Anybody new to P90X?



  • In the beginning, the body is not used to the required high calorie goal so waiting a few days for the metabolism to catch up is not a bad idea. Also, most people get really sore the first week and muscle inflammation can cause some temporary water weight gain. But knowing your intensity is the most significant factor for weight loss. that is why a heart rate monitor that can track calories burned is very useful!
  • Pir8dave
    Pir8dave Posts: 79 Member
    Great advice and thoughts on nutrition. You are right on superdave about the importance of a HRM and the nutrition plan. I lost less than 10 pounds on Round 1, due to not following the nutrition plan and possibly eating too much protein. It is one of the frustrating things about the program. I do think that P-90X is awesome, but not enough is paid to the weight loss aspect, especially the adjustment of your daily total for your exercise. I got that from the boards.
  • eriny
    eriny Posts: 1,509 Member
    well going to try arx when i get home just found out the time we need to be at sons game for senior night 545 pm :ohwell:
    get off 5 pm wont be home till 10 ish if lucky then theres the need for food !!! whens dinner ??? :love: i mean i love high school nachos but !!!! :ohwell: if all else in the morning :smile:
  • VanessaC
    VanessaC Posts: 126 Member
    I am excited to start the workout program tomorrow morning. My question for Dave is this, I am doing my workout Mon, Wed, and Fri in the morning before my kids are awake (hopefully) so I won't be eating breakfast until after the workout. I know I should have something before I do these workouts though. I don't want it to be much because I can't workout very well with much in my stomac either. So what would be a good, super fast snack to eat before I start my morning routines? I was thinking a healthy muffin or banana or a homemade granola bar. Any other suggestions?
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Most people just eat a banana before the workout. Nothing heavy. My husband and I do P90X and Insanity in the morning as well (5am). Most mornings I'm fine without anything beforehand.

    After the workout I drink BSN protein shake for recovery, hit the shower, and then go to work.
  • For the morning, liquids is the best way to go. I've tried whey protein with a half banana, but it messese with my stomach. I have one scoop of P90X Recovery drink and it digests fast and works perfect.
  • eriny
    eriny Posts: 1,509 Member
    ok so the bonus disks bud light x and tailgate x are done for this week back to pushing play :drinker:
  • Just ordered the P90X dvds - can't wait to give it a shot!

    I don't have the chin-up bar or the resistance bands yet though. Can I start P90X without them or do I need them from the start?
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Just ordered the P90X dvds - can't wait to give it a shot!

    I don't have the chin-up bar or the resistance bands yet though. Can I start P90X without them or do I need them from the start?
    You should go to Sports Authority and get some bands and two handles to get started.
  • Rappla88
    Rappla88 Posts: 185 Member
    Today was day 1. I survived!!! Not only did I survive but I really enjoyed it!!! It was great! However, I was wondering if it were possible to do the ab ripper at another time during the day? I felt like i was so wiped out at the end of chest and back I didn't feel like I could give as much during the ab ripper, I was just done. I was thinking that if I did it fresh (maybe in the morning) and then did my daily workout in the afternoon that I would be able to put more into it.
    I was starting to feel like I was going to throw up during it. What are your thoughts and what do you do?

    Also I do have a recovery drink and as soon as I drank it, I stopped feeling sick.
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Today was day 1. I survived!!! Not only did I survive but I really enjoyed it!!! It was great! However, I was wondering if it were possible to do the ab ripper at another time during the day? I felt like i was so wiped out at the end of chest and back I didn't feel like I could give as much during the ab ripper, I was just done. I was thinking that if I did it fresh (maybe in the morning) and then did my daily workout in the afternoon that I would be able to put more into it.
    I was starting to feel like I was going to throw up during it. What are your thoughts and what do you do?

    Also I do have a recovery drink and as soon as I drank it, I stopped feeling sick.
    Many people do Ab Ripper in the evenings, but only do that if you REALLY are going to do it.
  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    Week 3 day 1 phase 1 chest and back done- didn't do ab ripper x tonight I'm beat! Can't wait to get my HRM hopefully tomorrow I'm waiting for it to come in the mail. Can't wait to see how many calories I am burning. As of right now I just say 220-300 calories per workout. I also bought me some ankle weights for my cardio days to give me a bit more intensity.
  • Today was day 1. I survived!!! Not only did I survive but I really enjoyed it!!! It was great! However, I was wondering if it were possible to do the ab ripper at another time during the day? I felt like i was so wiped out at the end of chest and back I didn't feel like I could give as much during the ab ripper, I was just done. I was thinking that if I did it fresh (maybe in the morning) and then did my daily workout in the afternoon that I would be able to put more into it.
    I was starting to feel like I was going to throw up during it. What are your thoughts and what do you do?

    Also I do have a recovery drink and as soon as I drank it, I stopped feeling sick.

    Absolutely! I know many people who do that with great results. In fact, I do Abs after my cardio because my resistance days take much longer to finish. Also, NO need for the recovery drink after only doing abs.

    Day one is killer! I almost got sick with my first round too so don't worry about it. The first week takes some getting used to but the body will soon adapt!
  • bopper
    bopper Posts: 352 Member
    I really like Ab Ripper X. I am in week 4 of the recovery week in the Lean Phase and Core Synergistics wiped me out today! I don't feel like it is "recovery" but I press pause when I need to. I haven't lost any weight yet, but that really isn't my goal, I just thought I might drop a few pounds by now. I am eating enough and good food so I keep on keepin on........
  • Rappla88
    Rappla88 Posts: 185 Member
    Day 2 Plyometics = Success!!!
  • Paul12758
    Paul12758 Posts: 1 Member
    I am 52 years old and at least 50 lbs over weight. I did P90X last winter to get ready to hike Philmont 14 days of camping and hiking with the boy scouts. Doing P90X I lost some weight about 10 lbs, I expected more. I ate what I wanted. I brought my best and did forget the rest. If I hadn't done P90X my knees would have never made the hike. I would recommend this to anyone in almost any condition. You have to do what Tony says bring your best and forget the rest. It will make a huge difference in how you and your knees feel. By the end of week 2 great strides will be seen. Don't give up. If I can get through it anyone can. I am now training for a half marathon.
  • Day 2 Plyometics = Success!!!

    Today was also my day 2 success. I am feeling a bit sore from day 1 workout, but feel ready to go for tommorow.
    I am trying to get the nutrition portion to work out for me....right now about 2300-2400 cal per day. I have been at about a 50/50 ratio of carb to protien. Is this going to work out? I only need to loose about 7 or 8 ibs., as I am looking more to gain more endurance and strength. Any advice from those more experienced would be welcome.
  • how hard is it & what kinda workouts. how long till u saw results
  • It's rather advanced, but there is a "Lean" program with it that is easier.
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