program not working for me :(



  • Boogage
    Boogage Posts: 739 Member
    I don't think fats make you fat (I think that was just another fad diet) so drop any low fat products you're eating to up your cals and don't worry about going over a bit. You need good fats in your diet to be healthy.

    Also when I'm working out regularly I find the scale often doesn't move at all and its not until I take a week off from the exercise that my weight drops fast so my body make up must be changing through exercising. The scale can be your worst enemy so use a tape and go by how your clothes feel.

    You've come too far already to give up so just be patient. Losing over a lb a week is awesome progress btw. The slower the weight comes off, the longer you have to learn your new lifestyle and this will make it easier to maintain once you reach your goal.
  • Kelticbeauty
    Kelticbeauty Posts: 5 Member
    My advise is the same as many others on here, muscle weighs heavier than fat.

    Protein from foods are termed “complete proteins because they contain a balance of all the amino acids for the growth and maintanence of muscle. The more muscle you have the more calories you will burn. Also drinking water helps with weight loss. Don’t give up & just take it one day at a time you will get there.
  • debbiewsharpe
    debbiewsharpe Posts: 437 Member
    Time???? Don't dwell on the time factor. I'll bet that you did not get overweight in just a few weeks, none of us did. You are losing over a pound a week, that is good. You will probably keep the weight off with a slow loss. Crash diets and quick weight loss always have a way of coming back to us. Try to continue to eat your calories and your exercise calories, you will feel better, have more energy and the weight will come off, gradually. I sympathize with you, we have all felt just like you do. Please don't give up, hang in there. Feel free to send me a friend request.
  • __Di__
    __Di__ Posts: 1,631 Member
    YOUR EXPECTATIONS ARE UNREALISTIC!!!!!! You are too grown for this. Just go back to your original plan and get the Lap Band and deal with those side effects rather than the ones that you are getting here. The answer here is real simple. This is just my opinion!

    What is "too grown" when it is at home??

    If you mean the OP is "too old", don't be ridiculous, 51 is not too old, in fact, NO age is too old.

    Also, please can you go into more detail regarding WHAT side effects the OP is apparently getting from here.
  • TipTopMMR
    TipTopMMR Posts: 89 Member
    I ak 51 years old, just like you. I've been using MFP for almost 8 months. I eat 1200 calories, (I know, I know, I am ruining myself) I exercise three times a week. I look at calories in/out only, not carbs protein etc. I have lost almost eighty pounds. It does work, you just have to stick with it and be patient. You have already lost a great deal and thats wonderful, but the weight took a long time to put on and takes a long time to take off. You HAVE to stop looking at it as though you are in a hurry. Take the time to do it right, so you can stay healthy for the rest of your life. This is not a race. I still have a good forty pounds to go. It it takes six months great, if it takes a year thats fine too. The point is I am not in a rush, this is a life change.

    Spot on.

    Yes. And, not to put too fine a point on it, this isn't a "program" as you keep referring to it. This is about changing your life by changing your choices about what you eat, how much you move and the way you think about food. It's not a quick fix and it is hard work.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Okay maybe you can shed some light on something that I have been asking around for 2 weeks now, but no one seems to know the answer. I knew I was eating too few calories, but I can't seem to get more calories in without going over on my carbs, and fats, do I ignore that and just go for the calories, I have been eating so many veggies and only carbs with 1 meal a day, no processed foods and everything is fat free or low fat I cook very healthy I am such at a loss here.

    how did you get obese/overweight but now you can't eat 1200 calories in a day? Sounds weird to me..

    Also, five pounds in a month is 1pd per week loss which is considered normal and healthy weight loss.

    It did not take a month to get overweight, and it is not going to take a month to get fit...
  • ChristineS_51
    ChristineS_51 Posts: 872 Member
    5lb is a great loss, it took a long time for the weight to go on and its going to take a while to come off. Using MFP is a way of you tracing what you put into your mouth, and what you do to burn off calories. It is a wonderful tool, and people use all sorts of different ways to get healthy / lose weight. Depends what works for you.

    Please don't go down the lab band or shakes road - it can be done just by sensible eating and exercise - go and read the success stories. See what worked for them - most ate well and plenty of calories, got some exercise, and took time and perseverance.

    I looked at your diary and to be honest it looks pretty damn good! Maybe instead of fat free yoghurt you could try low fat, that will give you some more calories without trying to stuff more food in. A lot of those "low fat" etc type foods are actually loaded with sugar or sodium instead. Read labels!

    This is a learning curve and for life, you will learn what suits you, what is better for you, what works, what doesn't.

    Make sure you put in all your statistics properly - height, age, current weight, activity level - and good on you getting into exercise, that's great! and aim for a weight loss of say 1 lb a week. Sometimes you will find your fat etc goes over, but whilst you are getting used to this I would worry more about the total calories, and tinker with "macros" once you know more. One thing I watch is sodium - if I have too much my weight shoots up so I have that as one of my tracking things. I guess what you could do is just turn them off and just have calories for a while if the other things bother you?? You can fiddle around and have a lot of fun!

    Maybe check out these threads, these have a lot of information and it can be overwhelming, but try and get your head around it.

    Good luck! :smile:
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    OP - I do not mean this in an aggressive or harsh way, but you are allowing yourself to spin out of a control a bit. Relax, step back, and take a critical look at where you are and what you have done.

    Losing weight is a simple, but difficult, process. Let me repeat that: losing weight is a simple, but difficult, process. There are no magic formulas or special diets that will work long term, other than a balanced diet and eating at a calorie deficit.

    (1) You lost 5 pounds in a month. Pat yourself on the back.

    (2) Know that others on MFP have lost hundreds of pound and avoided surgery by doing so, but that they did it with perseverance and patience. Be willing to listen to them and learn from them.

    (3) Set your calorie goal at a reasonable deficit so that you are targeting losing a pound to 1 1/2 a week.

    (4) Weigh and measure all of your food.

    (5) Make sure you get .8 grams of protein per pound of body weight (easier right now than calculating your lean body mass), and get .35 grams of fat per pound of body weight. Fill the rest with carbs and forget the carbs/fat/protein ratios. Just get enough protein and fat in terms of absolute numbers.

    (6) Be patient.

    (7) Join the Eat, Train, Progress group for serious help and serious discussion.
  • harleygroomer
    harleygroomer Posts: 373 Member
    Sorry you feel that way. I listened to everyone as well and at first did what it "TOLD" me to, BUT then I didn't do so good after a few weeks. Sooooooooooooo---I changed it all up myself. I NEVER but NEVER eat back the calories and only count 2/3 of the exercise calories as REAL calories. They tend to over estimate them here. I keep my intake food to between 700 and 800 and I always keep at least a negative balance between 200 to 300 daily and I never go over. I maintain my weight after losing each 15 lbs and then start losing again. My trainer told me this is not a diet, this is a lifestyle change and THIS is your life. So that is how I view it. I have a niece who had the lap band and had to have it removed after 8 months when she developed a blockage, She is back to eating healthy now and feels so much better since I have her into a "lifestyle" change and not a diet. The choice is up to you. This will not be an easy road and anything accomplished takes work. Don't give up. If you choice to have your surgery, then have it, BUT we will still be here to back you up. Take a deep breath and decide what is best for YOU. God Bless
  • Lovelovesme
    Lovelovesme Posts: 37 Member
    I am just so upset I really liked this program but not getting results.

    You're not following the program which is why you're not getting the results. I can understand how you're feeling, when you've been heavy for awhile and finally come to your senses and decide to drop weight it can make you frantic, you really don't want to be that way any more. However your approach of eating less than 1200 cals a day whilst exercising is setting yourself up for failure. Read the stickys educate yourself and make a lifestyle change that will stick with you for life that way you will have life long results. You CAN do this but you need to take a step back and rethink your approach.
  • Widadita
    Widadita Posts: 176 Member
    5 lbs in a month is pathetic

    er, what?

    Exactly my reaction!!!

    what r u talking about? That's 60 pounds a year!!!!
  • phantomrain100
    I haven't lost a lot with MPF but when I first joined I had my calories at around 1500, trying to lose 2 lb per week. Most days I went over the 1500 (I love food). I quit for a while, then rejoined and changed to 1 lb per week. Now I can have like 1800/day. This totally works for me, because it's a mental thing. I have most days been under the 1800. I don't watch the details, like the fat/protein/etc. But I try to eat healthy while being happy at the same time (deprivation is disaster for me). Last week I lost 2.6 pounds. I drink lots of water. The thing is you have to find what works for you. I have the same thing for breakfast every day, which seems like a lot of calories, but then I have a light lunch. And I usually have close to or over 1000 calories to save for the rest of the day. Now I can make dinner for my family and eat whatever they are eating and not feel guilty. And usually still have a snack at night. It works for me, I'm happy and healthier without depriving myself.
  • ajaxe432
    ajaxe432 Posts: 608 Member
    My advise is the same as many others on here, muscle weighs heavier than fat.

    Protein from foods are termed “complete proteins because they contain a balance of all the amino acids for the growth and maintanence of muscle. The more muscle you have the more calories you will burn. Also drinking water helps with weight loss. Don’t give up & just take it one day at a time you will get there.
    One pound of muslce is the same as one pound of fat! It is more dense:)
  • alisam567
    alisam567 Posts: 34 Member
    Okay thanks I was eating more protein until I came on this program in fact I removed the protein off my menu because I was eating too little amount in the beginning had horrible headache for 14 days, but was trying to follow this to a tee. Okay maybe I will keep trying this because I really do like it and don't want to give it up I'm just so discouraged. And this is the first time in my life that I actually exercised I lost alot of weight without it but now I really like going to the gym. Okay I will give it more time and I will eat more protein Thanks
    Ok I have read enough including the comments - really listen to this advice! I can say from someone who was scared of eating more to lose more - it does work. This isnt a programme - this is most definitely a change in lifestyle (one I am about to post on myself!). MFP is like a secret that those who dont have dont know and never will. It basis is calories in v's calories out. With an additional 80lb to lose - dont worry about your macros yet! Worry about getting your calorie balance right - the macros will follow and as you get fitter and leaner, and the longer you log on to this site and learn, you will automatically start to understand the macros more - but I would strongly recommend not sweating it over these things until you are at a more comfortable level.

    I cannot imagine a time now where I wont use MFP - I have been using it since June this year prior to which I had alrealy lost 14lb - I have since lost 8lb and that is just perfect! I have not lost any weight for the last 6 weeks - and I dont care - even though I still have 30lb to lose. The reason I dont care? because for the last six weeks - I have increased my exercise, I have continued to eat relatively clean, with the occasional indulgence (which is not only allowed but encouraged - the day I feel I am on a diet again is the day this will fail) but most of all I have had comments continuously over those weeks about how much weight I have lost! Even the same person commenting within 48 hours of the last to say I looked like I had lost more! It made me realise it was time to check the tape measure not the scales and low and behold - I have lost 4 inches off my waist - 3 inches from my hips and 1 ince from my neck. My waist to hip ratio is now in the very healthy range (it was obese) and i feel amazing.

    I think its about getting your head around eating more (I ave. about 2000 cals on a day wiht good exercise i.e. 500cals in 1 hour, and 1500 on rest days.) but eating more providing its in moderation makes all the difference and is strongly advised. It also means you are less likely to fail your goals as teh changes you make are more subtle! the quick diets mean you deprive yourself, so 'falling off the wagon' leads you to gorge on cr*p. The subtle changes required to follow this effectively means you are less likely to 'fall off'. If you are struggling to eat all of your calories - then have a small portion of high calorie food. For the first time ever I have actual chocolate in my fridge! I eat it! at least every other day - but my body continues to change for the better..

    Serioulsy stick with this - its sooo much easier than slimming world or WW (I am a gold member twice over with significant weight gains afterwards) this is by far the easiest and most realistic and definitely the most relaxed I have ever been about food without the normal side effects ! Best of luck! xx
  • pienthesky32
    pienthesky32 Posts: 142 Member
    Eat more and stop expecting "The Biggest Loser" results from killing yourself at the gym without fueling your body properly.
  • HealthyVitamins
    HealthyVitamins Posts: 432 Member
    Your problem is you are too impatient.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    You can't hit your calorie goal because you're eating all low fat and fat free crap. Fat is a necessary nutrient, required for proper hormone production and maintenance. Lack of calories screws up your metabolism, lack of fat screws up your metabolism.

    Get rid of all the fat free crap and eat real food. All problems solved.
  • RAFValentina
    RAFValentina Posts: 1,231 Member
    Try not to look for rapid weight loss. Try 1500 calories food and 500 calories exercise. Probably holding on to water too, hell I *kitten* at least 2lbs a morning so looking at a tiny up and down of that isnt worth worrying about. Bearing in mind a litre of water weighs 2.2lbs and I can easy drink that within half an hour on some days. Quit stressing and give your body time to adapt and be less extreme.

    If you're truly in it for the long run, you won't give up at 1 month - I've been here for nearly 2 years anbd been up and down the whole time... I know exactly why i have gained when i have and i know not to worry over 5lbs... and i know i can get back to where i want to be with hard work and dedication.

    No-one said it would be easy. There is no easy... and surgery? Really? It'll change your life...and not in a good all the associated risks... and after it, will you REALLY change? MFP makes oyu change yourself mentally and think more about what you're putting in and out of your body and consider all your lifestyle choices. I'd stick with it and deprive myself of my gluttony rather than risk surgery.
  • trandazzo1943
    trandazzo1943 Posts: 1 Member
    Lose the carbs for even one meal. Give it a week and see if there's a difference.
  • lharri0209
    lharri0209 Posts: 128 Member
    I think that you are looking at eating healthy in a wrong way. We need a certain amount of carbs and fat to have energy. You should not limit it to only once per day. There are good carbs and bad carbs. Bag of chips bad carb...english muffin good carb...special k good carb. All things are OK in moderation. Losing 5 lbs in one month is considered a realistic goal. I was stuck at no weight loss for almost 3 wks straight but, never gave up. Then this wk, dropped 3 lbs. Try adjusting your cals to 1200 a day. You can do this by just eating fruit, more veggies or a nonfat yogurt.