dinner, so I asked him to just julienne my zucchini and leave it raw, tossed in with the pasta.
    - log my food BEFORE I eat. It is easier to cut down (or out) a portion, rather than try to work it off later.

    EDIT - All ya'll feel free to add me. :)
  • cchavez88
    cchavez88 Posts: 7 Member
    You can add me as a friend. I have one 2 year old little boy and work full time. My hubby works 2 jobs so he is not around much to help with the house, cooking, shopping, cleaning, and caring for our son. I completely understand on how hectic a day is and my day typically starts at 5:30am and ends at 8:30pm. I work 9 hour days to get one day off during the week every other week. That one day has kept me sane! In order to keep up- I plan, plan, plan. Well, most times. I shop on Sundays and chop as much veggies I can and put them into plastic baggies. This helps with prep work and when I have munchies. I have an idea of what the menu will be for the week so I don't go for fast food or use microwave meals. I work early to get out early. I use my 4:10pm-5:10pm to work out. I have been (not consistently) lifting 3 days a week and running the other 2 days. Then it's round 2 with picking up my son and cooking dinner (I strive for fresh veggies and lean proteins) and we eat together. Now we usually play in the yard and walk around the block with our dog, and do some cleaning. It's the little things that help like being active with my son, making prepackaged veggies to cook or eat, keeping healthy breakfast options at work, and telling everyone I get out at 5:15pm so I have that one hour to work out. Oh and taking one day a month to do something I enjoy- it doesn't take up the whole day so I'm still productive, but I do "me" time.
  • mcsweetly
    mcsweetly Posts: 133 Member
    I too have a 5 year old and work more than full time. I am a photographer and work for myself, so the work never ends. When not on a shoot my job is like a desk job and I want to lose at least 80lbs. I have added all of you as friends. The support of other mamas sure will help me!
  • deejaroo
    deejaroo Posts: 12 Member
    Hi!! Feel free to add me! I'm a mom of 3 (ages 15, 5, and 3!) and I work full-time, so I DO understand "busy"! My alarm goes off at 5AM and that's when I get my day started with some exercise! I sure would love to meet some new people and be a part of all us crazy moms sticking together and encouraging each other! :) DJ
  • ImSoOTired
    ImSoOTired Posts: 186 Member
    You are all super mamas! I am a 26-year-old stay at home mom and I only have one 8 month old! She takes up so much of my time that my house work has even suffered! I couldn't imagine doing it all with a full time job and a few more kids! I try to do my workouts (which is 20-40 minutes on my treadmill) during her morning nap. Then I shower and do whatever else I can before she wakes up. When she wakes up I am constantly running and moving and preventing death and property damage, lifting and lunging and whatnot. She is an active little lady! I get what cleaning I can in and then my darling husband comes home and I get to semi-relax (we take turns preventing death and property damage).

    I weigh all of my food and measure it. I always log my day before I eat so I make sure I don't go over my calorie intake. If my husband wants something I can't have we will have separate dinners but eat together. It's difficult sometimes and we often have leftovers. After the baby goes to sleep I look up fun ways to use the leftovers in a healthy way and that's dinner for the next day. Sometimes I have things that aren't so great in small portions. Also I take a day off from working out and calorie counting every few weeks just to live a little. I know so much more about calories and stuff though that I tend to eat a little more sensibly even on those days, so it all works out.

    I lost 30lbs before becoming pregnant using MFP and I thought it was great. Now that I'm finding the time to workout again (because our daughter is finally taking regular naps) I have to start over again. It'll all be worth it though for the sake of my child (and future children), my self esteem, my health, and my husband of course....I need to drop at least 30lbs again, ideally 40 or 45. I'm 165 now and almost 5'2''.

    I'm always looking for support. Feel free to add me!
  • Dozer91
    Dozer91 Posts: 40 Member
    I have 3 children age 19, 11, and 9 months. I am over 35 now and being pregnant it seemed like all I did was gain weight. I struggled with weight loss with my 3rd baby even after modifying my diet. I generally keep my calories at 1400-1600 a day. I saw nutritionists and personal trainers. I was running up to 2 1/2 miles per day and taking boxing classes but I just couldn't lose any weight and sat at 209 forever. My nutritionist said I was 42% FAT!!! Ugh!! What a nightmare to hear. Finally after struggling, I found that weight lifting at home for 30 min a day is what is helping me lose the weight. Once the baby is in bed, around 8:30pm I turn on my guilty pleasure show on Netflix and go through my little routine. All I use are dumbbells. Since I started 2 months ago I have noticeably lost inches off my tummy and thighs and finally the scale has moved. There is a lot of evidence on the web that supports weight lifting vs cardio as an huge source for weight loss. Read up on it. I am glad I did!
  • georgann1114
    georgann1114 Posts: 30 Member
    I have four kids, 8, 6, 2 and 1. Work full time and am a single mom LOL I so understand about being busy. It is amazing if I can find an hour to myself at night, unless they have all passed out from exhaustion after wearing their mother out :) Feel free to add me for support and motivation...
  • moepwr
    moepwr Posts: 335 Member
    2 kids here! 4 and 21 months! Luckily my hubby is a teacher so he picks them up from daycare since I work 9-5 at a desk. I go after the kids go to sleep. There is just no way I can get up. NOT a morning person. My work also has a fitness club and we run together. We are doing a marathon relay in 6 weeks! Yikes! There is a bunch of us who diet together and run after work or take walks at lunch. We also have a cafe 4 floor up and we never take the elevator. Also, we aren't allowed to have food in our offices so that helps. When you have to get up and walk through the building to get food you don't really do it too often. Support is very important!! Good luck! Add me if you like.
  • I just recently joined here too! I am almost 28, have a 16 month-old son and work full time from home (which ends up being way more than full time because I am taking care of a toddler too!). My husband is working on getting his CPA, so I end up having the whole house chores on me too. It's crazy!

    I would love for all of you to add me! Nothing like mommies bonding together to motivate and support each other! :smile:
  • I have three kids and work full time as well. there are never enough hours in the day. feels good to know that there are other parents in the same boat as me. for me it is hard to eat healthy, we are so busy that i find my self just grabbing something on the go. i am also new to this site hoping it will help me stay motivated to reach my goals.
  • bluestarlight19
    bluestarlight19 Posts: 419 Member
    Hi, You can add me. I just turned 31, and have a 2 year old and an 10.5 month old girls. I work full time, up at 5am and back home with the kids after work/daycare around 5:30-6pm. I work out after I throw dinner in the oven, doing a full body strength routine 3x/week and try to get on my exercise bike for a bit. I am 228lbs and have been struggling to re-start losing weight since my youngest was born and she doesn't sleep through the night. Doing the strength training sets let me stop inbetween exercises to tend to kids/dinner/whatever. My husband often times doesn't come home til 7:30-8pm so its all me. Busy busy busy!!

    Been overweight my whole life but took it seriously when I was around 24-25 and was having gallbladder issues. I just started with weird areobic was hilarious looking at the time. Then I looked up info and got an exercise bike, I loved it, but then I got a real bike and loved that even more. I started *cough* toning*cough* with 5lb weights but then got more into strength training by the end, got into turbo jam. Lol....then I met my husband....and *insert a bunch of stuff about life here* boom....put the weight back on, so I'm back...
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