Insanity Workout!

nikky31 Posts: 63 Member
edited November 2023 in Getting Started
heyy soo I am going to be starting insanity the day after tomorrow and was just wondering if anyone else has done this program or currently doing it?? I am really excited to start it and would love to have friends who are doing it to so I can stay motivated. I am 18 :
CW: 216
GW: 165
I am really hoping I can lose weight and some inches with insanity ....Would love to see people's results for motivation!


  • Emily3119
    Emily3119 Posts: 25 Member
    I just started Insanity as well, just finished Day 4. So far I have not stuck 100% to the exact meal plan, but have been trying to stick with the same 40/40/20 rule. Felt very sore after yesterday, but better today. :)

    Hope to stick to it - Good Luck!

    Feel free to message me if you wanna chat about it anymore!
  • IronMan_DuhamNC
    I'm currently on day 12, I hope that you have realistic expectations. Your dieting is very important to your success. I' m down 8 pounds But I've increased muscle mass, so you may not see the weight drop off as fast as you may like. however you will be getting drastic results
  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
    what exactly is it? Is it like 30 DS or something?
  • jamiesillimandunn
    jamiesillimandunn Posts: 270 Member
    I'm on day fifty something ! Got a week and a half to go ... I have lost nearly 20 pounds doing the workout as well as keeping track of my intake ! Push through !! That's all I can say ...there will be days when you say this is CRAZY but do it anyway ! Also go at your ow pace there is a lot of workout in one DVD so pace your self through it in the beginning, and don't try to keep up with them ! Fuel your body with good food ...I don't follow the meal plan but you can substitute things to get you the good carbs and calories you will need to function doing this program thing I learned fairly quick was upping my calories ...I eat approx. 1700 cals a day now and burn around 400-600 depending how gun hoe I get during the workout ! Good luck ....stick with it you will be pleased with the results if you do this right !
  • berriboobear
    berriboobear Posts: 524 Member
    I finished Insanity around a week ago, I loved it! Shaun T is definitely an inspiration for me and it was a complete love/hate process, but in the end I enjoyed the sweat and feeling after completing each day.

    I definitely noticed more of a loss in inches rather than weight I believe, so keep measurements! Also remember that you can modify and go at your own pace, you will be improving as you go! I didn't follow their meal plan, so I can't really comment on that bit. I think whether you're on their specific meal plan or not, if you keep to your calories than you will see greater results.

    Keep to it and good luck! :)
  • ktlinn4
    ktlinn4 Posts: 38 Member
    Insanity is 63 days of craziness. :happy: I just finished day 18 and on day 15 I had lost 7.5 inches all around! I'm loving the workout but holy cow is it hard! My CW is 170 and hasn't changed since I started, but I am starting to see the results! And I feel fantastic. I changed my eating habits a lot too, healthy foods all around (except for my Chinese the other day). If you can commit to Insanity work outs, it feels GREAT to be done with the work out for the day, dripping sweat and hoping your muscles allow you to stand for a few minutes to get a protein shake. :wink:
  • krisjohnson121
    krisjohnson121 Posts: 87 Member
    Hey I did the fit test today...anyone else starting out please friend ME and we can work to motivate each other... I posted all my stuff in my blog feel free to read
  • Mercy3413
    Mercy3413 Posts: 2 Member
    I love it so much I'm on round 2, day 2! First time around was in February! I dropped 15 lbs and over 20" off my body!! I'm hoping for similar results this time around as well! There will be days that you are so sore and tired you won't want to press play, but do it anyway!!! You won't regret it one bit when your fitting into pants 2 sizes smaller in just 60 days!!
  • Chip250b
    Chip250b Posts: 1 Member
    I'm 46 and started Insanity in October 2012. First round of Insanity was tough. I actually took twice as long - about 120 days to finish it. I was sore! Particularly my calves. Knees some too. I tried to stick to the diet the best I could with holidays and all. The nutrition guide is good and the recipes are a lot better than they sound. I don't remember how much weight I lost but it was significant. I then did a second round and did it right on schedule. I lost a total of 28 pounds but more importantly really toned up. I did a round of P90X and stopped after 73 days (90 day program). It takes a lot of time - twice as long of workouts as Insanity. I probably should have stuck with it and finished but got bored. Plus I missed the intense cardio of Insanity. I am now on round three of Insanity. It is truly addictive. As posted by others - go at your own pace. Particularly the first month. The moves get easier too. I felt like a fish out of water, flopping around with very little grace. By the third week you will have them down. Find a good coach on I like Keith Hetland. Any questions, let me know. Glad to buddy up.
  • AccioHotBod
    AccioHotBod Posts: 44 Member
    I'm currently on week 3 of Insanity...I've learned to love it, I enjoy the challenge!
  • ktlinn4
    ktlinn4 Posts: 38 Member
    As posted by others - go at your own pace. Particularly the first month. The moves get easier too. I felt like a fish out of water, flopping around with very little grace. By the third week you will have them down.

    True and hilarious, because that's exactly how I felt a couple weeks ago!
  • bubblygoldfish
    bubblygoldfish Posts: 213 Member
    what exactly is it? Is it like 30 DS or something?

    ^ Yeah, Insanity is a 45-60 minute long daily workout series. If you choose to "do the program", it often means following the series of workout DVDs in the recomended order, for 60 days.

    OP: I did the insanity challenge for the two months before I shipped to basic training. I didn't lose weight b/c I had already lost to a maintainable weight through food, but it did change the shape of my body. I lost inches, plus strengthened a lot of muscles, and increased my cardio-stamina. :D Crazy fun once you stop swearing at Shaun T for devising such a hard program!
  • kellyirisheyes
    kellyirisheyes Posts: 137 Member
    INSANITY changed the way I approach working out.
    I absolutely love it; never followed the program exactly, but I do it every day.
    Focus T25 just came out as well and I can tell you that's a great program as well.
  • nikky31
    nikky31 Posts: 63 Member
    it is soo awesome to hear such good results! I hope I can get the same :D
  • nikky31
    nikky31 Posts: 63 Member
    just did my first day lol I hope I learn to love it!
  • slogan1968
    slogan1968 Posts: 9 Member
    P90x was tough. Insanity is insane!
  • mrshudson813
    mrshudson813 Posts: 128 Member
    I love insanity! I did the program 2 years ago and loved it! I didn't stick to the eating guide as well as I should have but I saw results pretty quickly. I would recommend it to ANYONE! Just make sure to go at your own pace and take breaks if you have to.
  • Porcelaine22
    Porcelaine22 Posts: 245 Member
    I am just finished my second week, havnt really seen any change in my weight but see a visual difference and I havnt been following the meal plan either, just been keeping an eye on my calorie intake and making sure I am eating healthily!

    I :heart: INSANITY!!!!
  • glamphe
    glamphe Posts: 1
    please let me know what you think of insanity. I have been debating on getting. working on more support as everyone is busy with kids and difficult to get together to work out.:smile:
  • louloveswez
    I am on my second week. I feel great after doing it but sore as I am more of a couch potato and have a desk job. I was disappointed with my first week as I gained 2lb but I think this is due to muscle. I am not following the diet as I really eat healthily anyway. I cant wait to see the results though!
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