

  • KJLDavies
    KJLDavies Posts: 30 Member
    Here I am! Here I started the thread and just kinda went absent! It sounds like so many of you have been successful! Needless to say, I haven't really been. No logging, no exercising other than my walking to classes on campus and teaching dance (which is actually a lot, but only on the two days I teach).

    These are the reasons I started this thread. I don't know if anyone else goes through the cycles like I do... I go through a week or two of being on top of things, recording, exercising, school work, sleeping, ect. Then, I fall off and I go through more than a week or two of getting off on not just dieting, but everything. Then, I am in this backwards spiral of not wanting to face my peers or professors or my boyfriend ect. since I am ashamed I fell short, so I avoid them, but by avoiding them, I get more disappointed with myself!

    Does anyone know a good way to get out of this? Maybe if I log on here and say what I did every day it will help. But then again, I am afraid it will be the same cycle that listed before of me missing a day or two of signing and then I'll be ashamed/afraid to log in and face everyone on the thread. Anywho... I just need a little help and encouragement, I guess. College is overwhelming when your in undergrad school and grad school at the same time plus being a teaching assistant, and a dance teacher at a studio 50 minutes away that takes up anywhere from 7 - 9 hours of my afternoon/evening (including driving time). It's completely doable and possible and I can do it easily if I get in my "flow". I just need a routine, better time management, the same thing that pretty much every other college student needs.

    All right! I've had my vent. Anyone who can help, it would be greatly appreciated! Congrats to everyone who has been having success!!! I'm thinking I'll start 30-day shred again (I did it through day 28 this summer, but had to take some breaks with in it due to traveling, so it wasn't 28 days in a row). I'd like to have it completed by Halloween, since my boyfriend and our duplex mates are hosting a Halloween party and I would like to good!
  • H_82
    H_82 Posts: 418 Member
    klievens - I know how you feel. I was always the same way...good one week (sometimes only a couple of days), then blah. So far it's been just over a week since I've been logging everything. I love it. If I didn't log my food, I would probably consume a TON more than I should (no wonder I wasn't losing any weight before). So that part of this site has been a real eye opener. Also, if I take more than a day off from's hard to start back up again.

    I guess if you don't have time to exercise, just keep an eye on your calorie intake. You could still lose weight that way. I'm not a ton of help here, but I hope it helps a tiny bit. We're here for ya! :)
  • beesus
    I am thrilled to have stumbled into this group. I'm in, as they say, like Flynn. Let's do this thang before we hit our dirty-thirties, y'all!
  • miss_amy
    klievens- my advice to you is to just stick with it! log everything when you can. the only person you're cheating in the end is yourself. and to be completely honest, if you want it bad enough you'll do it. we all have our bad days (or weeks haha) but getting back on that train is what keeps us going. i've been on MFP for almost 2 months now and it hasn't always been easy, but i keep coming back and fighting cuz i know this is what i want. take it one day at a time.

  • beesus
    Here I am! Here I started the thread and just kinda went absent! It sounds like so many of you have been successful! Needless to say, I haven't really been. No logging, no exercising other than my walking to classes on campus and teaching dance (which is actually a lot, but only on the two days I teach).

    These are the reasons I started this thread. I don't know if anyone else goes through the cycles like I do... I go through a week or two of being on top of things, recording, exercising, school work, sleeping, ect. Then, I fall off and I go through more than a week or two of getting off on not just dieting, but everything. Then, I am in this backwards spiral of not wanting to face my peers or professors or my boyfriend ect. since I am ashamed I fell short, so I avoid them, but by avoiding them, I get more disappointed with myself!

    Does anyone know a good way to get out of this? Maybe if I log on here and say what I did every day it will help. But then again, I am afraid it will be the same cycle that listed before of me missing a day or two of signing and then I'll be ashamed/afraid to log in and face everyone on the thread. Anywho... I just need a little help and encouragement, I guess. College is overwhelming when your in undergrad school and grad school at the same time plus being a teaching assistant, and a dance teacher at a studio 50 minutes away that takes up anywhere from 7 - 9 hours of my afternoon/evening (including driving time). It's completely doable and possible and I can do it easily if I get in my "flow". I just need a routine, better time management, the same thing that pretty much every other college student needs.

    All right! I've had my vent. Anyone who can help, it would be greatly appreciated! Congrats to everyone who has been having success!!! I'm thinking I'll start 30-day shred again (I did it through day 28 this summer, but had to take some breaks with in it due to traveling, so it wasn't 28 days in a row). I'd like to have it completed by Halloween, since my boyfriend and our duplex mates are hosting a Halloween party and I would like to good!

    School combined with work can make everything THAT much harder. I was just talking to a friend about how after grad school I felt like I was finally human again for the first time in three years. I also totally feel ya on the whole shame spiral thing. Maybe it will help to know that there are those of us out there who fall victim to it to? Even doing something like MFP is taking a brave step, and it takes such phenomenal effort for me to even mentally form the idea: "This is for me. I'm the only one who can be down on me, and why do that when I'm all the me I've got?" I may not be at the point where I'm ready to accept that everyone here only wants me to succeed but maybe if we all keep repeating that statement we'll eventually believe it. Awww, life is full of rainbows apparently? Sorry to be so after-school-special-like...
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Here I am! Here I started the thread and just kinda went absent! It sounds like so many of you have been successful! Needless to say, I haven't really been. No logging, no exercising other than my walking to classes on campus and teaching dance (which is actually a lot, but only on the two days I teach).

    These are the reasons I started this thread. I don't know if anyone else goes through the cycles like I do... I go through a week or two of being on top of things, recording, exercising, school work, sleeping, ect. Then, I fall off and I go through more than a week or two of getting off on not just dieting, but everything. Then, I am in this backwards spiral of not wanting to face my peers or professors or my boyfriend ect. since I am ashamed I fell short, so I avoid them, but by avoiding them, I get more disappointed with myself!

    Does anyone know a good way to get out of this? Maybe if I log on here and say what I did every day it will help. But then again, I am afraid it will be the same cycle that listed before of me missing a day or two of signing and then I'll be ashamed/afraid to log in and face everyone on the thread. Anywho... I just need a little help and encouragement, I guess. College is overwhelming when your in undergrad school and grad school at the same time plus being a teaching assistant, and a dance teacher at a studio 50 minutes away that takes up anywhere from 7 - 9 hours of my afternoon/evening (including driving time). It's completely doable and possible and I can do it easily if I get in my "flow". I just need a routine, better time management, the same thing that pretty much every other college student needs.

    All right! I've had my vent. Anyone who can help, it would be greatly appreciated! Congrats to everyone who has been having success!!! I'm thinking I'll start 30-day shred again (I did it through day 28 this summer, but had to take some breaks with in it due to traveling, so it wasn't 28 days in a row). I'd like to have it completed by Halloween, since my boyfriend and our duplex mates are hosting a Halloween party and I would like to good!

    Miss Amy hit it right on the money - the only person you are cheating is yourself! Shouldn't be concerned - at all - with disappointing others. It's your weight loss journey. If they think they can do it better, then they should hop on the bandwagon! It's always easier to lose weight when you've got a buddy system :D

    Sounds like you've got a supportive bf and perhaps some supportive flatmates - why not try to get them involved? It's easier to find time for exercise when you're doing something you want to be doing with people you enjoy spending time with. If you can turn it into a social activity, it might be easier to justify time away from R&R. And exercise will help you decompress and de-stress, something I definitely needed and didn't do enough of when I was a grad student! Take up playing squash at the campus gym with your boyfriend, or go hiking, or whatever else you might enjoy doing with a friend or a group. It's really a great way to spend time together + get your burn on at the same time!

    As for logging, try to log as much as you can and log everything, even if you aren't happy about it. You don't have to be accountable to anyone but yourself but in the end if you are being dishonest about your calorie intake you are not going to be motivated to keep up with it - if you know in the end it ultimately doesn't matter what you put down in your food diary, you won't feel compelled to do it regularly. So be honest and if you have a bad day, be proactive and try to have a better day tomorrow :) Weight loss is all about averages, anyhow!
  • mkpeacock
    Klievens~ I agree with everyone else Make your self log on here every day and leave a note on how you are feeling even if its just in your little thought bubble,,, Keep track and log what you can.. If you have an Ipod touch or phone that you can get the app for this on that will help out alot! that is what i use and if you cant get the app for logging food if you have a phone with Net use it to get on MFP and just through reminders to your self in you chat bubble or e-mail someone all day what you have eaten and at the end of the day you have a log of it you can add it to your log on MFP!

    First off I would like to say Welcome to all the Newbie's on this Thread!!

    Ok So my week so far has been very uneventful Yesterday I had one of those dont wanna get up and do anything... I slept tell 9am got up got me and kids breakfast but I just couldnt get motivation at all by lunch time I just wanted to go back to bed,,, I finally yelled at my self (not out loud lol) to get up and do something about 4pm I managed to get in 40 min of zumba in and I felt lots better! I managed to stay under calories but just barely! Today I am hopein for better results but I am tired again today I been taking my Vitamins and eating right! Well today is weigh in and I hope I lost something I didnt last week and Its put me off all week! I felt like a failure!!! Hope everyone else's week as started off better!! Will edit later to let yall know what my weigh in reveled
  • KJLDavies
    KJLDavies Posts: 30 Member
    Thanks to everyone! I logged in everything I ate, and WOAH was I over!!! I am ready to start again. I'm READY for this!!! I decided I needed to start making some goals... So here's my stats and my first two goals (I don't want to project it out too much, small steps!) is below.

    SW: 225
    CW: 212.5
    GW: 115 <-- (I know this sounds really low, but I'm only 5'2" and have a small build)

    G1: 195 by 12/18/10 - My Undergraduate Graduation!
    G2: 160 by 5/8/11 - My 24th Birthday and BMI of just under 30 (out of the Obese category!)

    I think these are great goals for me, and I know I can reach them. I would like to reach my GW by May 8, 2012, which would be when I'd graduate from graduate school and I'll have my 25th birthday. I'd like to pass into a quarter of a century of life at my goal weight!
  • miss_amy
    Thanks to everyone! I logged in everything I ate, and WOAH was I over!!! I am ready to start again. I'm READY for this!!! I decided I needed to start making some goals... So here's my stats and my first two goals (I don't want to project it out too much, small steps!) is below.

    SW: 225
    CW: 212.5
    GW: 115 <-- (I know this sounds really low, but I'm only 5'2" and have a small build)

    G1: 195 by 12/18/10 - My Undergraduate Graduation!
    G2: 160 by 5/8/11 - My 24th Birthday and BMI of just under 30 (out of the Obese category!)

    I think these are great goals for me, and I know I can reach them. I would like to reach my GW by May 8, 2012, which would be when I'd graduate from graduate school and I'll have my 25th birthday. I'd like to pass into a quarter of a century of life at my goal weight!

    Your goals sound very realistic, especially your timeline to achieve them! I have a similar goal (to lose 100, more or less) so let's fight this together! Everyone struggles, which is why we're all here- for support! :) I'll be honest, most days it is a struggle for me (especially when the scale disagrees with all the hard work i've done!), but I want this so bad, I'm not giving up! You can do it too! :)
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Great to hear you are back on track, klievens! We all fall off now and again, but so long as you get back up and brush yourself off to try again, you're doing something right! We all have rough days/weeks/months/years (ughh... how many times have I done WW...). It's so good to hear that you are committed once again. Just keep in mind that if you have a few days or so when your calories are way up or you don't exercise, you can always start fresh the next day. It's never the end of the world! And getting to your goal (the slow and healthy way) will feel so, so good!! The entire journey might be hard, but boy will it be rewarding. I really hope you continue to log here. It will be great to hear about your successes (and yours too, miss_amy!).

    As for me, I was having a few days where I was pretty down on myself. Gained 0.4lbs on Mon which I was trying to rationalize as insignificant but I still took it hard - I've been running more than ever and diligently logging my food so I had expected a loss and when I gained I couldn't keep from getting a bit frustrated with all of this for a while. I *know* this happens and our weight fluctuates, especially because of hormones and while we're sick, but I still felt a bit gut-punched. Thankfully, I'm over that now. I've had a few great days and I am super excited about my run today. I also feel like I've lost a bit of weight so far this week. Hopefully I can keep it up. My plan today: speed walk 2.5km to the trail, run 1 mile uphill on the trail then 1 mile back down (easy run), and speed walk home another 2.5km. According to my 10k training plan I should be running 2mi today but I could use the walk! It'll make me feel refreshed and help to burn some extra calories.

    Hope everyone's having a great week so far - I started my day off with homemade pumpkin spice oatmeal :D Such a tasty way to start the day.
    Be well :D
  • miss_amy
    thanks meagalayne! your workout plan sounds great! i have a lot of respect for runners- i could never do it, i even hated it when i was in shape lol- too hard on my knees (they've taken a beating from playing basketball most of my life). i stick with walking/power walking and low impact kind of workouts usually. lately i've been doing different "walk away the pounds" dvds (with leslie sansone) and they seem to work well for me so far. i've been mixing those with working out on the elliptical & the bike i have at my house. i'm very fortunate to have everything at my convenience.

    keep it up girl! you're doing so awesome! i've been hard on myself lately too, but i'm not giving up. i weigh myself everyday (to keep myself in check lol) and i get so frustrated when the scale goes up and not down. but honestly, it keeps me fighting harder cuz i know those pounds will come off eventually. i have to keep convincing myself that this is indeed not a race, but a lifestyle. when i see others losing faster than me sometimes i think "damn, not fair!" haha but then i realize slow and steady wins this race!

    keep it up everyone!
  • inskydiamonds
    inskydiamonds Posts: 2,519 Member
    Tomorrow's my weigh-in day and I'm really nervous. I feel like I didn't have a very good week. That's what I get, it was the first time I've drank alcohol at a bar since I've started this and it definitely makes an impact on my food decision making.
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Wohoo! Lost 1.5lbs this week. Thank goodness because I was really hard on myself last week for gaining. 0.7lbs to go before I hit my 140lb milestone. It's been a LONG almost-1-year of weight-loss to get here and I am feeling really proud of myself. ~50lbs in 1 year is a healthy, steady loss and I am really happy with my dedication and sticking to it. Let's see how much I can lose before Oct 8th (my 1 year anniversary with health and fitness lol)...

    Ive been really proud of my running this past week. I ran/hiked/walked just under 25 miles last week, getting outside every single day for at least a walk. It's not always the most cals burned, but I'm being proactive and I know it all counts :) Yesterday I ran my first full 4 miles without any major walking breaks - finished in 43:13. I'm feeling better and better about completing a 10k (6.2 miles) on Oct 30th. Just have to stick with it! I finally feel now like I KNOW I can cross that finish line, and so I've got way more confidence when I do go out to run. I just want to give it my best and feel good about my runs each and every day.

    Anyway, I'm starting to realize that in the New Year (once I'm a queen of nutrition and fitness and finally at my GW) I am going to have to tackle a new beast - unwanted, flabby skin that is a constant reminder of my heavier self. While I was doing planks and push-ups today I looked down and was horrified at the sagging skin drooping from my mid-section... It's so bittersweet because I am really happy about my progress but still quite unhappy with how gross my body looks when I'm not fully clothed )or standing perfectly upright with my shoulders back lol). I've heard that toning and weight training will eventually help, and one would think that losing slowly as I have and with young skin I wouldn't really have a problem with this, so I am not too sure what to do. Any suggestions from people who have dealt with this before? (I am going to cross post this on the main board, I guess, for advice...)

    Thanks for listening to me rant. Happy Monday everyone (hah!) Have a great week!
  • silhouettes
    silhouettes Posts: 517 Member
    I'm 24, 25 Oct. 31st.. I weigh 247 lbs :( So I definitely need to loose the weight.. going for 100 more lbs.. a long road but I'm 1/4 the way there!
  • miss_amy
    I had a BIG week this week! I lost 3 lbs! WOO HOO! haha I recently added more calories to my diet cuz my weight loss stalled (must've been at a plateau) and weighed myself this weekend and I couldn't believe it! 3 lbs! :) I made my goal for September (only 5lbs since I was on vacation earlier this month)- I'm hoping to lose at least another lb before the month is over Thursday. We'll see! My goal for October is to get to a 25lb loss by Halloween. I have 9.4lbs to go. If I lose 2lbs/wk til then, I can make it. I think I can, I think I can.... :) Honestly, even if I only make it to 20 by then I'll be happy, but I'm definitely shooting for 25!

    Have a good week everyone!
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    I had a BIG week this week! I lost 3 lbs! WOO HOO! haha I recently added more calories to my diet cuz my weight loss stalled (must've been at a plateau) and weighed myself this weekend and I couldn't believe it! 3 lbs! :) I made my goal for September (only 5lbs since I was on vacation earlier this month)- I'm hoping to lose at least another lb before the month is over Thursday. We'll see! My goal for October is to get to a 25lb loss by Halloween. I have 9.4lbs to go. If I lose 2lbs/wk til then, I can make it. I think I can, I think I can.... :) Honestly, even if I only make it to 20 by then I'll be happy, but I'm definitely shooting for 25!

    Have a good week everyone!

    You are doing such an AMAZING job! Way to go, Amy :) You can definitely make it to 25lbs by Oct 31st if you really push and make the best of every day.
  • TonyaJ83
    Chubby almost 27 here........Started P90X!! WOOHOO!!
  • H_82
    H_82 Posts: 418 Member
    Amy ~ Wait to go on the 3 pound loss.... that's awesome!!! Keep up the hard work! :)
  • tessb84
    tessb84 Posts: 98 Member
    count me in
  • miss_amy
    Thanks everyone! It was definitely exciting to see the scale move so much in a week, especially after a few weeks of it being stagnant! I was getting so disheartened. I guess now I know if I don't see the scale move down after a few weeks of working hard that I need to switch something up to make it move again. Bottom line: always gotta keep fighting! This is the farthest I have ever gotten "dieting" (sad but true haha) and I am NOT giving up this time til I see the results I want! :)