The Men Who Made Us Thin (BBC link)



  • stefjc
    stefjc Posts: 484 Member
    I posted this as a response in the Men Who Made Us Fat thread.... and it fell off the page without comment, forgive me but it took an age to type....

    The Men Who Made us THIN, who are they? What is it?

    The actuary who invented BMI so his company could avoid insuring people who had the temerity to die early - totally arbitrary numbers still used to day. Only accurate ish if you are 25, very fit and active and relatively slim.... but hey, use those numbers for 6 and 60 year olds.

    The Slimfast man... same as the Weight Watchers.... we only have a business because of repeat customers - you should be able to see the flaw, from the customers pov. The FDA had to step in and beg people to see their doctors when the first meal replacement meal came out - the clip was not amusing. Slimfast and WWatchers now owned by food manufacturers and investment portfolio's alll round the world! They take billions in profits every year - they like us fat!

    Atkins and Dukan... don't go there! They still make me angry and Dukan just looked and sounded like and idiot.

    A PROPER explanation about the Minnesota Project's findings - if you don't know watch the programme and hear the physiological reasons why ALL diets make your weight bounce back (the study was scary, you may be shocked at what they actually did).

    And listen for the stats.... less than 16% of people on WW are succesful in the long term. None of those diets are intended for the long term. ALL are focussed on a quick hit, a weight bounce and a return. That is what THEY say, well the business end does, the frontline evangelists disagree!

    The argument that the product is to help you lose weight, it does not fail YOU DO.... that is their sales pitch.

    Sadly that is what the Minnesota Project showed them.... if you lose weight your body looks to return the weight and once you start you cannot stop. It is obvious really. A short term (less than lifetime) diet will help you lose weight but as soon as you stop dieting you will return to your old habits - especially if your diet does not teach you new ones - and oh look! The weight will come back on. Obvious really, fat cells are numerous and hungry beasties.

    Forget about the sugar conspiracy, calorie vs calorie etc. Once you are overweight you are overweight. There is no quick fix, 30 day shred, drop a dress size in 10 days, meal replacements, points, sins and all of those others will NOT work. Once you are overweight only eternal vigilance and persistence will keep the weight off.

    That is why we must choose a permanent life change over a diet! Easy really :-D

    So choose your diet carefully. If you like WW, Slimfast, etc remember you will have to continue forever.... so choose something you like, doesn't make you paranoid, obssessed or skint.

    And good luck to us, one and all :D

    3 more to go, I wonder if I will survive the presenter's 'style'?
  • mymonkeymoos
    Eeek I am sorry but I simply don't agree with 100% of what you have just said. The reason people get fat is because they over eat.....fact.

    If you lose your weight, your body does not want to go back to whence it came!

    If you eat what a healthy normal person should will not get fat.

    You DO NOT need a diet for lose weight, you need either a diet that works for you....but more importantly a lifestyle change that slims you down, makes you healthier, and prevents you from getting fat again.

    Please don't frighten some of the people on here that they will need to DIET for life......that simply isn't true, watch what you eat...yes......but also, if you are going to have a curry....... And I do.......then just adjust accordingly and limit the damage over the prior and post days to compensate.......

    To say that you need to diet for life is terrifying....particularly if you are one of the people that need to shed 50lbs plus.....that will scare me witless......

    What you need to do for life is educate yourself....after all, the reason we got fat was because we didn't know or understand what we were eating....once you understand the need to regulate your calorific are set up for a healthy lifestyle that does in no way mean dieting or starving or missing out for life.......

    Just my point of view!
  • stefjc
    stefjc Posts: 484 Member
    Sorry, it is what I believe and is based on a lot of science.

    I'm not saying you will need to be as vigilant as you are when in loss mode, but you absolutely will have to live in active maintenance mode.

    That should include pizza and beer and cake plus some regular measuring, logging, whatever, to ensure you don't bounce.

    Fat cells are just one of the very real reasons that anyone who has lost a lot of weight will need to be vigilant - that is one of the findings of the Minnesota Project and a number of other studies since then.

    So I don't mean starving for life, but I do mean being aware of your diet (that being what you eat rather than a programme) forever.

    I am sorry if you find that frightening, but it is true. Thin people do it better without too much active thought. The rest of us need to keep actively managing it.
  • annakow
    annakow Posts: 385 Member
    Good video, I like Mr Dukan, he said diet is a life changing thing and he is so right, Eat less all your life :) people look for easy fast solution, losing weight and gaining..the truth is you need to diet all your life! I knew all those miracle diets are made of crap, didn't shocked me LOL once again, thanks for sharing.
  • stefjc
    stefjc Posts: 484 Member
    I think that one of the problems the presenter had was that those who sold us diets actually had some very solid sound bites / beliefs / points of view - like Dukan and the Slim Fast mas - even if they did come across as living very, very far away from the world the rest of us inhabit.

    It was very hard for the poor little boy to remonstrate when given some fairly solid psychology and physiology.. If he had been a little bit more focussed and if the aim was to be a little bit more informative and less shocking he might have got on better - but then it wouldn't have been so watchable :)

    PS You can't like Dukan, he was stuck off by the French Medical Register. He had requested to be removed as he was retired and didn't need to abide by their rules anymore. This was as they were running a full blown investigation into his suggestion that A level students should get extra points for losing weight in their final year.. they struck him off anyway.

    I told you he was a bit out of touch with reality [:)]
  • Nancymcgregor
    Nancymcgregor Posts: 150 Member
    I really enjoyed this show but it didn't really tell me anything I didn't know. I lost weight with Weight Watchers twice and guess what? I put all of it back on and more because WW doesn't teach about healthy eating it just preaches calorie/point counting which is utter crap and tries to sell their junk food products to vunerable people.

    I also watched his other documentary The Men Who Made Us Fat and that was really fascinating and shocking especially how governments are controlled by fast food companies, utterly disgusting.
  • stefjc
    stefjc Posts: 484 Member
    Was it as gross as Fast Food Nation?

    I might catch up with it if it was :)
  • fatsnacker
    fatsnacker Posts: 209 Member
    I saw it and found it very interesting. Food companies involved in manufacturing weight loss foods seem to make lots of money.

    I have rarely bought diet products but have previously eaten lots of ready meals. I now prefer to cook from scratch - stir frys, curries, meat and two veg.
  • 2muchchocncrisps
    2muchchocncrisps Posts: 176 Member
    Finally got to watch the episode. I lost 3 stone with weight watchers years ago. I had stopped going when the novelty of being at goal wore off, and, you've guessed it, i put it all back on. It was my fault and mine alone and as one of the 84% who failed I could well have been a repeat customer. As a business model its genius! I decided however that I was not going to hand over more money to be told what I already knew, I still had the motivational books and points guide and I knew how to diet, didn't I? That is the point, I knew how to diet but I had not made a lifestyle change. So I tried on my own, without the encouragement from meetings and failed numerous times.

    So now I've lost 3 stone again with MFP and will probably have to keep logging forever but my focus is on being healthy not thin.
    Looking forward to the next episode....
  • annakow
    annakow Posts: 385 Member
    The whole secret is diet always, there is no temporary solutions :) it has to be part of your new life! I am glad I found MFP ! And glad I understand now!!
  • Seesawboomerang
    Seesawboomerang Posts: 296 Member
    It's the word 'diet' I think is the problem. The mentality of depriving yourself.

    An awareness for life of how to treat your body well - cannot be a bad thing.

    Looking always for the magic pill, the complicated regime, the lifestyle you can opt in and out of - these are the methods which doom us to failure.
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    I've watched it now and it pretty much affirmed what I thought.

    The industry told us we there was a problem then sold us the 'solution'.
  • onandoff
    onandoff Posts: 122 Member
    Thanks for posting this. I watched it on youtube. Interesting to know about the history of diet industry.
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    Did anyone see the second episode last night on the fitness industry and diet pills? (it should be available on BBC iPlayer for anyone that missed it).

    Although I find the presenter a little annoying, it's great to see some common myths being de-bunked and it was refreshing to see the drug company representative he interviewed being honest in saying that they are not currently putting much R&D into diet drugs because it's so difficult to produce a slimming pill that works (without causing serious side effects).

    It was also good to see the history of intentional exercise and how we began being told that cardio will help us lose weight, and how the gym industry, prior to the mid-80s only really used by bodybuilders, introduced cardio machines and welcomed in women in search of weight loss.
  • emarose90
    I've actually only seen the second episode (Thurs 15th), so I can't comment on the first one. However, I hated the presenter.. But anyway. It became one of those programs that I hated watching and yet wanted to see where it was going.

    Although kind of interesting, the biggest factor of weight loss etc just kept being missed out and ignored - that at the end of the day, you are accountable for what you eat and what you do (or don't do!) in terms of being active. No one else. E.g. yes it seems a bit counter productive to have McDonalds or whoever sponser athletics, but they are not forcing it down your throat. You buy it, you eat it. You made that conscious decision.

    I don't know... I got a bit angry, despite it being a generally interesting program :ohwell:
  • Shellz31
    Shellz31 Posts: 214 Member
    Eeek I am sorry but I simply don't agree with 100% of what you have just said. The reason people get fat is because they over eat.....fact.

    If you lose your weight, your body does not want to go back to whence it came!

    If you eat what a healthy normal person should will not get fat.

    You DO NOT need a diet for lose weight, you need either a diet that works for you....but more importantly a lifestyle change that slims you down, makes you healthier, and prevents you from getting fat again.

    Please don't frighten some of the people on here that they will need to DIET for life......that simply isn't true, watch what you eat...yes......but also, if you are going to have a curry....... And I do.......then just adjust accordingly and limit the damage over the prior and post days to compensate.......

    To say that you need to diet for life is terrifying....particularly if you are one of the people that need to shed 50lbs plus.....that will scare me witless......

    What you need to do for life is educate yourself....after all, the reason we got fat was because we didn't know or understand what we were eating....once you understand the need to regulate your calorific are set up for a healthy lifestyle that does in no way mean dieting or starving or missing out for life.......

    Just my point of view!

    Have you seen the HBO documentary Weight of the Nation? It explains why, once a person loses weight, the body does fight to get the weight back. A 130lb person who was once obese will have to actually eat less than a 130lb person who never had a weight problem. I agree it's not necessarily "dieting" forever, but you will have to forever watch what you eat more than the average person.
  • Hadabetter
    Hadabetter Posts: 942 Member
    If you go to YouTube and search on "men who made us thin" several options will appear. Some are each of the 4 separate episodes. A couple appear to be all 4 episodes in one video.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Yes I watched it last night and had to restrain myself from throwing something at the screen!

    The underlying messages are there - especially, there's no magic pill, and exercise alone wont make you thin. But it was all couched in such a shock-horror expose type delivery. So what if McDonalds sponsored the Olympics? Does anyone REALLY believe that eating a Big Mac will make you as fast as Usain Bolt?
  • mogginsthemog
    mogginsthemog Posts: 35 Member
    This programme was only recommended to me the other day; I don't have or watch TV so can only view thru iPlayer. Seen episode 1 so will watch eps. 2 later this afternoon. Seems interesting so far tho....

  • Seesawboomerang
    Seesawboomerang Posts: 296 Member
    If you go to YouTube and search on "men who made us thin" several options will appear. Some are each of the 4 separate episodes. A couple appear to be all 4 episodes in one video.

    On YouTube it's the 1st episode broken up into 4 parts.

    On BBC iPlayer it's a 4-part series, of which only 2 have been shown so far.

    I know what people mean about the presenter. His style can be a bit aggravating.

    From episode 2, I wasn't sure what to make of the notion that exercise won't make you get thin! I suppose the idea was to stress that it doesn't inherently make you lose weight ... but, well it's going to help though right?!

    Still, there was lots more to think about again. I find this series, and The Men Who Made Us Fat, pretty interesting and I'm frustrated as hell by people (on other threads) pouncing on the title alone and ripping it to shreds without discussing some of the ideas contained in the programmes!